blob: d7a68029c2dbc005ac47974dfb81e8ad03878cde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for the main Mob* Monitor script."""
from __future__ import print_function
import json
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.mobmonitor.checkfile import manager
from chromite.scripts import mobmonitor
class MockCheckFileManager(object):
"""Mock CheckFileManager object that returns 'real' responses for testing."""
def __init__(self):
failed_check = manager.HEALTHCHECK_STATUS('hc1', False, 'Failed', [])
self.service_statuses = [
manager.SERVICE_STATUS('service1', True, []),
manager.SERVICE_STATUS('service2', False, [failed_check])]
def GetServiceList(self):
"""Mock GetServiceList response."""
return ['test_service_1', 'test_service_2']
def GetStatus(self, service=None):
"""Mock GetStatus response."""
if service is None:
return self.service_statuses
return self.service_statuses[0]
def RepairService(self, _service, _action):
"""Mock RepairService response."""
return self.service_statuses[0]
class MobMonitorRootTest(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Unittests for the MobMonitorRoot."""
def testGetServiceList(self):
"""Test the GetServiceList RPC."""
cfm = MockCheckFileManager()
root = mobmonitor.MobMonitorRoot(cfm)
self.assertEqual(cfm.GetServiceList(), json.loads(root.GetServiceList()))
def testGetStatus(self):
"""Test the GetStatus RPC."""
cfm = MockCheckFileManager()
root = mobmonitor.MobMonitorRoot(cfm)
# Test the result for a single service.
status = cfm.service_statuses[0]
expect = {'service': status.service, 'health':,
'healthchecks': []}
self.assertEquals([expect], json.loads(root.GetStatus(status.service)))
# Test the result for multiple services.
status1, status2 = cfm.service_statuses
check = status2.healthchecks[0]
expect = [{'service': status1.service, 'health':,
'healthchecks': []},
{'service': status2.service, 'health':,
'healthchecks': [{'name':, 'health':,
'description': check.description,
'actions': []}]}]
self.assertEquals(expect, json.loads(root.GetStatus()))
def testRepairService(self):
"""Test the RepairService RPC."""
cfm = MockCheckFileManager()
root = mobmonitor.MobMonitorRoot(cfm)
status = cfm.service_statuses[0]
expect = {'service': status.service, 'health':,
'healthchecks': []}