blob: a834d39cb963e919af14f5f7ddd4cddfb0b49a1c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""cros payload: Show information about an update payload."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.cli import command
from chromite.lib import table
# Needed for the import below.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src', 'platform'))
def DisplayValue(key, value):
"""Print out a key, value pair with values left-aligned."""
if value != None:
print('%-*s %s' % (24, key + ':', value))
raise ValueError('Cannot display an empty value.')
class PayloadCommand(command.CliCommand):
"""Show basic information about an update payload.
This command parses an update payload and displays information from
its header and manifest.
EPILOG = """
cros payload show chromeos_6716.0.0_daisy_canary-channel_full_snow-mp-v3.bin
def __init__(self, options):
# TODO(alliewood)(chromium:454629) update once update_payload is moved
# into chromite. google.protobuf may not be available outside the chroot.
from import update_payload
self._update_payload = update_payload
super(PayloadCommand, self).__init__(options)
self.payload = None
def AddParser(cls, parser):
super(PayloadCommand, cls).AddParser(parser)
'action', choices=['show'],
help='Show information about an update payload.')
'payload_file', type=file,
help='The payload file that you want information from.')
parser.add_argument('--list_ops', default=False, action='store_true',
help='List the install operations and their extents.')
def _DisplayHeader(self):
"""Show information from the payload header."""
header = self.payload.header
DisplayValue('Payload version', header.version)
DisplayValue('Manifest length', header.manifest_len)
def _DisplayManifest(self):
"""Show information from the payload manifest."""
manifest = self.payload.manifest
DisplayValue('Number of operations', len(manifest.install_operations))
DisplayValue('Number of kernel ops',
DisplayValue('Block size', manifest.block_size)
DisplayValue('Minor version', manifest.minor_version)
def _DisplayOps(self, name, operations):
"""Show information about the install operations from the manifest.
The table shown includes operation type, data offset, data length, source
extents, and destinations extents.
name: The name you want displayed above the operation table.
operations: The install_operations object that you want to display
information about.
optable = table.Table(['Op Type', 'Offset', 'Data len', 'Src exts',
'Dst exts'])
op_dict = self._update_payload.common.OpType.NAMES
for op in operations:
src_extents = ''.join('(%s, %s)' % (extent.start_block, extent.num_blocks)
for extent in op.src_extents)
dst_extents = ''.join('(%s, %s)' % (extent.start_block, extent.num_blocks)
for extent in op.dst_extents)
if not src_extents:
src_extents = '()'
if not dst_extents:
dst_extents = '()'
optable.AppendRow([op_dict[op.type], op.data_offset, op.data_length,
src_extents, dst_extents])
print('%s:\n%s' % (name, optable))
def Run(self):
"""Parse the update payload and display information from it."""
self.payload = self._update_payload.Payload(self.options.payload_file)
if self.options.list_ops:
self._DisplayOps('Install operations',
self._DisplayOps('Kernel install operations',