blob: e69fbd3423cd2587df0521f07c9fda916cf9357a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Cros unit test library, with utility functions."""
from __future__ import print_function
import cStringIO
import exceptions
import mox
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
import terminal
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0904,W0702
def _TempDirSetup(self):
self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0700)
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0904,W0702
def _TempDirTearDown(self):
tempdir = getattr(self, 'tempdir', None)
if tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(tempdir):
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0904,W0702
def tempdir_decorator(func):
"""Populates self.tempdir with path to a temporary writeable directory."""
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
f.__name__ = func.__name__
return f
def tempfile_decorator(func):
"""Populates self.tempfile with path to a temporary writeable file"""
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tempdir, delete=False)
self.tempfile =
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
f.__name__ = func.__name__
return tempdir_decorator(f)
class TempDirMixin(object):
"""Mixin used to give each test a tempdir that is cleansed upon finish"""
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
class EasyAttr(dict):
"""Convenient class for simulating objects with attributes in tests.
An EasyAttr object can be created with any attributes initialized very
easily. Examples:
1) An object with .id=45 and .name="Joe":
testobj = EasyAttr(id=45, name="Joe")
2) An object with .title.text="Big" and .owner.text="Joe":
testobj = EasyAttr(title=EasyAttr(text="Big"), owner=EasyAttr(text="Joe"))
__slots__ = ()
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self[attr]
except KeyError:
return AttributeError(attr)
def __delattr__(self, attr):
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
self[attr] = value
def __dir__(self):
return self.keys()
class OutputCapturer(object):
"""Class with limited support for capturing test stdout/stderr output.
Class is designed as a 'ContextManager'. Example usage in a test method
of an object of TestCase:
with self.OutputCapturer() as output:
# Capturing of stdout/stderr automatically starts now.
# Do stuff that sends output to stdout/stderr.
# Capturing automatically stops at end of 'with' block.
# stdout/stderr can be retrieved from the OutputCapturer object:
stdout = output.getStdoutLines() # Or other access methods
# Some Assert methods are only valid if capturing was used in test.
self.AssertOutputContainsError() # Or other related methods
# These work with error output from operation module.
OPER_MSG_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'^\033\[1;.*?\033\[0m$|^[^\n]*$',
ERROR_MSG_RE = re.compile(r'^\033\[1;%dm(.+?)(?:\033\[0m)+$' %
(30 + terminal.Color.RED,), re.DOTALL)
WARNING_MSG_RE = re.compile(r'^\033\[1;%dm(.+?)(?:\033\[0m)+$' %
(30 + terminal.Color.YELLOW,), re.DOTALL)
__slots__ = ['_stderr', '_stderr_cap', '_stdout', '_stdout_cap']
def __init__(self):
self._stdout = None
self._stderr = None
self._stdout_cap = None
self._stderr_cap = None
def __enter__(self):
# This method is called with entering 'with' block.
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# This method is called when exiting 'with' block.
if exc_type:
print('Exception during output capturing: %r' % (exc_val,))
stdout = self.GetStdout()
if stdout:
print('Captured stdout was:\n%s' % stdout)
print('No captured stdout')
stderr = self.GetStderr()
if stderr:
print('Captured stderr was:\n%s' % stderr)
print('No captured stderr')
def StartCapturing(self):
"""Begin capturing stdout and stderr."""
self._stdout = sys.stdout
self._stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = self._stdout_cap = cStringIO.StringIO()
sys.stderr = self._stderr_cap = cStringIO.StringIO()
def StopCapturing(self):
"""Stop capturing stdout and stderr."""
# The only reason to check stdout or stderr separately might
# have capturing on independently is if StartCapturing did not complete.
if self._stdout:
sys.stdout = self._stdout
self._stdout = None
if self._stderr:
sys.stderr = self._stderr
self._stderr = None
def ClearCaptured(self):
# Only valid if capturing is not on.
assert self._stdout is None and self._stderr is None
self._stdout_cap = None
self._stderr_cap = None
def GetStdout(self):
"""Return captured stdout so far."""
return self._stdout_cap.getvalue()
def GetStderr(self):
"""Return captured stderr so far."""
return self._stderr_cap.getvalue()
def _GetOutputLines(self, output, include_empties):
"""Split |output| into lines, optionally |include_empties|.
Return array of lines.
lines = self.OPER_MSG_SPLIT_RE.findall(output)
if not include_empties:
lines = [ln for ln in lines if ln]
return lines
def GetStdoutLines(self, include_empties=True):
"""Return captured stdout so far as array of lines.
If |include_empties| is false filter out all empty lines.
return self._GetOutputLines(self.GetStdout(), include_empties)
def GetStderrLines(self, include_empties=True):
"""Return captured stderr so far as array of lines.
If |include_empties| is false filter out all empty lines.
return self._GetOutputLines(self.GetStderr(), include_empties)
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Base class for cros unit tests with utility methods."""
__slots__ = ['_output_capturer']
def __init__(self, arg):
"""Base class __init__ takes a second argument."""
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, arg)
self._output_capturer = None
def OutputCapturer(self):
"""Create and return OutputCapturer object."""
self._output_capturer = OutputCapturer()
return self._output_capturer
def _GetOutputCapt(self):
"""Internal access to existing OutputCapturer.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never on.
if self._output_capturer:
return self._output_capturer
raise RuntimeError('Output capturing was never turned on for this test.')
def _GenCheckMsgFunc(self, prefix_re, line_re):
"""Return boolean func to check a line given |prefix_re| and |line_re|."""
def _method(line):
if prefix_re:
# Prefix regexp will strip off prefix (and suffix) from line.
match =
if match:
line =
return False
return if line_re else True
# Provide a description of what this function looks for in a line. Error
# messages can make use of this.
_method.description = None
if prefix_re and line_re:
_method.description = ('line matching prefix regexp %r then regexp %r' %
(prefix_re.pattern, line_re.pattern))
elif prefix_re:
_method.description = 'line matching prefix regexp %r' % prefix_re.pattern
elif line_re:
_method.description = 'line matching regexp %r' % line_re.pattern
raise RuntimeError('Nonsensical usage of _GenCheckMsgFunc: '
'no prefix_re or line_re')
return _method
def _ContainsMsgLine(self, lines, msg_check_func):
return any(msg_check_func(ln) for ln in lines)
def _GenOutputDescription(self, check_stdout, check_stderr):
# Some extra logic to make an error message useful.
if check_stdout and check_stderr:
return 'stdout or stderr'
elif check_stdout:
return 'stdout'
elif check_stderr:
return 'stderr'
def _AssertOutputContainsMsg(self, check_msg_func, invert,
check_stdout, check_stderr):
assert check_stdout or check_stderr
lines = []
if check_stdout:
if check_stderr:
result = self._ContainsMsgLine(lines, check_msg_func)
# Some extra logic to make an error message useful.
output_desc = self._GenOutputDescription(check_stdout, check_stderr)
if invert:
msg = ('expected %s to not contain %s,\nbut found it in:\n%s' %
(output_desc, check_msg_func.description, lines))
self.assertFalse(result, msg=msg)
msg = ('expected %s to contain %s,\nbut did not find it in:\n%s' %
(output_desc, check_msg_func.description, lines))
self.assertTrue(result, msg=msg)
def AssertOutputContainsError(self, regexp=None, invert=False,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output contains at least one error line.
If |regexp| is non-null, then the error line must also match it.
If |invert| is true, then assert the line is NOT found.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(OutputCapturer.ERROR_MSG_RE, regexp)
return self._AssertOutputContainsMsg(check_msg_func, invert,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def AssertOutputContainsWarning(self, regexp=None, invert=False,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output contains at least one warning line.
If |regexp| is non-null, then the warning line must also match it.
If |invert| is true, then assert the line is NOT found.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(OutputCapturer.WARNING_MSG_RE,
return self._AssertOutputContainsMsg(check_msg_func, invert,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def AssertOutputContainsLine(self, regexp, invert=False,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output contains line matching |regexp|.
If |invert| is true, then assert the line is NOT found.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(None, regexp)
return self._AssertOutputContainsMsg(check_msg_func, invert,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def _AssertOutputEndsInMsg(self, check_msg_func,
check_stdout, check_stderr):
"""Pass if requested output(s) ends(end) with an error message."""
assert check_stdout or check_stderr
lines = []
if check_stdout:
stdout_lines = self._GetOutputCapt().GetStdoutLines(include_empties=False)
if stdout_lines:
if check_stderr:
stderr_lines = self._GetOutputCapt().GetStderrLines(include_empties=False)
if stderr_lines:
result = self._ContainsMsgLine(lines, check_msg_func)
# Some extra logic to make an error message useful.
output_desc = self._GenOutputDescription(check_stdout, check_stderr)
msg = ('expected %s to end with %s,\nbut did not find it in:\n%s' %
(output_desc, check_msg_func.description, lines))
self.assertTrue(result, msg=msg)
def AssertOutputEndsInError(self, regexp=None,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output ends in error line.
If |regexp| is non-null, then the error line must also match it.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(OutputCapturer.ERROR_MSG_RE, regexp)
return self._AssertOutputEndsInMsg(check_msg_func,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def AssertOutputEndsInWarning(self, regexp=None,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output ends in warning line.
If |regexp| is non-null, then the warning line must also match it.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(OutputCapturer.WARNING_MSG_RE,
return self._AssertOutputEndsInMsg(check_msg_func,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def AssertOutputEndsInLine(self, regexp,
check_stdout=True, check_stderr=False):
"""Assert requested output ends in line matching |regexp|.
Raises RuntimeError if output capturing was never one for this test.
check_msg_func = self._GenCheckMsgFunc(None, regexp)
return self._AssertOutputEndsInMsg(check_msg_func,
check_stdout, check_stderr)
def FuncCatchSystemExit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run |func| with |args| and |kwargs| and catch exceptions.SystemExit.
Return tuple (return value or None, SystemExit number code or None).
returnval = func(*args, **kwargs)
return returnval, None
except exceptions.SystemExit as ex:
exit_code = ex.args[0]
return None, exit_code
def AssertFuncSystemExitZero(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run |func| with |args| and |kwargs| catching exceptions.SystemExit.
If the func does not raise a SystemExit with exit code 0 then assert.
returnval, exit_code = self.FuncCatchSystemExit(func, *args, **kwargs)
self.assertFalse(exit_code is None,
msg='Expected system exit code 0, but caught none')
self.assertTrue(exit_code == 0,
msg='Expected system exit code 0, but caught %d' %
def AssertFuncSystemExitNonZero(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run |func| with |args| and |kwargs| catching exceptions.SystemExit.
If the func does not raise a non-zero SystemExit code then assert.
returnval, exit_code = self.FuncCatchSystemExit(func, *args, **kwargs)
self.assertFalse(exit_code is None,
msg='Expected non-zero system exit code, but caught none')
self.assertFalse(exit_code == 0,
msg='Expected non-zero system exit code, but caught %d' %
def AssertRaisesAndReturn(self, error, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Like assertRaises, but return exception raised."""
func(*args, **kwargs)
self.assertTrue(False, msg='Expected %s but got none' % error)
except error as ex:
return ex
class MoxTestCase(TestCase, mox.MoxTestBase):
"""Add mox.MoxTestBase super class to TestCase."""