blob: bbcee0fb92a3af4aa5fee1e4e00f5de56f845dee [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Support uploading a csv file to a Google Docs spreadsheet."""
import optparse
import os
import pickle
import re
import sys
import gdata.spreadsheet.service
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
import chromite.lib.table as table
import chromite.lib.operation as operation
import chromite.lib.upgrade_table as utable
import merge_package_status as mps
oper = operation.Operation('upload_package_status')
oper.verbose = True # Without verbose Info messages don't show up.
def _PrepColForSS(col):
"""Translate a column name for spreadsheet "list" interface."""
# Spreadsheet "list" interface requires column names to be
# all lowercase and with no spaces.
return col.lower().replace(' ', '')
def _PrepRowForSS(row):
"""Make sure spreadsheet handles all values in row as strings."""
for key in row:
val = row[key]
row[key] = _PrepValForSS(val)
return row
# Regex to detect values that the spreadsheet will auto-format as numbers.
_NUM_REGEX = re.compile(r'^[\d\.]+$')
def _PrepValForSS(val):
"""Make sure spreadsheet handles this value as a string."""
if val and _NUM_REGEX.match(val):
return "'" + val
return val
def _ScrubValFromSS(val):
"""Remove string indicator prefix if found."""
if val and val[0] == "'":
return val[1:]
return val
class Uploader(object):
"""Uploads portage package status data from csv file to Google spreadsheet."""
__slots__ = ['_docs_token', # Google Docs login token
'_email', # Google Docs account email
'_gd_client', # gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService
'_password', # Google Docs account password
'_ss_key', # Google Doc spreadsheet key (string)
'_table', # table.Table
'_verbose', # boolean
'_ws_key', # Worksheet key (string)
'_ws_name', # Worksheet name (string)
ID_COL = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_PACKAGE
SOURCE = "Uploaded from CSV"
def __init__(self, table, verbose=False):
self._table = table
self._gd_client = None
self._docs_token = None
self._email = None
self._password = None
self._ss_key = None
self._verbose = verbose
self._ws_key = None
self._ws_name = None
def _Verbose(self, msg):
"""Print |msg| if _verbose is true."""
if self._verbose:
print msg
def _GetWorksheetKey(self, ss_key, ws_name):
"""Get the worksheet key with name |ws_name| in spreadsheet |ss_key|."""
feed = self._gd_client.GetWorksheetsFeed(ss_key)
# The worksheet key is the last component in the URL (after last '/')
for entry in feed.entry:
if ws_name == entry.title.text:
oper.Die("Unable to find worksheet '%s' in spreadsheet '%s'" %
(ws_name, ss_key))
def LoginDocsWithEmailPassword(self):
"""Set up and connect the Google Doc client using email/password."""
gd_client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService()
gd_client.source = self.SOURCE = self._email
gd_client.password = self._password
self._gd_client = gd_client
self._docs_token = gd_client.GetClientLoginToken()
def LoginDocsWithToken(self):
"""Set up and connect Google Doc client using login token."""
print "Using existing credentials for docs login."
gd_client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService()
gd_client.source = self.SOURCE
self._gd_client = gd_client
self._email = None
self._password = None
def SetCreds(self, email, password):
"""Set the email/password credentials to be used."""
self._email = email
self._password = password
def LoadCreds(self, filepath):
"""Store email/password credentials to |filepath|."""
print "Loading Docs login credentials from '%s'" % filepath
# Read email from first line and password from second.
f = open(filepath, 'r')
(self._email, self._password) = (l.strip() for l in f.readlines())
def StoreCreds(self, filepath):
"""Load email/password credentials from |filepath|."""
print "Storing Docs login credentials to '%s'" % filepath
# Simply write email on first line and password on second.
f = open(filepath, 'w')
f.write(self._email + '\n')
f.write(self._password + '\n')
def LoadDocsToken(self, filepath):
"""Loads docs login token from |filepath|."""
self._docs_token = None
print "Loading Docs login token from '%s'" % filepath
f = open(filepath, 'r')
obj = pickle.load(f)
if obj.has_key('docs_token'):
self._docs_token = obj['docs_token']
except IOError:
print 'Unable to load credentials from file at %s' % filepath
return bool(self._docs_token)
def StoreDocsToken(self, filepath):
"""Stores docs login token to disk at |filepath|."""
obj = {}
if self._docs_token:
obj['docs_token'] = self._docs_token
print "Storing Docs login token to '%s'" % filepath
f = open(filepath, 'w')
pickle.dump(obj, f)
except IOError:
print 'Unable to store credentials'
def _GetSSRowForPackage(self, package):
"""Find the spreadsheet row object corresponding to Package=|package|."""
query = gdata.spreadsheet.service.ListQuery()
query._SetSpreadsheetQuery('package = "%s"' % package)
feed = self._gd_client.GetListFeed(self._ss_key, self._ws_key, query=query)
if len(feed.entry) == 1:
return feed.entry[0]
if len(feed.entry) > 1:
raise LookupError("More than one row in spreadsheet with Package=%s" %
if len(feed.entry) == 0:
return None
def Upload(self, ss_key, ws_name):
"""Upload |_table| to the given Google Spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet is identified the spreadsheet key |ss_key|.
The worksheet within that spreadsheet is identified by the
worksheet name |ws_name|.
self._ss_key = ss_key
self._ws_name = ws_name
self._ws_key = self._GetWorksheetKey(ss_key, ws_name)
self._Verbose("Details by package: S=Same, C=Changed, A=Added, D=Deleted")
rows_unchanged, rows_updated, rows_inserted = self._UploadChangedRows()
rows_deleted, rows_with_owner_deleted = self._DeleteOldRows()
print("Final row stats: %d changed, %d added, %d deleted, %d same." %
(rows_updated, rows_inserted, rows_deleted, rows_unchanged))
if rows_with_owner_deleted:
print("WARNING: %d rows with owner entry deleted, see above warnings." %
print("No rows with owner entry were deleted.")
def _UploadChangedRows(self):
"""Upload all rows in table that need to be changed in spreadsheet."""
print("Uploading to worksheet '%s' of spreadsheet '%s' now." %
(self._ws_name, self._ss_key))
rows_unchanged, rows_updated, rows_inserted = (0, 0, 0)
# Go over all rows in csv table. Identify existing row by the 'Package'
# column. Either update existing row or create new one.
for csv_row in self._table:
csv_package = csv_row[self.ID_COL]
ss_row = self._GetSSRowForPackage(csv_package)
# Seed new row values from csv_row values, with column translation.
new_row = dict((_PrepColForSS(key), csv_row[key]) for key in csv_row)
if ss_row:
changed = []
# For columns that are in spreadsheet but not in csv, grab values
# from spreadsheet so they are not overwritten by UpdateRow.
for col in ss_row.custom:
ss_val = _ScrubValFromSS(ss_row.custom[col].text)
if col not in new_row:
new_row[col] = ss_val
elif (ss_val or new_row[col]) and ss_val != new_row[col]:
changed.append("%s='%s'->'%s'" % (col, ss_val, new_row[col]))
elif ss_row.custom[col].text != _PrepValForSS(ss_val):
changed.append("%s=str'%s'" % (col, new_row[col]))
if changed:
self._gd_client.UpdateRow(ss_row, _PrepRowForSS(new_row))
rows_updated += 1
self._Verbose("C %-30s: %s" %
(csv_package, ', '.join(changed)))
rows_unchanged += 1
self._Verbose("S %-30s:" % csv_package)
self._ss_key, self._ws_key)
rows_inserted += 1
row_descr_list = []
for col in sorted(new_row.keys()):
if col != self.ID_COL:
row_descr_list.append("%s='%s'" % (col, new_row[col]))
self._Verbose("A %-30s: %s" %
(csv_package, ', '.join(row_descr_list)))
return (rows_unchanged, rows_updated, rows_inserted)
def _DeleteOldRows(self):
"""Delete all rows from spreadsheet that not found in table."""
print "Checking for rows in spreadsheet that should be deleted now."
rows_deleted, rows_with_owner_deleted = (0, 0)
# Also need to delete rows in spreadsheet that are not in csv table.
list_feed = self._gd_client.GetListFeed(self._ss_key, self._ws_key)
for ss_row in list_feed.entry:
ss_id_col = _PrepColForSS(self.ID_COL)
ss_package = _ScrubValFromSS(ss_row.custom[ss_id_col].text)
# See whether this row is in csv table.
csv_rows = self._table.GetRowsByValue({ self.ID_COL: ss_package })
if not csv_rows:
# Row needs to be deleted from spreadsheet.
owner_val = None
owner_notes_val = None
row_descr_list = []
for col in sorted(ss_row.custom.keys()):
if col == 'owner':
owner_val = ss_row.custom[col].text
if col == 'ownernotes':
owner_notes_val = ss_row.custom[col].text
# Don't include ID_COL value in description, it is in prefix already.
if col != _PrepColForSS(self.ID_COL):
val = ss_row.custom[col].text
row_descr_list.append("%s='%s'" % (col, val))
self._Verbose("D %-30s: %s" %
(ss_package, ', '.join(row_descr_list)))
if owner_val or owner_notes_val:
rows_with_owner_deleted += 1
print("WARNING: Deleting spreadsheet row with owner entry:\n" +
" %-30s: Owner=%s, Owner Notes=%s" %
(ss_package, owner_val, owner_notes_val))
rows_deleted += 1
return (rows_deleted, rows_with_owner_deleted)
def LoadTable(table_file):
"""Load csv |table_file| into a table. Return table."""
print "Loading csv table from '%s'." % (table_file)
csv_table = table.Table.LoadFromCSV(table_file)
return csv_table
def main():
"""Main function."""
usage = 'Usage: %prog [options] csv_file'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('--cred-file', dest='cred_file', type='string',
action='store', default=None,
help="File for reading/writing Docs login email/password.")
parser.add_option('--email', dest='email', type='string',
action='store', default=None,
help="Email for Google Doc user")
parser.add_option('--password', dest='password', type='string',
action='store', default=None,
help="Password for Google Doc user")
parser.add_option('--ss-key', dest='ss_key', type='string',
action='store', default=None,
help="Key of spreadsheet to upload to")
parser.add_option('--test-spreadsheet', dest='test_ss',
action='store_true', default=False,
help="Upload to the testing spreadsheet.")
parser.add_option('--token-file', dest='token_file', type='string',
action='store', default=None,
help="File for reading/writing Docs login token.")
parser.add_option('--verbose', dest='verbose',
action='store_true', default=False,
help="Show details about packages..")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
oper.Die("One csv_file is required.")
# If email or password provided, the other is required. If neither is
# provided, then either cred_file or token_file must be provided and
# be a real file.
if or options.password:
if not ( and options.password):
oper.Die("The email/password options must be used together.")
elif not options.token_file and not options.cred_file:
oper.Die("Either email/password, cred-file, or token-file required.")
elif not ((options.token_file and os.path.exists(options.token_file)) or
(options.cred_file and os.path.exists(options.cred_file))):
oper.Die("Without email/password cred-file or token-file must exist.")
elif (options.token_file and os.path.exists(options.token_file) and
options.cred_file and os.path.exists(options.cred_file)):
oper.Die("Without email/password, both cred-file and token-file " +
"is ambiguous.")
# --ss-key and --test-spreadsheet are mutually exclusive.
if options.ss_key and options.test_ss:
oper.Die("Cannot specify --ss-key and --test-spreadsheet together.")
# Load the given csv file.
csv_table = LoadTable(args[0])
# Prepare table for upload.
# Prepare the Google Doc client for uploading.
uploader = Uploader(csv_table, verbose=options.verbose)
if and options.password:
# Login with supplied email/password
uploader.SetCreds(, password=options.password)
# If cred or token file given, write them out now.
if options.token_file:
if options.cred_file:
elif options.cred_file and os.path.exists(options.cred_file):
# Login by reading email/password from supplied file.
# If token file given, write it out now.
if options.token_file:
elif options.token_file and os.path.exists(options.token_file):
# Login with token from supplied file.
ss_key = options.ss_key
if not ss_key:
if options.test_ss:
ss_key = TEST_SS_KEY # For testing with backup spreadsheet
ss_key = REAL_SS_KEY
for ws_name in ws_names:
uploader.Upload(ss_key, ws_name=ws_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':