blob: f630061bcd1c4d7c49bc379322becdd01634109a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing class for recording metadata about a run."""
import collections
import datetime
import json
import logging
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import time
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_archive
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_config
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_results as results_lib
from chromite.buildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import parallel
# Number of parallel processes used when uploading/downloading GS files.
ARCHIVE_ROOT = 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%(target)s'
# NOTE: gsutil 3.42 has a bug where '/' is ignored in this context unless it
# is listed twice. So we list it twice here for now.
LATEST_URL = os.path.join(ARCHIVE_ROOT, 'LATEST-master')
class CBuildbotMetadata(object):
"""Class for recording metadata about a run."""
def __init__(self, metadata_dict=None, multiprocess_manager=None):
"""Constructor for CBuildbotMetadata.
metadata_dict: Optional dictionary containing initial metadata,
as returned by loading metadata from json.
multiprocess_manager: Optional multiprocess.Manager instance. If
supplied, the metadata instance will use
multiprocess containers so that its state
is correctly synced across processes.
super(CBuildbotMetadata, self).__init__()
if multiprocess_manager:
self._metadata_dict = multiprocess_manager.dict()
self._cl_action_list = multiprocess_manager.list()
self._metadata_dict = {}
self._cl_action_list = []
if metadata_dict:
def UpdateWithDict(self, metadata_dict):
"""Update metadata dictionary with values supplied in |metadata_dict|
This method is effectively the inverse of GetDict. Existing key-values
in metadata will be overwritten by those supplied in |metadata_dict|,
with the exception of the cl_actions list which will be extended with
the contents (if any) of the supplied dict's cl_actions list.
metadata_dict: A dictionary of key-value pairs to be added this
metadata instance. Keys should be strings, values
should be json-able.
# This is effectively the inverse of the dictionary construction in GetDict,
# to reconstruct the correct internal representation of a metadata
# object.
metadata_dict = metadata_dict.copy()
cl_action_list = metadata_dict.pop('cl_actions', None)
if cl_action_list:
return self
def GetDict(self):
"""Returns a dictionary representation of metadata."""
# CL actions are be stored in self._cl_action_list instead of
# in self._metadata_dict['cl_actions'], because _cl_action_list
# is potentially a multiprocess.lis. So, _cl_action_list needs to
# be copied into a normal list.
temp = self._metadata_dict.copy()
temp['cl_actions'] = list(self._cl_action_list)
return temp
def GetJSON(self):
"""Return a JSON string representation of metadata."""
return json.dumps(self.GetDict())
def RecordCLAction(self, change, action, timestamp=None, reason=''):
"""Record an action that was taken on a CL, to the metadata.
change: A GerritPatch object for the change acted on.
action: The action taken, should be one of constants.CL_ACTIONS
timestamp: An integer timestamp such as int(time.time()) at which
the action was taken. Default: Now.
reason: Description of the reason the action was taken. Default: ''
cl_action = (self._ChangeAsSmallDictionary(change),
timestamp or int(time.time()),
reason or '')
return self
def _ChangeAsSmallDictionary(change):
"""Returns a small dictionary representation of a gerrit change.
change: A GerritPatch or GerritPatchTuple object.
A dictionary of the form {'gerrit_number': change.gerrit_number,
'patch_number': change.patch_number,
'internal': change.internal}
return {'gerrit_number': change.gerrit_number,
'patch_number': change.patch_number,
'internal': change.internal}
def GetReportMetadataDict(builder_run, build_root, get_changes_from_pool,
get_statuses_from_slaves, config=None, stage=None,
final_status=None, sync_instance=None,
"""Return a metadata dictionary summarizing a build.
This method replaces code that used to exist in the ArchivingStageMixin
class from cbuildbot_stage. It contains all the Report-stage-time
metadata construction logic. The logic here is intended to be gradually
refactored out so that the metadata is constructed gradually by the
stages that are responsible for pieces of data, as they run.
builder_run: BuilderRun instance for this run.
build_root: Path to build root for this run.
get_changes_from_pool: If True, information about patches in the
sync_instance.pool will be recorded.
get_statuses_from_slaves: If True, status information of slave
builders will be recorded.
config: The build config for this run. Defaults to self._run.config.
stage: The stage name that this metadata file is being uploaded for.
final_status: Whether the build passed or failed. If None, the build
will be treated as still running.
sync_instance: The stage instance that was used for syncing the source
code. This should be a derivative of SyncStage. If None,
the list of commit queue patches will not be included
in the metadata.
completion_instance: The stage instance that was used to wait for slave
completion. Used to add slave build information to
master builder's metadata. If None, no such status
information will be included. It not None, this
should be a derivative of
A metadata dictionary suitable to be json-serialized.
config = config or builder_run.config
start_time = results_lib.Results.start_time
current_time =
start_time_stamp = cros_build_lib.UserDateTimeFormat(timeval=start_time)
current_time_stamp = cros_build_lib.UserDateTimeFormat(timeval=current_time)
duration = '%s' % (current_time - start_time,)
verinfo = builder_run.GetVersionInfo(build_root)
platform_tag = getattr(builder_run.attrs, 'release_tag')
if not platform_tag:
platform_tag = verinfo.VersionString()
metadata = {
'status': {
'current-time': current_time_stamp,
'status': final_status if final_status else 'running',
'summary': stage or '',
'time': {
'start': start_time_stamp,
'finish': current_time_stamp if final_status else '',
'duration': duration,
'version': {
'chrome': builder_run.attrs.chrome_version,
'full': builder_run.GetVersion(),
'milestone': verinfo.chrome_branch,
'platform': platform_tag,
metadata['results'] = []
for entry in results_lib.Results.Get():
timestr = datetime.timedelta(seconds=math.ceil(entry.time))
if entry.result in results_lib.Results.NON_FAILURE_TYPES:
status = constants.FINAL_STATUS_PASSED
status = constants.FINAL_STATUS_FAILED
'status': status,
# The result might be a custom exception.
'summary': str(entry.result),
'duration': '%s' % timestr,
'board': entry.board,
'description': entry.description,
'log': builder_run.ConstructDashboardURL(,
if get_changes_from_pool:
changes = []
pool = sync_instance.pool
for change in pool.changes:
details = {'gerrit_number': change.gerrit_number,
'patch_number': change.patch_number,
'internal': change.internal}
for latest_patchset_only in (False, True):
prefix = '' if latest_patchset_only else 'total_'
for status in (pool.STATUS_FAILED, pool.STATUS_PASSED):
count = pool.GetCLStatusCount(, change, status,
details['%s%s' % (prefix, status.lower())] = count
metadata['changes'] = changes
# If we were a CQ master, then include a summary of the status of slave cq
# builders in metadata
if get_statuses_from_slaves:
statuses = completion_instance.GetSlaveStatuses()
if not statuses:
logging.warning('completion_instance did not have any statuses '
'to report. Will not add slave status to metadata.')
metadata['slave_targets'] = {}
for builder, status in statuses.iteritems():
metadata['slave_targets'][builder] = status.AsFlatDict()
return metadata
# The graphite graphs use seconds since epoch start as time value.
EPOCH_START = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
# Formats we like for output.
# TODO(akeshet): Merge this class into CBuildbotMetadata.
class BuildData(object):
"""Class for examining metadata from a prior run.
The raw metadata dict can be accessed at self.metadata_dict or via []
and get() on a BuildData object. Some values from metadata_dict are
also surfaced through the following list of supported properties:
__slots__ = (
'gathered_dict', # Dict with gathered data (sheets/carbon version).
'gathered_url', # URL to metadata.json.gathered location in GS.
'metadata_dict', # Dict representing metadata data from JSON.
'metadata_url', # URL to metadata.json location in GS.
# Regexp for parsing datetimes as stored in metadata.json. Example text:
# Fri, 14 Feb 2014 17:00:49 -0800 (PST)
DATETIME_RE = re.compile(r'^(.+)\s-\d\d\d\d\s\(P\wT\)$')
SHEETS_VER_KEY = 'sheets_version'
CARBON_VER_KEY = 'carbon_version'
def ReadMetadataURLs(urls, gs_ctx=None, exclude_running=True,
"""Read a list of metadata.json URLs and return BuildData objects.
urls: List of metadata.json GS URLs.
gs_ctx: A GSContext object to use. If not provided gs.GSContext will
be called to get a GSContext to use.
exclude_running: If True the metadata for builds that are still running
will be skipped.
get_sheets_version: Whether to try to figure out the last sheets version
and the last carbon version that was gathered. This requires an extra
gsutil request and is only needed if you are writing the metadata to
to the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
List of BuildData objects.
gs_ctx = gs_ctx or gs.GSContext()
cros_build_lib.Info('Reading %d metadata URLs using %d processes now.',
len(urls), MAX_PARALLEL)
build_data_per_url = {}
def _ReadMetadataURL(url):
# Read the metadata.json URL and parse json into a dict.
metadata_dict = json.loads(gs_ctx.Cat(url, print_cmd=False).output)
# Read the file next to url which indicates whether the metadata has
# been gathered before, and with what stats version.
if get_sheets_version:
gathered_dict = {}
gathered_url = url + '.gathered'
if gs_ctx.Exists(gathered_url, print_cmd=False):
gathered_dict = json.loads(gs_ctx.Cat(gathered_url,
sheets_version = gathered_dict.get(BuildData.SHEETS_VER_KEY)
carbon_version = gathered_dict.get(BuildData.CARBON_VER_KEY)
sheets_version, carbon_version = None, None
bd = BuildData(url, metadata_dict, sheets_version=sheets_version,
if not (sheets_version is None and carbon_version is None):
cros_build_lib.Debug('Read %s:\n'
' build_number=%d, sheets v%d, carbon v%d', url,
bd.build_number, sheets_version, carbon_version)
cros_build_lib.Debug('Read %s:\n build_number=%d, ungathered',
url, bd.build_number)
build_data_per_url[url] = bd
with multiprocessing.Manager() as manager:
build_data_per_url = manager.dict()
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(_ReadMetadataURL, [[url] for url in urls],
builds = [build_data_per_url[url] for url in urls]
if exclude_running:
builds = [b for b in builds if b.status != 'running']
return builds
def MarkBuildsGathered(builds, sheets_version, carbon_version, gs_ctx=None):
"""Mark specified |builds| as processed for the given stats versions.
builds: List of BuildData objects.
sheets_version: The Google Sheets version these builds are now processed
carbon_version: The Carbon/Graphite version these builds are now
processed for.
gs_ctx: A GSContext object to use, if set.
gs_ctx = gs_ctx or gs.GSContext()
# Filter for builds that were not already on these versions.
builds = [b for b in builds
if b.sheets_version != sheets_version or
b.carbon_version != carbon_version]
if builds:
log_ver_str = 'Sheets v%d, Carbon v%d' % (sheets_version, carbon_version)
cros_build_lib.Info('Marking %d builds gathered (for %s) using %d'
' processes now.', len(builds), log_ver_str,
def _MarkGathered(build):
build.MarkGathered(sheets_version, carbon_version)
json_text = json.dumps(build.gathered_dict.copy())
gs_ctx.Copy('-', build.gathered_url, input=json_text, print_cmd=False)
cros_build_lib.Debug('Marked build_number %d processed for %s.',
build.build_number, log_ver_str)
inputs = [[build] for build in builds]
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(_MarkGathered, inputs,
def __init__(self, metadata_url, metadata_dict, carbon_version=None,
self.metadata_url = metadata_url
self.metadata_dict = metadata_dict
# If a stats version is not specified default to -1 so that the initial
# version (version 0) will be considered "newer".
self.gathered_url = metadata_url + '.gathered'
self.gathered_dict = {
self.CARBON_VER_KEY: -1 if carbon_version is None else carbon_version,
self.SHEETS_VER_KEY: -1 if sheets_version is None else sheets_version,
def MarkGathered(self, sheets_version, carbon_version):
"""Mark this build as processed for the given stats versions."""
self.gathered_dict[self.SHEETS_VER_KEY] = sheets_version
self.gathered_dict[self.CARBON_VER_KEY] = carbon_version
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Relay dict-like access to self.metadata_dict."""
return self.metadata_dict[key]
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""Relay dict-like access to self.metadata_dict."""
return self.metadata_dict.get(key, default)
def sheets_version(self):
return self.gathered_dict[self.SHEETS_VER_KEY]
def carbon_version(self):
return self.gathered_dict[self.CARBON_VER_KEY]
def build_number(self):
return int(self['build-number'])
def stages(self):
return self['results']
def slaves(self):
return self.get('slave_targets', {})
def chromeos_version(self):
return self['version']['full']
def chrome_version(self):
return self['version']['chrome']
def bot_id(self):
return self['bot-config']
def status(self):
return self.get('status', {}).get('status', None)
def _ToDatetime(cls, time_str):
match =
if match:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
raise ValueError('Unexpected metadata datetime format: %s' % time_str)
def start_datetime(self):
return self._ToDatetime(self['time']['start'])
def finish_datetime(self):
return self._ToDatetime(self['time']['finish'])
def start_date_str(self):
return self.start_datetime.strftime(NICE_DATE_FORMAT)
def start_time_str(self):
return self.start_datetime.strftime(NICE_TIME_FORMAT)
def start_datetime_str(self):
return self.start_datetime.strftime(NICE_DATETIME_FORMAT)
def finish_date_str(self):
return self.finish_datetime.strftime(NICE_DATE_FORMAT)
def finish_time_str(self):
return self.finish_datetime.strftime(NICE_TIME_FORMAT)
def finish_datetime_str(self):
return self.finish_datetime.strftime(NICE_DATETIME_FORMAT)
def failure_message(self):
mapping = {}
# Dedup the messages from the slaves.
for slave in self.GetFailedSlaves():
message = self.slaves[slave]['reason']
mapping[message] = mapping.get(message, []) + [slave]
message_list = []
for message, slaves in mapping.iteritems():
if len(slaves) >= 6:
# Do not print all the names when there are more than 6 (an
# arbitrary number) builders.
message_list.append('%d buliders: %s' % (len(slaves), message))
message_list.append('%s: %s' % (','.join(slaves), message))
return ' | '.join(message_list)
def GetChangelistsStr(self):
cl_strs = []
for cl_dict in self.metadata_dict['changes']:
cl_strs.append('%s%s:%s' %
('*' if cl_dict['internal'] == 'true' else '',
cl_dict['gerrit_number'], cl_dict['patch_number']))
return ' '.join(cl_strs)
def GetFailedStages(self, with_urls=False):
"""Get names of all failed stages, optionally with URLs for each.
with_urls: If True then also return URLs. See Returns.
If with_urls is False, return list of stage names. Otherwise, return list
of tuples (stage name, stage URL).
def _Failed(stage):
# This can be more discerning in the future, such as for optional stages.
return stage['status'] == 'failed'
if with_urls:
# The "log" url includes "/logs/stdio" on the end. Strip that off.
return [(s['name'], os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(s['log'])))
for s in self.stages if _Failed(s)]
return [s['name'] for s in self.stages if _Failed(s)]
def GetFailedSlaves(self, with_urls=False):
def _Failed(slave):
return slave['status'] == 'fail'
# Older metadata has no slave_targets entry.
slaves = self.slaves
if with_urls:
return [(name, slave['dashboard_url'])
for name, slave in slaves.iteritems() if _Failed(slave)]
return [name for name, slave in slaves.iteritems() if _Failed(slave)]
return []
def runtime_seconds(self):
return (self.finish_datetime - self.start_datetime).seconds
def runtime_minutes(self):
return self.runtime_seconds / 60
def epoch_time_seconds(self):
# End time seconds since 1/1/1970, for some reason.
return int((self.finish_datetime - EPOCH_START).total_seconds())
def count_changes(self):
if not self.metadata_dict.get('changes', None):
return 0
return len(self.metadata_dict['changes'])
def run_date(self):
return self.finish_datetime.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
def Passed(self):
"""Return True if this represents a successful run."""
return 'passed' == self.metadata_dict['status']['status'].strip()
def FindLatestFullVersion(builder, version):
"""Find the latest full version number built by |builder| on |version|.
builder: Builder to load information from. E.g. daisy-release
version: Version that we are interested in. E.g. 5602.0.0
The latest corresponding full version number, including milestone prefix.
E.g. R35-5602.0.0. For some builders, this may also include a -rcN or
-bNNNN suffix.
gs_ctx = gs.GSContext()
config = cbuildbot_config.config[builder]
base_url = cbuildbot_archive.GetBaseUploadURI(config)
latest_file_url = os.path.join(base_url, 'LATEST-%s' % version)
return gs_ctx.Cat(latest_file_url).output.strip()
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
return None
def GetBuildMetadata(builder, full_version):
"""Fetch the metadata.json object for |builder| and |full_version|.
builder: Builder to load information from. E.g. daisy-release
full_version: Version that we are interested in, including milestone
prefix. E.g. R35-5602.0.0. For some builders, this may also include a
-rcN or -bNNNN suffix.
A newly created CBuildbotMetadata object with the metadata from the given
|builder| and |full_version|.
gs_ctx = gs.GSContext()
config = cbuildbot_config.config[builder]
base_url = cbuildbot_archive.GetBaseUploadURI(config)
archive_url = os.path.join(base_url, full_version)
metadata_url = os.path.join(archive_url, constants.METADATA_JSON)
output = gs_ctx.Cat(metadata_url).output
return CBuildbotMetadata(json.loads(output))
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
return None
class MetadataException(Exception):
"""Base exception class for exceptions in this module."""
class GetMilestoneError(MetadataException):
"""Base exception class for exceptions in this module."""
def GetLatestMilestone():
"""Get the latest milestone from CQ Master LATEST-master file."""
# Use CQ Master target to get latest milestone.
latest_url = LATEST_URL % {'target': constants.CQ_MASTER}
gs_ctx = gs.GSContext()
cros_build_lib.Info('Getting latest milestone from %s', latest_url)
content = gs_ctx.Cat(latest_url).output.strip()
# Expected syntax is like the following: "R35-1234.5.6-rc7".
assert content.startswith('R')
milestone = content.split('-')[0][1:]
cros_build_lib.Info('Latest milestone determined to be: %s', milestone)
return int(milestone)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
raise GetMilestoneError('LATEST file missing: %s' % latest_url)
def GetMetadataURLsSince(target, start_date):
"""Get metadata.json URLs for |target| since |start_date|.
The modified time of the GS files is used to compare with start_date, so
the completion date of the builder run is what is important here.
target: Builder target name.
start_date: object.
Metadata urls for runs found.
urls = []
milestone = GetLatestMilestone()
gs_ctx = gs.GSContext()
while True:
base_url = METADATA_URL_GLOB % {'target': target, 'milestone': milestone}
cros_build_lib.Info('Getting %s builds for R%d from "%s"',
target, milestone, base_url)
# Get GS URLs as tuples (url, size, modified datetime). We want the
# datetimes to quickly know when we are done collecting URLs.
url_details = gs_ctx.LSWithDetails(base_url)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
# We ran out of metadata to collect. Stop searching back in time.
cros_build_lib.Info('No %s builds found for $%d. I will not continue'
' search to older milestones.', target, milestone)
# Sort by timestamp.
url_details = sorted(url_details, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
# See if we have gone far enough back by checking datetime of oldest URL
# in the current batch.
if url_details[-1][2].date() < start_date:
# We want a subset of these URLs, then we are done.
urls.extend([url for (url, _size, dt) in url_details
if >= start_date])
# Accept all these URLs, then continue on to the next milestone.
urls.extend([url for (url, _size, _dt) in url_details])
milestone -= 1
cros_build_lib.Info('Continuing on to R%d.', milestone)
return urls
GerritPatchTuple = collections.namedtuple('GerritPatchTuple',
'gerrit_number patch_number internal')
GerritChangeTuple = collections.namedtuple('GerritChangeTuple',
'gerrit_number internal')
CLActionTuple = collections.namedtuple('CLActionTuple',
'change action timestamp reason')
CLActionWithBuildTuple = collections.namedtuple('CLActionWithBuildTuple',
'change action timestamp '
'reason bot_type build')