blob: fc860d6b48b21a5e8cba0198effd83f9dab8114b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Django models for cidb tables."""
from __future__ import print_function
from django.db import models
from build_annotations import fields as ba_fields
class BaseModel(models.Model):
"""Abstract base class to store all app-wide Meta options."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set meta options for all models in this module."""
# This property not inherited.
abstract = True
# The schema for CIDB is maintained external to this app.
managed = False
# Allow us to split the file into different modules.
app_label = 'cq_stats_sheet'
# Each model should explicitly set this option. The default django model to
# table name mapping does not work for us.
db_table = 'Please define me'
def __iter__(self):
for field_name in self._meta.get_all_field_names():
value = None
if hasattr(self, field_name):
value = getattr(self, field_name)
yield field_name, value
def __unicode__(self):
result = []
for _, value in self:
return u', '.join(result)
def __str__(self):
return str(unicode(self))
class BuildTable(BaseModel):
"""Model for cidb.buildTable."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set extra table options."""
db_table = 'buildTable'
id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField(primary_key=True)
last_updated = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
master_build_id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyForeignKey('self',
buildbot_generation = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField()
builder_name = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
waterfall = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
build_number = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField()
build_config = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
bot_hostname = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
start_time = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
finish_time = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
status = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
status_pickle = ba_fields.ReadOnlyBlobField()
build_type = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
chrome_version = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
milestone_version = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
platform_version = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
full_version = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
sdk_version = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
toolchain_url = ba_fields.ReadOnlyURLField()
final = ba_fields.ReadOnlyBooleanField()
metadata_url = ba_fields.ReadOnlyURLField()
summary = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
deadline = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
class BuildStageTable(BaseModel):
"""Model for cidb.buildStageTable."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set extra table options."""
db_table = 'buildStageTable'
# Not used directly in field definition for readonly tables, but used
# elsewhere as constants.
FAIL = 'fail'
PASS = 'pass'
INFLIGHT = 'inflight'
MISSING = 'missing'
PLANNED = 'planned'
SKIPPED = 'skipped'
FORGIVEN = 'forgiven'
(FAIL, 'Stage failed'),
(PASS, 'Stage passed! Hurray!'),
(INFLIGHT, 'Stage is inflight'),
(MISSING, 'Status missing'),
(PLANNED, 'Stage is planned'),
(SKIPPED, 'Stage skipped'),
(FORGIVEN, 'Stage failed but forgiven'))
id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField(primary_key=True)
build_id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyForeignKey('BuildTable',
name = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
board = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
status = ba_fields.ReadOnlyEnumField()
last_updated = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
start_time = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
finish_time = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
final = ba_fields.ReadOnlyBooleanField()
class ClActionTable(BaseModel):
"""Model for cidb.clActionTable."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set extra table options."""
db_table = 'clActionTable'
# Not used directly in field definition for readonly tables, but used
# elsewhere as constants.
PICKED_UP = 'picked_up'
SUBMITTED = 'submitted'
KICKED_OUT = 'kicked_out'
SUBMIT_FAILED = 'submit_failed'
VERIFIED = 'verified'
FORGIVEN = 'forgiven'
# This list of choices is not exhaustive yet. It's only enough for CQ stats.
(PICKED_UP, 'CL picked up by CQ'),
(SUBMITTED, 'CL submitted by CQ'),
(KICKED_OUT, 'CL kicked out by CQ'),
(SUBMIT_FAILED, 'CQ failed to submit CL'),
(VERIFIED, 'CL verified by CQ'),
(FORGIVEN, 'CQ run failed, but CL forgiven'))
id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField(primary_key=True)
build_id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyForeignKey('BuildTable',
change_number = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField()
patch_number = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField()
change_source = ba_fields.ReadOnlyEnumField()
action = ba_fields.ReadOnlyEnumField()
reason = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
timestamp = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
class FailureTable(BaseModel):
"""Model for cidb.failureTable."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set extra table options."""
db_table = 'failureTable'
id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyIntegerField(primary_key=True)
build_stage_id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyForeignKey('BuildStageTable',
outer_failure_id = ba_fields.ReadOnlyForeignKey('self',
exception_type = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
exception_message = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
exception_category = ba_fields.ReadOnlyEnumField()
extra_info = ba_fields.ReadOnlyCharField()
timestamp = ba_fields.ReadOnlyDateTimeField()
class AnnotationsTable(BaseModel):
"""Model for cidb.annotationsTable."""
class Meta(object):
"""Set extra table options."""
db_table = 'annotationsTable'
BAD_CL = 'bad_cl'
BUG_IN_TOT = 'bug_in_tot'
MERGE_CONFLICT = 'merge_conflict'
TREE_CONFLICT = 'tree_conflict'
SCHEDULED_ABORT = 'scheduled_abort'
CL_NOT_READY = 'cl_not_ready'
BAD_CHROME = 'bad_chrome'
TEST_FLAKE = 'test_flake'
GERRIT_FAILURE = 'gerrit_failure'
GS_FAILURE = 'gs_failure'
LAB_FAILURE = 'lab_failure'
BAD_BINARY_FAILURE = 'bad_binary_failure'
BUILD_FLAKE = 'build_flake'
INFRA_FAILURE = 'infra_failure'
MYSTERY = 'mystery'
(BAD_CL, 'Bad CL (Please specify CL)'),
(BUG_IN_TOT, 'Bug in ToT (Please specify bug)'),
(MERGE_CONFLICT, 'Merge conflict'),
(TREE_CONFLICT, 'Tree conflict'),
(SCHEDULED_ABORT, 'Scheduled Abort'),
(CL_NOT_READY, 'CL was marked not ready (Please specify CL)'),
(BAD_CHROME, 'Bad chrome (Please speficy bug)'),
(TEST_FLAKE, 'Test flake'),
(GERRIT_FAILURE, 'Gerrit failure'),
(GS_FAILURE, 'Google Storage failure'),
(LAB_FAILURE, 'Lab failure'),
(BAD_BINARY_FAILURE, 'Bad binary packages'),
(BUILD_FLAKE, 'Local build flake'),
(INFRA_FAILURE, 'Other Infrastructure failure'),
(MYSTERY, 'Unknown failure: MyStErY'))
# Warning: Some field constraints are duplicated here from the database
# schema in CIDB.
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
build_id = models.ForeignKey('BuildTable', db_column='build_id')
last_updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
last_annotator = models.CharField(max_length=80)
failure_category = models.CharField(
max_length=max(len(x) for x, y in FAILURE_CATEGORY_CHOICES),
failure_message = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True)
blame_url = models.CharField(max_length=80, blank=True, null=True)
notes = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True)
deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=False)