blob: bec492970e1f0ebd7feb8c1d58d732d5136a5778 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Library to make common google storage operations more reliable.
import logging
import os
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
# Default pathway; stored here rather than usual buildbot.constants since
# we don't want to import buildbot code from here.
# Note that this value is reset after GSContext via the GetDefaultGSUtilBin
# method; we set it initially here just for the sake of making clear it
# exists.
class GSContextException(Exception):
"""Thrown when expected google storage preconditions are not met."""
class GSContextPreconditionFailed(GSContextException):
"""Thrown when google storage returns code=PreconditionFailed."""
class GSContext(object):
"""A class to wrap common google storage operations."""
DEFAULT_BOTO_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.boto')
# This is set for ease of testing.
DEFAULT_GSUTIL_BUILDER_BIN = '/b/build/third_party/gsutil/gsutil'
# How many times to retry uploads.
# Multiplier for how long to sleep (in seconds) between retries; will delay
# (1*sleep) the first time, then (2*sleep), continuing via attempt * sleep.
def GetDefaultGSUtilBin(cls):
if cls.DEFAULT_GSUTIL_BIN is None:
if not os.path.exists(gsutil_bin):
gsutil_bin = cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
['which', 'gsutil']).output.strip()
cls.DEFAULT_GSUTIL_BIN = gsutil_bin
def __init__(self, boto_file=None, acl_file=None,
dry_run=False, gsutil_bin=None, retries=None, sleep=None):
boto_file: Fully qualified path to user's .boto credential file.
acl_file: A permission file capable of setting different permissions
for different sets of users.
dry_run: Testing mode that prints commands that would be run.
gsutil_bin: If given, the absolute path to the gsutil binary. Else
the default fallback will be used.
retries: Number of times to retry a command before failing.
sleep: Amount of time to sleep between failures.
if gsutil_bin is not None:
self._CheckFile('gsutil not found', gsutil_bin)
gsutil_bin = self.GetDefaultGSUtilBin()
self.gsutil_bin = gsutil_bin
# Prefer boto_file if specified, else prefer the env then the default.
if boto_file is None:
boto_file = os.environ.get('BOTO_CONFIG', self.DEFAULT_BOTO_FILE)
self._CheckFile('Boto credentials not found', boto_file)
self.boto_file = boto_file
if acl_file is not None:
self._CheckFile('Not a valid permissions file', acl_file)
self.acl_file = acl_file
self.dry_run = dry_run
self._retries = self.DEFAULT_RETRIES if retries is None else int(retries)
self._sleep_time = self.DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME if sleep is None else int(sleep)
def _CheckFile(self, errmsg, afile):
"""Pre-flight check for valid inputs.
errmsg: Error message to display.
afile: Fully qualified path to test file existance.
if not os.path.isfile(afile):
raise GSContextException('%s, %s is not a file' % (errmsg, afile))
def CopyTo(self, local_path, remote_path, acl=None, version=None):
"""Upload a file to a specific google storage url.
local_path: Local file path to copy.
remote_path: Full gs:// url to copy to.
acl: If given, a canned ACL.
version: If given, the sequence-number; essentially the version we intend
to replace/update. This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
to ensure you don't overwrite someone else's creation, a version of
0 states "only update if no version exists".
return self._Copy(local_path, remote_path, acl=acl, version=version)
def CopyInto(self, local_path, remote_dir, filename=None, acl=None,
"""Upload a local file into a directory in google storage.
local_path: Local file path to copy.
remote_dir: Full gs:// url of the directory to transfer the file into.
filename: If given, the filename to place the content at; if not given,
it's discerned from basename(local_path).
acl: If given, a canned ACL.
version: If given, the sequence-number; essentially the version we intend
to replace/update. This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
to ensure you don't overwrite someone else's creation, a version of
0 states "only update if no version exists".
filename = filename if filename is not None else local_path
# Basename it even if an explicit filename was given; we don't want
# people using filename as a multi-directory path fragment.
return self._Copy(local_path,
'%s/%s' % (remote_dir, os.path.basename(filename)),
acl=acl, version=version)
def _DoCommand(self, gsutil_cmd, headers=()):
"""Run a gsutil command, suppressing output, and setting retry/sleep."""
cmd = [self.gsutil_bin]
for header in headers:
cmd += ['-h', header]
if self.dry_run:
logging.debug("%s: would've ran %r", self.__class__.__name__, cmd)
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput, self._retries, cmd,
sleep=self._sleep_time, extra_env={'BOTO_CONFIG': self.boto_file})
def _Copy(self, local_file, remote_path, acl=None, version=None):
"""Upload to GS bucket.
Canned ACL permissions can be specified on the gsutil cp command line.
More info:
local_file: Fully qualified path of local file.
remote_file: Full gs:// path of remote_file.
acl: One of the google storage canned_acls to apply.
version: If given, the sequence-number; essentially the version we intend
to replace/update. This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
to ensure you don't overwrite someone else's creation, a version of
0 states "only update if no version exists".
Return the arg tuple of two if the upload failed.
cmd, headers = [], []
if version is not None:
headers = ['x-goog-if-sequence-number-match:%d' % version]
acl = self.acl_file if acl is None else acl
if acl is not None:
cmd += ['-a', acl]
cmd += ['--', local_file, remote_path]
# For ease of testing, only pass headers if we got some.
kwds = {'headers': headers} if headers else {}
self._DoCommand(cmd, **kwds)
# gsutil uses the same exit code for any failure, so we are left to
# parse the output as needed.
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
if 'code=PreconditionFailed' in e.result.output:
raise GSContextPreconditionFailed(e)
def SetACL(self, upload_url, acl=None):
"""Set access on a file already in google storage.
upload_url: gs:// url that will have acl applied to it.
acl: An ACL permissions file or canned ACL.
if acl is None:
if not self.acl_file:
raise GSContextException(
"SetAcl invoked w/out a specified acl, nor a default acl.")
acl = self.acl_file
self._DoCommand(['setacl', acl, upload_url])
# Set GSUTIL_BIN now.
GSUTIL_BIN = GSContext.GetDefaultGSUtilBin()
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
# Ignore it; let consuming code go boom in this case.
cros_build_lib.logger.warning("Didn't find a usable gsutil in default paths")