blob: 0661c100f564153c132cb8f202042535b627eed7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing the base class for the stages that a builder runs."""
import copy
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import traceback
# We import mox so that we can identify mox exceptions and pass them through
# in our exception handling code.
import mox
except ImportError:
mox = None
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_config
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_results as results_lib
from chromite.buildbot import portage_utilities
from chromite.buildbot import repository
from chromite.buildbot import validation_pool
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
class BuilderStage(object):
"""Parent class for stages to be performed by a builder."""
name_stage_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)Stage')
# TODO(sosa): Remove these once we have a SEND/RECIEVE IPC mechanism
# implemented.
overlays = None
push_overlays = None
# Class variable that stores the branch to build and test
_target_manifest_branch = None
# Class should set this if they have a corresponding no<stage> option that
# skips their stage.
# TODO(mtennant): Rename this something like skip_option_name.
option_name = None
# Class should set this if they have a corresponding setting in
# self._build_config that skips their stage.
# TODO(mtennant): Rename this something like skip_config_name.
config_name = None
def GetBotId(cls, bot_name, remote_trybot):
"""Get the 'bot id' of a particular bot.
The bot id is used to specify the subdirectory where artifacts are stored
in Google Storage. To avoid conflicts between remote trybots and regular
bots, we add a 'trybot-' prefix to any remote trybot runs.
bot_name: The name of the bot.
remote_trybot: Whether this run is a remote trybot run.
return 'trybot-%s' % bot_name if remote_trybot else bot_name
def SetManifestBranch(branch):
BuilderStage._target_manifest_branch = branch
def StageNamePrefix(cls):
return cls.name_stage_re.match(cls.__name__).group(1)
def __init__(self, options, build_config, suffix=None, attempt=None,
"""Create a builder stage.
options: Command-line options, from
build_config: The configuration dictionary, from
suffix: The suffix to append to the buildbot name. Defaults to None.
attempt: If this build is to be retried, the current attempt number
(starting from 1). Defaults to None. Is only valid if |max_retry| is
also specified.
max_retry: The maximum number of retries. Defaults to None. Is only valid
if |attempt| is also specified.
self._options = options
self._bot_id = self.GetBotId(build_config['name'], options.remote_trybot)
if bool(attempt) != bool(max_retry):
raise AssertionError('max_retry and attempt must be specified together.')
self._attempt = attempt
self._max_retry = max_retry
self._build_config = copy.deepcopy(build_config)
self._prefix = self.StageNamePrefix() = self._prefix
if suffix: = self._prefix + suffix
self._boards = self._build_config['boards']
self._build_root = os.path.abspath(self._options.buildroot)
self._prebuilt_type = None
if self._options.prebuilts and self._build_config['prebuilts']:
self._prebuilt_type = self._build_config['build_type']
# Determine correct chrome_rev.
self._chrome_rev = self._build_config['chrome_rev']
if self._options.chrome_rev:
self._chrome_rev = self._options.chrome_rev
def GetStageNames(self):
"""Get a list of the places where this stage has recorded results."""
return []
def ConstructDashboardURL(self, stage=None):
"""Return the dashboard URL
This is the direct link to buildbot logs as seen in
stage: Link to a specific |stage|, otherwise the general buildbot log
The fully formed URL
return validation_pool.ValidationPool.ConstructDashboardURL(
self._build_config['overlays'], self._options.remote_trybot,
os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME', self._build_config['name']),
self._options.buildnumber, stage=stage)
def _ExtractOverlays(self):
"""Extracts list of overlays into class."""
overlays = portage_utilities.FindOverlays(
self._build_config['overlays'], buildroot=self._build_root)
push_overlays = portage_utilities.FindOverlays(
self._build_config['push_overlays'], buildroot=self._build_root)
# Sanity checks.
# We cannot push to overlays that we don't rev.
assert set(push_overlays).issubset(set(overlays))
# Either has to be a master or not have any push overlays.
assert self._build_config['master'] or not push_overlays
return overlays, push_overlays
def GetRepoRepository(self, **kwds):
"""Create a new repo repository object."""
manifest_url = self._options.manifest_repo_url
if manifest_url is None:
manifest_url = self._build_config['manifest_repo_url']
kwds.setdefault('referenced_repo', self._options.reference_repo)
kwds.setdefault('branch', self._target_manifest_branch)
kwds.setdefault('manifest', self._build_config['manifest'])
return repository.RepoRepository(manifest_url, self._build_root, **kwds)
def _Print(self, msg):
"""Prints a msg to stderr."""
print >> sys.stderr, msg
def _PrintLoudly(self, msg):
"""Prints a msg with loudly."""
border_line = '*' * 60
edge = '*' * 2
print >> sys.stderr, border_line
msg_lines = msg.split('\n')
# If the last line is whitespace only drop it.
if not msg_lines[-1].rstrip():
del msg_lines[-1]
for msg_line in msg_lines:
print >> sys.stderr, '%s %s' % (edge, msg_line)
print >> sys.stderr, border_line
def _GetPortageEnvVar(self, envvar, board):
"""Get a portage environment variable for the configuration's board.
envvar: The environment variable to get. E.g. 'PORTAGE_BINHOST'.
The value of the environment variable, as a string. If no such variable
can be found, return the empty string.
cwd = os.path.join(self._build_root, 'src', 'scripts')
if board:
portageq = 'portageq-%s' % board
portageq = 'portageq'
binhost = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(
[portageq, 'envvar', envvar], cwd=cwd, redirect_stdout=True,
enter_chroot=True, error_code_ok=True)
return binhost.output.rstrip('\n')
def _GetSlavesForMaster(build_config, configs=None):
"""Gets the important slave builds corresponding to this master.
build_config: A build config for a master builder.
configs: Option override of cbuildbot_config.config for the list
of build configs to look through for slaves.
A list of build configs corresponding to the slaves for the master
represented by build_config.
if configs is None:
configs = cbuildbot_config.config
builders = []
assert build_config['manifest_version']
assert build_config['master']
for config in configs.itervalues():
if (config['important'] and
config['manifest_version'] and
config['build_type'] == build_config['build_type'] and
config['chrome_rev'] == build_config['chrome_rev'] and
config['branch'] == build_config['branch']):
return builders
def _Begin(self):
"""Can be overridden. Called before a stage is performed."""
# Tell the buildbot we are starting a new step for the waterfall
self._Print('\n@@@BUILD_STEP %s@@@\n' %
self._PrintLoudly('Start Stage %s - %s\n\n%s' % (, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), self.__doc__))
def _Finish(self):
"""Can be overridden. Called after a stage has been performed."""
self._PrintLoudly('Finished Stage %s - %s' %
(, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')))
def PerformStage(self):
"""Subclassed stages must override this function to perform what they want
to be done.
def _HandleExceptionAsSuccess(self, _exception):
"""Use instead of HandleStageException to ignore an exception."""
return results_lib.Results.SUCCESS, None
def _StringifyException(exception):
"""Convert an exception into a string.
This can only be called as part of an except block.
if isinstance(exception, results_lib.StepFailure):
return str(exception)
return traceback.format_exc()
def _HandleExceptionAsWarning(self, exception, retrying=False):
"""Use instead of HandleStageException to treat an exception as a warning.
This is used by the ForgivingBuilderStage's to treat any exceptions as
warnings instead of stage failures.
description = self._StringifyException(exception)
return results_lib.Results.FORGIVEN, description, retrying
def _HandleStageException(self, exception):
"""Called when PerformStage throws an exception. Can be overriden.
Should return result, description. Description should be None if result
is not an exception.
if self._attempt and self._max_retry and self._attempt <= self._max_retry:
return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exception, retrying=True)
# Tell the user about the exception, and record it
retrying = False
description = self._StringifyException(exception)
return exception, description, retrying
def HandleSkip(self):
"""Run if the stage is skipped."""
def Run(self):
"""Have the builder execute the stage."""
# See if this stage should be skipped.
if (self.option_name and not getattr(self._options, self.option_name) or
self.config_name and not self._build_config[self.config_name]):
self._PrintLoudly('Not running Stage %s' %
results_lib.Results.Record(, results_lib.Results.SKIPPED,
record = results_lib.Results.PreviouslyCompletedRecord(
if record:
# Success is stored in the results log for a stage that completed
# successfully in a previous run.
self._PrintLoudly('Stage %s processed previously' %
results_lib.Results.Record(, results_lib.Results.SUCCESS,
prefix=self._prefix, time=float(record.time))
start_time = time.time()
# Set default values
result = results_lib.Results.SUCCESS
description = None
# TODO(davidjames): Verify that PerformStage always returns None. See
except SystemExit as e:
if e.code != 0:
result, description, retrying = self._HandleStageException(e)
except Exception as e:
if mox is not None and isinstance(e, mox.Error):
# Tell the build bot this step failed for the waterfall.
result, description, retrying = self._HandleStageException(e)
if result not in (results_lib.Results.FORGIVEN,
raise results_lib.StepFailure()
elif retrying:
raise results_lib.RetriableStepFailure()
except BaseException as e:
result, description, retrying = self._HandleStageException(e)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
results_lib.Results.Record(, result, description,
prefix=self._prefix, time=elapsed_time)