blob: 15bcd33815fc3dcdb35da66d880f71e473317ee8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for chromite.lib.patch."""
import copy
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
from chromite.buildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib_unittest
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
import mock
_GetNumber = iter(itertools.count()).next
"project":"tacos/chromite", "branch":"master",
"currentPatchSet": {
"number":"2", "ref":gerrit.GetChangeRef(1112, 2),
"subject":"chromite commit",
"owner":{"name":"Chromite Master", "email":""},
"open": True,
# Change-ID of a known open change in public gerrit.
class TestGitRepoPatch(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
# No mock bits are to be used in this class's tests.
# This needs to actually validate git output, and git behaviour, rather
# than test our assumptions about git's behaviour/output.
patch_kls = cros_patch.GitRepoPatch
"""commit abcdefgh
Author: Fake person
Date: Tue Oct 99
I am the first commit.
# Boolean controlling whether the target class natively knows its
# ChangeId; only GerritPatches do.
has_native_change_id = False
DEFAULT_TRACKING = 'refs/remotes/%s/master' % constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE
def _CreateSourceRepo(self, path):
"""Generate a new repo with a single commit."""
tmp_path = '%s-tmp' % path
self._run(['git', 'init', '--separate-git-dir', path], cwd=tmp_path)
# Add an initial commit then wipe the working tree.
self._run(['git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'initial commit'],
def setUp(self):
# Create an empty repo to work from.
self.source = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'source.git')
self.default_cwd = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'unwritable')
self.original_cwd = os.getcwd()
# Disallow write so as to smoke out any invalid writes to
# cwd.
os.chmod(self.default_cwd, 0500)
def tearDown(self):
if hasattr(self, 'original_cwd'):
def _MkPatch(self, source, sha1, ref='refs/heads/master', **kwds):
return self.patch_kls(source, 'chromiumos/chromite', ref,
'%s/master' % constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE,
kwds.pop('remote', constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE),
sha1=sha1, **kwds)
def _run(self, cmd, cwd=None):
# Note that cwd is intentionally set to a location the user can't write
# to; this flushes out any bad usage in the tests that would work by
# fluke of being invoked from w/in a git repo.
if cwd is None:
cwd = self.default_cwd
return cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
cmd, cwd=cwd, print_cmd=False).output.strip()
def _GetSha1(self, cwd, refspec):
return self._run(['git', 'rev-list', '-n1', refspec], cwd=cwd)
def _MakeRepo(self, name, clone, remote=None, alternates=True):
path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, name)
cmd = ['git', 'clone', clone, path]
if alternates:
cmd += ['--reference', clone]
if remote is None:
remote = constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE
cmd += ['--origin', remote]
return path
def _MakeCommit(self, repo, commit=None):
if commit is None:
commit = "commit at %s" % (time.time(),)
self._run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', commit], repo)
return self._GetSha1(repo, 'HEAD')
def CommitFile(self, repo, filename, content, commit=None, **kwds):
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(repo, filename), content)
self._run(['git', 'add', filename], repo)
sha1 = self._MakeCommit(repo, commit=commit)
if not self.has_native_change_id:
kwds.pop('ChangeId', None)
patch = self._MkPatch(repo, sha1, **kwds)
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, sha1)
return patch
def _CommonGitSetup(self):
git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source)
git2 = self._MakeRepo('git2', self.source)
patch = self.CommitFile(git1, 'monkeys', 'foon')
return git1, git2, patch
def testGetDiffStatus(self):
git1, _, patch1 = self._CommonGitSetup()
# Ensure that it can work on the first commit, even if it
# doesn't report anything (no delta; it's the first files).
patch1 = self._MkPatch(git1, self._GetSha1(git1, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING))
self.assertEqual({}, patch1.GetDiffStatus(git1))
patch2 = self.CommitFile(git1, 'monkeys', 'blah')
self.assertEqual({'monkeys': 'M'}, patch2.GetDiffStatus(git1))
git.RunGit(git1, ['mv', 'monkeys', 'monkeys2'])
patch3 = self._MkPatch(git1, self._MakeCommit(git1, commit="mv"))
self.assertEqual({'monkeys': 'D', 'monkeys2': 'A'},
patch4 = self.CommitFile(git1, 'monkey2', 'blah')
self.assertEqual({'monkey2': 'A'}, patch4.GetDiffStatus(git1))
def testFetch(self):
_, git2, patch = self._CommonGitSetup()
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, self._GetSha1(git2, 'FETCH_HEAD'))
# Verify reuse; specifically that Fetch doesn't actually run since
# the rev is already available locally via alternates.
patch.project_url = '/dev/null'
git3 = self._MakeRepo('git3', git2)
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, self._GetSha1(git3, patch.sha1))
def testAlreadyApplied(self):
git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source)
patch1 = self._MkPatch(git1, self._GetSha1(git1, 'HEAD'))
self.assertRaises2(cros_patch.PatchAlreadyApplied, patch1.Apply, git1,
self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, check_attrs={'inflight':False})
patch2 = self.CommitFile(git1, 'monkeys', 'rule')
self.assertRaises2(cros_patch.PatchAlreadyApplied, patch2.Apply, git1,
self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, check_attrs={'inflight':True})
def testCleanlyApply(self):
_, git2, patch = self._CommonGitSetup()
# Clone git3 before we modify git2; else we'll just wind up
# cloning it's master.
git3 = self._MakeRepo('git3', git2)
patch.Apply(git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING)
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, self._GetSha1(git2, 'HEAD'))
# Verify reuse; specifically that Fetch doesn't actually run since
# the object is available in alternates. testFetch partially
# validates this; the Apply usage here fully validates it via
# ensuring that the attempted Apply goes boom if it can't get the
# required sha1.
patch.project_url = '/dev/null'
patch.Apply(git3, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING)
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, self._GetSha1(git3, 'HEAD'))
def testFailsApply(self):
_, git2, patch1 = self._CommonGitSetup()
patch2 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', 'not foon')
# Note that Apply creates it's own branch, resetting to master
# thus we have to re-apply (even if it looks stupid, it's right).
patch2.Apply(git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING)
patch1.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING,
exact_kls=True, check_attrs={'inflight':True})
def testTrivial(self):
_, git2, patch1 = self._CommonGitSetup()
# Throw in a bunch of newlines so that content-merging would work.
content = 'not foon%s' % ('\n' * 100)
patch1 = self._MkPatch(git2, self._GetSha1(git2, 'HEAD'))
patch1 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', content)
git2, ['update-ref', self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, patch1.sha1])
patch2 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', '%sblah' % content)
patch3 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', '%sblahblah' % content)
# Get us a back to the basic, then derive from there; this is used to
# verify that even if content merging works, trivial is flagged.
self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', 'foon')
patch4 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', content)
patch5 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys', '%sfoon' % content)
# Reset so we derive the next changes from patch1.
git.RunGit(git2, ['reset', '--hard', patch1.sha1])
patch6 = self.CommitFile(git2, 'blah', 'some-other-file')
self.CommitFile(git2, 'monkeys',
'%sblah' % content.replace('not', 'bot'))
patch1.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':False, 'trivial':False})
# Now test conflicts since we're still at ToT; note that this is an actual
# conflict because the fuzz anchors have changed.
patch3.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':False, 'trivial':False},
# Now test trivial conflict; this would've merged fine were it not for
# trivial.
patch4.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':False, 'trivial':False},
# Move us into inflight testing.
patch2.Apply(git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True)
# Repeat the tests from above; should still be the same.
patch4.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':False, 'trivial':False})
# Actual conflict merge conflict due to inflight; non trivial induced.
patch5.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':True, 'trivial':False},
patch1.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
patch5.Apply, git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True,
check_attrs={'inflight':True, 'trivial':False},
# And this should apply without issue, despite the differing history.
patch6.Apply(git2, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING, trivial=True)
def _assertLookupAliases(self, remote):
git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source)
patch = self.CommitChangeIdFile(git1, remote=remote)
prefix = '*' if patch.internal else ''
vals = [patch.change_id, patch.sha1, getattr(patch, 'gerrit_number', None),
getattr(patch, 'original_sha1', None)]
vals = [x for x in vals if x is not None]
self.assertEqual(set(prefix + x for x in vals),
def testExternalLookupAliases(self):
def testInternalLookupAliases(self):
def MakeChangeId(self, how_many=1):
l = [cros_patch.MakeChangeId() for _ in xrange(how_many)]
if how_many == 1:
return l[0]
return l
def CommitChangeIdFile(self, repo, changeid=None, extra=None,
filename='monkeys', content='flinging',
raw_changeid_text=None, **kwargs):
template = self.COMMIT_TEMPLATE
if changeid is None:
changeid = self.MakeChangeId()
if raw_changeid_text is None:
raw_changeid_text = 'Change-Id: %s' % (changeid,)
if extra is None:
extra = ''
commit = template % {'change-id':raw_changeid_text, 'extra':extra}
return self.CommitFile(repo, filename, content, commit=commit,
ChangeId=changeid, **kwargs)
def _CheckPaladin(self, repo, master_id, ids, extra):
patch = self.CommitChangeIdFile(
repo, master_id, extra=extra,
filename='paladincheck', content=str(_GetNumber()))
deps = patch.PaladinDependencies(repo)
# Assert that are parsing unique'ifies the results.
self.assertEqual(len(deps), len(set(deps)))
deps = set(deps)
ids = set(ids)
self.assertEqual(ids, deps)
set(cros_patch.FormatPatchDep(x) for x in deps),
set(cros_patch.FormatPatchDep(x) for x in ids))
return patch
def testPaladinDependencies(self):
git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source)
cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4 = self.MakeChangeId(4)
# Verify it handles nonexistant CQ-DEPEND.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [], '')
# Single key, single value.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % cid2)
# Single key, gerrit number.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123'],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % 123)
# Single key, gerrit number.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123456'],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % 123456)
# Single key, gerrit number; ensure it
# cuts off before a million changes (this
# is done to avoid collisions w/ sha1 when
# we're using shortened versions).
self._CheckPaladin, git1, cid1,
['1234567'], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % '1234567')
# Single key, gerrit number, internal.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['*123'],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % '*123')
# Ensure SHA1's aren't allowed.
sha1 = '0' * 40
self._CheckPaladin, git1, cid1,
[sha1], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % sha1)
# Single key, multiple values
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '1223'],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s %s' % (cid2, '1223'))
# Dumb comma behaviour
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, cid3],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s, %s,' % (cid2, cid3))
# Multiple keys.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '*245', cid4],
'CQ-DEPEND=%s, %s\nCQ-DEPEND=%s' % (cid2, '*245', cid4))
# Ensure it goes boom on invalid data.
self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
git1, cid1, [], 'CQ-DEPEND=monkeys')
self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
git1, cid1, [], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s monkeys' % (cid2,))
# Validate numeric is allowed.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '1'], 'CQ-DEPEND=1 %s' % cid2)
# Validate that it unique'ifies the results.
self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['1'], 'CQ-DEPEND=1 1')
class TestLocalPatchGit(TestGitRepoPatch):
patch_kls = cros_patch.LocalPatch
def setUp(self):
self.sourceroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'sourceroot')
def _MkPatch(self, source, sha1, ref='refs/heads/master', **kwds):
remote = kwds.pop('remote', constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
return self.patch_kls(source, 'chromiumos/chromite', ref,
'%s/master' % remote, remote, sha1, **kwds)
def testUpload(self):
def ProjectDirMock(_sourceroot):
return git1
git1, git2, patch = self._CommonGitSetup()
git2_sha1 = self._GetSha1(git2, 'HEAD')
patch.ProjectDir = ProjectDirMock
# First suppress carbon copy behaviour so we verify pushing
# plain works.
# pylint: disable=E1101
sha1 = patch.sha1
patch._GetCarbonCopy = lambda: sha1
patch.Upload(git2, 'refs/testing/test1')
self.assertEqual(self._GetSha1(git2, 'refs/testing/test1'),
# Enable CarbonCopy behaviour; verify it lands a different
# sha1. Additionally verify it didn't corrupt the patch's sha1 locally.
del patch._GetCarbonCopy
patch.Upload(git2, 'refs/testing/test2')
self.assertNotEqual(self._GetSha1(git2, 'refs/testing/test2'),
self.assertEqual(patch.sha1, sha1)
# Ensure the carbon creation didn't damage the target repo.
self.assertEqual(self._GetSha1(git1, 'HEAD'), sha1)
# Ensure we didn't damage the target repo's state at all.
self.assertEqual(git2_sha1, self._GetSha1(git2, 'HEAD'))
# Ensure the content is the same.
base = ['git', 'show']
self._run(base + ['refs/testing/test1:monkeys'], git2),
self._run(base + ['refs/testing/test2:monkeys'], git2))
base = ['git', 'log', '--format=%B', '-n1']
self._run(base + ['refs/testing/test1'], git2),
self._run(base + ['refs/testing/test2'], git2))
class TestUploadedLocalPatch(TestGitRepoPatch):
PROJECT = 'chromiumos/chromite'
ORIGINAL_BRANCH = 'original_branch'
ORIGINAL_SHA1 = 'ffffffff'.ljust(40, '0')
patch_kls = cros_patch.UploadedLocalPatch
def _MkPatch(self, source, sha1, ref='refs/heads/master', **kwds):
return self.patch_kls(source, self.PROJECT, ref,
'%s/master' % constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE,
kwds.pop('remote', constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE),
carbon_copy_sha1=sha1, **kwds)
def testStringRepresentation(self):
_, _, patch = self._CommonGitSetup()
str_rep = str(patch).split(':')
for element in [self.PROJECT, self.ORIGINAL_BRANCH, self.ORIGINAL_SHA1[:8]]:
self.assertTrue(element in str_rep,
msg="Couldn't find %s in %s" % (element, str_rep))
class TestGerritPatch(TestGitRepoPatch):
has_native_change_id = True
class patch_kls(cros_patch.GerritPatch):
# Suppress the behaviour pointing the project url at actual gerrit,
# instead slaving it back to a local repo for tests.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cros_patch.GerritPatch.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
assert hasattr(self, 'patch_dict')
self.project_url = self.patch_dict['_unittest_url_bypass']
def test_json(self):
return copy.deepcopy(FAKE_PATCH_JSON)
def _MkPatch(self, source, sha1, ref='refs/heads/master', **kwds):
json = self.test_json
remote = kwds.pop('remote', constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
url_prefix = kwds.pop('url_prefix', constants.GERRIT_SSH_URL)
suppress_branch = kwds.pop('suppress_branch', False)
change_id = kwds.pop('ChangeId', None)
if change_id is None:
change_id = self.MakeChangeId()
change_num, patch_num = _GetNumber(), _GetNumber()
# Note we intentionally use a gerrit like refspec here; we want to
# ensure that none of our common code pathways puke on a non head/tag.
refspec = gerrit.GetChangeRef(change_num + 1000, patch_num)
dict(number=patch_num, ref=refspec, revision=sha1))
json['branch'] = os.path.basename(ref)
json['_unittest_url_bypass'] = source
json['id'] = change_id
obj = self.patch_kls(json.copy(), remote, url_prefix)
self.assertEqual(obj.patch_dict, json)
self.assertEqual(obj.remote, remote)
self.assertEqual(obj.url_prefix, url_prefix)
self.assertEqual(obj.project, json['project'])
self.assertEqual(obj.ref, refspec)
self.assertEqual(obj.change_id, change_id)
cros_patch.FormatChangeId(change_id, force_internal=obj.internal))
# Now make the fetching actually work, if desired.
if not suppress_branch:
# Note that a push is needed here, rather than a branch; branch
# will just make it under refs/heads, we want it literally in
# refs/changes/
self._run(['git', 'push', source, '%s:%s' % (sha1, refspec)], source)
return obj
def testIsAlreadyMerged(self):
# Note that these are magic constants- they're known to be
# merged (and the other abandoned) in public gerrit.
# If old changes are ever flushed, or something 'special' occurs,
# then this will break. That it's an acceptable risk.
# Note we should be checking a known open one; seems rather likely
# that'll get closed inadvertantly thus breaking the tests (not
# an acceptable risk in the authors opinion).
merged, abandoned, still_open = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo(
def testApprovalTimestamp(self):
"""Test that the approval timestamp is correctly extracted from JSON."""
repo = self._MakeRepo('git', self.source)
for approvals, expected in [(None, 0), ([], 0), ([1], 1), ([1, 3, 2], 3)]:
currentPatchSet = copy.deepcopy(FAKE_PATCH_JSON['currentPatchSet'])
if approvals is not None:
currentPatchSet['approvals'] = [{'grantedOn': x} for x in approvals]
patch = self._MkPatch(repo, self._GetSha1(repo, self.DEFAULT_TRACKING),
msg = 'Expected %r, but got %r (approvals=%r)' % (
expected, patch.approval_timestamp, approvals)
self.assertEqual(patch.approval_timestamp, expected, msg)
def _assertGerritDependencies(self, remote=constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE):
convert = str
if remote == constants.INTERNAL_REMOTE:
convert = lambda val: '*%s' % (val,)
git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source, remote=remote)
patch = self._MkPatch(git1, self._GetSha1(git1, 'HEAD'), remote=remote)
cid1, cid2 = '1', '2'
# Test cases with no dependencies, 1 dependency, and 2 dependencies.
self.assertEqual(patch.GerritDependencies(), [])
patch.patch_dict['dependsOn'] = [{'number': cid1}]
self.assertEqual(patch.GerritDependencies(), [convert(cid1)])
patch.patch_dict['dependsOn'].append({'number': cid2})
self.assertEqual(patch.GerritDependencies(), [convert(cid1), convert(cid2)])
def testExternalGerritDependencies(self):
def testInternalGerritDependencies(self):
class PrepareRemotePatchesTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
def MkRemote(self,
project='my/project', original_branch='my-local',
ref='refs/tryjobs/elmer/patches', tracking_branch='master',
l = [project, original_branch, ref, tracking_branch,
getattr(constants, '%s_PATCH_TAG' % (
'INTERNAL' if internal else 'EXTERNAL'))]
return ':'.join(l)
def assertRemote(self, patch, project='my/project',
ref='refs/tryjobs/elmer/patches', tracking_branch='master',
self.assertEqual(patch.project, project)
self.assertEqual(patch.original_branch, original_branch)
self.assertEqual(patch.ref, ref)
self.assertEqual(patch.tracking_branch, tracking_branch)
self.assertEqual(patch.internal, internal)
def test(self):
# Check handling of a single patch...
patches = cros_patch.PrepareRemotePatches([self.MkRemote()])
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 1)
# Check handling of a multiple...
patches = cros_patch.PrepareRemotePatches(
[self.MkRemote(), self.MkRemote(project='foon')])
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 2)
self.assertRemote(patches[1], project='foon')
# Ensure basic validation occurs:
chunks = self.MkRemote().split(':')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, cros_patch.PrepareRemotePatches,
self.assertRaises(ValueError, cros_patch.PrepareRemotePatches,
':'.join(chunks[:-1] + ['monkeys']))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, cros_patch.PrepareRemotePatches,
':'.join(chunks + [':']))
class PrepareLocalPatchesTests(cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.path, self.project, self.branch = 'mydir', 'my/project', 'mybranch'
self.tracking_branch = 'kernel'
self.patches = ['%s:%s' % (self.project, self.branch)]
self.manifest = mock.MagicMock()
self.PatchObject(self.manifest, 'GetProjectPath', return_value=self.path)
self.PatchObject(self.manifest, 'GetProjectsLocalRevision',
self.PatchObject(self.manifest, 'GetAttributeForProject',
def PrepareLocalPatches(self, output):
"""Check the returned GitRepoPatchInfo against golden values."""
output_obj = mock.MagicMock()
output_obj.output = output
self.PatchObject(cros_patch.LocalPatch, 'Fetch', return_value=output_obj)
self.PatchObject(git, 'RunGit', return_value=output_obj)
patch_info, = cros_patch.PrepareLocalPatches(self.manifest, self.patches)
self.assertEquals(patch_info.project, self.project)
self.assertEquals(patch_info.ref, self.branch)
self.assertEquals(patch_info.tracking_branch, self.tracking_branch)
def testBranchSpecifiedSuccessRun(self):
"""Test success with branch specified by user."""
self.PrepareLocalPatches('12345'.rjust(40, '0'))
def testBranchSpecifiedNoChanges(self):
"""Test when no changes on the branch specified by user."""
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.PrepareLocalPatches, '')
class TestFormatting(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
def _assertResult(self, functor, value, expected=None, raises=False,
fixup=str, **kwds):
if raises:
self.assertRaises2(ValueError, functor, fixup(value),
msg="%s(%r), original %r, did not throw a ValueError"
% (functor.__name__, fixup(value), value), **kwds)
self.assertEqual(functor(value, **kwds), expected,
msg="failed: %s(%r) != %r; originals: %r %r"
% (functor.__name__, fixup(value), fixup(expected),
value, expected))
def _assertBad(self, functor, values, fixup=str, allow_CL=False, **kwds):
values = map(fixup, values)
pass_allow_CL = kwds.pop('pass_allow', False)
for prefix in ([""] + ['CL:'] if allow_CL else []):
if pass_allow_CL:
kwds['allow_CL'] = bool(prefix)
for value in values:
self._assertResult(functor, prefix + value, raises=True, **kwds)
for value in values:
self._assertResult(functor, prefix + '*' + value, raises=True, **kwds)
def _assertGood(self, functor, values, fixup=str, allow_CL=False, **kwds):
pass_allow_CL = kwds.pop('pass_allow', False)
values = [map(fixup, x) for x in values]
for prefix in ([""] + ['CL:'] if allow_CL else []):
if pass_allow_CL:
kwds['allow_CL'] = bool(prefix)
for value, expected in values:
self._assertResult(functor, prefix + value, expected, **kwds)
for value, expected in values:
self._assertResult(functor, prefix + '*' + value, '*' + expected,
def _ChangeIdFixup(value):
s = value.lstrip('iI*')
l = len(value)
return '%s%s' % (value[0:l-len(s)], s.ljust(40 - len(s), "0"))
def testFormatChangeId(self):
fixup = self._ChangeIdFixup
['is', '**i1325', 'iz12345', 'Iz12365', 'II', 'ii', 'I1234+'],
fixup=fixup, allow_CL=True)
# Note the lack of fixup; we're checking size handling here.
['I012365', 'Ia0123456'.ljust(42, '0'), 'Ia'.ljust(40, '0')],
allow_CL=True, strict=True)
[('I012345', 'I012345'),
('Iabcdf', 'Iabcdf'),
('IABCDF', 'Iabcdf')],
def testFormatGerritNumber(self):
['is', 'i1325', '01234567', '012345a', '**12345', '+123', '/0123'],
[('1',) * 2,
('123',) * 2,
('123456',) * 2,
('001', '1')])
def _Sha1Fixup(value):
return value.ljust(40, '0')
def testFormatSha1(self):
fixup = self._Sha1Fixup
['0abcg', 'Z', '**a', '+123', '1234ab' * 10],
fixup=fixup, allow_CL=True)
# Length checks.
['0' * 41, 'a' * 39],
[('1' * 40,) * 2,
('a' * 40,) * 2,
('0123456789abcdef',) * 2,
('0123456789ABCDEF', '0123456789abcdef')],
def testFormatPatchDeps(self):
sha1 = self._Sha1Fixup
changeId = self._ChangeIdFixup
# Validate control over formats allowed:
['12345', '1234567'],
gerrit_number=False, allow_CL=True, pass_allow=True)
map(changeId, ['I1234567']),
changeId=False, allow_CL=True, pass_allow=True)
map(sha1, ['1234567', 'asdf1']),
sha1=False, allow_CL=True, pass_allow=True)
[('12345', '12345'), ('1', '1'), ('98765', '98765'), ('001', '1'),
(changeId('Iabcd'),) *2,
(sha1('0123cde'),) *2], allow_CL=True, pass_allow=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':