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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for workqueue server and client classes."""
from __future__ import print_function
import mock
import os
import pickle
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
from chromite.lib.workqueue import service
from chromite.lib.workqueue import tasks
# pylint: disable=protected-access
REQUESTED = service._BaseWorkQueue._REQUESTED
PENDING = service._BaseWorkQueue._PENDING
RUNNING = service._BaseWorkQueue._RUNNING
COMPLETE = service._BaseWorkQueue._COMPLETE
ABORTING = service._BaseWorkQueue._ABORTING
STATES = service._BaseWorkQueue._STATES
class _MonitorTermination(Exception):
"""Exeception raised to stop `ProcessRequests` during testing.
`service.WorkQueueServer.ProcessRequests` can only terminate
if an exception is raised during its execution. Unit tests that
call the method raise this exception to end the calls.
class _Task(object):
"""Information about an enqueued task."""
def __init__(self, request_id, duration):
self.request_id = request_id
self.duration = duration
self.start_time = None
self.age = 0
self.aborted = False
class _TestTaskManager(tasks.TaskManager):
"""A concrete subclass of `TaskManager` for testing purposes.
This is a test double class used to track usage during tests
of `WorkQueueServer.ProcessRequests()`. It also serves a
very limited role in is some other specific test cases.
This version of `TaskManager` keeps track of the sequence of events
that trigger operations on the various requests that are expected to
make their way through the test cases. These are the events
* Enqueue(task_id, duration) - enqueue a request for a given
`task_id`. The task will be marked ready for `Reap()` after
`duration` ticks.
* SetCapacity(capacity) - `self.HasCapacity()` will return true
until `capacity` tasks have been started by `self.StartTask()`.
* Abort(task_id) - Abort the request associated with the given
* Execute(tick_count) - Resume processing events after `tick_count`
ticks have elapsed.
The `SetSequence()` method is used to initialize the sequence of
events before a call to `ProcessRequests()`. For example:
sequence = [(task_manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(task_manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(task_manager.Execute, 1),
(task_manager.Abort, 'a')]
The sequence above has the following effect:
* The `SetCapacity` event means that one enqueue request will be
allowed to start.
* The `Enqueue` request will actually enqueue a request for
* The `Execute` event will cause `ProcessRequests()` to execute for
one tick. This will allow task 'a' to begin executing.
* The `Abort` event will execute 1 tick after task 'a' is enqueued,
which will cause the request to be aborted while running..
This class is responsible for the following assertions:
* `ProcessRequests()` will not call `time.sleep()` without an
intervening call to `manager.StartTick()`.
* `ProcessRequests()` will not call without an `manager.StartTick()`
intervening call to `time.sleep()`.
* Calls to `time.sleep()` use the value of `self.sample_interval`.
* Requests passed to `StartTask()` use the correct argument for the
given request.
def __init__(self, test_cases=None):
super(_TestTaskManager, self).__init__(None, 1e6)
self.requested_tasks = {}
self.running_tasks = set()
self._test_cases = test_cases
self._sequence_data = None
self._delay_count = 0
self._capacity_count = 0
self._start_tick_allowed = True
self._sleep_allowed = True
self._current_tick = 0
def __len__(self):
return len(self.running_tasks)
def SetSequence(self, sequence_data):
"""Initialize a sequence of events for `ProcessRequests()`."""
self._start_tick_allowed = True
self._sleep_allowed = True
self._sequence_data = list(sequence_data)
def Enqueue(self, task_id, duration):
"""Perform handling for an `Enqueue` event."""
request_id = self._test_cases.client.EnqueueRequest(task_id)
self.requested_tasks[task_id] = _Task(request_id, duration)
def SetCapacity(self, capacity):
"""Perform handling for a `SetCapacity` event."""
self._capacity_count = capacity
def Abort(self, task_id):
"""Perform handling for an `Abort` event."""
request_id = self.requested_tasks[task_id].request_id
self.requested_tasks[task_id].aborted = True
def Execute(self, tick_count):
"""Perform handling for an `Execute` event."""
self._delay_count = tick_count
def _SetTickReady(self, start_ready):
"""Set whether `StartTick()` or `Sleep()` should be called next."""
self._start_tick_allowed = start_ready
self._sleep_allowed = not start_ready
def Sleep(self, interval):
"""Replacement for `time.sleep()` in `ProcessRequests()`."""
'time.sleep() called twice without '
'intervening call to TaskManager.StartTick()')
self._test_cases.assertEqual(interval, self.sample_interval)
self._current_tick += 1
def StartTick(self):
'TaskManager.StartTick() called twice '
'without intervening call to time.sleep()')
# Execute event from our sequence until an `Execute` event says to
# proceed.
while self._delay_count <= 0:
if not self._sequence_data:
raise _MonitorTermination()
next_event = self._sequence_data.pop(0)
self._delay_count -= 1
# Advance the age of all running tasks by one tick.
for _, task_id in self.running_tasks:
self.requested_tasks[task_id].age += 1
def HasCapacity(self):
return bool(self._capacity_count)
def StartTask(self, request_id, request_data):
if self._test_cases:
task = self.requested_tasks[request_data]
task.start_time = self._current_tick
self._test_cases.assertEqual(request_id, task.request_id)
self._capacity_count -= 1
self.running_tasks.add((request_id, request_data))
def TerminateTask(self, request_id):
for entry in self.running_tasks.copy():
if request_id == entry[0]:
def Reap(self):
for entry in self.running_tasks.copy():
task = self.requested_tasks[entry[1]]
if task.age >= task.duration:
yield entry
class _BaseServiceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
"""Base class for testing workqueue server and client methods."""
def setUp(self):
self._spool_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
spool_dir = os.path.join(self._spool_tmp, 'spool')
self.server = service.WorkQueueServer(spool_dir)
self.client = service.WorkQueueClient(spool_dir)
def tearDown(self):
def ValidateState(self, request_id, *args):
"""Check that a given request is in an expected state.
Assert the following:
* The spool file for `request_id` exists for all states in
* No other spool files exist for `request_id`.
request_id: The request id to be tested.
args: Allowed states of the request.
actual_states = set()
for state in STATES:
if self.server._RequestInState(request_id, state):
self.assertEqual(actual_states, set(args))
class ServiceInternalsTestCases(_BaseServiceTestCases):
"""Test cases for workqueue state transitions.
These test cases exercise part of all of the life-cycle of a single
request. As tested, the full life-cycle follows these steps:
1. Client creates a request via `EnqueueRequest()`.
2. Server sees the request via `_GetNewRequests()`.
3. Server starts a task for a request via `_StartRequest()`.
4. Server reports request completion via `_CompleteRequest()`.
5. Client removes completed request via `Wait()`.
In methods and comments below, the first four stages are identified by
the names `Enqueue`, `GetNew`, `Start`, and `Complete`, respectively.
def setUp(self):
super(ServiceInternalsTestCases, self).setUp()
def _ValidateRequestState(self, request_id, value, expected_state):
"""Check that a given request is in an expected state.
Assert the following:
* The spool file associated with `request_id` exists for
* The spool file for the expected state contains `value`.
* There is no spool file for `request_id` for any state
other than `expected_state`.
request_id: The request id to be tested.
value: The value expected to be stored in the request's state
expected_state: The expected state of the request.
self.ValidateState(request_id, expected_state)
request_path = self.server._GetRequestPathname(request_id,
with open(request_path, 'r') as f:
self.assertEqual(pickle.load(f), value)
def _ValidateAborted(self, request_id, expected_state):
"""Check that an abort request has been properly recorded.
The code calls `_GetAbortRequests()` and asserts that the returned
value matches the given `request_id`.
Prior to the call, assert the following:
* The abort request file exists for `request_id`.
* The request file remains in `expected_state`.
After to the call, assert the following:
* The abort request file no longer exists.
* The request file remains in `expected_state`.
request_id: The request to be aborted.
expected_state: The state of the request at the time of abort.
self.ValidateState(request_id, expected_state, ABORTING)
abort_list = list(self.server._GetAbortRequests())
self.assertEqual([request_id], abort_list)
self.ValidateState(request_id, expected_state)
def _ExecuteAbort(self, request_id, expected_state):
"""Execute a call to `AbortRequest()`.
Makes a call to `self.client.AbortRequest()`, and then asserts the
the conditions required for `_ValidateAborted()`, above.
request_id: The request to be aborted.
expected_state: The state of the request at the time of abort.
self._ValidateAborted(request_id, expected_state)
def _ExecuteTimeout(self, request_id, expected_state):
"""Make a call to `Wait()` that is expected to time out.
Assert the following:
* A timeout exception is raised by `Wait()`.
* After the call, the request meets the conditions required for
`_ValidateAborted()`, above.
request_id: The request that will time out.
expected_state: The state of the request at timeout.
with self.assertRaises(service.WorkQueueTimeout):
self.client.Wait(request_id, 0)
self._ValidateAborted(request_id, expected_state)
def _ExecuteEnqueue(self, request_value):
"""Walk a request to completion of the `Enqueue` stage.
At each stage of execution, and at the end, asserts that
the request is in the state expected for the stage.
request_value: Initial value to pass to `EnqueueRequest`.
request_id = self.client.EnqueueRequest(request_value)
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, request_value,
return request_id
def _ExecuteGetNew(self, request_value):
"""Walk a request to completion of the `GetNew` stage.
At each stage of execution, and at the end, asserts that the request
is in the state expected for the stage.
request_value: Initial value to pass to `EnqueueRequest`.
request_id = self._ExecuteEnqueue(request_value)
new_requests = self.server._GetNewRequests()
self.assertEqual([request_id], new_requests)
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, request_value, PENDING)
return request_id
def _ExecuteStart(self, request_value):
"""Walk a request to completion of the `Start` stage.
At each stage of execution, and at the end, asserts that the request
is in the state expected for the stage.
After the call to `_StartRequest()` assert that the expected
side-effects occurred on the method's parameters.
request_value: Initial value to pass to `EnqueueRequest`.
request_id = self._ExecuteGetNew(request_value)
manager = _TestTaskManager()
self.server._StartRequest(request_id, manager)
set([(request_id, request_value)]))
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, request_value, RUNNING)
return request_id
def _ExecuteComplete(self, request_value, result_value):
"""Walk a request to completion of the `Complete` stage.
At each stage of execution, but not at the end, asserts that the
request is in the state expected for the stage.
request_value: Initial value to pass to `EnqueueRequest`.
result_value: the return value for the request.
request_id = self._ExecuteStart(request_value)
self.server._CompleteRequest(request_id, result_value)
return request_id
def _ExecuteLifecycle(self, request_value, result_value):
"""Walk a request through the complete request life cycle.
This creates a request, and processes all standard state
transitions, ending with a call to `Wait()`. The initial
request object is passed in as `request_value`, and the
result returned should be `result_value`.
request_value: the initial value to be passed to
result_value: The value to be given the result in the call to
request_id = self._ExecuteComplete(request_value, result_value)
return self.client.Wait(request_id, 0)
def _EnqueueMultiple(self, count):
"""Make sequential calls to `EnqueueRequest()`.
Make `count` calls to `EnqueueRequest()`, then assert the following:
* The returned request id values are unique and in sorted order.
* After all calls are complete, all requests are in the
`_REQUESTED` state.
request_value = 'blurbity-blurb'
request_ids = []
for _ in range(0, count):
for index in range(0, len(request_ids) - 1):
self.assertLess(request_ids[index], request_ids[index+1],
'request id out of order at index '
for request_id in request_ids:
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, request_value,
def testEnqueueMultiple(self):
"""Test sequential calls to `EnqueueRequest()`.
Make multiple calls to `EnqueueRequest()` in sequence, and assert
the conditions detailed in `_EnqueueMultiple()`, above.
Test once with the standard value of `_REQUEST_ID_FORMAT`, and once
with a patched value that by design forces id collisions between
successive calls to `EnqueueRequest()`.
with mock.patch.object(self.client,
'_REQUEST_ID_FORMAT', new='{:.2f}'):
def testAbortEnqueue(self):
"""Test aborting a request after `Enqueue`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteEnqueue('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteAbort(request_id, self.client._REQUESTED)
def testAbortGetNew(self):
"""Test aborting a request after `GetNew`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteGetNew('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteAbort(request_id, self.client._PENDING)
def testAbortStart(self):
"""Test aborting a request after `Start`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteStart('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteAbort(request_id, self.client._RUNNING)
def testAbortComplete(self):
"""Test aborting a request after `Complete`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteComplete('To be or not to be',
'That is the question')
self._ExecuteAbort(request_id, self.client._COMPLETE)
def testTimeoutEnqueue(self):
"""Test a call to `Wait()` that times out after `Enqueue`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteEnqueue('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteTimeout(request_id, self.client._REQUESTED)
def testTimeoutGetNew(self):
"""Test a call to `Wait()` that times out after `GetNew`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteGetNew('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteTimeout(request_id, PENDING)
def testTimeoutStart(self):
"""Test a call to `Wait()` that times out after `Start`."""
request_id = self._ExecuteStart('To be or not to be')
self._ExecuteTimeout(request_id, RUNNING)
def testTransitionRequest(self):
"""Test `WorkQueueServer._TransitionRequest()`."""
request_value = 'blurbity-blurb'
request_id = self.client.EnqueueRequest(request_value)
oldstate = REQUESTED
newstate = PENDING
self.server._TransitionRequest(request_id, oldstate, newstate)
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, request_value, newstate)
def testGetNewMultiple(self):
"""Test `_GetNewRequests()` with multiple requests pending."""
request_values = [str(i) for i in range(0, 4)]
request_list = []
for rq in request_values:
new_requests = self.server._GetNewRequests()
self.assertEqual(request_list, new_requests)
for request_id, value in zip(request_list, request_values):
self._ValidateRequestState(request_id, value,
def testRequestLifecycle(self):
"""Test the complete life cycle of a successful request."""
request_value = 'blurbity-blurb'
expected_result = 'not blurbity at all'
actual_result = self._ExecuteLifecycle(request_value,
self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected_result)
for state_dir in self.server._spool_state_dirs.itervalues():
def testRequestLifecycleFailure(self):
"""Test the complete life cycle of a request that fails."""
request_value = 'blurbity-blurb'
expected_result = Exception('still blurbity!')
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as exc:
# Different exceptions won't compare equal even if constructed with
# the same arguments, so compare the string values instead.
self.assertEqual(str(exc.exception), str(expected_result))
class ServerProcessRequestsTestCases(_BaseServiceTestCases):
"""Test cases for `WorkQueueServer.ProcessRequests()`."""
def setUp(self):
super(ServerProcessRequestsTestCases, self).setUp()
self._manager = _TestTaskManager(self)
def _ValidateCompleted(self, task, task_id):
"""Assert that the given `task` completed successfully."""
value = self.client.Wait(task.request_id, 0)
self.assertEqual(task_id, value)
self.assertEqual(task.age, task.duration)
def _ValidateAborted(self, task):
"""Assert that the given `task` was aborted."""
request_id = task.request_id
def _RunSequence(self, *args):
"""Run `ProcessRequests()` with the given sequence of events."""
with self.assertRaises(_MonitorTermination):
with mock.patch('time.sleep', wraps=self._manager.Sleep):
for task_id, task in self._manager.requested_tasks.iteritems():
if task.aborted:
self._ValidateCompleted(task, task_id)
return self._manager.requested_tasks
def testDoNothing(self):
for capacity in range(2):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, capacity),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
def testImmediateCapacity(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
task = task_results['a']
self.assertEqual(task.start_time, 0)
self.assertEqual(task.age, task.duration)
def testDelayedCapacity(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 0),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 1),
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
task = task_results['a']
self.assertEqual(task.start_time, 1)
self.assertEqual(task.age, task.duration)
def testStagedCapacity(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'b', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 1),
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
for task_id, start in [('a', 0), ('b', 1)]:
task = task_results[task_id]
self.assertEqual(task.start_time, start)
self.assertEqual(task.age, task.duration)
def testAbortRequested(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Abort, 'a'),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
task = task_results['a']
def testAbortPending(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 0),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 1),
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Abort, 'a'),
(self._manager.Execute, 2))
task = task_results['a']
def testAbortRunning(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 1),
(self._manager.Abort, 'a'),
(self._manager.Execute, 1))
task = task_results['a']
self.assertEqual(task.start_time, 0)
def testAbortComplete(self):
task_results = self._RunSequence(
(self._manager.SetCapacity, 1),
(self._manager.Enqueue, 'a', 1),
(self._manager.Execute, 2),
(self._manager.Abort, 'a'),
(self._manager.Execute, 1))
task = task_results['a']
self.assertEqual(task.age, task.duration)
if __name__ == '__main__':