blob: b03604c206e257d120f8cd58b2372809c96e0379 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that helps to triage Commit Queue failures."""
from __future__ import print_function
import glob
import os
import pprint
import re
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cq_config
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
from chromite.lib import portage_util
def GetRelevantOverlaysForConfig(config, build_root):
"""Returns a list of overlays relevant to |config|.
config: A cbuildbot config name.
build_root: Path to the build root.
A set of overlays.
relevant_overlays = set()
for board in config.boards:
overlays = portage_util.FindOverlays(
constants.BOTH_OVERLAYS, board, build_root)
return relevant_overlays
def _GetAffectedImmediateSubdirs(change, git_repo):
"""Gets the set of immediate subdirs affected by |change|.
change: GitRepoPatch to examine.
git_repo: Path to checkout of git repository.
A set of absolute paths to modified subdirectories of |git_repo|.
return set([os.path.join(git_repo, path.split(os.path.sep)[0])
for path in change.GetDiffStatus(git_repo)])
def GetAffectedOverlays(change, manifest, all_overlays):
"""Get the set of overlays affected by a given change.
change: The GerritPatch instance to look at.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing our build directory.
all_overlays: The set of all valid overlays.
The set of overlays affected by the specified |change|. If the change
affected something other than an overlay, return None.
checkout = change.GetCheckout(manifest, strict=False)
if checkout:
git_repo = checkout.GetPath(absolute=True)
# The whole git repo is an overlay. Return it.
# Example: src/private-overlays/overlay-x86-zgb-private
if git_repo in all_overlays:
return set([git_repo])
# Get the set of immediate subdirs affected by the change.
# Example: src/overlays/overlay-x86-zgb
subdirs = _GetAffectedImmediateSubdirs(change, git_repo)
# If all of the subdirs are overlays, return them.
if subdirs.issubset(all_overlays):
return subdirs
def GetAffectedPackagesForOverlayChange(change, manifest, overlays):
"""Get the set of packages affected by the overlay |change|.
change: The GerritPatch instance that modifies an overlay.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing our build directory.
overlays: List of overlay paths.
The set of packages affected by the specified |change|. E.g.
{'chromeos-base/chromite-0.0.1-r1258'}. If the change affects
something other than packages, return None.
checkout = change.GetCheckout(manifest, strict=False)
if checkout:
git_repo = checkout.GetPath(absolute=True)
packages = set()
for path in change.GetDiffStatus(git_repo):
# Determine if path is in a package directory by walking up
# directories and see if there is an ebuild in the directory.
start_path = os.path.join(git_repo, path)
ebuild_path = osutils.FindInPathParents(
'*.ebuild', start_path, test_func=glob.glob, end_path=git_repo)
if ebuild_path:
# Convert git_repo/../*.ebuild to the real ebuild path.
ebuild_path = glob.glob(ebuild_path)[0]
# Double check that the ebuild is two-levels deep in an overlay
# directory.
if os.path.sep.join(ebuild_path.split(os.path.sep)[:-3]) in overlays:
category, pkg_name, _ = portage_util.SplitEbuildPath(ebuild_path)
packages.add('%s/%s' % (category, pkg_name))
# If |change| affects anything other than packages, return None.
return None
return packages
def GetTestSubsystemForChange(build_root, change):
"""Get a list of subsystem that a given |change| affects.
If subsystem is specified in the commit message, use that. Otherwise, look in
appropriate COMMIT-QUEUE.ini. If subsystem is not specified anywhere,
'subsystem:default' will be used.
Based on the subsystems a given |change| affects, the CQ could tell whether a
failure is potentially caused by this |change|. The CQ could then submit some
changes in the face of unrelated failures.
build_root: The root of the checkout.
change: Change to examine, as a PatchQuery object.
A list of subsystem for the given |change|.
subsystems = []
if change.commit_message:
lines = cros_patch.GetOptionLinesFromCommitMessage(
change.commit_message, 'subsystem:')
if lines:
subsystems = [x for x in re.split("[, ]", ' '.join(lines)) if x]
if not subsystems:
cq_config_parser = cq_config.CQConfigParser(build_root, change)
subsystems = cq_config_parser.GetSubsystems()
return subsystems if subsystems else ['default']
class CategorizeChanges(object):
"""A collection of methods to help categorize GerritPatch changes.
This class is mainly used on a build slave to categorize changes
applied in the build.
def ClassifyOverlayChanges(cls, changes, config, build_root, manifest,
"""Classifies overlay changes in |changes|.
changes: The list or set of GerritPatch instances.
config: The cbuildbot config.
build_root: Path to the build root.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing our build directory.
packages_under_test: A list of packages names included in the build
without version/revision (e.g. ['chromeos-base/chromite']). If None,
don't try to map overlay changes to packages.
A (overlay_changes, irrelevant_overlay_changes) tuple; overlay_changes
is a subset of |changes| that have modified one or more overlays, and
irrelevant_overlay_changes is a subset of overlay_changes which are
irrelevant to |config|.
visible_overlays = set(portage_util.FindOverlays(config.overlays, None,
# The overlays relevant to this build.
relevant_overlays = GetRelevantOverlaysForConfig(config, build_root)
overlay_changes = set()
irrelevant_overlay_changes = set()
for change in changes:
affected_overlays = GetAffectedOverlays(change, manifest,
if affected_overlays is not None:
# The change modifies an overlay.
if not any(x in relevant_overlays for x in affected_overlays):
# The change touched an irrelevant overlay.
if packages_under_test:
# If the change modifies packages that are not part of this
# build, they are considered irrelevant too.
packages = GetAffectedPackagesForOverlayChange(
change, manifest, visible_overlays)
if packages:'%s affects packages %s',
', '.join(packages))
if not any(x in packages_under_test for x in packages):
return overlay_changes, irrelevant_overlay_changes
def ClassifyWorkOnChanges(cls, changes, config, build_root,
manifest, packages_under_test):
"""Classifies WorkOn package changes in |changes|.
changes: The list or set of GerritPatch instances.
config: The cbuildbot config.
build_root: Path to the build root.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing our build directory.
packages_under_test: A list of packages names included in the build.
(e.g. ['chromeos-base/chromite-0.0.1-r1258']).
A (workon_changes, irrelevant_workon_changes) tuple; workon_changes
is a subset of |changes| that have modified workon packages, and
irrelevant_workon_changes is a subset of workon_changes which are
irrelevant to |config|.
workon_changes = set()
irrelevant_workon_changes = set()
workon_dict = portage_util.BuildFullWorkonPackageDictionary(
build_root, config.overlays, manifest)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)'(project, branch) to workon package mapping:\n %s',
pp.pformat(workon_dict))'packages under test\n: %s', pp.pformat(packages_under_test))
for change in changes:
packages = workon_dict.get((change.project, change.tracking_branch))
if packages:
# The CL modifies a workon package.
if all(x not in packages_under_test for x in packages):
return workon_changes, irrelevant_workon_changes
def _FilterProjectsInManifestByGroup(cls, manifest, groups):
"""Filters projects in |manifest| by |groups|.
manifest: A git.Manifest instance.
groups: A list of groups to filter.
A set of (project, branch) tuples where each tuple is asssociated
with at least one group in |groups|.
results = set()
for project, checkout_list in manifest.checkouts_by_name.iteritems():
for checkout in checkout_list:
if any(x in checkout['groups'] for x in groups):
branch = git.StripRefs(checkout['tracking_branch'])
results.add((project, branch))
return results
def GetChangesToBuildTools(cls, changes, manifest):
"""Returns a changes associated with buildtools projects.
changes: The list or set of GerritPatch instances.
manifest: A git.Manifest instance.
A subset of |changes| to projects of "buildtools" group.
buildtool_set = cls._FilterProjectsInManifestByGroup(
manifest, ['buildtools'])
return set([x for x in changes if (x.project, x.tracking_branch)
in buildtool_set])
def GetIrrelevantChanges(cls, changes, config, build_root, manifest,
"""Determine changes irrelavant to build |config|.
This method determine a set of changes that are irrelevant to the
build |config|. The general rule of thumb is that if we are unsure
whether a change is relevant, consider it relevant.
changes: The list or set of GerritPatch instances.
config: The cbuildbot config.
build_root: Path to the build root.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing our build directory.
packages_under_test: A list of packages that were tested in this build.
A subset of |changes| which are irrelevant to |config|.
untriaged_changes = set(changes)
irrelevant_changes = set()
# Changes that modify projects used in building are always relevant.
untriaged_changes -= cls.GetChangesToBuildTools(changes, manifest)
if packages_under_test is not None:
# Strip the version of the package in packages_under_test.
cpv_list = [portage_util.SplitCPV(x) for x in packages_under_test]
packages_under_test = ['%s/%s' % (x.category, x.package) for x in
# Handles overlay changes.
# ClassifyOverlayChanges only handles overlays visible to this
# build. For example, an external build may not be able to view
# the internal overlays. However, in that case, the internal changes
# have already been filtered out in CommitQueueSyncStage, and are
# not included in |changes|.
overlay_changes, irrelevant_overlay_changes = cls.ClassifyOverlayChanges(
untriaged_changes, config, build_root, manifest, packages_under_test)
untriaged_changes -= overlay_changes
irrelevant_changes |= irrelevant_overlay_changes
# Handles workon package changes.
if packages_under_test is not None:
workon_changes, irrelevant_workon_changes = cls.ClassifyWorkOnChanges(
untriaged_changes, config, build_root, manifest,
except Exception as e:
# Ignore the exception if we cannot categorize workon
# changes. We will conservatively assume the changes are
# relevant.
logging.warning('Unable to categorize cros workon changes: %s', e)
untriaged_changes -= workon_changes
irrelevant_changes |= irrelevant_workon_changes
return irrelevant_changes
class CalculateSuspects(object):
"""Diagnose the cause for a given set of failures."""
def GetBlamedChanges(cls, changes):
"""Returns the changes that have been manually blamed.
changes: List of GerritPatch changes.
A list of |changes| that were marked verified: -1 or
code-review: -2.
# Load the latest info about whether the changes were vetoed, in case they
# were vetoed in the middle of a cbuildbot run. That said, be careful not to
# return info about newer patchsets.
reloaded_changes = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfoWithPatchQueries(changes)
return [x for x, y in zip(changes, reloaded_changes) if y.WasVetoed()]
def FindSuspectsForFailures(cls, changes, messages, build_root,
failed_hwtests, sanity):
"""Find suspects for the given failure messages and hwtests.
changes: A list of cros_patch.GerritPatch instances.
messages: A list of failure_message_lib.BuildFailureMessage or NoneType
instances from the failed slaves.
build_root: The path to the build root.
failed_hwtests: A list of names of failed hwtests got from CIDB (see the
return type of HWTestResultManager.GetFailedHWTestsFromCIDB) or a
NoneType instance.
sanity: The sanity checker builder passed and the tree was open when
the build started and ended.
A set of cros_patch.GerritPatch instances as suspects. If messages contain
NoneType message and sanity is True, return all changes as suspects.
suspects = set()
for message in messages:
if message:
changes, build_root, failed_hwtests, sanity))
elif sanity:
return suspects
def FilterChangesForInfraFail(cls, changes):
"""Returns a list of changes responsible for infra failures."""
# Chromite changes could cause infra failures.
return [x for x in changes if x.project in constants.INFRA_PROJECTS]
def _MatchesExceptionCategory(cls, messages, exception_category, strict=True):
"""Returns True if all failure messages are in the exception_category.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects from the
failed slaves.
exception_category: The exception category to match, must be one of
strict: If False, treat NoneType message as a match.
When strict is True, returns True if all objects in |messages| are
non-None and are in the |exception_category|, else False. When strict is
False, returns True if all the objects in |messages| are in the
|exception_category|, else False.
return ((not strict or all(messages)) and
for x in messages if x))
def _MatchesExceptionCategories(cls, messages, exception_categories,
"""Returns True if all failure messages are in the exception_categories.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects from the
failed slaves.
exception_categories: A list of exception categories to match, every item
strict: If False, treat NoneType message as a match.
When strict is True, returns True if all objects in |messages| are
non-None and are in the |exception_category|, else False. When strict is
False, returns True if all the objects in |messages| are in the
|exception_categories|, else False.
if strict and not all(messages):
return False
for x in messages:
if (x is not None and
not any(x.MatchesExceptionCategory(c) for c in exception_categories)):
return False
return True
def OnlyLabFailures(cls, messages, no_stat):
"""Determine if the cause of build failure was lab failure.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects from the
failed slaves.
no_stat: A list of builders which failed prematurely without reporting
True if the build failed purely due to lab failures.
# If any builder failed prematuely, lab failure was not the only cause.
return (not no_stat and cls._MatchesExceptionCategory(
messages, constants.EXCEPTION_CATEGORY_LAB))
def OnlyInfraFailures(cls, messages, no_stat):
"""Determine if the cause of build failure was infrastructure failure.
All failures in 'lab' and 'infra' categories are infra failures.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects from the
failed slaves.
no_stat: A list of builders which failed prematurely without reporting
True if the build failed purely due to infrastructure failures.
# "Failed to report status" and "NoneType" messages are considered
# infra failures.
return ((not messages and no_stat) or cls._MatchesExceptionCategories(
def FindSuspects(cls, changes, messages, infra_fail=False, lab_fail=False,
build_root=None, failed_hwtests=None, sanity=True):
"""Find out what changes probably caused our failure.
1) if there're bad changes to blame, return the bad changes as the suspects;
2) else if there're only internal lab failures, return an empty suspects;
3) else if there're only internal infra failures, return infra changes as
the suspects;
4) else, find and return suspects by analyzing the failures.
changes: A list of cros_patch.GerritPatch instances to consider.
messages: A list of build failure messages, of type
BuildFailureMessage or of type NoneType.
infra_fail: The build failed purely due to infrastructure failures.
lab_fail: The build failed purely due to test lab infrastructure
build_root: The path to the build root.
failed_hwtests: A list of names of failed hwtests got from CIDB (see the
return type of HWTestResultManager.GetFailedHWTestsFromCIDB) or a
NoneType instance.
sanity: The sanity checker builder passed and the tree was open when
the build started and ended.
A set of changes as suspects.
bad_changes = cls.GetBlamedChanges(changes)
if bad_changes:
# If there are changes that have been set verified=-1 or
# code-review=-2, these changes are the ONLY suspects of the
# failed build.
logging.warning('Detected that some changes have been blamed for '
'the build failure. Only these CLs will be rejected: %s',
return set(bad_changes)
elif lab_fail:
logging.warning('Detected that the build failed purely due to HW '
'Test Lab failure(s). Will not reject any changes')
return set()
elif infra_fail:
# The non-lab infrastructure errors might have been caused
# by chromite changes.
'Detected that the build failed due to non-lab infrastructure '
'issue(s). Will only reject chromite changes')
return set(cls.FilterChangesForInfraFail(changes))
return cls.FindSuspectsForFailures(
changes, messages, build_root, failed_hwtests, sanity)
def CanIgnoreFailures(cls, messages, change, build_root,
"""Examine whether we can ignore the failures for |change|.
First, examine the |messages| to see if we are allowed to ignore
the failures base on the per-repository settings in COMMIT_QUEUE.ini.
If not, then check whether only the HWTestStage failed, and the failed
subsystems are unrelated to this change.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage from the failed slaves.
change: A GerritPatch instance to examine.
build_root: Build root directory.
subsys_by_config: A dictionary of pass/fail HWTest subsystems indexed
by the config names.
A tuple, first element is True/False indicates whether we can ignore the
failures; second element is the reason to ignore the failures, None if
failures cannot be ignored.
# Some repositories may opt to ignore certain stage failures.
failing_stages = set()
if any(x.GetFailingStages() is None for x in messages):
# If there are no tracebacks, that means that the builder
# did not report its status properly. We don't know what
# stages failed and cannot safely ignore any stage.
return (False, None)
for message in messages:
cq_config_parser = cq_config.CQConfigParser(build_root, change)
ignored_stages = cq_config_parser.GetStagesToIgnore()
if ignored_stages and failing_stages.issubset(ignored_stages):
return (True, constants.STRATEGY_CQ_PARTIAL)
# Among the failed stages, except the stages that can be ignored, only
# HWTestStage fails, and subsystem logic has been used on all configs
# failed at HWTest, and failed subsystems of each config are unrelated to
# the current cl, we submit the cl.
if not subsys_by_config:
return (False, None)
relevant_failing_stages = failing_stages - set(ignored_stages)
if relevant_failing_stages == set(['HWTest']):
configs_failed_hwtest = set([m.builder for m in messages
if 'HWTest' in m.GetFailingStages()])
subsys_result_dicts = ([v for k, v in subsys_by_config.iteritems()
if k in configs_failed_hwtest])
if len(configs_failed_hwtest) != len(subsys_result_dicts):
logging.warning('There exists malformed config names, which results in '
'mismatch between build configs. Cannot decide '
'whether change is innocent to failures. Will not '
return (False, None)
# Empty dict indicates subsystem logic not used, make sure subsystem logic
# is used in all the configs failed at hwtest.
if all(subsys_result_dicts):
all_fail_subsys, all_pass_subsys = set(), set()
for v in subsys_result_dicts:
all_fail_subsys |= set(v.get('fail_subsystems', []))
all_pass_subsys |= set(v.get('pass_subsystems', []))
all_pass_subsys -= all_fail_subsys
cl_subsys = set(GetTestSubsystemForChange(build_root, change))
if (not cl_subsys & all_fail_subsys) and (cl_subsys <= all_pass_subsys):
return (True, constants.STRATEGY_CQ_PARTIAL_SUBSYSTEM)
return (False, None)
def GetFullyVerifiedChanges(cls, changes, changes_by_config, subsys_by_config,
failing, inflight, no_stat, messages, build_root):
"""Examines build failures and returns a set of fully verified changes.
A change is fully verified if all the build configs relevant to
this change have either passed or failed in a manner that can be
safely ignored by the change.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
changes_by_config: A dictionary of relevant changes indexed by the
config names.
subsys_by_config: A dictionary of pass/fail HWTest subsystems indexed
by the config names.
failing: Names of the builders that failed.
inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
messages: A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects from
the failed slaves.
build_root: Build root directory.
A dictionary mapping the fully verified changes to their string reasons
for submission. (Should be None or constant with name STRATEGY_* from
changes = set(changes)
no_stat = set(no_stat)
failing = set(failing)
inflight = set(inflight)
fully_verified = dict()
all_tested_changes = set()
for tested_changes in changes_by_config.itervalues():
untested_changes = changes - all_tested_changes
if untested_changes:
# Some board overlay changes were not tested by CQ at all.'These changes were not tested by any slaves, '
'so they will be submitted: %s',
fully_verified.update({c: None for c in untested_changes})
for change in all_tested_changes:
# If all relevant configs associated with a change passed, the
# change is fully verified.
relevant_configs = [k for k, v in changes_by_config.iteritems() if
change in v]
if any(x in set.union(no_stat, inflight) for x in relevant_configs):
failed_configs = [x for x in relevant_configs if x in failing]
if not failed_configs:'All the %s relevant config(s) for change %s passed, so '
'it will be submitted.', len(relevant_configs),
fully_verified.update({change: None})
# Examine the failures and see if we can safely ignore them
# for the change.
failed_messages = [x for x in messages if x.builder in failed_configs]
ignore_result = cls.CanIgnoreFailures(
failed_messages, change, build_root, subsys_by_config)
if ignore_result[0]:'All failures of relevant configs for change %s are '
'ignorable by this change, so it will be submitted.',
fully_verified.update({change: ignore_result[1]})
return fully_verified