blob: 5e5a05bccd9cdfe4fca8bf4d9aa05c0283579172 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module to manage builder statuses."""
from __future__ import print_function
import cPickle
import os
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import gs
site_config = config_lib.GetConfig()
'%s/builder-status' % site_config.params.MANIFEST_VERSIONS_GS_URL)
class BuilderStatus(object):
"""Object representing the status of a build."""
def __init__(self, status, message, dashboard_url=None):
"""Constructor for BuilderStatus.
status: Status string (should be one of BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED,
message: A failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage object with details
of builder failure. Or, None.
dashboard_url: Optional url linking to builder dashboard for this build.
self.status = status
self.message = message
self.dashboard_url = dashboard_url
# Helper methods to make checking the status object easy.
def Failed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder failed."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED
def Passed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder passed."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED
def Inflight(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder is still inflight."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_INFLIGHT
def Missing(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder is missing any status."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_MISSING
def Completed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder has completed."""
return self.status in constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES
def GetCompletedStatus(cls, success):
"""Return the appropriate status constant for a completed build.
success: Whether the build was successful or not.
if success:
return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED
return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED
def AsFlatDict(self):
"""Returns a flat json-able representation of this builder status.
A dictionary of the form {'status' : status, 'message' : message,
'dashboard_url' : dashboard_url} where all values are guaranteed
to be strings. If dashboard_url is None, the key will be excluded.
flat_dict = {'status' : str(self.status),
'message' : str(self.message),
'reason' : str(None if self.message is None
else self.message.reason)}
if self.dashboard_url is not None:
flat_dict['dashboard_url'] = str(self.dashboard_url)
return flat_dict
def AsPickledDict(self):
"""Returns a pickled dictionary representation of this builder status."""
return cPickle.dumps(dict(status=self.status, message=self.message,
class BuilderStatusManager(object):
"""Operations to manage BuilderStatus."""
def GetStatusUrl(builder, version):
"""Get the status URL in Google Storage for a given builder / version."""
return os.path.join(BUILD_STATUS_URL, version, builder)
def _UnpickleBuildStatus(pickle_string):
"""Returns a builder_status_lib.BuilderStatus obj from a pickled string."""
status_dict = cPickle.loads(pickle_string)
except (cPickle.UnpicklingError, AttributeError, EOFError,
ImportError, IndexError, TypeError) as e:
# The above exceptions are listed as possible unpickling exceptions
# by
# In addition to the exceptions listed in the doc, we've also observed
# TypeError in the wild.
logging.warning('Failed with %r to unpickle status file.', e)
return BuilderStatus(
constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED, message=None)
return BuilderStatus(**status_dict)
def GetBuilderStatus(builder, version, retries=NUM_RETRIES):
"""Returns a builder_status_lib.BuilderStatus obj for the given the builder.
builder: Builder to look at.
version: Version string.
retries: Number of retries for getting the status.
A builder_status_lib.BuilderStatus instance containing the builder status
and any optional message associated with the status passed by the builder.
If no status is found for this builder then the returned
builder_status_lib.BuilderStatus object will have status STATUS_MISSING.
url = BuilderStatusManager.GetStatusUrl(builder, version)
ctx = gs.GSContext(retries=retries)
output = ctx.Cat(url)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
return BuilderStatus(
return BuilderStatusManager._UnpickleBuildStatus(output)