blob: d1b135f7fba344b626c3f72fd6dadf1653c30517 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for tracking relevant changes (i.e. CLs) to validate."""
from __future__ import print_function
from chromite.lib import clactions
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
class RelevantChanges(object):
"""Class that quries and tracks relevant changes."""
def _GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(cls, master_build_id, db, config, changes,
"""Query CIDB to for slaves and CL actions.
master_build_id: Build id of this master build.
db: Instance of cidb.CIDBConnection.
config: Instance of config_lib.BuildConfig of this build.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
slave_buildbucket_ids: A list of buildbucket_ids (strings) of slave builds
scheduled by Buildbucket.
A tuple of (config_map, action_history), where the config_map
is a dictionary mapping build_id to config name for all slaves
in this run plus the master, and action_history is a list of all
CL actions associated with |changes|.
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
slave_list = db.GetSlaveStatuses(
master_build_id, buildbucket_ids=slave_buildbucket_ids)
# TODO(akeshet): We are getting the full action history for all changes that
# were in this CQ run. It would make more sense to only get the actions from
# build_ids of this master and its slaves.
action_history = db.GetActionsForChanges(changes)
config_map = dict()
for d in slave_list:
config_map[d['id']] = d['build_config']
# TODO(akeshet): We are giving special treatment to the CQ master, which
# makes this logic CQ specific. We only use this logic in the CQ anyway at
# the moment, but may need to reconsider if we need to generalize to other
# master-slave builds.
assert == constants.CQ_MASTER
config_map[master_build_id] = constants.CQ_MASTER
return config_map, action_history
def GetRelevantChangesForSlaves(cls, master_build_id, db, config, changes,
no_stat, slave_buildbucket_ids):
"""Compile a set of relevant changes for each slave.
master_build_id: Build id of this master build.
db: Instance of cidb.CIDBConnection.
config: Instance of config_lib.BuildConfig of this build.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
slave_buildbucket_ids: A list of buildbucket_ids (strings) of slave builds
scheduled by Buildbucket.
A dictionary mapping a slave config name to a set of relevant changes
(as GerritPatch instances).
# Retrieve the slaves and clactions from CIDB.
config_map, action_history = cls._GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(
master_build_id, db, config, changes, slave_buildbucket_ids)
changes_by_build_id = clactions.GetRelevantChangesForBuilds(
changes, action_history, config_map.keys())
# Convert index from build_ids to config names.
changes_by_config = dict()
for k, v in changes_by_build_id.iteritems():
changes_by_config[config_map[k]] = v
for config in no_stat:
# If a slave is in |no_stat|, it means that the slave never
# finished applying the changes in the sync stage. Hence the CL
# pickup actions for this slave may be
# inaccurate. Conservatively assume all changes are relevant.
changes_by_config[config] = set(changes)
return changes_by_config
def GetSubsysResultForSlaves(cls, master_build_id, db):
"""Get the pass/fail HWTest subsystems results for each slave.
A dictionary mapping a slave config name to a dictionary of the pass/fail
subsystems. E.g.
{'foo-paladin': {'pass_subsystems':{'A', 'B'},
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
slave_msgs = db.GetSlaveBuildMessages(master_build_id)
slave_subsys_msgs = ([m for m in slave_msgs
if m['message_type'] == constants.SUBSYSTEMS])
subsys_by_config = dict()
group_msg_by_config = cros_build_lib.GroupByKey(slave_subsys_msgs,
for config, dict_list in group_msg_by_config.iteritems():
d = subsys_by_config.setdefault(config, {})
subsys_groups = cros_build_lib.GroupByKey(dict_list, 'message_subtype')
for k, v in subsys_groups.iteritems():
if k == constants.SUBSYSTEM_PASS:
d['pass_subsystems'] = set([x['message_value'] for x in v])
if k == constants.SUBSYSTEM_FAIL:
d['fail_subsystems'] = set([x['message_value'] for x in v])
# If message_subtype==subsystem_unused, keep d as an empty dict.
return subsys_by_config