blob: bb4aa107d25a7cff60e014eae9cd14d09a5ba00e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing stages that generate and/or archive artifacts."""
from __future__ import print_function
import glob
import itertools
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
from chromite.cbuildbot import commands
from chromite.cbuildbot import failures_lib
from chromite.cbuildbot import cbuildbot_config
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.cbuildbot import prebuilts
from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import generic_stages
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.scripts import cros_generate_breakpad_symbols
class NothingToArchiveException(Exception):
"""Thrown if ArchiveStage found nothing to archive."""
def __init__(self, message='No images found to archive.'):
super(NothingToArchiveException, self).__init__(message)
class ArchiveStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage,
"""Archives build and test artifacts for developer consumption.
release_tag: The release tag. E.g. 2981.0.0
version: The full version string, including the milestone.
E.g. R26-2981.0.0-b123
option_name = 'archive'
config_name = 'archive'
# This stage is intended to run in the background, in parallel with tests.
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, chrome_version=None, **kwargs):
super(ArchiveStage, self).__init__(builder_run, board, **kwargs)
self.chrome_version = chrome_version
# TODO(mtennant): Places that use this release_tag attribute should
# move to use self._run.attrs.release_tag directly.
self.release_tag = getattr(self._run.attrs, 'release_tag', None)
self._recovery_image_status_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self._release_upload_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self._upload_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self.artifacts = []
def WaitForRecoveryImage(self):
"""Wait until artifacts needed by SignerTest stage are created.
True if artifacts created successfully.
False otherwise.
cros_build_lib.Info('Waiting for recovery image...')
status = self._recovery_image_status_queue.get()
# Put the status back so other SignerTestStage instances don't starve.
return status
def SingleMatchGlob(path_pattern):
"""Returns the last match (after sort) if multiple found."""
files = glob.glob(path_pattern)
if not files:
raise NothingToArchiveException('No %s found!' % path_pattern)
elif len(files) > 1:
cros_build_lib.Warning('Expecting one result for %s package, but '
'found multiple.', path_pattern)
return files[-1]
def ArchiveStrippedChrome(self):
"""Generate and upload stripped Chrome package."""
# If chrome is not installed, skip archiving.
chroot_path = os.path.join(self._build_root, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR)
board_path = os.path.join(chroot_path, 'build', self._current_board)
if not portage_util.IsPackageInstalled(constants.CHROME_CP,
cmd = ['strip_package', '--board', self._current_board,
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=self._build_root, enter_chroot=True)
pkg_dir = os.path.join(
self._build_root, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR, 'build',
self._current_board, 'stripped-packages')
chrome_tarball = self.SingleMatchGlob(
os.path.join(pkg_dir, constants.CHROME_CP) + '-*')
filename = os.path.basename(chrome_tarball), os.path.join(self.archive_path, filename))
def BuildAndArchiveDeltaSysroot(self):
"""Generate and upload delta sysroot for initial build_packages."""
extra_env = {}
if self._run.config.useflags:
extra_env['USE'] = ' '.join(self._run.config.useflags)
in_chroot_path = git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(self.archive_path)
cmd = ['generate_delta_sysroot', '--out-dir', in_chroot_path,
'--board', self._current_board]
# TODO(mtennant): Make this condition into one run param.
if not self._run.config.build_tests or not self._run.options.tests:
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=self._build_root, enter_chroot=True,
def LoadArtifactsList(self, board, image_dir):
"""Load the list of artifacts to upload for this board.
It attempts to load a JSON file, scripts/artifacts.json, from the
overlay directories for this board. This file specifies the artifacts
to generate, if it can't be found, it will use a default set that
uploads every .bin file as a .tar.xz file except for
See BuildStandaloneArchive in for format docs.
custom_artifacts_file = portage_util.ReadOverlayFile(
'scripts/artifacts.json', board=board)
artifacts = None
if custom_artifacts_file is not None:
json_file = json.loads(custom_artifacts_file)
artifacts = json_file.get('artifacts')
if artifacts is None:
artifacts = []
for image_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir, '*.bin')):
basename = os.path.basename(image_file)
if basename != constants.VM_IMAGE_BIN:
info = {'input': [basename], 'archive': 'tar', 'compress': 'xz'}
for artifact in artifacts:
# Resolve the (possible) globs in the input list, and store
# the actual set of files to use in 'paths'
paths = []
for s in artifact['input']:
glob_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir, s))
if not glob_paths:
logging.warning('No artifacts generated for input: %s', s)
for path in glob_paths:
paths.append(os.path.relpath(path, image_dir))
artifact['paths'] = paths
self.artifacts = artifacts
def IsArchivedFile(self, filename):
"""Return True if filename is the name of a file being archived."""
for artifact in self.artifacts:
for path in itertools.chain(artifact['paths'], artifact['input']):
if os.path.basename(path) == filename:
return True
return False
def PerformStage(self):
buildroot = self._build_root
config = self._run.config
board = self._current_board
debug = self._run.debug
upload_url = self.upload_url
archive_path = self.archive_path
image_dir = self.GetImageDirSymlink()
extra_env = {}
if config['useflags']:
extra_env['USE'] = ' '.join(config['useflags'])
if not archive_path:
raise NothingToArchiveException()
# The following functions are run in parallel (except where indicated
# otherwise)
# \- BuildAndArchiveArtifacts
# \- ArchiveReleaseArtifacts
# \- ArchiveFirmwareImages
# \- BuildAndArchiveAllImages
# (builds recovery image first, then launches functions below)
# \- BuildAndArchiveFactoryImages
# \- ArchiveStandaloneArtifacts
# \- ArchiveStandaloneArtifact
# \- ArchiveZipFiles
# \- ArchiveHWQual
# \- PushImage (blocks on BuildAndArchiveAllImages)
# \- ArchiveManifest
# \- ArchiveStrippedChrome
# \- ArchiveImageScripts
def ArchiveManifest():
"""Create manifest.xml snapshot of the built code."""
output_manifest = os.path.join(archive_path, 'manifest.xml')
cmd = ['repo', 'manifest', '-r', '-o', output_manifest]
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=buildroot, capture_output=True)
def BuildAndArchiveFactoryImages():
"""Build and archive the factory zip file.
The factory zip file consists of the factory toolkit and the factory
install image. Both are built here.
# Build factory install image and create a symlink to it.
factory_install_symlink = None
if 'factory_install' in config['images']:
alias = commands.BuildFactoryInstallImage(buildroot, board, extra_env)
factory_install_symlink = self.GetImageDirSymlink(alias)
if config['factory_install_netboot']:
commands.MakeNetboot(buildroot, board, factory_install_symlink)
# Build the factory toolkit.
chroot_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR)
chroot_tmp_dir = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'tmp')
with osutils.TempDir(base_dir=chroot_tmp_dir, sudo_rm=True) as tempdir:
# Build the factory toolkit.
if config['factory_toolkit']:
toolkit_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'factory_toolkit')
buildroot, board, toolkit_dir, self._run.attrs.release_tag)
# Build and upload factory zip if needed.
if factory_install_symlink or config['factory_toolkit']:
filename = commands.BuildFactoryZip(
buildroot, board, archive_path, factory_install_symlink,
toolkit_dir, self._run.attrs.release_tag)
def ArchiveStandaloneArtifact(artifact_info):
"""Build and upload a single archive."""
if artifact_info['paths']:
for path in commands.BuildStandaloneArchive(archive_path, image_dir,
def ArchiveStandaloneArtifacts():
"""Build and upload standalone archives for each image."""
if config['upload_standalone_images']:
[[x] for x in self.artifacts])
def ArchiveZipFiles():
"""Build and archive zip files.
This includes:
- (all images in one big zip file)
- the used for update payload generation.
# Zip up everything in the image directory.
image_zip = commands.BuildImageZip(archive_path, image_dir)
# Archive
filename = ''
shutil.copy(os.path.join(image_dir, filename), archive_path)
def ArchiveHWQual():
"""Build and archive the HWQual images."""
# TODO(petermayo): This logic needs to be exported from the BuildTargets
# stage rather than copied/re-evaluated here.
# TODO(mtennant): Make this autotest_built concept into a run param.
autotest_built = (config['build_tests'] and self._run.options.tests and
if config['hwqual'] and autotest_built:
# Build the full autotest tarball for hwqual image. We don't upload it,
# as it's fairly large and only needed by the hwqual tarball.
cros_build_lib.Info('Archiving full autotest tarball locally ...')
tarball = commands.BuildFullAutotestTarball(self._build_root,
commands.ArchiveFile(tarball, archive_path)
# Build hwqual image and upload to Google Storage.
hwqual_name = 'chromeos-hwqual-%s-%s' % (board, self.version)
filename = commands.ArchiveHWQual(buildroot, hwqual_name, archive_path,
def ArchiveFirmwareImages():
"""Archive firmware images built from source if available."""
archive = commands.BuildFirmwareArchive(buildroot, board, archive_path)
if archive:
def BuildAndArchiveAllImages():
# Generate the recovery image. To conserve loop devices, we try to only
# run one instance of build_image at a time. TODO(davidjames): Move the
# image generation out of the archive stage.
self.LoadArtifactsList(self._current_board, image_dir)
# For recovery image to be generated correctly, BuildRecoveryImage must
# run before BuildAndArchiveFactoryImages.
if self.IsArchivedFile(constants.BASE_IMAGE_BIN):
commands.BuildRecoveryImage(buildroot, board, image_dir, extra_env)
# Re-generate the artifacts list so we include the newly created
# recovery image.
self.LoadArtifactsList(self._current_board, image_dir)
if config['images']:
def ArchiveImageScripts():
"""Archive tarball of generated image manipulation scripts."""
target = os.path.join(archive_path, constants.IMAGE_SCRIPTS_TAR)
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir, '*.sh'))
files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in files]
cros_build_lib.CreateTarball(target, image_dir, inputs=files)
def PushImage():
# This helper script is only available on internal manifests currently.
if not config['internal']:
self.GetParallel('debug_tarball_generated', pretty_name='debug tarball')
# Now that all data has been generated, we can upload the final result to
# the image server.
# TODO: When we support branches fully, the friendly name of the branch
# needs to be used with PushImages
sign_types = []
if config['name'].endswith('-%s' % cbuildbot_config.CONFIG_TYPE_FIRMWARE):
sign_types += ['firmware']
urls = commands.PushImages(
dryrun=debug or not config['push_image'],
profile=self._run.options.profile or config['profile'],
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('instruction_urls_per_channel', urls)
def ArchiveReleaseArtifacts():
with self.ArtifactUploader(self._release_upload_queue, archive=False):
steps = [BuildAndArchiveAllImages, ArchiveFirmwareImages]
def BuildAndArchiveArtifacts():
# Run archiving steps in parallel.
steps = [ArchiveReleaseArtifacts, ArchiveManifest]
if config['images']:
steps.extend([self.ArchiveStrippedChrome, ArchiveImageScripts])
if config['create_delta_sysroot']:
with self.ArtifactUploader(self._upload_queue, archive=False):
if not self._run.config.afdo_generate_min:
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
# Tell the HWTestStage not to wait for artifacts to be uploaded
# in case ArchiveStage throws an exception.
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('instruction_urls_per_channel', None)
return super(ArchiveStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
class CPEExportStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage,
"""Handles generation & upload of package CPE information."""
config_name = 'cpe_export'
def PerformStage(self):
"""Generate debug symbols and upload debug.tgz."""
buildroot = self._build_root
board = self._current_board
useflags = self._run.config.useflags'Generating CPE export.')
result = commands.GenerateCPEExport(buildroot, board, useflags)'Writing CPE export to files for archive.')
warnings_filename = os.path.join(self.archive_path,
'cpe-warnings-chromeos-%s.txt' % board)
results_filename = os.path.join(self.archive_path,
'cpe-chromeos-%s.json' % board)
osutils.WriteFile(warnings_filename, result.error)
osutils.WriteFile(results_filename, result.output)'Uploading CPE files.')
self.UploadArtifact(os.path.basename(warnings_filename), archive=False)
self.UploadArtifact(os.path.basename(results_filename), archive=False)
class DebugSymbolsStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage,
"""Handles generation & upload of debug symbols."""
config_name = 'debug_symbols'
def PerformStage(self):
"""Generate debug symbols and upload debug.tgz."""
buildroot = self._build_root
board = self._current_board
commands.GenerateBreakpadSymbols(buildroot, board, self._run.debug)
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('breakpad_symbols_generated', True)
steps = [self.UploadDebugTarball]
failed_list = os.path.join(self.archive_path, 'failed_upload_symbols.list')
if self._run.config.upload_symbols:
steps.append(lambda: self.UploadSymbols(buildroot, board, failed_list))
def UploadDebugTarball(self):
"""Generate and upload the debug tarball."""
filename = commands.GenerateDebugTarball(
self._build_root, self._current_board, self.archive_path,
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
# TODO(yjhong): Remove this after is fixed.
debug_root = cros_build_lib.FromChrootPath(
logging.warning('Failed to generate the debug tarball. Listing the '
'files in %s:', debug_root)
for subpath in [os.path.join('bin'),
os.path.join('usr', 'bin'),
os.path.join('usr', 'sbin')]:
os.path.join(debug_root, subpath),
recursive=True, to_string=True))
self.UploadArtifact(filename, archive=False)
cros_build_lib.Info('Announcing availability of debug tarball now.')
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('debug_tarball_generated', True)
def UploadSymbols(self, buildroot, board, failed_list):
"""Upload generated debug symbols."""
if self._run.options.remote_trybot or self._run.debug:
# For debug builds, limit ourselves to just uploading 1 symbol.
# This way trybots and such still exercise this code.
cnt = 1
official = False
cnt = None
official = self._run.config.chromeos_official
commands.UploadSymbols(buildroot, board, official, cnt, failed_list)
if os.path.exists(failed_list):
self.UploadArtifact(os.path.basename(failed_list), archive=False)
def _SymbolsNotGenerated(self):
"""Tell other stages that our symbols were not generated."""
self.board_runattrs.SetParallelDefault('breakpad_symbols_generated', False)
self.board_runattrs.SetParallelDefault('debug_tarball_generated', False)
def HandleSkip(self):
"""Tell other stages to not wait on us if we are skipped."""
return super(DebugSymbolsStage, self).HandleSkip()
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
"""Tell other stages to not wait on us if we die for some reason."""
return super(DebugSymbolsStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
class MasterUploadPrebuiltsStage(generic_stages.BuilderStage):
"""Syncs prebuilt binhost files across slaves."""
# TODO(mtennant): This class represents logic spun out from
# UploadPrebuiltsStage that is specific to a master builder. This is
# currently used by the Commit Queue and the Master PFQ builder, but
# could be used by other master builders that upload prebuilts,
# e.g., x86-alex-pre-flight-branch. When completed the
# UploadPrebuiltsStage code can be thinned significantly.
option_name = 'prebuilts'
config_name = 'prebuilts'
def _GenerateCommonArgs(self):
"""Generate common prebuilt arguments."""
generated_args = []
if self._run.options.debug:
generated_args.extend(['--debug', '--dry-run'])
profile = self._run.options.profile or self._run.config['profile']
if profile:
generated_args.extend(['--profile', profile])
# Generate the version if we are a manifest_version build.
if self._run.config.manifest_version:
version = self._run.GetVersion()
generated_args.extend(['--set-version', version])
return generated_args
def _AddOptionsForSlave(slave_config):
"""Private helper method to add upload_prebuilts args for a slave builder.
slave_config: The build config of a slave builder.
An array of options to add to upload_prebuilts array that allow a master
to submit prebuilt conf modifications on behalf of a slave.
args = []
if slave_config['prebuilts']:
for slave_board in slave_config['boards']:
args.extend(['--slave-board', slave_board])
slave_profile = slave_config['profile']
if slave_profile:
args.extend(['--slave-profile', slave_profile])
return args
def PerformStage(self):
"""Syncs prebuilt binhosts for slave builders."""
# Common args we generate for all types of builds.
generated_args = self._GenerateCommonArgs()
# Args we specifically add for public/private build types.
public_args, private_args = [], []
# Gather public/private (slave) builders.
public_builders, private_builders = [], []
# Distributed builders that use manifest-versions to sync with one another
# share prebuilt logic by passing around versions.
assert cbuildbot_config.IsPFQType(self._prebuilt_type)
# Public pfqs should upload host preflight prebuilts.
# Update all the binhost conf files.
for slave_config in self._GetSlaveConfigs():
if slave_config['prebuilts'] == constants.PUBLIC:
elif slave_config['prebuilts'] == constants.PRIVATE:
# Upload the public prebuilts, if any.
if public_builders:
category=self._prebuilt_type, chrome_rev=self._chrome_rev,
private_bucket=False, buildroot=self._build_root, board=None,
extra_args=generated_args + public_args)
# Upload the private prebuilts, if any.
if private_builders:
category=self._prebuilt_type, chrome_rev=self._chrome_rev,
private_bucket=True, buildroot=self._build_root, board=None,
extra_args=generated_args + private_args)
class UploadPrebuiltsStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage):
"""Uploads binaries generated by this build for developer use."""
option_name = 'prebuilts'
config_name = 'prebuilts'
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, **kwargs):
super(UploadPrebuiltsStage, self).__init__(builder_run, board, **kwargs)
def GenerateCommonArgs(self):
"""Generate common prebuilt arguments."""
generated_args = []
if self._run.options.debug:
generated_args.extend(['--debug', '--dry-run'])
profile = self._run.options.profile or self._run.config.profile
if profile:
generated_args.extend(['--profile', profile])
# Generate the version if we are a manifest_version build.
if self._run.config.manifest_version:
version = self._run.GetVersion()
generated_args.extend(['--set-version', version])
if self._run.config.git_sync:
# Git sync should never be set for pfq type builds.
assert not cbuildbot_config.IsPFQType(self._prebuilt_type)
return generated_args
def _AddOptionsForSlave(cls, slave_config, board):
"""Private helper method to add upload_prebuilts args for a slave builder.
slave_config: The build config of a slave builder.
board: The name of the "master" board on the master builder.
An array of options to add to upload_prebuilts array that allow a master
to submit prebuilt conf modifications on behalf of a slave.
args = []
if slave_config['prebuilts']:
for slave_board in slave_config['boards']:
if slave_config['master'] and slave_board == board:
# Ignore self.
args.extend(['--slave-board', slave_board])
slave_profile = slave_config['profile']
if slave_profile:
args.extend(['--slave-profile', slave_profile])
return args
def PerformStage(self):
"""Uploads prebuilts for master and slave builders."""
prebuilt_type = self._prebuilt_type
board = self._current_board
binhosts = []
# Whether we publish public or private prebuilts.
public = self._run.config.prebuilts == constants.PUBLIC
# Common args we generate for all types of builds.
generated_args = self.GenerateCommonArgs()
# Args we specifically add for public/private build types.
public_args, private_args = [], []
# Public / private builders.
public_builders, private_builders = [], []
# Distributed builders that use manifest-versions to sync with one another
# share prebuilt logic by passing around versions.
if cbuildbot_config.IsPFQType(prebuilt_type):
# Public pfqs should upload host preflight prebuilts.
if prebuilt_type != constants.CHROME_PFQ_TYPE:
# Deduplicate against previous binhosts.
binhosts.extend(self._GetPortageEnvVar(_PORTAGE_BINHOST, board).split())
binhosts.extend(self._GetPortageEnvVar(_PORTAGE_BINHOST, None).split())
for binhost in filter(None, binhosts):
generated_args.extend(['--previous-binhost-url', binhost])
if self._run.config.master and board == self._boards[-1]:
# The master builder updates all the binhost conf files, and needs to do
# so only once so as to ensure it doesn't try to update the same file
# more than once. As multiple boards can be built on the same builder,
# we arbitrarily decided to update the binhost conf files when we run
# upload_prebuilts for the last board. The other boards are treated as
# slave boards.
for c in self._GetSlaveConfigs():
if c['prebuilts'] == constants.PUBLIC:
public_args.extend(self._AddOptionsForSlave(c, board))
elif c['prebuilts'] == constants.PRIVATE:
private_args.extend(self._AddOptionsForSlave(c, board))
# Upload the public prebuilts, if any.
if public_builders or public:
public_board = board if public else None
category=prebuilt_type, chrome_rev=self._chrome_rev,
private_bucket=False, buildroot=self._build_root,
board=public_board, extra_args=generated_args + public_args)
# Upload the private prebuilts, if any.
if private_builders or not public:
private_board = board if not public else None
category=prebuilt_type, chrome_rev=self._chrome_rev,
private_bucket=True, buildroot=self._build_root, board=private_board,
extra_args=generated_args + private_args)
class DevInstallerPrebuiltsStage(UploadPrebuiltsStage):
"""Stage that uploads DevInstaller prebuilts."""
config_name = 'dev_installer_prebuilts'
def PerformStage(self):
generated_args = generated_args = self.GenerateCommonArgs()
class UploadTestArtifactsStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage,
"""Upload needed hardware test artifacts."""
def BuildAutotestTarballs(self):
"""Build the autotest tarballs."""
with osutils.TempDir(prefix='cbuildbot-autotest') as tempdir:
with self.ArtifactUploader(strict=True) as queue:
cwd = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(self._build_root, 'chroot', 'build',
self._current_board, constants.AUTOTEST_BUILD_PATH,
control_files_tarball = commands.BuildAutotestControlFilesTarball(
self._build_root, cwd, tempdir)
packages_tarball = commands.BuildAutotestPackagesTarball(
self._build_root, cwd, tempdir)
# Tar up the test suites.
test_suites_tarball = commands.BuildAutotestTestSuitesTarball(
self._build_root, cwd, tempdir)
# Build the server side package.
server_tarball = commands.BuildAutotestServerPackageTarball(
self._build_root, cwd, tempdir)
def _GeneratePayloads(self, image_name, **kwargs):
"""Generate and upload payloads for |image_name|.
image_name: The image to use.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to commands.GeneratePayloads.
with osutils.TempDir(prefix='cbuildbot-payloads') as tempdir:
with self.ArtifactUploader() as queue:
image_path = os.path.join(self.GetImageDirSymlink(), image_name)
commands.GeneratePayloads(self._build_root, image_path, tempdir,
for payload in os.listdir(tempdir):
queue.put([os.path.join(tempdir, payload)])
def BuildUpdatePayloads(self):
"""Archives update payloads when they are ready."""
got_images = self.GetParallel('images_generated', pretty_name='images')
if not got_images:
if 'test' in self._run.config.images:
image_name = 'chromiumos_test_image.bin'
elif 'dev' in self._run.config.images:
image_name = 'chromiumos_image.bin'
image_name = 'chromiumos_base_image.bin''Generating payloads to upload for %s', image_name)
self._GeneratePayloads(image_name, full=True, stateful=True)
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('payloads_generated', True)
self._GeneratePayloads(image_name, delta=True)
def PerformStage(self):
"""Upload any needed HWTest artifacts."""
steps = []
if (self._run.ShouldBuildAutotest() and
if self._run.config.upload_hw_test_artifacts:
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
# Tell the HWTestStage not to wait for payloads to be uploaded
# in case UploadHWTestArtifacts throws an exception.
self.board_runattrs.SetParallelDefault('payloads_generated', False)
return super(UploadTestArtifactsStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
# TODO(mtennant): This class continues to exist only for subclasses that still
# need self.archive_stage. Hopefully, we can get rid of that need, eventually.
class ArchivingStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage,
"""Helper for stages that archive files.
See ArchivingStageMixin for functionality.
archive_stage: The ArchiveStage instance for this board.
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, archive_stage, **kwargs):
super(ArchivingStage, self).__init__(builder_run, board, **kwargs)
self.archive_stage = archive_stage