blob: 8b7ffc48adf48e3bc2c0eabcf7b579f1c9b56270 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Deps analysis service."""
from __future__ import print_function
import fileinput
import os
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.scripts import cros_extract_deps
def NormalizeSourcePaths(source_paths):
"""Return the "normalized" form of a list of source paths.
Normalizing includes sorting the source paths in alphabetical order and remove
paths that are sub-path of others in the source paths.
for i, p in enumerate(source_paths):
source_paths[i] = os.path.abspath(p)
results = []
for i, path in enumerate(source_paths):
is_subpath_of_other = False
for j, other in enumerate(source_paths):
if j != i and osutils.IsSubPath(path, other):
is_subpath_of_other = True
if not is_subpath_of_other:
return results
def GenerateSourcePathMapping(board, board_dependency_packages):
"""Returns a map from each package to the source paths it depends on.
A source path is considered dependency of a package if modifying files in that
path might change the content of the resulting package.
1) This method errs on the side of returning unneeded dependent paths.
i.e: for a given package X, some of its dependency source paths may
contain files which doesn't affect the content of X.
On the other hands, any missing dependency source paths for package X is
considered a bug.
2) This only outputs the direct dependency source paths for a given package
and does not takes include the dependency source paths of dependency
e.g: if package A depends on B (DEPEND=B), then results of computing
dependency source paths of A doesn't include dependency source paths
of B.
board (str): The name of the board whose artifacts are being created.
board_dependency_packages: The list of packages names (str) required for
building the board.
Map from each package to the source path (relative to the repo checkout
root, i.e: ~/trunk/ in your cros_sdk) it depends on.
# For every package, there are 3 sources of direct dependencies source paths:
# 1) The directory of the ebuild file.
# 2) The cros workon source dirs (for cros_workon package)
# 3) The paths to all eclasses files the ebuild inherits from (if any).
results = {}
packages_to_ebuild_paths = portage_util.FindEbuildsForPackages(
board_dependency_packages, sysroot=cros_build_lib.GetSysroot(board))
# 1) Add the directory of ebuild files.
for package, ebuild_path in packages_to_ebuild_paths.iteritems():
results[package] = [
# 2) The cros workon source paths
buildroot = os.path.join(constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT, 'src')
manifest = git.ManifestCheckout.Cached(buildroot)
for package, ebuild_path in packages_to_ebuild_paths.iteritems():
is_workon, _, is_blacklisted, _ = portage_util.EBuild.Classify(ebuild_path)
if (not is_workon or
# Blacklisted ebuild is pinned to a specific git sha1, so change in
# that repo matter to the ebuild.
ebuild = portage_util.EBuild(ebuild_path)
workon_subtrees = ebuild.GetSourceInfo(buildroot, manifest).subtrees
for path in workon_subtrees:
os.path.relpath(path, constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT))
# 3) The eclasses which ebuilds inherits from.
# For now, we just include all the whole eclass directory.
# TODO( for each package, expand the enalysis to output
# only the path to eclass files which the packakge depends on.
_ECLASS_DIRS = [os.path.join(constants.CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_DIR, 'eclass')]
for package, ebuild_path in packages_to_ebuild_paths.iteritems():
use_inherit = False
for line in fileinput.input(ebuild_path):
if line.startswith('inherit '):
use_inherit = True
if use_inherit:
for p in results:
results[p] = NormalizeSourcePaths(results[p])
return results
def GenerateDepsGraphForBoard(board):
"""Return the portage build dependency map for |board|."""
deps_graph = {}
non_board_specific_package = ['virtual/target-sdk', 'chromeos-base/chromite']
board_specific_packages = ['virtual/target-os', 'virtual/target-os-dev',
# Since we don’t have a clear mapping from autotests to git repos
# and/or portage packages, we assume every board run all autotests.
board_specific_packages += ['chromeos-base/autotest-all']
return deps_graph
except SystemExit:
raise RuntimeError('Error extracting portage deps')
def GetBuildDependency(board):
"""Return the build dependency and package -> source path map for |board|.
board (str): The name of the board whose artifacts are being created.
JSON build dependencies report for the given board which includes:
- Package level deps graph from portage
- Map from each package to the source path
(relative to the repo checkout root, i.e: ~/trunk/ in your cros_sdk) it
depends on
results = {}
results['target_board'] = board
results['package_deps'] = GenerateDepsGraphForBoard(board)
board_dependency_packages = set()
for package_deps in results['package_deps'].values():
package_name = package_deps['category'] + '/' + package_deps['name']
results['source_path_mapping'] = GenerateSourcePathMapping(
board, board_dependency_packages)
return results