blob: 835adb15fabc5c8ff50a6e1251c8282a973520a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for integration VM tests for CLI commands.
This module contains the basic functionalities for setting up a VM and testing
the CLI commands.
from __future__ import print_function
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import remote_access
from chromite.lib import vm
class Error(Exception):
"""Base exception for CLI command VM tests."""
class SetupError(Error):
"""Raised when error occurs during test environment setup."""
class TestError(Error):
"""Raised when a command test has failed."""
class CommandError(Error):
"""Raised when error occurs during a command test."""
def _PrintCommandLog(command, content):
"""Print out the log |content| for |command|."""
if content:'\n----------- Start of %s log -----------\n%s\n'
'----------- End of %s log -----------',
command, content.rstrip(), command)
def TestCommandDecorator(command_name):
"""Decorator that runs the command test function."""
def Decorator(test_function):
"""Inner decorator that actually wraps the function."""
def Wrapper(command_test):
"""Wrapper for the test function."""
command = cros_build_lib.CmdToStr(command_test.BuildCommand(command_name))'Running test for %s.', command)
test_function(command_test)'Test for %s passed.', command)
except CommandError as e:
_PrintCommandLog(command, str(e))
raise TestError('Test for %s failed.' % command)
return Wrapper
return Decorator
class CommandVMTest(object):
"""Base class for CLI command VM tests.
This class provides the abstract interface for testing CLI commands on a VM.
The sub-class must define the BuildCommand method in order to be usable. And
the test functions must use the TestCommandDecorator decorator.
def __init__(self, board, image_path):
"""Initializes CommandVMTest.
board: Board for the VM to run tests.
image_path: Path to the image for the VM to run tests.
self.board = board
self.image_path = image_path
self.working_image_path = None
self.vm = None
def BuildCommand(self, command, device=None, pos_args=None, opt_args=None):
"""Builds a CLI command.
command: The sub-command to build on (e.g. 'flash', 'deploy').
device: The device's address for the command.
pos_args: A list of positional arguments for the command.
opt_args: A list of optional arguments for the command.
raise NotImplementedError()
def SetUp(self):
"""Creates and starts the VM instance for testing."""
try:'Setting up the VM for testing.')
self.working_image_path = vm.CreateVMImage(
image=self.image_path, board=self.board, updatable=True)
self.vm = vm.VMInstance(self.working_image_path)
self.vm.Start()'The VM has been successfully set up. Ready to run tests.')
except vm.VMError as e:
raise SetupError('Failed to set up the VM for testing: %s' % e)
def TearDown(self):
"""Stops the VM instance after testing."""
try:'Stopping the VM.')
if self.vm:
self.vm.Stop()'The VM has been stopped.')
except vm.VMStopError as e:
logging.warning('Failed to stop the VM: %s', e)
def TestDevices(self):
"""Tests the devices command."""'Test to use devices command to set a user-friendly alias '
'name for the VM device.')
alias = 'vm_device'
cmd = self.BuildCommand('devices', device=self.vm.device_addr,
pos_args=['alias', alias])
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to set an alias for the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)
# Verify that the alias is set correctly.
with remote_access.ChromiumOSDeviceHandler(
remote_access.LOCALHOST, port=self.vm.port) as device:
if device.alias != alias:
logging.error('VM alias is "%s", which is not expected.', device.alias)
raise CommandError()
def TestShell(self):
"""Tests the shell command."""
# The path and content of a temporary file for testing shell command.
path = '/tmp/shell-test'
content = 'shell command test file'
cmd = self.BuildCommand('shell', device=self.vm.device_addr,
opt_args=['--no-known-hosts'])'Test to use shell command to write a file to the VM device.')
write_cmd = cmd + ['--', 'echo "%s" > %s' % (content, path)]
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(write_cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to write the file to the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)'Test to use shell command to read a file on the VM device.')
read_cmd = cmd + ['--', 'cat %s' % path]
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(read_cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode or result.output.rstrip() != content:
logging.error('Failed to read the file on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)'Test to use shell command to remove a file on the VM device.')
remove_cmd = cmd + ['--', 'rm %s' % path]
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(remove_cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to remove the file on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)
def TestDebug(self):
"""Tests the debug command."""'Test to start and debug a new process on the VM device.')
exe_path = '/bin/bash'
start_cmd = self.BuildCommand('debug', device=self.vm.device_addr,
opt_args=['--exe', exe_path])
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(start_cmd, capture_output=True,
error_code_ok=True, input='\n')
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to start and debug a new process on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)'Test to attach a running process on the VM device.')
with remote_access.ChromiumOSDeviceHandler(
remote_access.LOCALHOST, port=self.vm.port) as device:
exe = 'update_engine'
pids = device.GetRunningPids(exe, full_path=False)
if not pids:
logging.error('Failed to find any running process to debug.')
raise CommandError()
pid = pids[0]
attach_cmd = self.BuildCommand('debug', device=self.vm.device_addr,
opt_args=['--pid', str(pid)])
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(attach_cmd, capture_output=True,
error_code_ok=True, input='\n')
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to attach a running process on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)
def TestFlash(self):
"""Tests the flash command."""
# We explicitly disable reboot after the update because VMs sometimes do
# not come back after reboot. The flash command does not need to verify
# the integrity of the updated image. We have AU tests for that.
cmd = self.BuildCommand('flash', device=self.vm.device_addr,
opt_args=['--no-wipe', '--no-reboot'])'Test to flash the VM device with the latest image.')
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to flash the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)
def TestDeploy(self):
"""Tests the deploy command."""
packages = ['dev-python/cherrypy', 'app-portage/portage-utils']
# Set the installation root to /usr/local so that the command does not
# attempt to remount rootfs (which leads to VM reboot).
cmd = self.BuildCommand('deploy', device=self.vm.device_addr,
pos_args=packages, opt_args=['--root=/usr/local'])'Test to uninstall packages on the VM device.')
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd + ['--unmerge'],
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to uninstall packages on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)'Test to install packages on the VM device.')
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True,
if result.returncode:
logging.error('Failed to install packages on the VM device.')
raise CommandError(result.error)
# Verify that the packages are installed.
with remote_access.ChromiumOSDeviceHandler(
remote_access.LOCALHOST, port=self.vm.port) as device:
device.RunCommand(['python', '-c', '"import cherrypy"'])
device.RunCommand(['qmerge', '-h'])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
logging.error('Unable to verify packages installed on VM: %s', e)
raise CommandError()
def RunTests(self):
"""Calls the test functions."""
def Run(self):
"""Runs the tests."""
self.RunTests()'All tests completed successfully.')