blob: 72b7fe172165e0acbc0fb7d071e36c3a8dc7ace3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that handles the processing of patches to the source tree."""
import constants
import glob
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib as cros_lib
# The prefix of the temporary directory created to store local patches.
_TRYBOT_TEMP_PREFIX = 'trybot_patch-'
class PatchException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown by GetGerritPatchInfo."""
class ApplyPatchException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown if we fail to apply a patch."""
def __init__(self, patch):
super(ApplyPatchException, self).__init__()
self.patch = patch
def __str__(self):
return 'Failed to apply patch ' + str(self.patch)
class Patch(object):
"""Abstract class representing a Git Patch."""
def __init__(self, project, tracking_branch):
"""Initialization of abstract Patch class.
project: The name of the project that the patch applies to.
tracking_branch: The remote branch of the project the patch applies to.
self.project = project
self.tracking_branch = tracking_branch
def Apply(self, buildroot, trivial):
"""Applies the patch to specified buildroot. Implement in subclasses.
buildroot: The buildroot.
trivial: Only allow trivial merges when applying change.
raise NotImplementedError('Applies the patch to specified buildroot.')
class GerritPatch(Patch):
"""Object that represents a Gerrit CL."""
_PUBLIC_URL = os.path.join(constants.GERRIT_HTTP_URL, 'gerrit/p')
def __init__(self, patch_dict, internal):
"""Construct a GerritPatch object from Gerrit query results.
patch_dict: A dictionary containing the parsed JSON gerrit query results.
internal: Whether the CL is an internal CL.
Patch.__init__(self, patch_dict['project'], patch_dict['branch'])
self.internal = internal
# id - The CL's ChangeId = patch_dict['id']
# ref - The remote ref that contains the patch.
self.ref = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['ref']
# revision - The CL's SHA1 hash.
self.revision = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['revision']
self.patch_number = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['number']
self.commit = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['revision']
self.owner, _, _ = patch_dict['owner']['email'].partition('@')
self.gerrit_number = patch_dict['number']
self.url = patch_dict['url']
def _RebasePatch(self, buildroot, project_dir, trivial):
"""Rebase patch fetched from gerrit onto constants.PATCH_BRANCH.
When the function completes, the constants.PATCH_BRANCH branch will be
pointing to the rebased change.
buildroot: The buildroot.
project_dir: Directory of the project that is being patched.
trivial: Use trivial logic that only allows trivial merges. Note:
Requires Git >= 1.7.6 -- bug <. Bots have 1.7.6 installed.
if self.internal:
url_prefix = constants.GERRIT_INT_SSH_URL
url_prefix = self._PUBLIC_URL
url = os.path.join(url_prefix, self.project)
upstream = _GetProjectManifestBranch(buildroot, self.project)
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'fetch', url, self.ref], cwd=project_dir)
git_rb = ['git', 'rebase']
if trivial: git_rb.extend(['--strategy', 'resolve', '-X', 'trivial'])
git_rb.extend(['--onto', constants.PATCH_BRANCH, upstream, 'FETCH_HEAD'])
# Run the rebase command.
cros_lib.RunCommand(git_rb, cwd=project_dir)
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', '-B', constants.PATCH_BRANCH],
except cros_lib.RunCommandError:
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'rebase', '--abort'], cwd=project_dir,
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', constants.PATCH_BRANCH],
def Apply(self, buildroot, trivial=False):
"""Implementation of Patch.Apply()."""
project_dir = cros_lib.GetProjectDir(buildroot, self.project)
if not cros_lib.DoesLocalBranchExist(project_dir, constants.PATCH_BRANCH):
upstream = cros_lib.GetManifestDefaultBranch(buildroot)
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', '-b', constants.PATCH_BRANCH,
'-t', 'm/' + upstream],
self._RebasePatch(buildroot, project_dir, trivial)
except cros_lib.RunCommandError:
raise ApplyPatchException(self)
# --------------------- Gerrit Operations --------------------------------- #
def _RunCommand(cmd, dryrun):
"""Runs the specified shell cmd if dryrun=False."""
if dryrun:
cros_lib.Info('Would have run: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
cros_lib.RunCommand(cmd, error_ok=True)
def HandleCouldNotSubmit(self, helper, dryrun=False):
"""Handler that is called when the Commit Queue can't submit a change.
This should be rare, but if an admin overrides the commit queue and commits
a change that conflicts with this change, it'll apply, build/validate but
receive an error when submitting.
helper: Instance of gerrit_helper for the gerrit instance.
dryrun: If true, do not actually commit anything to Gerrit.
msg = ('"Paladin: Commit Queue failed to submit your change. '
'This is most likely due to an owner of your repo overriding the '
'Commit Queue and committing a change that conflicts with yours. '
'Please rebase and re-upload your change to re-submit."')
cmd = helper.GetGerritReviewCommand(
['--code-review=-2', '-m', msg, '%s,%s' % (self.gerrit_number,
GerritPatch._RunCommand(cmd, dryrun)
def HandleCouldNotVerify(self, helper, dryrun=False):
"""Handler for when the Commit Queue fails to validate a change.
This handler notifies set Verified-1 to the review forcing the developer
to re-upload a change that works. There are many reasons why this might be
called e.g. build or testing exception.
helper: Instance of gerrit_helper for the gerrit instance.
dryrun: If true, do not actually commit anything to Gerrit.
msg = ('"Paladin: Commit Queue failed to verify your change. '
'If you believe this happened in error, please upload a new '
'patch with TEST= updated describing why you believe this to be '
cmd = helper.GetGerritReviewCommand(
['--verified=-1', '-m', msg, '%s,%s' % (self.gerrit_number,
GerritPatch._RunCommand(cmd, dryrun)
def HandleCouldNotApply(self, helper, dryrun=False):
"""Handler for when the Commit Queue fails to apply a change.
This handler notifies set CodeReview-2 to the review forcing the developer
to re-upload a rebased change.
helper: Instance of gerrit_helper for the gerrit instance.
dryrun: If true, do not actually commit anything to Gerrit.
msg = ('"Paladin: Commit Queue failed to apply your change cleanly. '
'Please re-sync, rebase re-upload your change."')
cmd = helper.GetGerritReviewCommand(
['--code-review=-2', '-m', msg, '%s,%s' % (self.gerrit_number,
GerritPatch._RunCommand(cmd, dryrun)
def Submit(self, helper, dryrun=False):
"""Submits patch using Gerrit Review.
helper: Instance of gerrit_helper for the gerrit instance.
dryrun: If true, do not actually commit anything to Gerrit.
cmd = helper.GetGerritReviewCommand(['--submit', '%s,%s' % (
self.gerrit_number, self.patch_number)])
GerritPatch._RunCommand(cmd, dryrun)
def __str__(self):
"""Returns custom string to identify this patch."""
return '%s:%s' % (self.owner, self.gerrit_number)
def RemovePatchRoot(patch_root):
"""Removes the temporary directory storing patches."""
assert os.path.basename(patch_root).startswith(_TRYBOT_TEMP_PREFIX)
class LocalPatch(Patch):
"""Object that represents a set of local commits that will be patched."""
def __init__(self, project, tracking_branch, patch_dir, local_branch):
"""Construct a LocalPatch object.
project: Same as Patch constructor arg.
tracking_branch: Same as Patch constructor arg.
patch_dir: The directory where the .patch files are stored.
local_branch: The local branch of the project that the patch came from.
Patch.__init__(self, project, tracking_branch)
self.patch_dir = patch_dir
self.local_branch = local_branch
def _GetFileList(self):
"""Return a list of .patch files in sorted order."""
file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.patch_dir, '*'))
return file_list
def Apply(self, buildroot, trivial=False):
"""Implementation of Patch.Apply(). Does not accept trivial option.
PatchException if the patch is for the wrong tracking branch.
assert not trivial, 'Local apply not compatible with trivial set'
manifest_branch = _GetProjectManifestBranch(buildroot, self.project)
if self.tracking_branch != manifest_branch:
raise PatchException('branch %s for project %s is not tracking %s'
% (self.local_branch, self.project,
project_dir = cros_lib.GetProjectDir(buildroot, self.project)
cros_lib.RunCommand(['repo', 'start', constants.PATCH_BRANCH, '.'],
cros_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'am', '--3way'] + self._GetFileList(),
except cros_lib.RunCommandError:
raise ApplyPatchException(self)
def __str__(self):
"""Returns custom string to identify this patch."""
return '%s:%s' % (self.project, self.local_branch)
def GetGerritPatchInfo(patches):
"""Query Gerrit server for patch information.
patches: a list of patch ID's to query. Internal patches start with a '*'.
A list of GerritPatch objects describing each patch.
PatchException if a patch can't be found.
parsed_patches = []
for patch in patches:
if patch.startswith('*'):
# Internal CL's have a '*' in front
internal = True
server, port = constants.GERRIT_INT_HOST, constants.GERRIT_INT_PORT
patch = patch[1:]
internal = False
server, port = constants.GERRIT_HOST, constants.GERRIT_PORT
cmd = ['ssh', '-p', port, server, 'gerrit', 'query', '--current-patch-set',
'--format=JSON', patch]
result = cros_lib.RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
result_dict = json.loads(result.output.splitlines()[0])
if 'id' in result_dict:
parsed_patches.append(GerritPatch(result_dict, internal))
raise PatchException('Change-ID %s not found on server %s.'
% (patch, server))
return parsed_patches
def _GetRemoteTrackingBranch(project_dir, branch):
"""Get the remote tracking branch of a local branch.
cros_lib.NoTrackingBranchException if branch does not track anything.
(remote, ref) = cros_lib.GetTrackingBranch(branch, project_dir)
return cros_lib.GetShortBranchName(remote, ref)
def _GetProjectManifestBranch(buildroot, project):
"""Get the branch specified in the manifest for the project."""
(remote, ref) = cros_lib.GetProjectManifestBranch(buildroot,
return cros_lib.GetShortBranchName(remote, ref)
def PrepareLocalPatches(patches, manifest_branch):
"""Finish validation of parameters, and save patches to a temp folder.
patches: A list of user-specified patches, in project[:branch] form.
manifest_branch: The manifest branch of the buildroot.
PatchException if:
1. The project branch isn't specified and the project isn't on a branch.
2. The project branch doesn't track a remote branch.
patch_info = []
patch_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=_TRYBOT_TEMP_PREFIX)
for patch_id in range(0, len(patches)):
project, branch = patches[patch_id].split(':')
project_dir = cros_lib.GetProjectDir('.', project)
patch_dir = os.path.join(patch_root, str(patch_id))
cmd = ['git', 'format-patch', '%s..%s' % ('m/' + manifest_branch, branch),
'-o', patch_dir]
cros_lib.RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=True, cwd=project_dir)
if not os.listdir(patch_dir):
raise PatchException('No changes found in %s:%s' % (project, branch))
# Store remote tracking branch for verification during patch stage.
tracking_branch = _GetRemoteTrackingBranch(project_dir, branch)
except cros_lib.NoTrackingBranchException:
raise PatchException('%s:%s needs to track a remote branch!'
% (project, branch))
patch_info.append(LocalPatch(project, tracking_branch, patch_dir, branch))
return patch_info