blob: 7b3614f637f7d523b950ca58df6a562e3263c2b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Support generic spreadsheet-like table information."""
class Table(object):
"""Class to represent column headers and rows of data."""
__slots__ = ['_columns', # List of column headers in order
'_column_set', # Set of column headers (for faster lookup)
'_rows', # List of row dicts
def __init__(self, columns):
self._columns = columns
self._column_set = set(columns)
self._rows = []
def __str__(self):
"""Return a table-like string representation of this table."""
cols = ['%10s' % col for col in self._columns]
text = 'Columns: %s\n' % ', '.join(cols)
ix = 0
for row in self._rows:
vals = ['%10s' % row[col] for col in self._columns]
text += 'Row %3d: %s\n' % (ix, ', '.join(vals))
ix += 1
return text
def __len__(self):
"""Length of table equals the number of rows."""
return self.GetNumRows()
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Access one or more rows by index or slice."""
return self.GetRowByIndex(index)
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
"""Set one or more rows by index or slice."""
raise NotImplementedError("Implementation not done, yet.")
def __delitem__(self, index):
"""Delete one or more rows by index or slice."""
def __iter__(self):
"""Declare that this class supports iteration (over rows)."""
return self._rows.__iter__()
def Clear(self):
"""Remove all row data."""
self._rows = []
def GetNumRows(self):
"""Return the number of rows in the table."""
return len(self._rows)
def GetNumColumns(self):
"""Return the number of columns in the table."""
return len(self._columns)
def GetRowByIndex(self, index):
"""Access one or more rows by index or slice.
If more than one row is returned they will be contained in a list."""
return self._rows[index]
def GetRowsByValue(self, values):
"""Return list of rows that match key/value pairs in |values|."""
def grep(row):
for key in values:
if values[key] != row.get(key, None):
return False
return True
return [r for r in self._rows if grep(r)]
def _PrepareValuesForAdd(self, values):
"""Prepare a |values| dict to be added as a row.
Verify that only supported column values are included.
Add empty string values for columns not seen in the row.
for col in values:
if not col in self._column_set:
raise LookupError("Tried adding data to unknown column '%s'" % col)
for col in self._columns:
if not col in values:
values[col] = ""
def AppendRow(self, values):
"""Add a single row of data to the table, according to |values| dict."""
def SetRowByIndex(self, index, values):
"""Replace the row at |index| with values from |values| dict."""
self._rows[index] = values;
def SetRowByValue(self, id_column, values):
"""Set the |values| of the row identified by the value in |id_column|.
The column specified by |id_column| should be a unique identifier column,
where the value in that column is different for every row. If it is not
unique, the behavior of this method is undefined.
raise NotImplementedError("Implementation not done, yet.")
def RemoveRowByIndex(self, index):
"""Remove the row at |index|."""
del self._rows[index]
def RemoveRowsByValue(self, column, value):
"""Remove any rows with |value| in the |column| column."""
raise NotImplementedError("Implementation not done, yet.")
def Sort(self, key, reverse=False):
"""Sort the rows using the given |key| function."""
self._rows.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
def WriteCSV(self, filehandle, hiddencols=None):
"""Write this table out as comma-separated values to |filehandle|.
To skip certain columns during the write, use the |hiddencols| set.
def colfilter(col):
return not hiddencols or col not in hiddencols
cols = [col for col in self._columns if colfilter(col)]
filehandle.write(','.join(cols) + '\n')
for row in self._rows:
vals = [row.get(col, "") for col in self._columns if colfilter(col)]
filehandle.write(','.join(vals) + '\n')
# Support having this module test itself if run as __main__, by leveraging
# the table_unittest module.
if __name__ == "__main__":
import table_unittest