blob: 4c3c550252b067c92399082989ee9802babb4e71 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implementation of the 'shell' chromite command."""
# Python imports
import optparse
import os
# Local imports
import chromite.lib.cros_build_lib as cros_lib
from import utils
from import subcmd
def _SplitEnvFromArgs(argv):
"""Split environment settings from arguments.
This function will just loop over the arguments, looking for ones with an '='
character in them. As long as it finds them, it takes them out of the arg
list adds them to a dictionary. As soon as it finds the first argument
without an '=', it stops looping.
NOTE: Some doctests below test for equality with ==, since dicts with more
than one item may be arbitrarily ordered.
>>> result = _SplitEnvFromArgs(['abc=1', 'def=two', 'three'])
>>> result == ({'abc': '1', 'def': 'two'}, ['three'])
>>> _SplitEnvFromArgs(['one', 'two', 'three'])
({}, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
>>> _SplitEnvFromArgs(['abc=1', 'three', 'def=two'])
({'abc': '1'}, ['three', 'def=two'])
>>> result = _SplitEnvFromArgs(['abc=1', 'ghi=4 4', 'def=two'])
>>> result == ({'abc': '1', 'ghi': '4 4', 'def': 'two'}, [])
>>> _SplitEnvFromArgs(['abc=1', 'abc=2', 'three'])
({'abc': '2'}, ['three'])
>>> _SplitEnvFromArgs([])
({}, [])
argv: The arguments to parse; this list is not modified. Should
not include "argv[0]"
env: A dict containing key=value paris.
argv: A new list containing anything left after.
# Copy the list so we don't screw with caller...
argv = list(argv)
env = {}
while argv:
if '=' in argv[0]:
key, val = argv.pop(0).split('=', 2)
env[key] = val
return env, argv
class ShellCmd(subcmd.ChromiteCmd):
"""Start a shell in the chroot.
This can either just start a simple interactive shell, it can be used to
run an arbirtary command inside the chroot and then exit.
def Run(self, raw_argv, chroot_config=None):
"""Run the command.
raw_argv: Command line arguments, including this command's name, but not
the chromite command name or chromite options.
chroot_config: A SafeConfigParser for the chroot config; or None chromite
was called from within the chroot.
# Parse options for command...
# ...note that OptionParser will eat the '--' if it's there, which is what
# we want..
usage_str = ('usage: %%prog [chromite_options] %s [options] [VAR=value] '
'[-- command [arg1] [arg2] ...]') % raw_argv[0]
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_str)
(_, argv) = parser.parse_args(raw_argv[1:])
# Enter the chroot if needed...
if not cros_lib.IsInsideChroot():
utils.EnterChroot(chroot_config, (self, 'Run'), raw_argv)
# We'll put CWD as src/scripts when running the command. Since everyone
# running by hand has their cwd there, it is probably the safest.
cwd = os.path.join(utils.SRCROOT_PATH, 'src', 'scripts')
# By default, no special environment...
env = None
if not argv:
# If no arguments, we'll just start bash.
argv = ['bash']
# Parse the command line, looking at the beginning for VAR=value type
# statements. I couldn't figure out a way to get bash to do this for
# me.
user_env, argv = _SplitEnvFromArgs(argv)
if not argv:
cros_lib.Die('No command specified')
# If there was some environment, use it to override the standard
# environment.
if user_env:
env = dict(os.environ)
# Don't show anything special for errors; we'll let the shell report them.
cros_lib.RunCommand(argv, cwd=cwd, env=env, error_ok=True,