blob: 635a499d098af618a96f072d61e60766019bd18a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implementation of the 'clean' chromite command."""
# Python imports
import optparse
import os
import sys
# Local imports
import chromite.lib.cros_build_lib as cros_lib
from import utils
from import subcmd
def _DoClean(chroot_config, build_config, want_force_yes):
"""Clean a target.
chroot_config: A SafeConfigParser representing the config for the chroot.
build_config: A SafeConfigParser representing the build config.
want_force_yes: If True, we won't ask any questions--we'll just assume
that the user really wants to kill the directory. If False, we'll
show UI asking the user to confirm.
# We'll need the directory so we can delete stuff; this is a chroot path.
board_dir = utils.GetBoardDir(build_config)
# If not in the chroot, convert board_dir into a non-chroot path...
if not cros_lib.IsInsideChroot():
chroot_dir = utils.GetChrootAbsDir(chroot_config)
# We'll need to make the board directory relative to the chroot.
assert board_dir.startswith('/'), 'Expected unix-style, absolute path.'
board_dir = board_dir.lstrip('/')
board_dir = os.path.join(chroot_dir, board_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(board_dir):
cros_lib.Die("Nothing to clean: the board directory doesn't exist.\n %s" %
if not want_force_yes:
'Board dir is at: %s\n'
'Are you sure you want to delete it (YES/NO)? ' %
answer = raw_input()
if answer.lower() not in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'):
cros_lib.Die("You must answer 'yes' if you want to proceed.")
# Since we're about to do a sudo rm -rf, these are just extra precautions.
# This shouldn't be the only place testing these (assert fails are ugly and
# can be turned off), but better safe than sorry.
# Note that the restriction on '*' is a bit unnecessary, since no shell
# expansion should happen. ...but again, I'd rather be safe.
assert os.path.isabs(board_dir), 'Board dir better be absolute'
assert board_dir != '/', 'Board dir better not be /'
assert '*' not in board_dir, 'Board dir better not have any *s'
assert build_config.get('DEFAULT', 'target'), 'Target better not be blank'
assert build_config.get('DEFAULT', 'target') in board_dir, \
'Target name better be in board dir'
argv = ['sudo', '--', 'rm', '-rf', board_dir]
cros_lib.Info('Deleted: %s' % board_dir)
def _DoDistClean(chroot_config, want_force_yes):
"""Remove the whole chroot.
chroot_config: A SafeConfigParser representing the config for the chroot.
want_force_yes: If True, we won't ask any questions--we'll just assume
that the user really wants to kill the directory. If False, we'll
show UI asking the user to confirm.
if cros_lib.IsInsideChroot():
cros_lib.Die('Please exit the chroot before trying to delete it.')
chroot_dir = utils.GetChrootAbsDir(chroot_config)
if not want_force_yes:
'Chroot is at: %s\n'
'Are you sure you want to delete it (YES/NO)? ' %
answer = raw_input()
if answer.lower() not in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'):
cros_lib.Die("You must answer 'yes' if you want to proceed.")
# Can pass argv and not shell=True, since no user flags. :)
argv = ['./make_chroot', '--chroot=%s' % chroot_dir, '--delete']
# We'll put CWD as src/scripts when running the command. Since everyone
# running by hand has their cwd there, it is probably the safest.
cwd = os.path.join(utils.SRCROOT_PATH, 'src', 'scripts')
# Run it. Pass any failures upward.
cros_lib.RunCommand(argv, cwd=cwd)
class CleanCmd(subcmd.ChromiteCmd):
"""Clean out built packages for a target; if target=host, deletes chroot."""
def Run(self, raw_argv, chroot_config=None):
"""Run the command.
raw_argv: Command line arguments, including this command's name, but not
the chromite command name or chromite options.
chroot_config: A SafeConfigParser for the chroot config; or None chromite
was called from within the chroot.
# Parse options for command...
usage_str = ('usage: %%prog [chromite_options] %s [options] [target]' %
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_str)
parser.add_option('-y', '--yes', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Answer "YES" to "are you sure?" questions.')
(options, argv) = parser.parse_args(raw_argv[1:])
# Make sure the chroot exists first, before possibly prompting for board...
# ...not really required, but nice for the user...
if not cros_lib.IsInsideChroot():
if not utils.DoesChrootExist(chroot_config):
cros_lib.Die("Nothing to clean: the chroot doesn't exist.\n %s" %
# Load the build config...
argv, build_config = utils.GetBuildConfigFromArgs(argv)
if argv:
cros_lib.Die('Unknown arguments: %s' % ' '.join(argv))
# If they do clean host, we'll delete the whole chroot
if build_config is None:
_DoDistClean(chroot_config, options.yes)
_DoClean(chroot_config, build_config, options.yes)