test_stages: use skylab create-suite/wait-task for hwtests

Cherrypicked to address crbug.com/973654

Use `skylab create-suite` and `skylab wait-task` to trigger skylab
hwtests and collect their results.

Do not land this until
https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/infra/+/1593690 is
pushed to prod.

TEST=tryjob at https://cros-goldeneye.corp.google.com/chromeos/healthmonitoring/buildDetails?buildbucketId=8914633363238609216
shows both passing and failing suites are handled correctly

Change-Id: I1328b09d717af558379483944f9cb2fe9c3522a0
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/1589146
Commit-Ready: ChromeOS CL Exonerator Bot <chromiumos-cl-exonerator@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Tested-by: Aviv Keshet <akeshet@chromium.org>
Legacy-Commit-Queue: Commit Bot <commit-bot@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Aviv Keshet <akeshet@chromium.org>
(cherry picked from commit ae4c830cc69e9774361a94bb2b72780132f97ee3)
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/chromite/+/1658751
Reviewed-by: Bernie Thompson <bhthompson@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Aviv Keshet <akeshet@chromium.org>
diff --git a/cbuildbot/commands.py b/cbuildbot/commands.py
index f7bf404..aed14f8 100644
--- a/cbuildbot/commands.py
+++ b/cbuildbot/commands.py
@@ -878,6 +878,7 @@
   return os.path.basename(target)
+# TODO(akeshet): Deprecate this undocumented type.
 HWTestSuiteResult = collections.namedtuple('HWTestSuiteResult',
                                            ['to_raise', 'json_dump_result'])
@@ -1066,74 +1067,90 @@
     return HWTestSuiteResult(to_raise, json_dump_result)
-# pylint: disable=docstring-missing-args
-def _GetRunSkylabSuiteArgs(
-    build, suite, board,
-    model=None,
-    pool=None,
-    priority=None,
-    timeout_mins=None,
-    retry=None,
-    max_retries=None,
-    suite_args=None,
-    job_keyvals=None,
-    quota_account=None):
-  """Get a list of args for run_suite.
-  TODO (xixuan): Add other features as required, e.g.
-    subsystems
-    test_args
-    skip_duts_check
-    suite_min_duts
-    minimum_duts
+def _GetSkylabWaitTaskArgs(task_id, timeout_mins=None):
+  """Get arguments for the `skylab wait-task` command.
-    See args of |RunHWTestSuite|.
+    timeout_mins: maximum number of minutes to wait for task completion.
+    task_id: id of the task to wait for.
-    A list of args for SKYLAB_RUN_SUITE_PATH.
+    List of args for `skylab wait-task`, not including the subcommand itself.
-  # HACK(pwang): Delete this once better solution is out.
+  args = ['-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT]
+  if timeout_mins is not None:
+    args += ['-timeout-mins', str(timeout_mins)]
+  args += [task_id]
+  return args
+def _GetSkylabCreateSuiteArgs(
+    build, suite, board, pool,
+    model=None,
+    priority=None,
+    timeout_mins=None,
+    max_retries=None,
+    job_keyvals=None,
+    quota_account=None):
+  """Get arguments for the `skylab create-suite` command.
+  Command will run in -json mode.
+  Args:
+    build: string image name to use, e.g. elm-paladin/R99-12345
+    suite: suite name to run
+    board: board name to run suite for
+    pool: pool to run the suite in
+    model: (optional) model name to run suite for
+    priority: (optional) integer priority for the suite. Higher number is a
+        lower priority
+    timeout_mins: (optional) suite timeout
+    max_retries: (optional) max retries allowed across all child tasks
+    job_keyvals: (optional) dictionary of {'key': 'value'} keyvals to be
+                 injected into all children of suite.
+    quota_account: (optional) quotascheduler account to use for child tasks
+  Returns:
+    A list of args for the `skylab create-suite` subcommand (not including)
+    the subcommand itself.
+  """
+  # TODO(crbug.com/958037): Figure out a way to remove this board-replacement
+  # hack.
   board = board.replace('-arcnext', '')
   board = board.replace('-arcvm', '')
   board = board.replace('-kernelnext', '')
-  args = ['--build', build, '--board', board]
+  args = ['-image', build, '-board', board]
   if model:
-    args += ['--model', model]
+    args += ['-model', model]
-  args += ['--suite_name', suite]
-  # Add optional arguments to command, if present.
   if pool is not None:
-    args += ['--pool', pool]
+    args += ['-pool', pool]
   if priority is not None:
-    args += ['--priority', str(priority)]
+    args += ['-priority', str(priority)]
   if timeout_mins is not None:
-    args += ['--timeout_mins', str(timeout_mins)]
-  if retry is not None:
-    args += ['--test_retry']
+    args += ['-timeout-mins', str(timeout_mins)]
   if max_retries is not None:
-    args += ['--max_retries', str(max_retries)]
-  if suite_args is not None:
-    args += ['--suite_args', repr(suite_args)]
+    args += ['-max-retries', str(max_retries)]
   if job_keyvals is not None:
-    args += ['--job_keyvals', repr(job_keyvals)]
+    for key, value in job_keyvals.items():
+      args += ['-keyval', '%s:%s' % (key, value)]
   if quota_account is not None:
-    args += ['--quota_account', quota_account]
+    args += ['-qs-account', quota_account]
-  # Use fallback request for every skylab suite.
-  args += ['--use_fallback']
+  args += ['-json']
+  args += ['-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT]
+  args += [suite]
   return args
-# pylint: enable=docstring-missing-args
 def _remove_seeded_steps(output):
@@ -1179,64 +1196,6 @@
   return return_output
-def _SkylabHWTestCreate(cmd, **kwargs):
-  """Create HWTest with Skylab.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A list of args for proxied run_suite_skylab command.
-    kwargs: args to be passed to RunSwarmingCommand.
-  Returns:
-    A string swarming task id, which is regarded as the suite_id.
-  """
-  create_cmd = cmd + ['--create_and_return']
-  logging.info('Suite creation command: \n%s',
-               cros_build_lib.CmdToStr(create_cmd))
-  result = swarming_lib.RunSwarmingCommandWithRetries(
-      max_retry=_MAX_HWTEST_START_CMD_RETRY,
-      is_skylab=True,
-      error_check=swarming_lib.SwarmingRetriableErrorCheck,
-      cmd=create_cmd, capture_output=True,
-      combine_stdout_stderr=True, **kwargs)
-  # If the command succeeds, result.task_summary_json will have the right
-  # content. So result.GetValue is able to return valid values from its
-  # json summary.
-  for output in result.GetValue('outputs', []):
-    sys.stdout.write(_remove_seeded_steps(output))
-  sys.stdout.flush()
-  return result.GetValue('run_id')
-def _SkylabHWTestWait(cmd, suite_id, **kwargs):
-  """Wait for Skylab HWTest to finish.
-  Args:
-    cmd: Proxied run_suite command.
-    suite_id: The string suite_id to wait for.
-    kwargs: args to be passed to RunSwarmingCommand.
-  """
-  wait_cmd = list(cmd) + ['--suite_id', str(suite_id)]
-  logging.info('RunSkylabHWTestSuite will wait for suite %s: %s',
-               suite_id, cros_build_lib.CmdToStr(wait_cmd))
-  try:
-    result = swarming_lib.RunSwarmingCommandWithRetries(
-        max_retry=_MAX_HWTEST_START_CMD_RETRY,
-        is_skylab=True,
-        error_check=swarming_lib.SwarmingRetriableErrorCheck,
-        cmd=wait_cmd, capture_output=True, combine_stdout_stderr=True,
-        **kwargs)
-  except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
-    result = e.result
-    raise
-  finally:
-    # This is required to output buildbot annotations, e.g. 'STEP_LINKS'.
-    sys.stdout.write('######## Output for buildbot annotations ######## \n')
-    for output in result.GetValue('outputs', []):
-      sys.stdout.write(_remove_seeded_steps(output))
-    sys.stdout.write('######## END Output for buildbot annotations ######## \n')
-    sys.stdout.flush()
 def _InstallSkylabTool():
   """Install skylab tool.
@@ -1361,18 +1320,22 @@
     sys.stdout.write('######## END Output for buildbot annotations ######## \n')
 # pylint: disable=docstring-missing-args
 def RunSkylabHWTestSuite(
     build, suite, board,
+    # TODO(akeshet): Make this required argument a positional arg.
-    wait_for_results=None,
+    wait_for_results=False,
+    # TODO(akeshet): Delete this ignored argument.
+    # TODO(akeshet): Delete this ignored argument.
@@ -1384,36 +1347,76 @@
     See returns of RunHWTestSuite.
-  priority_str = priority
+  if suite_args:
+    logging.warning('Skylab suites do not support suite_args, although they '
+                    'were specified: %s', suite_args)
+  if retry:
+    logging.warning('Skylab suites do not support retry arg, although it '
+                    'was specified: %s', retry)
+  if not pool:
+    raise ValueError('|pool| argument is required in Skylab, but was not '
+                     'supplied.')
   if priority:
     priority = constants.SKYLAB_HWTEST_PRIORITIES_MAP[str(priority)]
-  cmd += _GetRunSkylabSuiteArgs(
-      build, suite, board,
+  skylab_tool = _InstallSkylabTool()
+  cmd = [skylab_tool, 'create-suite']
+  cmd += _GetSkylabCreateSuiteArgs(
+      build, suite, board, pool,
-      pool=pool,
-      retry=retry,
-      suite_args=suite_args,
-  swarming_args = _CreateSwarmingArgs(build, suite, board, priority_str,
-                                      timeout_mins, run_skylab=True)
-  try:
-    suite_id = _SkylabHWTestCreate(cmd, **swarming_args)
-    if wait_for_results:
-      _SkylabHWTestWait(cmd, suite_id, **swarming_args)
-    return HWTestSuiteResult(None, None)
+  try:
+    output = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
+    report = json.loads(output.output)
+    task_id = report['task_id']
+    task_url = report['task_url']
+    logging.info('Launched suite task %s', task_url)
+    logging.PrintBuildbotLink('Suite task: %s' % suite, task_url)
+    if not wait_for_results:
+      return HWTestSuiteResult(None, None)
+    wait_cmd = [skylab_tool, 'wait-task'] + _GetSkylabWaitTaskArgs(
+        task_id, timeout_mins=timeout_mins)
+    output = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(wait_cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
+    try:
+      report = json.loads(output.output)
+    except:
+      logging.error('Error when json parsing:\n%s', output.output)
+      raise
+    # TODO(crbug.com/958142): Once the schema change in this bug is landed,
+    # remove this if block.
+    if task_id in report:
+      report = report[task_id]
+    logging.info(
+        'Suite ended in state %s (failure=%s) with output:\n%s',
+        report['task-result']['state'],
+        report['task-result']['failure'],
+        report['stdout'],
+    )
+    error = None
+    if report['task-result']['failure']:
+      error = failures_lib.TestFailure('Suite failed.')
+    return HWTestSuiteResult(error, None)
   except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
     result = e.result
     to_raise = failures_lib.TestFailure(
         '** HWTest failed (code %d) **' % result.returncode)
     return HWTestSuiteResult(to_raise, None)
-# pylint: enable=docstring-missing-args
 # pylint: disable=docstring-missing-args
diff --git a/cbuildbot/commands_unittest.py b/cbuildbot/commands_unittest.py
index 2d117ca..319410e 100644
--- a/cbuildbot/commands_unittest.py
+++ b/cbuildbot/commands_unittest.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import base64
+import collections
 import datetime as dt
 import json
 import hashlib
@@ -175,196 +176,160 @@
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-class SkylabHWLabCommandsTest(cros_test_lib.RunCommandTestCase,
-                              cros_test_lib.OutputTestCase,
-                              cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
-  """Test commands related to HWLab tests with Skylab via swarming proxy."""
-      commands._DEFAULT_HWTEST_TIMEOUT_MINS * 60 +
+class SkylabHWLabCommandsTest(cros_test_lib.RunCommandTestCase):
+  """Test commands that launch Skylab suites."""
-  WAIT_OUTPUT = '''
-WAIT OUTPUT: Finished.
-FAKE OUTPUT. Will be filled in later.
+  _SKYLAB_TOOL = '/opt/skylab'
   def setUp(self):
-    self._build = 'test-build'
-    self._board = 'test-board'
-    self._suite = 'test-suite'
-    self.temp_json_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'temp_summary.json')
+    self.PatchObject(commands, '_InstallSkylabTool',
+                     return_value=self._SKYLAB_TOOL)
-    self.create_cmd = None
-    self.wait_cmd = None
+  @staticmethod
+  def _fakeWaitJson(state, failure, stdout=''):
+    """Return a fake json serialized suite report, in wait-task format."""
+    report = {
+        'task-result': {
+            'state': state,
+            'failure': failure,
+        },
+        'stdout': stdout,
+    }
+    return json.dumps(report)
-  def SetCmdResults(self, swarming_cli_cmd='run',
-                    create_return_code=0,
-                    wait_return_code=0,
-                    args=(),
-                    swarming_timeout_secs=SWARMING_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT,
-                    swarming_io_timeout_secs=SWARMING_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT,
-                    swarming_hard_timeout_secs=SWARMING_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT,
-                    swarming_expiration_secs=SWARMING_EXPIRATION):
-    """Set the expected results from the specified commands.
+  @staticmethod
+  def _fakeCreateJson(task_id, task_url):
+    """Return a fake json serialized suite report, in create-suite format."""
+    report = {
+        'task_id': task_id,
+        'task_url': task_url,
+    }
+    return json.dumps(report)
-    Args:
-      swarming_cli_cmd: The swarming client command to kick off.
-      create_return_code: Return code from create command.
-      wait_return_code: Return code from wait command.
-      args: Additional args to pass to create and wait commands.
-      swarming_timeout_secs: swarming client timeout.
-      swarming_io_timeout_secs: swarming client io timeout.
-      swarming_hard_timeout_secs: swarming client hard timeout.
-      swarming_expiration_secs: swarming task expiration.
-    """
-    # Pull out the test priority for the swarming tag.
-    priority = None
-    priority_flag = '--priority'
-    if priority_flag in args:
-      priority = args[args.index(priority_flag) + 1]
+  def testCreateSuiteNoPoolRaisesError(self):
+    """Attempting to create a suite without specifying a pool should raise."""
+    build = 'foo-bar/R1234'
+    suite = 'foo-suite'
+    board = 'foo-board'
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+      commands.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(build, suite, board)
-    base_cmd = [swarming_lib._SWARMING_PROXY_CLIENT, swarming_cli_cmd,
-                '--swarming', topology.topology.get(
-                    topology.CHROME_SWARMING_PROXY_HOST_KEY)]
-    if swarming_cli_cmd == 'run':
-      base_cmd += ['--task-summary-json', self.temp_json_path,
-                   '--print-status-updates',
-                   '--timeout', swarming_timeout_secs]
-    elif swarming_cli_cmd == 'trigger':
-      base_cmd += ['--dump-json', self.temp_json_path]
+  def testCreateSuite(self):
+    """Test that function call args are mapped correctly to commandline args."""
+    build = 'foo-bar/R1234'
+    suite = 'foo-suite'
+    board = 'foo-board'
+    pool = 'foo-pool'
+    # An OrderedDict is used to make the keyval order on the command line
+    # deterministic for testing purposes.
+    keyvals = collections.OrderedDict([('k1', 'v1'), ('k2', 'v2')])
+    priority = constants.HWTEST_DEFAULT_PRIORITY
+    quota_account = 'foo-account'
+    max_retries = 10
+    timeout_mins = 10
-    base_cmd += ['--raw-cmd',
-                 '--task-name', 'test-build-test-suite',
-                 '--dimension', 'os', 'Ubuntu-14.04',
-                 '--dimension', 'pool', commands.SKYLAB_SUITE_BOT_POOL,
-                 '--io-timeout', swarming_io_timeout_secs,
-                 '--hard-timeout', swarming_hard_timeout_secs,
-                 '--expiration', swarming_expiration_secs,
-                 '--tags=skylab:run_suite',
-                 '--tags=priority:%s' % priority,
-                 '--tags=build:test-build',
-                 '--tags=task_name:test-build-test-suite',
-                 '--tags=luci_project:chromeos',
-                 '--tags=suite:test-suite',
-                 '--tags=board:test-board',
-                 '--auth-service-account-json',
-                 constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
-                 '--', commands.SKYLAB_RUN_SUITE_PATH,
-                 '--build', self._build, '--board', self._board,
-                 '--suite_name', self._suite,
-                 '--use_fallback']
-    args = list(args)
-    base_cmd = base_cmd + args
+    task_id = 'foo-task_id'
-    self.create_cmd = base_cmd + ['--create_and_return',
-                                  '--passed_mins', '0']
-    create_results = iter([
-        self.rc.CmdResult(returncode=create_return_code,
-                          output=self.CREATE_OUTPUT,
-                          error=''),
-    ])
+    create_cmd = [
+        self._SKYLAB_TOOL, 'create-suite',
+        '-image', build,
+        '-board', board,
+        '-pool', pool,
+        '-priority', '140',
+        '-timeout-mins', str(timeout_mins),
+        '-max-retries', str(max_retries),
+        '-keyval', 'k1:v1',
+        '-keyval', 'k2:v2',
+        '-qs-account', quota_account,
+        '-json',
+        '-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
+        suite
+    ]
-        self.create_cmd,
-        side_effect=lambda *args, **kwargs: create_results.next(),
-    )
+        create_cmd, output=self._fakeCreateJson(task_id, 'foo://foo'))
-    self.wait_cmd = base_cmd + ['--suite_id', 'fake_parent_id',
-                                '--passed_mins', '0']
-    wait_results = iter([
-        self.rc.CmdResult(returncode=wait_return_code,
-                          output=self.WAIT_OUTPUT,
-                          error=''),
-    ])
+    result = commands.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(
+        build, suite, board, pool=pool, job_keyvals=keyvals, priority=priority,
+        quota_account=quota_account, max_retries=max_retries,
+        timeout_mins=timeout_mins)
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, commands.HWTestSuiteResult))
+    self.assertEqual(result.to_raise, None)
+    self.assertEqual(result.json_dump_result, None)
+    self.rc.assertCommandCalled(create_cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
+    self.assertEqual(self.rc.call_count, 1)
+  def testCreateSuiteAndWait(self):
+    """Test that suite can be created and then waited for."""
+    build = 'foo-bar/R1234'
+    suite = 'foo-suite'
+    board = 'foo-board'
+    pool = 'foo-pool'
+    task_id = 'foo-task_id'
+    create_cmd = [
+        self._SKYLAB_TOOL, 'create-suite',
+        '-image', build,
+        '-board', board,
+        '-pool', pool,
+        '-json',
+        '-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
+        suite,
+    ]
+    wait_cmd = [
+        self._SKYLAB_TOOL, 'wait-task',
+        '-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
+        task_id
+    ]
-        self.wait_cmd,
-        side_effect=lambda *args, **kwargs: wait_results.next(),
-    )
+        create_cmd, output=self._fakeCreateJson(task_id, 'foo://foo'))
+    self.rc.AddCmdResult(
+        wait_cmd, output=self._fakeWaitJson('COMPLETED', False))
-  def PatchJson(self, task_outputs):
-    """Mock out the code that loads from json.
+    result = commands.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(
+        build, suite, board, pool=pool, wait_for_results=True)
+    self.assertEqual(result.to_raise, None)
+    self.assertEqual(result.json_dump_result, None)
-    Args:
-      task_outputs: See explaination in PatchJson of HWLabCommandsTest.
-    """
-    orig_func = commands._CreateSwarmingArgs
+    self.rc.assertCommandCalled(create_cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
+    self.rc.assertCommandCalled(wait_cmd, redirect_stdout=True)
+    self.assertEqual(self.rc.call_count, 2)
-    def replacement(*args, **kargs):
-      swarming_args = orig_func(*args, **kargs)
-      swarming_args['temp_json_path'] = self.temp_json_path
-      return swarming_args
+  def testSuiteFailure(self):
+    """Test that nonzero return code is reported as suite failure."""
+    build = 'foo-bar/R1234'
+    suite = 'foo-suite'
+    board = 'foo-board'
+    pool = 'foo-pool'
-    self.PatchObject(commands, '_CreateSwarmingArgs', side_effect=replacement)
+    task_id = 'foo-task_id'
-    if task_outputs:
-      return_values = []
-      for s in task_outputs:
-        j = {'shards':[{'name': 'fake_name', 'bot_id': 'chromeos-server990',
-                        'created_ts': '2015-06-12 12:00:00',
-                        'internal_failure': s[1],
-                        'state': s[2],
-                        'outputs': [s[0]],
-                        'run_id': s[3]}]}
-        return_values.append(j)
-      return_values_iter = iter(return_values)
-      self.PatchObject(swarming_lib.SwarmingCommandResult, 'LoadJsonSummary',
-                       side_effect=lambda json_file: return_values_iter.next())
-    else:
-      self.PatchObject(swarming_lib.SwarmingCommandResult, 'LoadJsonSummary',
-                       return_value=None)
+    create_cmd = [
+        self._SKYLAB_TOOL, 'create-suite',
+        '-image', build,
+        '-board', board,
+        '-pool', pool,
+        '-json',
+        '-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
+        suite,
+    ]
+    wait_cmd = [
+        self._SKYLAB_TOOL, 'wait-task',
+        '-service-account-json', constants.CHROMEOS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
+        task_id,
+    ]
+    self.rc.AddCmdResult(
+        create_cmd, output=self._fakeCreateJson(task_id, 'foo://foo'))
+    self.rc.AddCmdResult(wait_cmd, output=self._fakeWaitJson('COMPLETED', True))
-  def RunSkylabHWTestSuite(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Run the hardware test suite, printing logs to stdout."""
-    with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
-      try:
-        cmd_result = commands.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(self._build, self._suite,
-                                                   self._board, *args, **kwargs)
-        return cmd_result
-      finally:
-        print(logs.messages)
-  def testRemoveSeededSteps(self):
-    output = ('2018-xx-xx info | kicked off a test\n'
-              '@@@SEED_STEP Scheduled Tests@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_CURSOR Scheduled Tests@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_STARTED@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_LINK@[Test-logs]: test 1'
-              '@https://chrome-swarming.appspot.com/user/task/123@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_CLOSED@@@\n'
-              '@@@SEED_STEP Scheduled Tests 2@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_CURSOR Scheduled Tests 2@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_STARTED@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_LINK@[Test-logs]: test 2'
-              '@https://chrome-swarming.appspot.com/user/task/456@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_CLOSED@@@\n'
-              '@@@STEP_LINK@[Test-logs]: test 3'
-              '@https://chrome-swarming.appspot.com/user/task/789@@@\n')
-    expected_output = (
-        '2018-xx-xx info | kicked off a test\n'
-        '@@@STEP_LINK@[Test-logs]: test 3'
-        '@https://chrome-swarming.appspot.com/user/task/789@@@\n')
-    self.assertEqual(commands._remove_seeded_steps(output), expected_output)
-  def testRunSkylabHWTestSuiteWithWait(self):
-    """Test RunSkylabHWTestSuite with waiting for results."""
-    self.SetCmdResults(swarming_cli_cmd='run')
-    # When run without optional arguments, wait and dump_json cmd will not run.
-    self.PatchJson([(self.CREATE_OUTPUT, False, None, 'fake_parent_id'),
-                    (self.WAIT_OUTPUT, False, None, 'fake_wait_id')])
-    with self.OutputCapturer() as output:
-      cmd_result = self.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(wait_for_results=True)
-    self.assertEqual(cmd_result, (None, None))
-    self.assertCommandCalled(self.create_cmd, capture_output=True,
-                             combine_stdout_stderr=True, env=mock.ANY)
-    self.assertCommandCalled(self.wait_cmd, capture_output=True,
-                             combine_stdout_stderr=True, env=mock.ANY)
-    self.assertIn(self.CREATE_OUTPUT, '\n'.join(output.GetStdoutLines()))
-    self.assertIn(self.WAIT_OUTPUT, '\n'.join(output.GetStdoutLines()))
+    result = commands.RunSkylabHWTestSuite(
+        build, suite, board, pool=pool, wait_for_results=True)
+    error = result.to_raise
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, failures_lib.TestFailure))
+    self.assertTrue('Suite failed' in error.message)
 class HWLabCommandsTest(cros_test_lib.RunCommandTestCase,