blob: cdb68ce654ad9f52f6117fd91d23cead27584bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A class for managing the Linux cgroup subsystem."""
import constants
import os
import sys
import time
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib as cros_lib
class CGroup(object):
PROC_PATH = '/proc/cgroups'
MOUNTS_PATH = '/proc/mounts'
CGROUP_ROOT = '/sys/fs/cgroup'
# Kernel subsystems that we request for the hierarchy.
# Note: It is needed to have at least one subsystem. Selection varies
# based on kernel configuration, many are oddly broken and cannot be
# reliably used just yet.
def cgroup_supported(self):
val = getattr(self, '_cgroup_supported', None)
if val is None:
val = self.CheckCGroupSupport()
self._cgroup_supported = val
return val
def FileContains(self, filename, strings):
"""Greps a group of expressions, returns whether all were found."""
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
contents =
for s in strings:
if not s in contents:
return False
return True
def CheckCGroupSupport(self):
"""Checks cgroup support in the running system."""
# Is the cgroup subsystem even enabled?
if not os.path.exists(self.PROC_PATH):
return False
# Does it support the subsystems we want?
if not self.FileContains(self.PROC_PATH, self.NEEDED_SUBSYSTEMS):
return False
# For older kernels, this did not exist.
if not os.path.exists(self.CGROUP_ROOT):
self.CGROUP_ROOT = '/dev/cgroup'
# Unlike /sys/fs/cgroup, this path is not autocreated.
if not os.path.exists(self.CGROUP_ROOT):
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', '%s' % self.CGROUP_ROOT],
return True
def AssertBasicStructure(self):
"""Checks/mounts appropriate sysfs entries."""
if not self.FileContains(self.MOUNTS_PATH, [self.CGROUP_ROOT]):
# Not all distros mount cgroup_root to sysfs.
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'cgroup_root',
self.CGROUP_ROOT], print_cmd=False)
# Mount the root hierarchy.
opts = ','.join(self.NEEDED_SUBSYSTEMS)
if not os.path.exists(self.ROOT_PATH):
# This hierarchy is exclusive to cbuildbot, so it probably doesn't exist.
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', '%s' % self.ROOT_PATH],
if not self.FileContains(self.MOUNTS_PATH, [self.ROOT_PATH]):
# Mount using expected set of opts.
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mount', '-t', 'cgroup', '-o', opts,
'cbuildbot', self.ROOT_PATH], print_cmd=False)
# TODO(zbehan): We should not accept pre-existing mount structure without
# checking/fixing it. Not caring for example implies not being able to add
# subsystems. Modifying this requires a remount of the root hierarchy, but
# remounting cgroup filesystems is not yet supported in linux and fails with
# silly messages. Always unmounting and remounting would be an option if we
# assume that there will never be parallel cbuildbot jobs.
# else:
# # The root hierarchy already exists, but could be using a different set
# # of subsystems, remount to make sure.
# cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mount', '-o', 'remount,%s' % opts,
# self.ROOT_PATH], print_cmd=False)
# Create a group for jobs. The root of hierarchy is generally read-only
# and always contains all processes. With a sub-group, we can for
# instance set default parameters for all newly started cbuildbot jobs.
if not os.path.exists(self.JOBS_PATH):
# Create a dump group. Non-empty hierarchies cannot be removed, so this
# is the group where the master process has to move itself first before
# attempting the delete.
if not os.path.exists(self.DUMP_PATH):
def SudoInherit(self, path, name):
"""Set given key to whatever the parent cgroup has."""
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'sh', '-c', 'cat %s > %s' %
(os.path.join(path, '..', name),
os.path.join(path, name))], print_cmd=False)
def SudoSet(self, path, name, value):
"""Set given key of a given cgroup to value."""
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'sh', '-c', '/bin/echo %s > %s' %
(value, os.path.join(path, name))], print_cmd=False)
def InitNamedCGroup(self, path):
"""Creates a cgroup given by path."""
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', path], print_cmd=False)
# Inherit some basics (cpus/mems are needed before we can assign tasks).
self.SudoInherit(path, 'cpuset.cpus')
self.SudoInherit(path, 'cpuset.mems')
def RemoveNamedCGroup(self, path):
"""Removes a cgroup given by path."""
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'rmdir', path], print_cmd=False)
def AssignPidToGroup(self, path, pid):
"""Assigns a given process to the given cgroup."""
# Assign this root process to the new cgroup.
self.SudoSet(path, 'tasks', '%d' % pid)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
parent - The parent CGroup. Root hierarchy if empty.
if not self.cgroup_supported:
# Calculate derived paths, because CGROUP_ROOT is variable.
self.ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(self.CGROUP_ROOT, 'cbuildbot')
self.JOBS_PATH = os.path.join(self.ROOT_PATH, 'jobs')
self.DUMP_PATH = os.path.join(self.ROOT_PATH, 'dump') = os.getpid()
if parent:
parent_path = parent.path
parent_path = self.JOBS_PATH
# Name of the trybot job = pid of the root process.
self.path = os.path.join(parent_path, '%d' %
self._cgroup_supported = None
def __enter__(self):
if not self.cgroup_supported:
# Create a cgroup named as the pid of this process.
# That would be necessary for multiple running instances of cbuildbot.
def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback):
if not self.cgroup_supported:
# Do not commit suicide - move self to the dump group first.
# Waiting loop.
taskfile = os.path.join(self.path, 'tasks')
steps_passed = 0
STEP = 1
# Wait a little for kids to exit normally, then TERM, then KILL. Second
# KILL is in case anything managed to spawn off some children while first
# KILL arrived. Give up after 10 seconds after a last kill call.
INTERVALS = [(5, 'TERM'), (30, 'KILL'), (60, 'KILL'), (100, 'KILL')]
while True:
with open(taskfile) as f:
pids =
if not pids:
# After all signals and waiting, there are still processes
# running. Seems like a serious hang.
print 'CGroup: Failed to clean up children!'
if INTERVALS and steps_passed == INTERVALS[0][0]:
cros_lib.RunCommand(['sudo', 'kill', '-%s' % INTERVALS[0][1]] + pids,
print_cmd=False, error_code_ok=True, redirect_stdout=True,
# Time slept, not passed, it doesn't account for time spent in the
# above code, but precision is not a priority here.
steps_passed += STEP
# Each step is 0.1s
time.sleep(STEP / 10)