blob: c87fe5d38ebbfb728a56a2f4fe881f064f6a2a15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A library to generate and store the manifests for cros builders to use."""
from __future__ import print_function
import cPickle
import fnmatch
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.cbuildbot import repository
from chromite.lib import cidb
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import timeout_util
BUILD_STATUS_URL = '%s/builder-status' % constants.MANIFEST_VERSIONS_GS_URL
PUSH_BRANCH = 'temp_auto_checkin_branch'
class VersionUpdateException(Exception):
"""Exception gets thrown for failing to update the version file"""
class StatusUpdateException(Exception):
"""Exception gets thrown for failure to update the status"""
class GenerateBuildSpecException(Exception):
"""Exception gets thrown for failure to Generate a buildspec for the build"""
class BuildSpecsValueError(Exception):
"""Exception gets thrown when a encountering invalid values."""
def RefreshManifestCheckout(manifest_dir, manifest_repo):
"""Checks out manifest-versions into the manifest directory.
If a repository is already present, it will be cleansed of any local
changes and restored to its pristine state, checking out the origin.
reinitialize = True
if os.path.exists(manifest_dir):
result = git.RunGit(manifest_dir, ['config', 'remote.origin.url'],
if (result.returncode == 0 and
result.output.rstrip() == manifest_repo):'Updating manifest-versions checkout.')
git.RunGit(manifest_dir, ['gc', '--auto'])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
logging.warning('Could not update manifest-versions checkout.')
reinitialize = False
else:'No manifest-versions checkout exists at %s', manifest_dir)
if reinitialize:'Cloning fresh manifest-versions checkout.')
osutils.RmDir(manifest_dir, ignore_missing=True)
repository.CloneGitRepo(manifest_dir, manifest_repo)
def _PushGitChanges(git_repo, message, dry_run=True, push_to=None):
"""Push the final commit into the git repo.
git_repo: git repo to push
message: Commit message
dry_run: If true, don't actually push changes to the server
push_to: A git.RemoteRef object specifying the remote branch to push to.
Defaults to the tracking branch of the current branch.
push_branch = None
if push_to is None:
remote, push_branch = git.GetTrackingBranch(
git_repo, for_checkout=False, for_push=True)
push_to = git.RemoteRef(remote, push_branch)
git.RunGit(git_repo, ['add', '-A'])
# It's possible that while we are running on dry_run, someone has already
# committed our change.
git.RunGit(git_repo, ['commit', '-m', message])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
if dry_run:
git.GitPush(git_repo, PUSH_BRANCH, push_to, dryrun=dry_run, force=dry_run)
def CreateSymlink(src_file, dest_file):
"""Creates a relative symlink from src to dest with optional removal of file.
More robust symlink creation that creates a relative symlink from src_file to
This is useful for multiple calls of CreateSymlink where you are using
the dest_file location to store information about the status of the src_file.
src_file: source for the symlink
dest_file: destination for the symlink
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_file)
rel_src_file = os.path.relpath(src_file, dest_dir)
logging.debug('Linking %s to %s', rel_src_file, dest_file)
os.symlink(rel_src_file, dest_file)
class VersionInfo(object):
"""Class to encapsulate the Chrome OS version info scheme.
You can instantiate this class in three ways.
1) using a version file, specifically,
which contains the version information.
2) passing in a string with the 3 version components.
3) using a source repo and calling from_repo().
version_string: Optional 3 component version string to parse. Contains:
build_number: release build number.
branch_build_number: current build number on a branch.
patch_number: patch number.
chrome_branch: If version_string specified, specify chrome_branch i.e. 13.
incr_type: How we should increment this version -
version_file: version file location.
# Pattern for matching build name format. Includes chrome branch hack.
VER_PATTERN = r'(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)(?:-R(\d+))*'
KEY_VALUE_PATTERN = r'%s=(\d+)\s*$'
VALID_INCR_TYPES = ('chrome_branch', 'build', 'branch', 'patch')
def __init__(self, version_string=None, chrome_branch=None,
incr_type='build', version_file=None):
if version_file:
self.version_file = version_file
logging.debug('Using VERSION _FILE = %s', version_file)
match =, version_string)
self.build_number =
self.branch_build_number =
self.patch_number =
self.chrome_branch = chrome_branch
self.version_file = None
self.incr_type = incr_type
def from_repo(cls, source_repo, **kwargs):
kwargs['version_file'] = os.path.join(source_repo, constants.VERSION_FILE)
return cls(**kwargs)
def _LoadFromFile(self):
"""Read the version file and set the version components"""
with open(self.version_file, 'r') as version_fh:
for line in version_fh:
if not line.strip():
match = self.FindValue('CHROME_BRANCH', line)
if match:
self.chrome_branch = match
logging.debug('Set the Chrome branch number to:%s',
match = self.FindValue('CHROMEOS_BUILD', line)
if match:
self.build_number = match
logging.debug('Set the build version to:%s', self.build_number)
match = self.FindValue('CHROMEOS_BRANCH', line)
if match:
self.branch_build_number = match
logging.debug('Set the branch version to:%s',
match = self.FindValue('CHROMEOS_PATCH', line)
if match:
self.patch_number = match
logging.debug('Set the patch version to:%s', self.patch_number)
def FindValue(self, key, line):
"""Given the key find the value from the line, if it finds key = value
key: key to look for
line: string to search
None: on a non match
value: for a matching key
match = % (key,), line)
return if match else None
def IncrementVersion(self):
"""Updates the version file by incrementing the patch component.
message: Commit message to use when incrementing the version.
dry_run: Git dry_run.
if not self.incr_type or self.incr_type not in self.VALID_INCR_TYPES:
raise VersionUpdateException('Need to specify the part of the version to'
' increment')
if self.incr_type == 'chrome_branch':
self.chrome_branch = str(int(self.chrome_branch) + 1)
# Increment build_number for 'chrome_branch' incr_type to avoid
if self.incr_type in ('build', 'chrome_branch'):
self.build_number = str(int(self.build_number) + 1)
self.branch_build_number = '0'
self.patch_number = '0'
elif self.incr_type == 'branch' and self.patch_number == '0':
self.branch_build_number = str(int(self.branch_build_number) + 1)
self.patch_number = str(int(self.patch_number) + 1)
return self.VersionString()
def UpdateVersionFile(self, message, dry_run, push_to=None):
"""Update the version file with our current version."""
if not self.version_file:
raise VersionUpdateException('Cannot call UpdateVersionFile without '
'an associated version_file')
components = (('CHROMEOS_BUILD', self.build_number),
('CHROMEOS_BRANCH', self.branch_build_number),
('CHROMEOS_PATCH', self.patch_number),
('CHROME_BRANCH', self.chrome_branch))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='mvp') as temp_fh:
with open(self.version_file, 'r') as source_version_fh:
for line in source_version_fh:
for key, value in components:
line = re.sub(self.KEY_VALUE_PATTERN % (key,),
'%s=%s\n' % (key, value), line)
repo_dir = os.path.dirname(self.version_file)
git.CreateBranch(repo_dir, PUSH_BRANCH)
shutil.copyfile(, self.version_file)
_PushGitChanges(repo_dir, message, dry_run=dry_run, push_to=push_to)
# Update to the remote version that contains our changes. This is needed
# to ensure that we don't build a release using a local commit.
def VersionString(self):
"""returns the version string"""
return '%s.%s.%s' % (self.build_number, self.branch_build_number,
def VersionComponents(self):
"""Return an array of ints of the version fields for comparing."""
return map(int, [self.build_number, self.branch_build_number,
def VersionCompare(cls, version_string):
"""Useful method to return a comparable version of a LKGM string."""
return cls(version_string).VersionComponents()
def __cmp__(self, other):
sinfo = self.VersionComponents()
oinfo = other.VersionComponents()
for s, o in zip(sinfo, oinfo):
if s != o:
return -1 if s < o else 1
return 0
__hash__ = None
def BuildPrefix(self):
"""Returns the build prefix to match the buildspecs in manifest-versions"""
if self.incr_type == 'branch':
if self.patch_number == '0':
return '%s.' % self.build_number
return '%s.%s.' % (self.build_number, self.branch_build_number)
# Default to build incr_type.
return ''
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__, self.VersionString())
class BuilderStatus(object):
"""Object representing the status of a build."""
def __init__(self, status, message, dashboard_url=None):
"""Constructor for BuilderStatus.
status: Status string (should be one of STATUS_FAILED, STATUS_PASSED,
message: A failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage object with details
of builder failure. Or, None.
dashboard_url: Optional url linking to builder dashboard for this build.
self.status = status
self.message = message
self.dashboard_url = dashboard_url
# Helper methods to make checking the status object easy.
def Failed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder failed."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED
def Passed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder passed."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED
def Inflight(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder is still inflight."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_INFLIGHT
def Missing(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder is missing any status."""
return self.status == constants.BUILDER_STATUS_MISSING
def Completed(self):
"""Returns True if the Builder has completed."""
return self.status in constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES
def GetCompletedStatus(cls, success):
"""Return the appropriate status constant for a completed build.
success: Whether the build was successful or not.
if success:
return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED
return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED
def AsFlatDict(self):
"""Returns a flat json-able representation of this builder status.
A dictionary of the form {'status' : status, 'message' : message,
'dashboard_url' : dashboard_url} where all values are guaranteed
to be strings. If dashboard_url is None, the key will be excluded.
flat_dict = {'status' : str(self.status),
'message' : str(self.message),
'reason' : str(None if self.message is None
else self.message.reason)}
if self.dashboard_url is not None:
flat_dict['dashboard_url'] = str(self.dashboard_url)
return flat_dict
def AsPickledDict(self):
"""Returns a pickled dictionary representation of this builder status."""
return cPickle.dumps(dict(status=self.status, message=self.message,
class BuildSpecsManager(object):
"""A Class to manage buildspecs and their states."""
def __init__(self, source_repo, manifest_repo, build_names, incr_type, force,
branch, manifest=constants.DEFAULT_MANIFEST, dry_run=True,
"""Initializes a build specs manager.
source_repo: Repository object for the source code.
manifest_repo: Manifest repository for manifest versions / buildspecs.
build_names: Identifiers for the build. Must match cbuildbot_config
entries. If multiple identifiers are provided, the first item in the
list must be an identifier for the group.
incr_type: How we should increment this version - build|branch|patch
force: Create a new manifest even if there are no changes.
branch: Branch this builder is running on.
manifest: Manifest to use for checkout. E.g. 'full' or 'buildtools'.
dry_run: Whether we actually commit changes we make or not.
master: Whether we are the master builder.
self.cros_source = source_repo
buildroot =
if manifest_repo.startswith(constants.INTERNAL_GOB_URL):
self.manifest_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'manifest-versions-internal')
self.manifest_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'manifest-versions')
self.manifest_repo = manifest_repo
self.build_names = build_names
self.incr_type = incr_type
self.force = force
self.branch = branch
self.manifest = manifest
self.dry_run = dry_run
self.master = master
# Directories and specifications are set once we load the specs.
self.all_specs_dir = None
self.pass_dirs = None
self.fail_dirs = None
# Specs.
self.latest = None
self._latest_status = None
self.latest_unprocessed = None
self.compare_versions_fn = VersionInfo.VersionCompare
self.current_version = None
self.rel_working_dir = ''
def _LatestSpecFromList(self, specs):
"""Find the latest spec in a list of specs.
specs: List of specs.
The latest spec if specs is non-empty.
None otherwise.
if specs:
return max(specs, key=self.compare_versions_fn)
def _LatestSpecFromDir(self, version_info, directory):
"""Returns the latest buildspec that match '*.xml' in a directory.
version_info: A VersionInfo object which will provide a build prefix
to match for.
directory: Directory of the buildspecs.
if os.path.exists(directory):
match_string = version_info.BuildPrefix() + '*.xml'
specs = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(directory), match_string)
return self._LatestSpecFromList([os.path.splitext(m)[0] for m in specs])
def RefreshManifestCheckout(self):
"""Checks out manifest versions into the manifest directory."""
RefreshManifestCheckout(self.manifest_dir, self.manifest_repo)
def InitializeManifestVariables(self, version_info=None, version=None):
"""Initializes manifest-related instance variables.
version_info: Info class for version information of cros. If None,
version must be specified instead.
version: Requested version. If None, build the latest version.
Whether the requested version was found.
assert version_info or version, 'version or version_info must be specified'
working_dir = os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, self.rel_working_dir)
specs_for_builder = os.path.join(working_dir, 'build-name', '%(builder)s')
buildspecs = os.path.join(working_dir, 'buildspecs')
# If version is specified, find out what Chrome branch it is on.
if version is not None:
dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(buildspecs, '*', version + '.xml'))
if len(dirs) == 0:
return False
assert len(dirs) <= 1, 'More than one spec found for %s' % version
dir_pfx = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(dirs[0]))
version_info = VersionInfo(chrome_branch=dir_pfx, version_string=version)
dir_pfx = version_info.chrome_branch
self.all_specs_dir = os.path.join(buildspecs, dir_pfx)
self.pass_dirs, self.fail_dirs = [], []
for build_name in self.build_names:
specs_for_build = specs_for_builder % {'builder': build_name}
os.path.join(specs_for_build, constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED,
os.path.join(specs_for_build, constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED,
# Calculate the status of the latest build, and whether the build was
# processed.
if version is None:
self.latest = self._LatestSpecFromDir(version_info, self.all_specs_dir)
if self.latest is not None:
self._latest_status = self.GetBuildStatus(self.build_names[0],
if self._latest_status.Missing():
self.latest_unprocessed = self.latest
return True
def GetCurrentVersionInfo(self):
"""Returns the current version info from the version file."""
version_file_path = self.cros_source.GetRelativePath(constants.VERSION_FILE)
return VersionInfo(version_file=version_file_path, incr_type=self.incr_type)
def HasCheckoutBeenBuilt(self):
"""Checks to see if we've previously built this checkout."""
if self._latest_status and self._latest_status.Passed():
latest_spec_file = '%s.xml' % os.path.join(
self.all_specs_dir, self.latest)
# We've built this checkout before if the manifest isn't different than
# the last one we've built.
return not self.cros_source.IsManifestDifferent(latest_spec_file)
# We've never built this manifest before so this checkout is always new.
return False
def CreateManifest(self):
"""Returns the path to a new manifest based on the current checkout."""
new_manifest = tempfile.mkstemp('manifest_versions.manifest')[1]
return new_manifest
def GetNextVersion(self, version_info):
"""Returns the next version string that should be built."""
version = version_info.VersionString()
if self.latest == version:
message = ('Automatic: %s - Updating to a new version number from %s' %
(self.build_names[0], version))
version = version_info.IncrementVersion()
version_info.UpdateVersionFile(message, dry_run=self.dry_run)
assert version != self.latest
cros_build_lib.Info('Incremented version number to %s', version)
return version
def PublishManifest(self, manifest, version, build_id=None):
"""Publishes the manifest as the manifest for the version to others.
manifest: Path to manifest file to publish.
version: Manifest version string, e.g. 6102.0.0-rc4
build_id: Optional integer giving build_id of the build that is
publishing this manifest. If specified and non-negative,
build_id will be included in the commit message.
# Note: This commit message is used by master.cfg for figuring out when to
# trigger slave builders.
commit_message = 'Automatic: Start %s %s %s' % (self.build_names[0],
self.branch, version)
if build_id is not None and build_id >= 0:
commit_message += '\nCrOS-Build-Id: %s' % build_id'Publishing build spec for: %s', version)'Publishing with commit message: %s', commit_message)
logging.debug('Manifest contents below.\n%s', osutils.ReadFile(manifest))
# Copy the manifest into the manifest repository.
spec_file = '%s.xml' % os.path.join(self.all_specs_dir, version)
shutil.copyfile(manifest, spec_file)
# Actually push the manifest.
def DidLastBuildFail(self):
"""Returns True if the last build failed."""
return self._latest_status and self._latest_status.Failed()
def GetBuildStatus(builder, version, retries=NUM_RETRIES):
"""Returns a BuilderStatus instance for the given the builder.
builder: Builder to look at.
version: Version string.
retries: Number of retries for getting the status.
A BuilderStatus instance containing the builder status and any optional
message associated with the status passed by the builder. If no status
is found for this builder then the returned BuilderStatus object will
have status STATUS_MISSING.
url = BuildSpecsManager._GetStatusUrl(builder, version)
ctx = gs.GSContext(retries=retries)
output = ctx.Cat(url)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
return BuilderStatus(constants.BUILDER_STATUS_MISSING, None)
return BuildSpecsManager._UnpickleBuildStatus(output)
def GetSlaveStatusesFromCIDB(master_build_id):
"""Get statuses of slaves associated with |master_build_id|.
master_build_id: Master build id to check.
A dictionary mapping the slave name to a status in
status_dict = dict()
db = cidb.CIDBConnectionFactory.GetCIDBConnectionForBuilder()
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
status_list = db.GetSlaveStatuses(master_build_id)
for d in status_list:
status_dict[d['build_config']] = d['status']
return status_dict
def GetBuildersStatus(self, master_build_id, builders_array, timeout=3 * 60):
"""Get the statuses of the slave builders of the master.
This function checks the status of slaves in |builders_array|. It
queries CIDB for all builds associated with the |master_build_id|,
then filters out builds that are not in |builders_array| (e.g.,
slaves that are not important).
master_build_id: Master build id to check.
builders_array: A list of the names of the builders to check.
timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the results.
A build-names->status dictionary of build statuses.
builders_completed = set()
def _GetStatusesFromDB():
"""Helper function that iterates through current statuses."""
status_dict = self.GetSlaveStatusesFromCIDB(master_build_id)
for builder in set(builders_array) - set(status_dict.keys()):
logging.warn('No status found for builder %s.', builder)
latest_completed = set(
[b for b, s in status_dict.iteritems() if s in
constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES and b in builders_array])
for builder in sorted(latest_completed - builders_completed):'Builder %s completed with status "%s".',
builder, status_dict[builder])
if len(builders_completed) < len(builders_array):'Still waiting for the following builds to complete: %r',
return None
return 'Builds completed.'
def _PrintRemainingTime(remaining):'%s until timeout...', remaining)
# Check for build completion until all builders report in.
builds_succeeded = timeout_util.WaitForSuccess(
lambda x: x is None,
except timeout_util.TimeoutError:
builds_succeeded = None
# Actually fetch the BuildStatus pickles from Google Storage.
builder_statuses = {}
for builder in builders_array:
logging.debug("Checking for builder %s's status", builder)
builder_status = self.GetBuildStatus(builder, self.current_version)
builder_statuses[builder] = builder_status
if not builds_succeeded:
logging.error('Not all builds finished before timeout (%d minutes)'
' reached.', int((timeout / 60) + 0.5))
return builder_statuses
def _UnpickleBuildStatus(pickle_string):
"""Returns a BuilderStatus instance from a pickled string."""
status_dict = cPickle.loads(pickle_string)
except (cPickle.UnpicklingError, AttributeError, EOFError,
ImportError, IndexError, TypeError) as e:
# The above exceptions are listed as possible unpickling exceptions
# by
# In addition to the exceptions listed in the doc, we've also observed
# TypeError in the wild.
logging.warning('Failed with %r to unpickle status file.', e)
return BuilderStatus(constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED, message=None)
return BuilderStatus(**status_dict)
def GetLatestPassingSpec(self):
"""Get the last spec file that passed in the current branch."""
version_info = self.GetCurrentVersionInfo()
return self._LatestSpecFromDir(version_info, self.pass_dirs[0])
def GetLocalManifest(self, version=None):
"""Return path to local copy of manifest given by version.
Path of |version|. By default if version is not set, returns the path
of the current version.
if not self.all_specs_dir:
raise BuildSpecsValueError('GetLocalManifest failed, BuildSpecsManager '
'instance not yet initialized by call to '
if version:
return os.path.join(self.all_specs_dir, version + '.xml')
elif self.current_version:
return os.path.join(self.all_specs_dir, self.current_version + '.xml')
return None
def BootstrapFromVersion(self, version):
"""Initialize a manifest from a release version returning the path to it."""
# Only refresh the manifest checkout if needed.
if not self.InitializeManifestVariables(version=version):
if not self.InitializeManifestVariables(version=version):
raise BuildSpecsValueError('Failure in BootstrapFromVersion. '
'InitializeManifestVariables failed after '
'RefreshManifestCheckout for version '
'%s.' % version)
# Return the current manifest.
self.current_version = version
return self.GetLocalManifest(self.current_version)
def CheckoutSourceCode(self):
"""Syncs the cros source to the latest git hashes for the branch."""
def GetNextBuildSpec(self, retries=NUM_RETRIES, build_id=None):
"""Returns a path to the next manifest to build.
retries: Number of retries for updating the status.
build_id: Optional integer cidb id of this build, which will be used to
annotate the manifest-version commit if one is created.
GenerateBuildSpecException in case of failure to generate a buildspec
last_error = None
for index in range(0, retries + 1):
version_info = self.GetCurrentVersionInfo()
if not self.force and self.HasCheckoutBeenBuilt():
return None
# If we're the master, always create a new build spec. Otherwise,
# only create a new build spec if we've already built the existing
# spec.
if self.master or not self.latest_unprocessed:
git.CreatePushBranch(PUSH_BRANCH, self.manifest_dir, sync=False)
version = self.GetNextVersion(version_info)
new_manifest = self.CreateManifest()
self.PublishManifest(new_manifest, version, build_id=build_id)
version = self.latest_unprocessed
self.current_version = version
return self.GetLocalManifest(version)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
last_error = 'Failed to generate buildspec. error: %s' % e
logging.error('Retrying to generate buildspec: Retry %d/%d', index + 1,
# Cleanse any failed local changes and throw an exception.
raise GenerateBuildSpecException(last_error)
def _GetStatusUrl(builder, version):
"""Get the status URL in Google Storage for a given builder / version."""
return os.path.join(BUILD_STATUS_URL, version, builder)
def _UploadStatus(self, version, status, message=None, fail_if_exists=False,
"""Upload build status to Google Storage.
version: Version number to use. Must be a string.
status: Status string.
message: A failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage object with details
of builder failure, or None (default).
fail_if_exists: If set, fail if the status already exists.
dashboard_url: Optional url linking to builder dashboard for this build.
data = BuilderStatus(status, message, dashboard_url).AsPickledDict()
gs_version = None
# This HTTP header tells Google Storage to return the PreconditionFailed
# error message if the file already exists. Unfortunately, with new versions
# of gsutil, PreconditionFailed is sometimes returned erroneously, so we've
# replaced this check with # an Exists check below instead.
# TODO(davidjames): Revert CL:223267 when Google Storage is fixed.
#if fail_if_exists:
# gs_version = 0'Recording status %s for %s', status, self.build_names)
for build_name in self.build_names:
url = BuildSpecsManager._GetStatusUrl(build_name, version)
ctx = gs.GSContext(dry_run=self.dry_run)
# Check if the file already exists.
if fail_if_exists and not self.dry_run and ctx.Exists(url):
raise GenerateBuildSpecException('Builder already inflight')
# Do the actual upload.
ctx.Copy('-', url, input=data, version=gs_version)
def UploadStatus(self, success, message=None, dashboard_url=None):
"""Uploads the status of the build for the current build spec.
success: True for success, False for failure
message: A failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage object with details
of builder failure, or None (default).
dashboard_url: Optional url linking to builder dashboard for this build.
status = BuilderStatus.GetCompletedStatus(success)
self._UploadStatus(self.current_version, status, message=message,
def SetInFlight(self, version, dashboard_url=None):
"""Marks the buildspec as inflight in Google Storage."""
self._UploadStatus(version, constants.BUILDER_STATUS_INFLIGHT,
except gs.GSContextPreconditionFailed:
raise GenerateBuildSpecException('Builder already inflight')
except gs.GSContextException as e:
raise GenerateBuildSpecException(e)
def _SetPassSymlinks(self, success_map):
"""Marks the buildspec as passed by creating a symlink in passed dir.
success_map: Map of config names to whether they succeeded.
src_file = '%s.xml' % os.path.join(self.all_specs_dir, self.current_version)
for i, build_name in enumerate(self.build_names):
if success_map[build_name]:
sym_dir = self.pass_dirs[i]
sym_dir = self.fail_dirs[i]
dest_file = '%s.xml' % os.path.join(sym_dir, self.current_version)
status = BuilderStatus.GetCompletedStatus(success_map[build_name])
logging.debug('Build %s: %s -> %s', status, src_file, dest_file)
CreateSymlink(src_file, dest_file)
def PushSpecChanges(self, commit_message):
"""Pushes any changes you have in the manifest directory."""
_PushGitChanges(self.manifest_dir, commit_message, dry_run=self.dry_run)
def UpdateStatus(self, success_map, message=None, retries=NUM_RETRIES,
"""Updates the status of the build for the current build spec.
success_map: Map of config names to whether they succeeded.
message: Message accompanied with change in status.
retries: Number of retries for updating the status
dashboard_url: Optional url linking to builder dashboard for this build.
last_error = None
if message:'Updating status with message %s', message)
for index in range(0, retries + 1):
git.CreatePushBranch(PUSH_BRANCH, self.manifest_dir, sync=False)
success = all(success_map.values())
commit_message = ('Automatic checkin: status=%s build_version %s for '
'%s' % (BuilderStatus.GetCompletedStatus(success),
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
last_error = ('Failed to update the status for %s with the '
'following error %s' % (self.build_names[0],
logging.error('Retrying to generate buildspec: Retry %d/%d', index + 1,
# Upload status to Google Storage as well.
self.UploadStatus(success, message=message, dashboard_url=dashboard_url)
# Cleanse any failed local changes and throw an exception.
raise StatusUpdateException(last_error)