blob: 6422b092fd7b2cade3d87584d5d4e01b561d21bd [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing the various stages that a builder runs."""
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import socket
from chromite.cbuildbot import commands
from chromite.lib import failures_lib
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import artifact_stages
from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import generic_stages
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import timeout_util
from chromite.lib.paygen import dryrun_lib
from chromite.lib.paygen import gslib
from chromite.lib.paygen import gspaths
from chromite.lib.paygen import paygen_build_lib
class InvalidTestConditionException(Exception):
"""Raised when pre-conditions for a test aren't met."""
class SignerTestStage(artifact_stages.ArchivingStage):
"""Run signer related tests."""
option_name = 'tests'
config_name = 'signer_tests'
# If the signer tests take longer than 30 minutes, abort. They usually take
# five minutes to run.
def PerformStage(self):
if not self.archive_stage.WaitForRecoveryImage():
raise InvalidTestConditionException('Missing recovery image.')
with timeout_util.Timeout(self.SIGNER_TEST_TIMEOUT):
commands.RunSignerTests(self._build_root, self._current_board)
class SignerResultsTimeout(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""The signer did not produce any results inside the expected time."""
class SignerFailure(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""The signer returned an error result."""
class MissingInstructionException(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""We didn't receive the list of signing instructions PushImage uploaded."""
class MalformedResultsException(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""The Signer results aren't formatted as we expect."""
class PaygenSigningRequirementsError(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""Paygen stage can't run if signing failed."""
class PaygenCrostoolsNotAvailableError(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""Paygen stage can't run if signing failed."""
class PaygenNoPaygenConfigForBoard(failures_lib.StepFailure):
"""Paygen can't run with a release.conf config for the board."""
class SigningStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage):
"""Stage that waits for image signing.
This stage waits for values from ArchiveStage (push_image), then waits until
the signing servers sign the uploaded images.
option_name = 'paygen'
config_name = 'paygen'
# Poll for new results every 30 seconds.
# Timeout for the signing process. 2 hours in seconds.
SIGNING_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 60
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, **kwargs):
"""Init that accepts the channels argument, if present.
builder_run: See builder_run on ArchivingStage.
board: See board on ArchivingStage.
super(SigningStage, self).__init__(builder_run, board, **kwargs)
# Used to remember partial results between retries.
self.signing_results = {}
# Filled in via WaitUntilReady, Of the form:
# {'channel': ['gs://instruction_uri1', 'gs://signer_instruction_uri2']}
self.instruction_urls_per_channel = None
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
"""Override and don't set status to FAIL but FORGIVEN instead."""
exc_type, _exc_value, _exc_tb = exc_info
# Notify stages blocked on us if we error out.
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('signed_images_ready', None)
# Warn so people look at ArchiveStage for the real error.
if issubclass(exc_type, MissingInstructionException):
return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
return super(SigningStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
def _JsonFromUrl(self, gs_ctx, url):
"""Fetch a GS Url, and parse it as Json.
gs_ctx: GS Context.
url: Url to fetch and parse.
None if the Url doesn't exist.
Parsed Json structure if it did.
MalformedResultsException if it failed to parse.
signer_txt = gs_ctx.Cat(url)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
return None
return json.loads(signer_txt)
except ValueError:
# We should never see malformed Json, even for intermediate statuses.
raise MalformedResultsException(signer_txt)
def _SigningStatusFromJson(self, signer_json):
"""Extract a signing status from a signer result Json DOM.
signer_json: The parsed json status from a signer operation.
string with a simple status: SIGNER_STATUS_PASSED, SIGNER_STATUS_FAILED,
etc, or '' if the json doesn't contain a status.
return (signer_json or {}).get('status', {}).get('status', '')
def _CheckForResults(self, gs_ctx, instruction_urls_per_channel,
"""timeout_util.WaitForSuccess func to check a list of signer results.
gs_ctx: Google Storage Context.
instruction_urls_per_channel: Urls of the signer result files
we're expecting.
channel_notifier: Method to call when a channel is ready or None.
Number of results not yet collected.
# Assume we are done, then try to prove otherwise.
results_completed = True
for channel in instruction_urls_per_channel.keys():
self.signing_results.setdefault(channel, {})
if (len(self.signing_results[channel]) ==
for url in instruction_urls_per_channel[channel]:
# Convert from instructions URL to instructions result URL.
url += '.json'
# We already have a result for this URL.
if url in self.signing_results[channel]:
signer_json = self._JsonFromUrl(gs_ctx, url)
except MalformedResultsException as e:
logging.warning('Received malformed json: %s', e)
if self._SigningStatusFromJson(signer_json) in COMPLETED_STATUS:
# If we find a completed result, remember it.
self.signing_results[channel][url] = signer_json
# If we don't have full results for this channel, we aren't done
# waiting.
if (len(self.signing_results[channel]) !=
results_completed = False
# If we reach here, the channel has just been completed for the first
# time.
# If all results passed the channel was successfully signed.
channel_success = True
for signer_result in self.signing_results[channel].values():
if (self._SigningStatusFromJson(signer_result) !=
channel_success = False
# If we successfully completed the channel, inform someone.
if channel_success and channel_notifier:
return results_completed
def _WaitForSigningResults(self,
"""Do the work of waiting for signer results and logging them.
instruction_urls_per_channel: push_image data (see _WaitForPushImage).
channel_notifier: Method to call with channel name when ready or None.
ValueError: If the signer result isn't valid json.
RunCommandError: If we are unable to download signer results.
gs_ctx = gs.GSContext(dry_run=self._run.debug)
try:'Waiting for signer results.')
func_args=(gs_ctx, instruction_urls_per_channel, channel_notifier),
timeout=self.SIGNING_TIMEOUT, period=self.SIGNING_PERIOD)
except timeout_util.TimeoutError:
msg = 'Image signing timed out.'
raise SignerResultsTimeout(msg)
# Log all signer results, then handle any signing failures.
failures = []
for url_results in self.signing_results.values():
for url, signer_result in url_results.iteritems():
result_description = os.path.basename(url)
logging.PrintBuildbotStepText(result_description)'Received results for: %s', result_description), indent=4))
status = self._SigningStatusFromJson(signer_result)
if status != constants.SIGNER_STATUS_PASSED:
logging.error('Signing failed for: %s', result_description)
if failures:
logging.error('Failure summary:')
for failure in failures:
logging.error(' %s', failure)
raise SignerFailure(', '.join([str(f) for f in failures]))
def WaitUntilReady(self):
"""Block until push_image data is ready.
Sets self.instruction_urls_per_channel as described in __init__.
Boolean that tells if we can run this stage.
# This call will NEVER time out.
self.instruction_urls_per_channel = self.board_runattrs.GetParallel(
'instruction_urls_per_channel', timeout=None)
# A value of None signals an error in PushImage.
if self.instruction_urls_per_channel is None:
# ArchiveStage PushImage failed. Signing won't run at all.
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('signed_images_ready', None)
return False
return True
def PerformStage(self):
"""Do the work of generating our release payloads."""
# Convert to release tools naming for boards.
board = self._current_board.replace('_', '-')
version = self._run.attrs.release_tag"Waiting for image signing for: %s, %s", board, version)"GS errors are a normal part of the polling for results.")
# Notify stages blocked on us that images are for the given channel list.
channels = self.instruction_urls_per_channel.keys()
self.board_runattrs.SetParallel('signed_images_ready', channels)
class PaygenStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage):
"""Stage that generates release payloads.
If this stage is created with a 'channels' argument, it can run
independently. Otherwise, it's dependent on values queued up by
the SigningStage.
option_name = 'paygen'
config_name = 'paygen'
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, channels=None, **kwargs):
"""Init that accepts the channels argument, if present.
builder_run: See builder_run on ArchivingStage.
board: See board on ArchivingStage.
channels: Explicit list of channels to generate payloads for.
If empty, will instead wait on values from push_image.
Channels is normally None in release builds, and normally set
for trybot 'payloads' builds.
super(PaygenStage, self).__init__(builder_run, board, **kwargs)
self.channels = channels
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
"""Override and don't set status to FAIL but FORGIVEN instead."""
exc_type, _exc_value, _exc_tb = exc_info
# If Paygen fails to find anything needed in release.conf, treat it
# as a warning. This is common during new board bring up.
if issubclass(exc_type, PaygenNoPaygenConfigForBoard):
return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
# If the SigningStage failed, we warn that we didn't run, but don't fail
# outright. Let SigningStage decide if this should kill the build.
if issubclass(exc_type, SignerFailure):
return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
return super(PaygenStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
def WaitUntilReady(self):
"""Block until signed images are ready.
Boolean that tells if we can run this stage.
# If we did got an explicit channel list, there is no need to wait.
if self.channels is None:
# Wait for channels from signing stage.
self.channels = self.board_runattrs.GetParallel(
'signed_images_ready', timeout=None)
# If the signing stage errored out for any reason.
if self.channels is None:
# SigningStage failed. Payloads can't be generated.
return False
return True
def PerformStage(self):
"""Do the work of generating our release payloads."""
# Convert to release tools naming for boards.
board = self._current_board.replace('_', '-')
version = self._run.attrs.release_tag
assert version, "We can't generate payloads without a release_tag.""Generating payloads for: %s, %s", board, version)
# Test to see if the current board has a Paygen configuration. We do
# this here, not in the sub-process so we don't have to pass back a
# failure reason.
except paygen_build_lib.BoardNotConfigured:
raise PaygenNoPaygenConfigForBoard(
'Golden Eye (%s) has no entry for board %s. Get a TPM to fix.' %
(paygen_build_lib.PAYGEN_URI, board))
# Default to False, set to True if it's a canary type build
skip_duts_check = False
if config_lib.IsCanaryType(self._run.config.build_type):
skip_duts_check = True
with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(self._RunPaygenInProcess) as per_channel:"Using channels: %s", self.channels)
# If we have an explicit list of channels, use it.
for channel in self.channels:
per_channel.put((channel, board, version, self._run.debug,
def _RunPaygenInProcess(self, channel, board, version, debug,
disable_tests, skip_delta_payloads,
"""Runs the PaygenBuild and PaygenTest stage (if applicable)"""
PaygenBuildStage(self._run, board, channel, version, debug, disable_tests,
skip_delta_payloads, skip_duts_check).Run()
class PaygenBuildStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage):
"""Stage that generates payloads and uploads to Google Storage."""
def __init__(self, builder_run, board, channel, version, debug,
skip_testing, skip_delta_payloads, skip_duts_check, **kwargs):
"""Init that accepts the channels argument, if present.
builder_run: See builder_run on ArchiveStage
board: Board of payloads to generate ('x86-mario', 'x86-alex-he', etc)
channel: Channel of payloads to generate ('stable', 'beta', etc)
version: Version of payloads to generate.
debug: Flag telling if this is a real run, or a test run.
skip_testing: Do not generate test artifacts or run payload tests.
skip_delta_payloads: Skip generating delta payloads.
skip_duts_check: Do not check minimum available DUTs before tests.
super(PaygenBuildStage, self).__init__(
builder_run, board, suffix=channel.capitalize(), **kwargs)
self._run = builder_run
self.board = board = channel
self.version = version
self.debug = debug
self.skip_testing = skip_testing
self.skip_delta_payloads = skip_delta_payloads
self.skip_duts_check = skip_duts_check
def PerformStage(self):
"""Invoke payload generation. If testing is enabled, schedule tests.
This method is intended to be safe to invoke inside a process.
# Convert to release tools naming for channels.
if not'-channel'): += '-channel'
with osutils.TempDir(sudo_rm=True) as tempdir:
# Create the definition of the build to generate payloads for.
build = gspaths.Build(,
# Generate the payloads.
self._PrintLoudly('Starting %s, %s, %s' % (, self.version,
paygen = paygen_build_lib.PaygenBuild(
testdata = paygen.CreatePayloads()
# Now, schedule the payload tests if desired.
if not self.skip_testing:
suite_name, archive_board, archive_build, finished_uri = testdata
model = archive_board
# For unified builds, we need to use an explicit model since only
# those will actually exist in the hardware test farm.
if self._run.config.models:
model = self._run.config.models[0].name
# Paygen tests only need to be run on one model for a given
# reference board.
# If we add richer labels to Autotest platforms that differentiate
# models from boards, we can let Autotest choose for us in the
# future from all models for a given reference board.
self._run, suite_name, model,,
archive_build, finished_uri, self.skip_duts_check,
except (paygen_build_lib.BuildFinished,
paygen_build_lib.BuildLocked) as e:
# These errors are normal if it's possible that another builder is, or
# has processed the same build. (perhaps by a trybot generating payloads
# on request).
# This means the build was finished by the other process, or is already
# being processed (so the build is locked).'PaygenBuild for %s skipped because: %s',, e)
class PaygenTestStage(generic_stages.BoardSpecificBuilderStage):
"""Stage that schedules the payload tests."""
def __init__(self, builder_run, suite_name, board, channel, build,
finished_uri, skip_duts_check, debug, **kwargs):
"""Init that accepts the channels argument, if present.
builder_run: See builder_run on ArchiveStage
suite_name: See builder_run on ArchiveStage
board: Board of payloads to generate ('x86-mario', 'x86-alex-he', etc)
channel: Channel of payloads to generate ('stable', 'beta', etc)
build: Version of payloads to generate.
finished_uri: GS URI of the finished flag to create on success.
skip_duts_check: Do not check minimum available DUTs before tests.
debug: Boolean indicating if this is a test run or a real run.
self.suite_name = suite_name
self.board = board = build
self.finished_uri = finished_uri
self.skip_duts_check = skip_duts_check
self.debug = debug
# We don't need the '-channel'suffix.
if channel.endswith('-channel'):
channel = channel[0:-len('-channel')]
super(PaygenTestStage, self).__init__(
builder_run, board, suffix=channel.capitalize(), **kwargs)
self._drm = dryrun_lib.DryRunMgr(self.debug)
def PerformStage(self):
"""Schedule the tests to run."""
# Schedule the tests to run and wait for the results.
paygen_build_lib.ScheduleAutotestTests(self.suite_name, self.board,, self.skip_duts_check,
# Mark the build as finished since the payloads were generated, uploaded,
# and tested by this point.
self._drm(gslib.CreateWithContents, self.finished_uri, socket.gethostname())
def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
"""Override and don't set status to FAIL but FORGIVEN instead."""
exc_type, exc_value, _exc_tb = exc_info
# If the exception is a TestLabFailure that means we couldn't schedule the
# test. We don't fail the build for that. We do the CompoundFailure dance,
# because that's how we'll get failures from background processes returned
# to us.
if (issubclass(exc_type, failures_lib.TestLabFailure) or
(issubclass(exc_type, failures_lib.CompoundFailure) and
return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
return super(PaygenTestStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)