blob: 62dc4fe81b4e93e7d7883733f0091550cb8d3dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module is not automatically loaded by the `cros` helper. The filename
# would need a "cros_" prefix to make that happen. It lives here so that it
# is alongside the file.
# For msg namespaces, the 9xxx should generally be reserved for our own use.
"""Additional lint modules loaded by pylint.
This is loaded by pylint directly via its pylintrc file:
Then pylint will import the register function and call it. So we can have
as many/few checkers as we want in this one module.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import os
import re
import sys
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.config import ConfigurationMixIn
from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
_THIRD_PARTY = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..', 'third_party')
_PYLINT_QUOTES = os.path.join(_THIRD_PARTY, 'pylint-quotes')
sys.path.insert(0, _PYLINT_QUOTES)
# pylint: disable=unused-import,wrong-import-position
from pylint_quotes.checker import StringQuoteChecker
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class DocStringSectionDetails(object):
"""Object to hold details about a docstring section.
e.g. This holds the Args: or Returns: data.
def __init__(self, name=None, header=None, lines=None, lineno=None):
name: The name of this section, e.g. "Args".
header: The raw header of this section, e.g. " Args:".
lines: The raw lines making up the section.
lineno: The first line of the section in the overall docstring.
This counts from one and includes the section header line.
""" = name
self.header = header
self.lines = [] if lines is None else lines
self.lineno = lineno
def __str__(self):
"""A human readable string for this object."""
return 'DocStringSectionDetails(%r, %r)' % (, self.lineno)
def __repr__(self):
"""A string to quickly identify this object."""
return 'DocStringSectionDetails(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (, self.header, self.lines, self.lineno,
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Test whether two DocStringSectionDetails objects are equivalent"""
return ( == and
self.header == other.header and
self.lines == other.lines and
self.lineno == other.lineno
def _PylintrcConfig(config_file, section, opts):
"""Read specific pylintrc settings.
This is a bit hacky. The pylint framework doesn't allow us to access options
outside of a Checker's own namespace (, and multiple linters may not
have the same name/options values (since they get globally registered). So we
have to re-read the registered config file and pull out the value we want.
The other option would be to force people to duplicate settings in the config
files and that's worse. e.g.
indent-string = ' '
indent-string = ' '
config_file: Path to the pylintrc file to read.
section: The section to read.
opts: The specific settings to return.
A pylint configuration object. Use option_value('...') to read.
class ConfigReader(ConfigurationMixIn):
"""Dynamic config file reader."""
name = section
options = opts
cfg = ConfigReader(config_file=config_file)
return cfg
class DocStringChecker(BaseChecker):
"""PyLint AST based checker to verify PEP 257 compliance
See our style guide for more info:
# TODO: See about merging with the pep257 project:
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
# pylint: disable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
class _MessageCP001(object): pass
class _MessageCP002(object): pass
class _MessageCP003(object): pass
class _MessageCP004(object): pass
class _MessageCP005(object): pass
class _MessageCP006(object): pass
class _MessageCP007(object): pass
class _MessageCP008(object): pass
class _MessageCP009(object): pass
class _MessageCP010(object): pass
class _MessageCP011(object): pass
class _MessageCP012(object): pass
class _MessageCP013(object): pass
class _MessageCP014(object): pass
class _MessageCP015(object): pass
class _MessageCP016(object): pass
class _MessageCP017(object): pass
class _MessageCP018(object): pass
# pylint: enable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
# All the sections we recognize (and in this order).
VALID_SECTIONS = ('Examples', 'Args', 'Returns', 'Yields', 'Raises')
# This is the section name in the pylintrc file.
name = 'doc_string_checker'
# Any pylintrc config options we accept.
options = ()
priority = -1
MSG_ARGS = 'offset:%(offset)i: {%(line)s}'
msgs = {
'C9001': ('Modules should have docstrings (even a one liner)',
('module-missing-docstring'), _MessageCP001),
'C9002': ('Classes should have docstrings (even a one liner)',
('class-missing-docstring'), _MessageCP002),
'C9003': ('Trailing whitespace in docstring: ' + MSG_ARGS,
('docstring-trailing-whitespace'), _MessageCP003),
'C9004': ('Leading whitespace in docstring (excess or missing)'
': ' + MSG_ARGS,
('docstring-leading-whitespace'), _MessageCP004),
'C9005': ('Closing triple quotes should not be cuddled',
('docstring-cuddled-quotes'), _MessageCP005),
'C9006': ('Section names should be preceded by one blank line'
': ' + MSG_ARGS,
('docstring-section-newline'), _MessageCP006),
'C9007': ('Section names should be one of "%s": %s' %
('docstring-section-name'), _MessageCP007),
'C9008': ('Sections should be in the order: %s' %
(' '.join(VALID_SECTIONS),),
('docstring-section-order'), _MessageCP008),
'C9009': ('First line should be a short summary',
('docstring-first-line'), _MessageCP009),
'C9010': ('Not all args mentioned in doc string: |%(arg)s|',
('docstring-missing-args'), _MessageCP010),
'C9011': ('Variable args/keywords are named *args/**kwargs, not %(arg)s',
('docstring-misnamed-args'), _MessageCP011),
'C9012': ('Incorrectly formatted Args section: %(arg)s',
('docstring-arg-spacing'), _MessageCP012),
'C9013': ('Too many blank lines in a row: ' + MSG_ARGS,
('docstring-too-many-newlines'), _MessageCP013),
'C9014': ('Second line should be blank',
('docstring-second-line-blank'), _MessageCP014),
'C9015': ('Section indentation should be %(want_indent)s spaces, not '
'%(curr_indent)s spaces: ' + MSG_ARGS,
('docstring-section-indent'), _MessageCP015),
'C9016': ('Closing triple quotes should be indented with %(want_indent)s '
'spaces, not %(curr_indent)s',
('docstring-trailing-quotes'), _MessageCP016),
'C9017': ('Section %(section)s shows up more than once; previous at '
('docstring-duplicate-section'), _MessageCP017),
'C9018': ('Docstrings must start with exactly three quotes',
('docstring-extra-quotes'), _MessageCP018),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
BaseChecker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
if self.linter is None:
# Unit tests don't set this up.
self._indent_string = ' '
cfg = _PylintrcConfig(self.linter.config_file, 'format',
(('indent-string', {'default': ' ',
'type': 'string'}),))
self._indent_string = cfg.option_value('indent-string')
self._indent_len = len(self._indent_string)
def visit_function(self, node):
"""Verify function docstrings"""
if node.doc:
lines = node.doc.split('\n')
self._check_common(node, lines)
sections = self._parse_docstring_sections(node, lines)
self._check_section_lines(node, lines, sections)
self._check_all_args_in_doc(node, lines, sections)
# This is what C0111 already does for us, so ignore.
def visit_module(self, node):
"""Verify module docstrings"""
if node.doc:
# Ignore stub files.
if os.path.basename(node.file) == '':
self.add_message('C9001', node=node)
def visit_class(self, node):
"""Verify class docstrings"""
if node.doc:
self.add_message('C9002', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
def _docstring_indent(self, node):
"""How much a |node|'s docstring should be indented"""
if node.display_type() == 'Module':
return 0
return node.col_offset + self._indent_len
def _check_common(self, node, lines=None):
"""Common checks we enforce on all docstrings"""
if lines is None:
lines = node.doc.split('\n')
funcs = (
for f in funcs:
f(node, lines)
def _check_first_line(self, node, lines):
"""Make sure first line is a short summary by itself"""
if lines[0] == '':
self.add_message('C9009', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
# We only check the first line for extra quotes because the grammar halts
# when it sees the next set of triple quotes (which means extra trailing
# quotes are not part of the docstring).
if lines[0].startswith('"'):
self.add_message('C9018', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
def _check_second_line_blank(self, node, lines):
"""Make sure the second line is blank"""
if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1] != '':
self.add_message('C9014', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
def _check_whitespace(self, node, lines):
"""Verify whitespace is sane"""
# Make sure first line doesn't have leading whitespace.
if lines[0].lstrip() != lines[0]:
margs = {'offset': 0, 'line': lines[0]}
self.add_message('C9004', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# Verify no trailing whitespace.
# We skip the last line since it's supposed to be pure whitespace.
# Also check for multiple blank lines in a row.
last_blank = False
for i, l in enumerate(lines[:-1]):
margs = {'offset': i, 'line': l}
if l.rstrip() != l:
self.add_message('C9003', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
curr_blank = l == ''
if last_blank and curr_blank:
self.add_message('C9013', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
last_blank = curr_blank
# Now specially handle the last line.
l = lines[-1]
if l.strip() != '' and l.rstrip() != l:
margs = {'offset': len(lines), 'line': l}
self.add_message('C9003', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
def _check_last_line(self, node, lines):
"""Make sure last line is all by itself"""
if len(lines) > 1:
indent = self._docstring_indent(node)
if lines[-1].strip() != '':
self.add_message('C9005', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
elif lines[-1] != ' ' * indent:
# The -1 line holds the """ itself and that should be indented.
margs = {
'offset': len(lines) - 1,
'line': lines[-1],
'want_indent': indent,
'curr_indent': len(lines[-1]),
self.add_message('C9016', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# The last line should not be blank.
if lines[-2] == '':
margs = {'offset': len(lines) - 2, 'line': lines[-2]}
self.add_message('C9003', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
def _parse_docstring_sections(self, node, lines):
"""Find all the sections and return them
node: The python object we're checking.
lines: Parsed docstring lines.
An ordered dict of sections and their (start, end) line numbers.
The start line does not include the section header itself.
{'Args': [start_line_number, end_line_number], ...}
sections = collections.OrderedDict()
invalid_sections = (
# Handle common misnamings.
'example', 'usage', 'example usage',
'arg', 'argument', 'arguments',
'ret', 'rets', 'return', 'retrun', 'retruns', 'result', 'results',
'yield', 'yeild', 'yeilds',
'raise', 'riase', 'riases', 'throw', 'throws',
indent_len = self._docstring_indent(node)
in_args_section = False
last_section = None
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines[1:], start=2):
line_indent_len = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
margs = {
'offset': lineno,
'line': line,
l = line.strip()
# Catch semi-common javadoc style.
if l.startswith('@param') or l.startswith('@return'):
self.add_message('C9007', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# See if we can detect incorrect behavior.
section = l.split(':', 1)[0]
# Remember whether we're currently in the Args: section so we don't treat
# named arguments as sections (e.g. a function has a "returns" arg). Use
# the indentation level to detect the start of the next section.
if in_args_section:
in_args_section = (indent_len < line_indent_len)
if not in_args_section:
# We only parse known invalid & valid sections here. This avoids
# picking up things that look like sections but aren't (e.g. "Note:"
# lines), and avoids running checks on sections we don't yet support.
if section.lower() in invalid_sections:
self.add_message('C9007', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
elif section in self.VALID_SECTIONS:
if section in sections:
# We got the same section more than once?
margs_copy = margs.copy()
'line_old': sections[section].lineno,
'section': section,
self.add_message('C9017', node=node, line=node.fromlineno,
# Gather the order of the sections.
sections[section] = last_section = DocStringSectionDetails(
name=section, header=line, lineno=lineno)
# Detect whether we're in the Args section once we've processed the Args
# section itself.
in_args_section = (section == 'Args')
if l == '' and last_section:
last_section.lines = lines[last_section.lineno:lineno - 1]
last_section = None
return sections
def _check_section_lines(self, node, lines, sections):
"""Verify each section (Args/Returns/Yields/Raises) is sane"""
indent_len = self._docstring_indent(node)
# Make sure the sections are in the right order.
found_sections = [x for x in self.VALID_SECTIONS if x in sections]
if found_sections != sections.keys():
self.add_message('C9008', node=node, line=node.fromlineno)
for section in sections.values():
# We're going to check the section line itself.
lineno = section.lineno
line = section.header
want_indent = indent_len + self._indent_len
line_indent_len = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
margs = {
'offset': lineno,
'line': line,
'want_indent': want_indent,
'curr_indent': line_indent_len,
# Make sure it has some number of leading whitespace.
if not line.startswith(' '):
self.add_message('C9004', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# Make sure it has a single trailing colon.
if line.strip() != '%s:' %
self.add_message('C9007', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# Verify blank line before it. We use -2 because lineno counts from one,
# but lines is a zero-based list.
if lines[lineno - 2] != '':
self.add_message('C9006', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# Check the indentation level on the section header (e.g. Args:).
if line_indent_len != indent_len:
self.add_message('C9015', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# Now check the indentation of subtext in each section.
saw_exact = False
for i, line in enumerate(section.lines, start=1):
# Every line should be indented at least the minimum.
# Always update margs so that if we drop through below, it has
# reasonable values when generating the message.
line_indent_len = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
'line': line,
'offset': lineno + i,
'curr_indent': line_indent_len,
if line_indent_len == want_indent:
saw_exact = True
elif line_indent_len < want_indent:
self.add_message('C9015', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
# If none of the lines were indented at the exact level, then something
# is amiss like they're all incorrectly offset.
if not saw_exact:
self.add_message('C9015', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
def _check_all_args_in_doc(self, node, _lines, sections):
"""All function arguments are mentioned in doc"""
if not hasattr(node, 'argnames'):
# If they don't have an Args section, then give it a pass.
section = sections.get('Args')
if section is None:
# Now verify all args exist.
# TODO: Should we verify arg order matches doc order ?
# TODO: Should we check indentation of wrapped docs ?
missing_args = []
for arg in node.args.args:
# Ignore class related args.
if in ('cls', 'self'):
# Ignore ignored args.
# Valid arguments may look like `<arg>:` or `<arg> (<type>):`.
arg_re = re.compile(r'%s( \([^)]+\))?:' % re.escape(
for l in section.lines:
aline = l.lstrip()
m = arg_re.match(aline)
if m:
amsg = aline[m.end():]
if len(amsg) and len(amsg) - len(amsg.lstrip()) != 1:
margs = {'arg': l}
self.add_message('C9012', node=node, line=node.fromlineno,
if missing_args:
margs = {'arg': '|, |'.join(missing_args)}
self.add_message('C9010', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
def _check_func_signature(self, node):
"""Require *args to be named args, and **kwargs kwargs"""
vararg = node.args.vararg
if vararg and vararg != 'args' and vararg != '_args':
margs = {'arg': vararg}
self.add_message('C9011', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
kwarg = node.args.kwarg
if kwarg and kwarg != 'kwargs' and kwarg != '_kwargs':
margs = {'arg': kwarg}
self.add_message('C9011', node=node, line=node.fromlineno, args=margs)
class Py3kCompatChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Make sure we enforce py3k compatible features"""
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
# pylint: disable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
class _MessageR9100(object): pass
# pylint: enable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
name = 'py3k_compat_checker'
priority = -1
MSG_ARGS = 'offset:%(offset)i: {%(line)s}'
msgs = {
'R9100': ('Missing "from __future__ import print_function" line',
('missing-print-function'), _MessageR9100),
options = ()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Py3kCompatChecker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.seen_print_func = False
self.saw_imports = False
def close(self):
"""Called when done processing module"""
if not self.seen_print_func:
# Do not warn if moduler doesn't import anything at all (like
# empty files).
if self.saw_imports:
def _check_print_function(self, node):
"""Verify print_function is imported"""
if node.modname == '__future__':
for name, _ in node.names:
if name == 'print_function':
self.seen_print_func = True
def visit_from(self, node):
"""Process 'from' statements"""
self.saw_imports = True
def visit_import(self, _node):
"""Process 'import' statements"""
self.saw_imports = True
class SourceChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Make sure we enforce rules on the source."""
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
# pylint: disable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
class _MessageR9200(object): pass
class _MessageR9201(object): pass
class _MessageR9202(object): pass
class _MessageR9203(object): pass
class _MessageR9204(object): pass
class _MessageR9205(object): pass
class _MessageR9210(object): pass
# pylint: enable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
name = 'source_checker'
priority = -1
MSG_ARGS = 'offset:%(offset)i: {%(line)s}'
msgs = {
'R9200': ('Shebang should be #!/usr/bin/env python2 or '
'#!/usr/bin/env python3',
('bad-shebang'), _MessageR9200),
'R9201': ('Shebang is missing, but file is executable (chmod -x to fix)',
('missing-shebang'), _MessageR9201),
'R9202': ('Shebang is set, but file is not executable (chmod +x to fix)',
('spurious-shebang'), _MessageR9202),
'R9203': ('Unittest not named',
('unittest-misnamed'), _MessageR9203),
'R9204': ('File encoding missing (the first line after the shebang'
' should be "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")',
('missing-file-encoding'), _MessageR9204),
'R9205': ('File encoding should be "utf-8"',
('bad-file-encoding'), _MessageR9205),
'R9210': ('Trailing new lines found at end of file',
('excess-trailing-newlines'), _MessageR9210),
options = ()
# Taken from PEP-263.
_ENCODING_RE = re.compile(r'^[ \t\v]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
def visit_module(self, node):
"""Called when the whole file has been read"""
stream = node.file_stream
st = os.fstat(stream.fileno())
self._check_shebang(node, stream, st)
self._check_encoding(node, stream, st)
self._check_trailing_lines(node, stream, st)
def _check_shebang(self, _node, stream, st):
"""Verify the shebang is version specific"""
mode = st.st_mode
executable = bool(mode & 0o0111)
shebang = stream.readline()
if shebang[0:2] != '#!':
if executable:
elif not executable:
if shebang.strip() not in (
'#!/usr/bin/env python2', '#!/usr/bin/env python3'):
def _check_encoding(self, _node, stream, st):
"""Verify the file has an encoding set
See PEP-263 for more details.
# Only allow empty files to have no encoding (e.g.
if not st.st_size:
encoding = stream.readline()
# If the first line is the shebang, then the encoding is the second line.
if encoding[0:2] == '#!':
encoding = stream.readline()
# See if the encoding matches the standard.
m = self._ENCODING_RE.match(encoding)
if m:
if != 'utf-8':
def _check_module_name(self, node):
"""Make sure the module name is sane"""
# Catch various typos.
name ='.', 2)[-1]
if name.rsplit('_', 2)[-1] in ('unittests',):
def _check_trailing_lines(self, _node, stream, st):
"""Reject trailing lines"""
if st.st_size > 1: - 2)
if not'\n'):
class ChromiteLoggingChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Make sure we enforce rules on importing logging."""
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
# pylint: disable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
class _MessageR9301(object): pass
# pylint: enable=class-missing-docstring,multiple-statements
name = 'chromite_logging_checker'
priority = -1
MSG_ARGS = 'offset:%(offset)i: {%(line)s}'
msgs = {
'R9301': ('logging is deprecated. Use "from chromite.lib import '
'cros_logging as logging" to import chromite/lib/cros_logging',
('cros-logging-import'), _MessageR9301),
options = ()
# This checker is disabled by default because we only want to disallow "import
# logging" in chromite and not in other places cros lint is used. To enable
# this checker, modify the pylintrc file.
enabled = False
def visit_import(self, node):
"""Called when node is an import statement."""
for name, _ in node.names:
if name == 'logging':
self.add_message('R9301', line=node.lineno)
def register(linter):
"""pylint will call this func to register all our checkers"""
# Walk all the classes in this module and register ours.
this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
for member in dir(this_module):
if (not member.endswith('Checker') or
member in ('BaseChecker', 'IAstroidChecker')):
cls = getattr(this_module, member)