blob: a9ee417384f1b4142449ab25ecf93beb040cf339 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Classes representing individual metrics that can be sent."""
import copy
from infra_libs.ts_mon.protos import metrics_pb2
from infra_libs.ts_mon.common import distribution
from infra_libs.ts_mon.common import errors
from infra_libs.ts_mon.common import interface
class Metric(object):
"""Abstract base class for a metric.
A Metric is an attribute that may be monitored across many targets. Examples
include disk usage or the number of requests a server has received. A single
process may keep track of many metrics.
Note that Metric objects may be initialized at any time (for example, at the
top of a library), but cannot be sent until the underlying Monitor object
has been set up (usually by the top-level process parsing the command line).
A Metric can actually store multiple values that are identified by a set of
fields (which are themselves key-value pairs). Fields can be passed to the
set() or increment() methods to modify a particular value, or passed to the
constructor in which case they will be used as the defaults for this Metric.
The unit of measurement for Metric data can be specified with MetricsDataUnits
when a Metric object is created:
e.g., MetricsDataUnits.SECONDS, MetricsDataUnits.BYTES, and etc..,
A full list of supported units can be found in the following protobuf file
: infra_libs/ts_mon/protos/metrics.proto
Do not directly instantiate an object of this class.
Use the concrete child classes instead:
* StringMetric for metrics with string value
* BooleanMetric for metrics with boolean values
* CounterMetric for metrics with monotonically increasing integer values
* GaugeMetric for metrics with arbitrarily varying integer values
* CumulativeMetric for metrics with monotonically increasing float values
* FloatMetric for metrics with arbitrarily varying float values
See http://go/inframon-doc for help designing and using your metrics.
def __init__(self, name, fields=None, description=None, units=None):
"""Create an instance of a Metric.
name (str): the file-like name of this metric
fields (dict): a set of key-value pairs to be set as default metric fields
description (string): help string for the metric. Should be enough to
know what the metric is about.
units (int): the unit used to measure data for given
metric. Please use the attributes of MetricDataUnit to find
valid integer values for this argument.
self._name = name.lstrip('/')
self._start_time = None
fields = fields or {}
if len(fields) > 7:
raise errors.MonitoringTooManyFieldsError(self._name, fields)
self._fields = fields
self._normalized_fields = self._normalize_fields(self._fields)
self._description = description
self._units = units
def name(self):
return self._name
def start_time(self):
return self._start_time
def is_cumulative(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __eq__(self, other):
return ( == and
self._fields == other._fields and
type(self) == type(other))
def unregister(self):
def serialize_to(self, collection_pb, start_time, fields, value, target):
"""Generate metrics_pb2.MetricsData messages for this metric.
collection_pb (metrics_pb2.MetricsCollection): protocol buffer into which
to add the current metric values.
start_time (int): timestamp in microseconds since UNIX epoch.
target (Target): a Target to use.
metric_pb =
metric_pb.metric_name_prefix = interface.state.metric_name_prefix = self._name
if self._description is not None:
metric_pb.description = self._description
if self._units is not None:
metric_pb.units = self._units
self._populate_value(metric_pb, value, start_time)
self._populate_fields(metric_pb, fields)
def _populate_fields(self, metric, fields):
"""Fill in the fields attribute of a metric protocol buffer.
metric (metrics_pb2.MetricsData): a metrics protobuf to populate
fields (list of (key, value) tuples): normalized metric fields
MonitoringInvalidFieldTypeError: if a field has a value of unknown type
for key, value in fields:
field = metric.fields.add() = key
if isinstance(value, basestring):
field.type = metrics_pb2.MetricsField.STRING
field.string_value = value
elif isinstance(value, bool):
field.type = metrics_pb2.MetricsField.BOOL
field.bool_value = value
elif isinstance(value, int):
field.type = metrics_pb2.MetricsField.INT
field.int_value = value
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidFieldTypeError(self._name, key, value)
def _normalize_fields(self, fields):
"""Merges the fields with the default fields and returns something hashable.
fields (dict): A dict of fields passed by the user, or None.
A tuple of (key, value) tuples, ordered by key. This whole tuple is used
as the key in the self._values dict to identify the cell for a value.
MonitoringTooManyFieldsError: if there are more than seven metric fields
if fields is None:
return self._normalized_fields
all_fields = copy.copy(self._fields)
if len(all_fields) > 7:
raise errors.MonitoringTooManyFieldsError(self._name, all_fields)
return tuple(sorted(all_fields.iteritems()))
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
"""Fill in the the data values of a metric protocol buffer.
metric (metrics_pb2.MetricsData): a metrics protobuf to populate
value (see concrete class): the value of the metric to be set
start_time (int): timestamp in microseconds since UNIX epoch.
raise NotImplementedError()
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
"""Set a new value for this metric. Results in sending a new value.
The subclass should do appropriate type checking on value and then call
value (see concrete class): the value of the metric to be set
fields (dict): additional metric fields to complement those on self
target_fields (dict): overwrite some of the default target fields
raise NotImplementedError()
def get(self, fields=None, target_fields=None):
"""Returns the current value for this metric.
Subclasses should never use this to get a value, modify it and set it again.
Instead use _incr with a modify_fn.
return, self._normalize_fields(fields), target_fields)
def get_all(self):
def reset(self):
"""Clears the values of this metric. Useful in unit tests.
It might be easier to call ts_mon.reset_for_unittest() in your setUp()
method instead of resetting every individual metric.
def _set(self, fields, target_fields, value, enforce_ge=False):, self._normalize_fields(fields),
target_fields, value, enforce_ge=enforce_ge)
def _incr(self, fields, target_fields, delta, modify_fn=None):, self._normalize_fields(fields),
target_fields, delta, modify_fn=modify_fn)
class StringMetric(Metric):
"""A metric whose value type is a string."""
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.string_value = value
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, value)
def is_cumulative(self):
return False
class BooleanMetric(Metric):
"""A metric whose value type is a boolean."""
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.boolean_value = value
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, value)
def is_cumulative(self):
return False
class NumericMetric(Metric): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""Abstract base class for numeric (int or float) metrics."""
# TODO(agable): Figure out if there's a way to send units with these metrics.
def increment(self, fields=None, target_fields=None):
self._incr(fields, target_fields, 1)
def increment_by(self, step, fields=None, target_fields=None):
self._incr(fields, target_fields, step)
class CounterMetric(NumericMetric):
"""A metric whose value type is a monotonically increasing integer."""
def __init__(self, name, fields=None, start_time=None, description=None,
super(CounterMetric, self).__init__(
name, fields=fields, description=description, units=units)
self._start_time = start_time
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.counter = value
metric.start_timestamp_us = int(start_time * MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND)
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, value, enforce_ge=True)
def increment_by(self, step, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(step, (int, long)):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, step)
self._incr(fields, target_fields, step)
def is_cumulative(self):
return True
class GaugeMetric(NumericMetric):
"""A metric whose value type is an integer."""
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.gauge = value
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, value)
def is_cumulative(self):
return False
class CumulativeMetric(NumericMetric):
"""A metric whose value type is a monotonically increasing float."""
def __init__(self, name, fields=None, start_time=None, description=None,
super(CumulativeMetric, self).__init__(
name, fields=fields, description=description, units=units)
self._start_time = start_time
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.cumulative_double_value = value
metric.start_timestamp_us = int(start_time * MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND)
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, float(value), enforce_ge=True)
def is_cumulative(self):
return True
class FloatMetric(NumericMetric):
"""A metric whose value type is a float."""
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
metric.noncumulative_double_value = value
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, float(value))
def is_cumulative(self):
return False
class DistributionMetric(Metric):
"""A metric that holds a distribution of values.
By default buckets are chosen from a geometric progression, each bucket being
approximately 1.59 times bigger than the last. In practice this is suitable
for many kinds of data, but you may want to provide a FixedWidthBucketer or
GeometricBucketer with different parameters."""
2: metrics_pb2.PrecomputedDistribution.CANONICAL_POWERS_OF_2,
10**0.2: metrics_pb2.PrecomputedDistribution.CANONICAL_POWERS_OF_10_P_0_2,
10: metrics_pb2.PrecomputedDistribution.CANONICAL_POWERS_OF_10,
def __init__(self, name, is_cumulative=True, bucketer=None, fields=None,
start_time=None, description=None, units=None):
super(DistributionMetric, self).__init__(
name, fields=fields, description=description, units=units)
self._start_time = start_time
if bucketer is None:
bucketer = distribution.GeometricBucketer()
self._is_cumulative = is_cumulative
self.bucketer = bucketer
def _populate_value(self, metric, value, start_time):
pb = metric.distribution
pb.is_cumulative = self._is_cumulative
if self._is_cumulative:
metric.start_timestamp_us = int(start_time * MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND)
# Copy the bucketer params.
if (value.bucketer.width == 0 and
value.bucketer.growth_factor in self.CANONICAL_SPEC_TYPES):
pb.spec_type = self.CANONICAL_SPEC_TYPES[value.bucketer.growth_factor]
pb.spec_type = metrics_pb2.PrecomputedDistribution.CUSTOM_PARAMETERIZED
pb.width = value.bucketer.width
pb.growth_factor = value.bucketer.growth_factor
pb.num_buckets = value.bucketer.num_finite_buckets
# Copy the distribution bucket values. Only include the finite buckets, not
# the overflow buckets on each end.
value.buckets.get(i, 0) for i in
xrange(1, value.bucketer.total_buckets - 1)))
# Add the overflow buckets if present.
if value.bucketer.underflow_bucket in value.buckets:
pb.underflow = value.buckets[value.bucketer.underflow_bucket]
if value.bucketer.overflow_bucket in value.buckets:
pb.overflow = value.buckets[value.bucketer.overflow_bucket]
if value.count != 0:
pb.mean = float(value.sum) / value.count
def _running_zero_generator(iterable):
"""Compresses sequences of zeroes in the iterable into negative zero counts.
For example an input of [1, 0, 0, 0, 2] is converted to [1, -3, 2].
count = 0
for value in iterable:
if value == 0:
count += 1
if count != 0:
yield -count
count = 0
yield value
def add(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
def modify_fn(dist, value):
if dist == 0:
dist = distribution.Distribution(self.bucketer)
return dist
self._incr(fields, target_fields, value, modify_fn=modify_fn)
def set(self, value, fields=None, target_fields=None):
"""Replaces the distribution with the given fields with another one.
This only makes sense on non-cumulative DistributionMetrics.
value: A infra_libs.ts_mon.Distribution.
if self._is_cumulative:
raise TypeError(
'Cannot set() a cumulative DistributionMetric (use add() instead)')
if not isinstance(value, distribution.Distribution):
raise errors.MonitoringInvalidValueTypeError(self._name, value)
self._set(fields, target_fields, value)
def is_cumulative(self):
raise NotImplementedError() # Keep this class abstract.
class CumulativeDistributionMetric(DistributionMetric):
"""A DistributionMetric with is_cumulative set to True."""
def __init__(self, name, bucketer=None, fields=None,
description=None, units=None):
super(CumulativeDistributionMetric, self).__init__(
def is_cumulative(self):
return True
class NonCumulativeDistributionMetric(DistributionMetric):
"""A DistributionMetric with is_cumulative set to False."""
def __init__(self, name, bucketer=None, fields=None,
description=None, units=None):
super(NonCumulativeDistributionMetric, self).__init__(
def is_cumulative(self):
return False
class MetaMetricsDataUnits(type):
"""Metaclass to populate the enum values of metrics_pb2.MetricsData.Units."""
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
return super(MetaMetricsDataUnits, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
class MetricsDataUnits(object):
"""An enumeration class for units of measurement for Metrics data.
See infra_libs/ts_mon/protos/metrics.proto for a full list of supported units.
__metaclass__ = MetaMetricsDataUnits