blob: 2dfaac58f1cfec2f354bdff7caea3833cf749dbf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test the image_lib module."""
from __future__ import print_function
import gc
import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib_unittest
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import image_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import partial_mock
class FakeException(Exception):
"""Fake exception used for testing exception handling."""
class LoopbackPartitions(object):
"""Mocked loopback partition class to use in unit tests.
path: Path to the image file.
dev: Path for the base loopback device.
part_count: How many partition device files to make up.
part_overrides: A dict which is used to update
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
def __init__(self, path='/dev/loop9999', dev=None,
part_count=None, part_overrides={}):
self.path = path = dev = {}
for i in xrange(part_count):[i + 1] = path + 'p' + str(i + 1)
def close(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
FAKE_PATH = '/imaginary/file'
LOOP_DEV = '/dev/loop9999'
LOOP_PARTS_DICT = {num: '%sp%d' % (LOOP_DEV, num) for num in range(1, 13)}
class LoopbackPartitionsTest(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Test the loopback partitions class"""
def setUp(self):
self.rc_mock = cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock()
self.PatchObject(glob, 'glob', return_value=LOOP_PARTS_LIST)
def fake_which(val, *_arg, **_kwargs):
return val
self.PatchObject(osutils, 'Which', side_effect=fake_which)
def testContextManager(self):
"""Test using the loopback class as a context manager."""
self.rc_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('--show'), output=LOOP_DEV)
with image_lib.LoopbackPartitions(FAKE_PATH) as lb:
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--show', '-f', FAKE_PATH])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-a', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV],
self.assertEquals(, LOOP_PARTS_DICT)
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV])
def testManual(self):
"""Test using the loopback class closed manually."""
self.rc_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('--show'), output=LOOP_DEV)
lb = image_lib.LoopbackPartitions(FAKE_PATH)
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--show', '-f', FAKE_PATH])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-a', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV],
self.assertEquals(, LOOP_PARTS_DICT)
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV])
def gcFunc(self):
"""This function isolates a local variable so it'll be garbage collected."""
self.rc_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('--show'), output=LOOP_DEV)
lb = image_lib.LoopbackPartitions(FAKE_PATH)
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--show', '-f', FAKE_PATH])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-a', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV],
self.assertEquals(, LOOP_PARTS_DICT)
def testGarbageCollected(self):
"""Test using the loopback class closed by garbage collection."""
# Force garbage collection in case python didn't already clean up the
# loopback object.
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['partx', '-d', LOOP_DEV])
self.rc_mock.assertCommandContains(['losetup', '--detach', LOOP_DEV])
class LsbUtilsTest(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Tests the various LSB utilities."""
def setUp(self):
# Patch os.getuid(..) to pretend running as root, so reading/writing the
# lsb-release file doesn't require escalated privileges and the test can
# clean itself up correctly.
self.PatchObject(os, 'getuid', return_value=0)
def testWriteLsbRelease(self):
"""Tests writing out the lsb_release file using WriteLsbRelease(..)."""
fields = {'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'foo': 'bar'}
image_lib.WriteLsbRelease(self.tempdir, fields)
lsb_release_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'etc', 'lsb-release')
expected_content = 'y=2\nx=1\nfoo=bar\n'
self.assertFileContents(lsb_release_file, expected_content)
# Test that WriteLsbRelease(..) correctly handles an existing file.
fields = {'newkey1': 'value1', 'newkey2': 'value2', 'a': '3', 'b': '4'}
image_lib.WriteLsbRelease(self.tempdir, fields)
expected_content = ('y=2\nx=1\nfoo=bar\nnewkey2=value2\na=3\n'
self.assertFileContents(lsb_release_file, expected_content)
class BuildImageTest(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Test the BuildImage function."""
def setUp(self):
self.rc_mock = self.StartPatcher(cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock())
def testBuildImageNoOptionalArguments(self):
"""Tests the BuildImage function calls with no optional arguments."""
expected_args = [os.path.join(constants.CROSUTILS_DIR, 'build_image'),
'--noenable_bootcache', '--enable_rootfs_verification']
def testBuildImage(self):
"""Tests the BuildImage function makes the correct build_image call."""
args = {'adjust_part': 'partx',
'boot_args': 'bootx',
'enable_bootcache': True,
'enable_rootfs_verification': False,
'output_root': 'rootx',
'disk_layout': 'layoutx',
'enable_serial': 'ttyx',
'kernel_log_level': 5,
'packages': ['cat1/foo', 'cat2/bar'],
'image_types': ['base', 'test']}
image_lib.BuildImage('fooboard', **args)
expected_args = [os.path.join(constants.CROSUTILS_DIR, 'build_image'),
'--extra_packages=cat1/foo cat2/bar',
'--adjust_part=partx', '--boot_args=bootx',
'--enable_bootcache', '--noenable_rootfs_verification',
'--output_root=rootx', '--disk_layout=layoutx',
'--enable_serial=ttyx', '--loglevel=5', 'base', 'test']
class BrilloImageOperationFake(image_lib.BrilloImageOperation):
"""Fake of BrilloImageOperation,"""
def __init__(self, queue):
super(BrilloImageOperationFake, self).__init__()
self._queue = queue
def ParseOutput(self, output=None):
super(BrilloImageOperationFake, self).ParseOutput(output)
# TODO(ralphnathan): Inherit from cros_test_lib.ProgressBarTestCase.
# Implemented in CL:267026
class BrilloImageOperationTest(cros_test_lib.ProgressBarTestCase,
"""Test class for image_lib.BrilloImageOperation."""
def BrilloImageFake(self, events, queue):
"""Test function to emulate brillo image."""
for event in events:
def testParseOutputBaseImageStage(self):
"""Test Base Image Creation Stage."""
events = ['operation: creating base image',
'Total: 1 packages',
'Fetched ',
'Completed ',
'operation: done creating base image',
'operation: creating developer image',
'operation: done creating developer image',
'operation: creating test image',
'operation: done creating test image']
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
op = BrilloImageOperationFake(queue)
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
with self.OutputCapturer():
op.Run(self.BrilloImageFake, events, queue)
# Check that output display progress bars for 1 package being built.
# Check the logs to make sure only the base image creation is logged.
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Creating disk layout')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building base image')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building developer image', inverted=True)
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building test image', inverted=True)
def testParseOutputTestImageStage(self):
"""Test Test Image Creation Stage."""
events = ['operation: creating base image',
'operation: done creating base image',
'operation: creating developer image',
'operation: done creating developer image',
'operation: creating test image',
'Total: 2 packages',
'Fetched ',
'Fetched ',
'Completed ',
'operation: done creating test image']
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
op = BrilloImageOperationFake(queue)
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
with self.OutputCapturer():
op.Run(self.BrilloImageFake, events, queue)
# Check that output display progress bars for 2 packages.
# Check the logs to make sure only the base image creation is logged.
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Creating disk layout')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building base image', inverted=True)
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building developer image', inverted=True)
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building test image')
def testParseOutputDeveloperImageStage(self):
"""Test Developer Image Creation Stage."""
events = ['operation: creating base image',
'operation: done creating base image',
'operation: creating developer image',
'Total: 2 packages',
'Fetched ',
'Fetched ',
'Completed ',
'Completed ',
'operation: done creating developer image',
'operation: creating test image',
'operation: done creating test image']
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
op = BrilloImageOperationFake(queue)
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
with self.OutputCapturer():
op.Run(self.BrilloImageFake, events, queue)
# Check that output display progress bars for 2 packages.
# Check the logs to make sure only the base image creation is logged.
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Creating disk layout')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building base image', inverted=True)
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building developer image')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'Building test image', inverted=True)
def testParseOutputSummarize(self):
"""Test that the summary is logged correctly."""
events = ['operation: summarize',
'INFO : foo',
'operation: done summarize']
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
op = BrilloImageOperationFake(queue)
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
op.Run(self.BrilloImageFake, events, queue)
# Check that the logs contain the INFO message in func.
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'foo')
def testExceptionHandling(self):
"""Test exception handling of BrilloImageOperation."""
def func(queue):
print('bar', file=sys.stderr)
raise FakeException()
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
op = BrilloImageOperationFake(queue)
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer() as logs:
with self.OutputCapturer():
op.Run(func, queue)
except parallel.BackgroundFailure as e:
if not e.HasFailureType(FakeException):
raise e
self.AssertOutputContainsLine('bar', check_stderr='True')
self.AssertLogsContain(logs, 'The output directory has been automatically '
'deleted. To keep it around, please re-run the '
'command with --log-level info.')