blob: 819cc1060517ed8f212166fc7c6120a5d7dd4014 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for kernel commandline strings."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import re
class KeyValue(object):
"""Stores a key(=value)."""
def __init__(self, key, separator, value):
self.key = key
self.separator = separator
self.value = value
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, KeyValue) and
self.key == other.key and
self.separator == other.separator and
self.value == other.value)
def __str__(self):
return self.Format()
def Format(self):
"""Return the key(=value) as a string."""
if isinstance(self.value, basestring):
value = self.value
value = '"%s"' % ' '.join(x.Format() for x in self.value)
return '%s%s%s' % (self.key, self.separator, value)
_KEYVALUE_RE = r'(?:(--|[^\s=]+)(?:(=)("[^"]*"|[^\s"]*))?)'
def _ParseKeyValue(cmd_string):
"""Tokenize a string of key(=value) pairs.
key: One or more characters excluding whitespace and '='.
value: If present, is zero or more non-whitespace characters, or an
arbitrary string surrounded by double-quote (").
cmd_string: Whitespace separated collection of 'key', 'key=', and/or
List of KeyValue objects.
ValueError: One or more tokens is invalid.
# We use lookbehind to validate tokens, so we need a leading space on
# |cmd_string| to match the leading argument.
valid = re.match(_VALID_CMDLINE_RE, cmd_string)
if not valid:
raise ValueError(cmd_string)
args = re.findall(_KEYVALUE_RE, cmd_string)
if args:
return [KeyValue(*x) for x in args]
return []
class CommandLine(object):
"""Make parsing the kernel command line easier.
kern_args: Kernel arguments (before any '--')
init_args: Any arguments for init (after the first '--')
def __init__(self, cmdline):
args = _ParseKeyValue(cmdline)
self.kern_args = args
self.init_args = []
for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg.key == '--' and not arg.separator:
self.kern_args = args[:idx]
self.init_args = args[idx + 1:]
# We are done looking at args.
def __str__(self):
return self.Format()
def Format(self):
"""Format the commandline for use."""
parts = [x.Format() for x in self.kern_args]
if self.init_args:
parts += [x.Format() for x in self.init_args]
return ' '.join(parts)
def GetKernelParameter(self, key=None, index=None, default=None):
"""Get kernel argument.
Get an argument from kern_args. If |key| and |index| are specified, then
|index| is used.
key: return the first value for |key|.
index: return the argument at index |index| (first argument is 0).
default: Value to return if nothing is found.
If found, returns the KeyValue from the cmdline.
Otherwise returns the provided default.
IndexError on non-None invalid |index|.
IndexError if neither |key| nor |index| is specifiexd.
if index is not None:
return self.kern_args[index]
if key is None:
raise IndexError('Neither key nor index specified')
for arg in self.kern_args:
if arg.key == key:
return arg
return default
def SetKernelParameter(self, arg, index=None):
"""Set a kernel argument.
If |arg.value| is specified and |arg.separator| is not, '=' is used for the
arg: KeyValue to place in kernel cmdline. If |arg.value| is unquoted and
has whitespace, double-quotes will be added to preserve spaces.
index: |index| to overwrite. If not specified, the first argument
matching |arg.key| will be used.
Index of argument that was set.
# Override arg.separator and/or arg.value as needed.
sep = '=' if not arg.separator and arg.value else arg.separator
val = arg.value
if not val.startswith('"') and'\s', val):
val = '"%s"' % val
if sep != arg.separator or val != arg.value:
arg = KeyValue(arg.key, sep, val)
if index is None:
# index not given, set index to the first occurrence of arg.key.
for index in range(len(self.kern_args)):
if self.kern_args[index].key == arg.key:
# We did not find the key at all. Append this to the cmdline.
index = len(self.kern_args)
if index == len(self.kern_args):
self.kern_args[index] = arg
return index
def GetDmConfig(self):
"""Return first dm= argument for processing."""
value = self.GetKernelParameter('dm').value[1:-1]
if value:
return DmConfig(value)
return None
def SetDmConfig(self, dm_config):
"""Set the dm= argument to a DmConfig.
dm_config: DmConfig instance to use.
Index of argument that was set.
return self.SetKernelParameter(KeyValue('dm', '=', dm_config.Format()))
class DmConfig(object):
"""Parse the dm= parameter.
boot_arg: contents of the quoted dm="..." kernel cmdline element, without
the quotes.
num_devices: Number of devices defined in this dmsetup config.
devices: OrderedDict of devices, by device name.
def __init__(self, boot_arg):
num_devices, devices = boot_arg.split(' ', 1)
self.num_devices = int(num_devices)
lines = devices.split(',')
self.devices = collections.OrderedDict()
idx = 0
for _ in range(self.num_devices):
dev = DmDevice(lines[idx:])
self.devices[] = dev
idx += dev.num_rows + 1
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, DmConfig) and
self.num_devices == other.num_devices and
self.devices == other.devices)
def __str__(self):
return self.Format()
def Format(self):
"""Format dm= value."""
return ''.join(
['%d ' % self.num_devices] +
[', '.join(x.Format() for x in self.devices.values())])
class DmDevice(object):
"""A single device in the dm= kernel parameter.
config_lines: List of lines to process. Excess elements are ignored.
name: Name of the device
uuid: Uuid of the device
flags: One of 'ro' or 'rw'
num_rows: Number of dmsetup config lines (|config_lines|) used by this
rows: List of DmLine objects for the device.
def __init__(self, config_lines):
name, uuid, flags, rows = config_lines[0].split() = name
self.uuid = uuid
self.flags = flags
self.num_rows = int(rows)
self.rows = [DmLine(row) for row in config_lines[1:self.num_rows + 1]]
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, DmDevice) and == and
self.uuid == other.uuid and
self.flags == other.flags and
self.num_rows == other.num_rows and
self.rows == other.rows)
def __str__(self):
return self.Format()
def Format(self):
"""Return the device formatted for the kernel."""
return ','.join(
['%s %s %s %d' % (, self.uuid, self.flags, self.num_rows)] +
[x.Format() for x in self.rows])
class DmLine(object):
"""A single line from the dmsetup config for a device.
start: Logical start sector
num: Number of sectors.
target_type: target_type. See dmsetup(8).
args: list of KeyValue args for the line.
def __init__(self, line):
"""Parse a single line of dmsetup config."""
# Allow leading whitespace.
start, num, target, args = line.strip().split(' ', 3)
self.start = int(start)
self.num = int(num)
self.target_type = target
self.args = _ParseKeyValue(args)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, DmLine) and
self.start == other.start and
self.num == other.num and
self.target_type == other.target_type and
self.args == other.args)
def __str__(self):
return self.Format()
def Format(self):
"""Format this line of the dmsetup config."""
return ','.join(['%d %d %s %s' % (
self.start, self.num, self.target_type, ' '.join(
x.Format() for x in self.args))])