build_dlc: Split build_dlc script into a library and script

Split the build_dlc script and move anything reusable to the new
library build_dlc_lib to improve the organization of the code, so
chromite libraries don't have to import chromite scripts.

TEST=./run_tests #chromite unit tests.
TEST=emerge dummy dlc and cros deploy

Change-Id: I57b33c300b9d47cef7993577b7b980c4f663d3e2
Reviewed-by: Alex Klein <>
Reviewed-by: Amin Hassani <>
Commit-Queue: Andrew Lassalle <>
Tested-by: Andrew Lassalle <>
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
index c5fce63..1633d58 100644
--- a/cli/
+++ b/cli/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 from chromite.lib import osutils
 from chromite.lib import portage_util
 from chromite.lib import remote_access
-from chromite.scripts import build_dlc
+from chromite.lib import dlc_lib
   import portage
 except ImportError:
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
 def _DeployDLCImage(device, sysroot, board, dlc_id, dlc_package):
   """Deploy (install and mount) a DLC image."""
   # Build the DLC image if the image is outdated or doesn't exist.
-  build_dlc.InstallDlcImages(sysroot=sysroot, dlc_id=dlc_id, board=board)
+  dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(sysroot=sysroot, dlc_id=dlc_id, board=board)
   logging.debug('Uninstall DLC %s if it is installed.', dlc_id)
@@ -1023,8 +1023,8 @@
   # of to dlc_a and dlc_b, and let dlcserive install the images to their final
   # location.
   logging.notice('Deploy the DLC image for %s', dlc_id)
-  dlc_img_path_src = os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id,
-                                  dlc_package, build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE)
+  dlc_img_path_src = os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id,
+                                  dlc_package, dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE)
   dlc_img_path = os.path.join(_DLC_INSTALL_ROOT, dlc_id, dlc_package)
   dlc_img_path_a = os.path.join(dlc_img_path, 'dlc_a')
   dlc_img_path_b = os.path.join(dlc_img_path, 'dlc_b')
@@ -1032,20 +1032,21 @@['mkdir', '-p', dlc_img_path_a, dlc_img_path_b])
   # Copy images to the destination directories.
   device.CopyToDevice(dlc_img_path_src, os.path.join(dlc_img_path_a,
-                                                     build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE),
+                                                     dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE),
-['cp', os.path.join(dlc_img_path_a, build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE),
-              os.path.join(dlc_img_path_b, build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE)])
+['cp', os.path.join(dlc_img_path_a, dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE),
+              os.path.join(dlc_img_path_b, dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE)])
   # Set the proper perms and ownership so dlcservice can access the image.['chmod', '-R', 'u+rwX,go+rX,go-w', _DLC_INSTALL_ROOT])['chown', '-R', 'dlcservice:dlcservice', _DLC_INSTALL_ROOT])
   # Copy metadata to device.
-  dest_mata_dir = os.path.join('/', build_dlc.DLC_META_DIR, dlc_id, dlc_package)
+  dest_mata_dir = os.path.join('/', dlc_lib.DLC_META_DIR, dlc_id,
+                               dlc_package)['mkdir', '-p', dest_mata_dir])
-  src_meta_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id,
-                              dlc_package, build_dlc.DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
+  src_meta_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id,
+                              dlc_package, dlc_lib.DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
   device.CopyToDevice(src_meta_dir + '/',
diff --git a/lib/OWNERS b/lib/OWNERS
index e291c5d..d71dae3 100644
--- a/lib/OWNERS
+++ b/lib/OWNERS
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 per-file cros_test*=file:/
 per-file device*=file:/
 per-file dev_server*=file:/
+per-file dlc*=file:/
 per-file nebraska*=file:/
 per-file toolchain_util*=file:chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils:/OWNERS.toolchain
 per-file vm*=file:/
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a779f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Library to generate a DLC (Downloadable Content) artifact."""
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import hashlib
+import json
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
+from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
+from chromite.lib import osutils
+from chromite.lib import pformat
+from chromite.licensing import licenses_lib
+from chromite.scripts import cros_set_lsb_release
+assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), 'This module requires Python 3.6+'
+DLC_META_DIR = 'opt/google/dlc/'
+DLC_TMP_META_DIR = 'meta'
+DLC_BUILD_DIR = 'build/rootfs/dlc/'
+LSB_RELEASE = 'etc/lsb-release'
+DLC_IMAGE = 'dlc.img'
+IMAGELOADER_JSON = 'imageloader.json'
+EBUILD_PARAMETERS = 'ebuild_parameters.json'
+# This file has major and minor version numbers that the update_engine client
+# supports. These values are needed for generating a delta/full payload.
+UPDATE_ENGINE_CONF = 'etc/update_engine.conf'
+SQUASHFS_TYPE = 'squashfs'
+EXT4_TYPE = 'ext4'
+USED_BY_USER = 'user'
+USED_BY_SYSTEM = 'system'
+_MAX_ID_NAME = 40
+def HashFile(file_path):
+  """Calculate the sha256 hash of a file.
+  Args:
+    file_path: (str) path to the file.
+  Returns:
+    [str]: The sha256 hash of the file.
+  """
+  sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
+  with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+    for b in iter(lambda:, b''):
+      sha256.update(b)
+  return sha256.hexdigest()
+def GetValueInJsonFile(json_path, key, default_value=None):
+  """Reads file containing JSON and returns value or default_value for key.
+  Args:
+    json_path: (str) File containing JSON.
+    key: (str) The desired key to lookup.
+    default_value: (default:None) The default value returned in case of missing
+      key.
+  """
+  with open(json_path) as fd:
+    return json.load(fd).get(key, default_value)
+class EbuildParams(object):
+  """Object to store and retrieve DLC ebuild parameters.
+  Attributes:
+    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
+    dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
+    fs_type: (str) file system type.
+    pre_allocated_blocks: (int) number of blocks pre-allocated on device.
+    version: (str) DLC version.
+    name: (str) DLC name.
+    description: (str) DLC description.
+    preload: (bool) allow for preloading DLC.
+    used_by: (str) The user of this DLC, e.g. "system" or "user"
+    fullnamerev: (str) The full package & version name.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, dlc_id, dlc_package, fs_type, pre_allocated_blocks,
+               version, name, description, preload, used_by, fullnamerev):
+    self.dlc_id = dlc_id
+    self.dlc_package = dlc_package
+    self.fs_type = fs_type
+    self.pre_allocated_blocks = pre_allocated_blocks
+    self.version = version
+ = name
+    self.description = description
+    self.preload = preload
+    self.used_by = used_by
+    self.fullnamerev = fullnamerev
+  def StoreDlcParameters(self, install_root_dir, sudo):
+    """Store DLC parameters defined in the ebuild.
+    Store DLC parameters defined in the ebuild in a temporary file so they can
+    be retrieved in the build_image phase.
+    Args:
+      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
+      sudo: (bool) Use sudo to write the file.
+    """
+    ebuild_params_path = EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(install_root_dir,
+                                                    self.dlc_id,
+                                                    self.dlc_package)
+    osutils.WriteFile(ebuild_params_path,
+                      json.dumps(self.__dict__),
+                      makedirs=True, sudo=sudo)
+  @staticmethod
+  def GetParamsPath(install_root_dir, dlc_id, dlc_package):
+    """Get the path to the file storing the ebuild parameters.
+    Args:
+      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
+      dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
+      dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
+    Returns:
+      [str]: Path to |EBUILD_PARAMETERS|.
+    """
+    return os.path.join(install_root_dir, DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id, dlc_package,
+                        EBUILD_PARAMETERS)
+  @classmethod
+  def LoadEbuildParams(cls, sysroot, dlc_id, dlc_package):
+    """Read the stored ebuild parameters file and return a class instance.
+    Args:
+      dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
+      dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
+      sysroot: (str) The path to the build root directory.
+    Returns:
+      [bool] : True if |ebuild_params_path| exists, False otherwise.
+    """
+    path = cls.GetParamsPath(sysroot, dlc_id, dlc_package)
+    if not os.path.exists(path):
+      return None
+    with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
+      return cls(**json.load(fp))
+  def __str__(self):
+    return str(self.__dict__)
+class DlcGenerator(object):
+  """Object to generate DLC artifacts."""
+  # Block size for the DLC image.
+  # We use 4K for various reasons:
+  # 1. it's what imageloader (linux kernel) supports.
+  # 2. it's what verity supports.
+  _BLOCK_SIZE = 4096
+  # Blocks in the initial sparse image.
+  _BLOCKS = 500000
+  # Version of manifest file.
+  # The DLC root path inside the DLC module.
+  _DLC_ROOT_DIR = 'root'
+  def __init__(self, ebuild_params, sysroot, install_root_dir, board,
+               src_dir=None):
+    """Object initializer.
+    Args:
+      sysroot: (str) The path to the build root directory.
+      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
+      ebuild_params: (EbuildParams) Ebuild variables.
+      board: (str) The target board we are building for.
+      src_dir: (str) Optional path to the DLC source root directory. When None,
+               the default directory in |DLC_BUILD_DIR| is used.
+    """
+    # Use a temporary directory to avoid having to use sudo every time we write
+    # into the build directory.
+    self.temp_root = osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc', sudo_rm=True)
+    self.src_dir = src_dir
+    self.sysroot = sysroot
+    self.install_root_dir = install_root_dir
+    self.board = board
+    self.ebuild_params = ebuild_params
+    # If the client is not overriding the src_dir, use the default one.
+    if not self.src_dir:
+      self.src_dir = os.path.join(self.sysroot, DLC_BUILD_DIR,
+                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
+                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_package,
+                                  self._DLC_ROOT_DIR)
+    self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_root.tempdir,
+                                  DLC_BUILD_DIR,
+                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
+                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_package)
+    self.meta_dir = os.path.join(self.image_dir, DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
+    # Create path for all final artifacts.
+    self.dest_image = os.path.join(self.image_dir, DLC_IMAGE)
+    self.dest_table = os.path.join(self.meta_dir, 'table')
+    self.dest_imageloader_json = os.path.join(self.meta_dir, IMAGELOADER_JSON)
+    # Log out the member variable values initially set.
+    logging.debug('Initial internal values of DlcGenerator: %s',
+                  repr({k:str(i) for k, i in self.__dict__.items()}))
+  def CopyTempContentsToBuildDir(self):
+    """Copy the temp files to the build directory using sudo."""
+    src = self.temp_root.tempdir.rstrip('/') + '/.'
+    dst = self.install_root_dir
+        'Copy files from temporary directory (%s) to build directory (%s).',
+        src, dst)
+    cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['cp', '-dR', src, dst])
+  def SquashOwnerships(self, path):
+    """Squash the owernships & permissions for files.
+    Args:
+      path: (str) path that contains all files to be processed.
+    """
+    cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['chown', '-R', '0:0', path])
+    cros_build_lib.sudo_run([
+        'find', path, '-exec', 'touch', '-h', '-t', '197001010000.00', '{}', '+'
+    ])
+  def CreateExt4Image(self):
+    """Create an ext4 image."""
+    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
+      mount_point = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'mount_point')
+      # Create the directory where the image is located if it doesn't exist.
+      osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.split(self.dest_image)[0])
+      # Create a raw image file.
+      with open(self.dest_image, 'w') as f:
+        f.truncate(self._BLOCKS * self._BLOCK_SIZE)
+      # Create an ext4 file system on the raw image.
+          '/sbin/mkfs.ext4', '-b',
+          str(self._BLOCK_SIZE), '-O', '^has_journal', self.dest_image
+      ],
+                         capture_output=True)
+      # Create the mount_point directory.
+      osutils.SafeMakedirs(mount_point)
+      # Mount the ext4 image.
+      osutils.MountDir(self.dest_image, mount_point, mount_opts=('loop', 'rw'))
+      try:
+        self.SetupDlcImageFiles(mount_point)
+      finally:
+        # Unmount the ext4 image.
+        osutils.UmountDir(mount_point)
+      # Shrink to minimum size.
+['/sbin/e2fsck', '-y', '-f', self.dest_image],
+                         capture_output=True)
+['/sbin/resize2fs', '-M', self.dest_image],
+                         capture_output=True)
+  def CreateSquashfsImage(self):
+    """Create a squashfs image."""
+    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
+      squashfs_root = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'squashfs-root')
+      self.SetupDlcImageFiles(squashfs_root)
+          'mksquashfs', squashfs_root, self.dest_image, '-4k-align', '-noappend'
+      ],
+                         capture_output=True)
+      # We changed the ownership and permissions of the squashfs_root
+      # directory. Now we need to remove it manually.
+      osutils.RmDir(squashfs_root, sudo=True)
+  def SetupDlcImageFiles(self, dlc_dir):
+    """Prepares the directory dlc_dir with all the files a DLC needs.
+    Args:
+      dlc_dir: (str) The path to where to setup files inside the DLC.
+    """
+    dlc_root_dir = os.path.join(dlc_dir, self._DLC_ROOT_DIR)
+    osutils.SafeMakedirs(dlc_root_dir)
+    osutils.CopyDirContents(self.src_dir, dlc_root_dir, symlinks=True)
+    self.PrepareLsbRelease(dlc_dir)
+    self.AddLicensingFile(dlc_dir)
+    self.CollectExtraResources(dlc_dir)
+    self.SquashOwnerships(dlc_dir)
+  def PrepareLsbRelease(self, dlc_dir):
+    """Prepare the file /etc/lsb-release in the DLC module.
+    This file is used dropping some identification parameters for the DLC.
+    Args:
+      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
+    """
+    # Reading the platform APPID and creating the DLC APPID.
+    platform_lsb_release = osutils.ReadFile(
+        os.path.join(self.sysroot, LSB_RELEASE))
+    app_id = None
+    for line in platform_lsb_release.split('\n'):
+      if line.startswith(cros_set_lsb_release.LSB_KEY_APPID_RELEASE):
+        app_id = line.split('=')[1]
+    if app_id is None:
+      raise Exception(
+          '%s does not have a valid key %s' %
+          (platform_lsb_release, cros_set_lsb_release.LSB_KEY_APPID_RELEASE))
+    fields = (
+        (DLC_ID_KEY, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id),
+        (DLC_PACKAGE_KEY, self.ebuild_params.dlc_package),
+        (DLC_NAME_KEY,,
+        # The DLC appid is generated by concatenating the platform appid with
+        # the DLC ID using an underscore. This pattern should never be changed
+        # once set otherwise it can break a lot of things!
+        (DLC_APPID_KEY, '%s_%s' % (app_id, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id)),
+    )
+    lsb_release = os.path.join(dlc_dir, LSB_RELEASE)
+    osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.dirname(lsb_release))
+    content = ''.join('%s=%s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in fields)
+    osutils.WriteFile(lsb_release, content)
+  def AddLicensingFile(self, dlc_dir):
+    """Add the licensing file for this DLC.
+    Args:
+      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
+    """
+    if not self.ebuild_params.fullnamerev:
+      return
+    licensing = licenses_lib.Licensing(self.board,
+                                       [self.ebuild_params.fullnamerev], True)
+    licensing.LoadPackageInfo()
+    licensing.ProcessPackageLicenses()
+    license_path = os.path.join(dlc_dir, LICENSE)
+    # The first (and only) item contains the values for |self.fullnamerev|.
+    _, license_txt = next(iter(licensing.GenerateLicenseText().items()))
+    osutils.WriteFile(license_path, license_txt)
+  def CollectExtraResources(self, dlc_dir):
+    """Collect the extra resources needed by the DLC module.
+    Look at the documentation around _EXTRA_RESOURCES.
+    Args:
+      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
+    """
+    for r in _EXTRA_RESOURCES:
+      source_path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, r)
+      target_path = os.path.join(dlc_dir, r)
+      osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.dirname(target_path))
+      shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path)
+  def CreateImage(self):
+    """Create the image and copy the DLC files to it."""
+'Creating the DLC image.')
+    if self.ebuild_params.fs_type == EXT4_TYPE:
+      self.CreateExt4Image()
+    elif self.ebuild_params.fs_type == SQUASHFS_TYPE:
+      self.CreateSquashfsImage()
+    else:
+      raise ValueError('Wrong fs type: %s used:' % self.ebuild_params.fs_type)
+  def VerifyImageSize(self):
+    """Verify the image can fit to the reserved file."""
+'Verifying the DLC image size.')
+    image_bytes = os.path.getsize(self.dest_image)
+    preallocated_bytes = (self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks *
+                          self._BLOCK_SIZE)
+    # Verifies the actual size of the DLC image is NOT smaller than the
+    # preallocated space.
+    if preallocated_bytes < image_bytes:
+      raise ValueError(
+          'The DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS (%s) value set in DLC ebuild resulted in a '
+          'max size of DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS * 4K (%s) bytes the DLC image is '
+          'allowed to occupy. The value is smaller than the actual image size '
+          '(%s) required. Increase DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS in your ebuild to at '
+          'least %d.' %
+          (self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks, preallocated_bytes,
+           image_bytes, self.GetOptimalImageBlockSize(image_bytes)))
+  def GetOptimalImageBlockSize(self, image_bytes):
+    """Given the image bytes, get the least amount of blocks required."""
+    return int(math.ceil(image_bytes / self._BLOCK_SIZE))
+  def GetImageloaderJsonContent(self, image_hash, table_hash, blocks):
+    """Return the content of imageloader.json file.
+    Args:
+      image_hash: (str) sha256 hash of the DLC image.
+      table_hash: (str) sha256 hash of the DLC table file.
+      blocks: (int) number of blocks in the DLC image.
+    Returns:
+      [str]: content of imageloader.json file.
+    """
+    return {
+        'fs-type': self.ebuild_params.fs_type,
+        'id': self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
+        'package': self.ebuild_params.dlc_package,
+        'image-sha256-hash': image_hash,
+        'image-type': 'dlc',
+        'is-removable': True,
+        'manifest-version': self._MANIFEST_VERSION,
+        'name':,
+        'description': self.ebuild_params.description,
+        'pre-allocated-size':
+            str(self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks * self._BLOCK_SIZE),
+        'size': str(blocks * self._BLOCK_SIZE),
+        'table-sha256-hash': table_hash,
+        'version': self.ebuild_params.version,
+        'preload-allowed': self.ebuild_params.preload,
+        'used-by': self.ebuild_params.used_by,
+    }
+  def GenerateVerity(self):
+    """Generate verity parameters and hashes for the image."""
+'Generating DLC image verity.')
+    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
+      hash_tree = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'hash_tree')
+      # Get blocks in the image.
+      blocks = math.ceil(os.path.getsize(self.dest_image) / self._BLOCK_SIZE)
+      result =[
+          'verity', 'mode=create', 'alg=sha256', 'payload=' + self.dest_image,
+          'payload_blocks=' + str(blocks), 'hashtree=' + hash_tree,
+          'salt=random'
+      ],
+                                  capture_output=True)
+      table = result.output
+      # Append the merkle tree to the image.
+      osutils.WriteFile(
+          self.dest_image, osutils.ReadFile(hash_tree, mode='rb'), mode='a+b')
+      # Write verity parameter to table file.
+      osutils.WriteFile(self.dest_table, table, mode='wb')
+      # Compute image hash.
+      image_hash = HashFile(self.dest_image)
+      table_hash = HashFile(self.dest_table)
+      # Write image hash to imageloader.json file.
+      blocks = math.ceil(os.path.getsize(self.dest_image) / self._BLOCK_SIZE)
+      imageloader_json_content = self.GetImageloaderJsonContent(
+          image_hash, table_hash, int(blocks))
+      pformat.json(imageloader_json_content, fp=self.dest_imageloader_json)
+  def GenerateDLC(self):
+    """Generate a DLC artifact."""
+    # Create directories.
+    osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.image_dir)
+    osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.meta_dir)
+    # Create the image into |self.temp_root| and copy the DLC files to it.
+    self.CreateImage()
+    # Verify the image created is within pre-allocated size.
+    self.VerifyImageSize()
+    # Generate hash tree and other metadata and save them under
+    # |self.temp_root|.
+    self.GenerateVerity()
+    # Copy the files from |self.temp_root| into the build directory.
+    self.CopyTempContentsToBuildDir()
+    # Now that the image was successfully generated, delete |ebuild_params_path|
+    # to indicate that the image in the build directory is in sync with the
+    # files installed during the build_package phase.
+    ebuild_params_path = EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(
+        self.sysroot, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id, self.ebuild_params.dlc_package)
+    osutils.SafeUnlink(ebuild_params_path, sudo=True)
+def IsDlcPreloadingAllowed(dlc_id, dlc_build_dir):
+  """Validates that DLC and it's packages all were built with DLC_PRELOAD=true.
+  Args:
+    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
+    dlc_build_dir: (str) the root path where DLC build files reside.
+  """
+  dlc_id_meta_dir = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, dlc_id)
+  if not os.path.exists(dlc_id_meta_dir):
+    logging.error('DLC build directory (%s) does not exist for preloading '
+                  'check, will not preload', dlc_id_meta_dir)
+    return False
+  packages = os.listdir(dlc_id_meta_dir)
+  if not packages:
+    logging.error('DLC ID build directory (%s) does not have any '
+                  'packages, will not preload.', dlc_id_meta_dir)
+    return False
+  for package in packages:
+    image_loader_json = os.path.join(dlc_id_meta_dir, package, DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
+                                     IMAGELOADER_JSON)
+    if not os.path.exists(image_loader_json):
+      logging.error('DLC metadata file (%s) does not exist, will not preload.',
+                    image_loader_json)
+      return False
+    if not GetValueInJsonFile(json_path=image_loader_json,
+                              key='preload-allowed', default_value=False):
+      return False
+  # All packages support preload.
+  return True
+def InstallDlcImages(sysroot, board, dlc_id=None, install_root_dir=None,
+                     preload=False, rootfs=None, src_dir=None):
+  """Copies all DLC image files into the images directory.
+  Copies the DLC image files in the given build directory into the given DLC
+  image directory. If the DLC build directory does not exist, or there is no DLC
+  for that board, this function does nothing.
+  Args:
+    sysroot: Path to directory containing DLC images, e.g /build/<board>.
+    board: The target board we are building for.
+    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID. If None, all the DLCs will be installed.
+    install_root_dir: Path to DLC output directory, e.g.
+      src/build/images/<board>/<version>. If None, the image will be generated
+      but will not be copied to a destination.
+    preload: When true, only copies DLC(s) if built with DLC_PRELOAD=true.
+    rootfs: (str) Path to the platform rootfs.
+    src_dir: (str) Path to the DLC source root directory.
+  """
+  dlc_build_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, DLC_BUILD_DIR)
+  if not os.path.exists(dlc_build_dir):
+'DLC build directory (%s) does not exist, ignoring.',
+                 dlc_build_dir)
+    return
+  if dlc_id is not None:
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, dlc_id)):
+      raise Exception(
+          'DLC "%s" does not exist in the build directory %s.' %
+          (dlc_id, dlc_build_dir))
+    dlc_ids = [dlc_id]
+  else:
+    # Process all DLCs.
+    dlc_ids = os.listdir(dlc_build_dir)
+    if not dlc_ids:
+'There are no DLC(s) to copy to output, ignoring.')
+      return
+'Detected the following DLCs: %s', ', '.join(dlc_ids))
+  for d_id in dlc_ids:
+    dlc_id_path = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id)
+    dlc_packages = [direct for direct in os.listdir(dlc_id_path)
+                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dlc_id_path, direct))]
+    for d_package in dlc_packages:
+'Building image: DLC %s', d_id)
+      params = EbuildParams.LoadEbuildParams(sysroot=sysroot, dlc_id=d_id,
+                                             dlc_package=d_package)
+      # Because portage sandboxes every ebuild package during build_packages
+      # phase, we cannot delete the old image during that phase, but we can use
+      # the existence of the file |EBUILD_PARAMETERS| to know if the image
+      # has to be generated or not.
+      if not params:
+'The ebuild parameters file (%s) for DLC (%s) does not '
+                     'exist. This means that the image was already '
+                     'generated and there is no need to create it again.',
+                     EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(sysroot, d_id, d_package), d_id)
+      else:
+        dlc_generator = DlcGenerator(
+            src_dir=src_dir,
+            sysroot=sysroot,
+            install_root_dir=sysroot,
+            board=board,
+            ebuild_params=params)
+        dlc_generator.GenerateDLC()
+      # Copy the dlc images to install_root_dir.
+      if install_root_dir:
+        if preload and not IsDlcPreloadingAllowed(d_id, dlc_build_dir):
+'Skipping installation of DLC %s because the preload '
+                       'flag is set and the DLC does not support preloading.',
+                       d_id)
+        else:
+          osutils.SafeMakedirsNonRoot(install_root_dir)
+          install_dlc_dir = os.path.join(install_root_dir, d_id, d_package)
+          osutils.SafeMakedirsNonRoot(install_dlc_dir)
+          source_dlc_dir = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id, d_package)
+          for filepath in (os.path.join(source_dlc_dir, fname) for fname in
+                           os.listdir(source_dlc_dir) if
+                           fname.endswith('.img')):
+  'Copying DLC(%s) image from %s to %s: ', d_id,
+                         filepath, install_dlc_dir)
+            shutil.copy(filepath, install_dlc_dir)
+  'Done copying DLC to %s.', install_dlc_dir)
+      else:
+'install_root_dir value was not provided. Copying dlc'
+                     ' image skipped.')
+      # Create metadata directory in rootfs.
+      if rootfs:
+        meta_rootfs = os.path.join(rootfs, DLC_META_DIR, d_id, d_package)
+        osutils.SafeMakedirs(meta_rootfs, sudo=True)
+        # Copy the metadata files to rootfs.
+        meta_dir_src = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id, d_package,
+                                    DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
+'Copying DLC(%s) metadata from %s to %s: ', d_id,
+                     meta_dir_src, meta_rootfs)
+        # Use sudo_run since osutils.CopyDirContents doesn't support sudo.
+        cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['cp', '-dR',
+                                 meta_dir_src.rstrip('/') + '/.',
+                                 meta_rootfs], print_cmd=False, stderr=True)
+      else:
+'rootfs value was not provided. Copying metadata skipped.')
+'Done installing DLCs.')
+def ValidateDlcIdentifier(name):
+  """Validates the DLC identifiers like ID and package names.
+  The name specifications are:
+    - No underscore.
+    - First character should be only alphanumeric.
+    - Other characters can be alphanumeric and '-' (dash).
+    - Maximum length of 40 (_MAX_ID_NAME) characters.
+  For more info see:
+  Args:
+    name: The value of the string to be validated.
+  """
+  errors = []
+  if not name:
+    errors.append('Must not be empty.')
+  if not name[0].isalnum():
+    errors.append('Must start with alphanumeric character.')
+  if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$', name):
+    errors.append('Must only use alphanumeric and - (dash).')
+  if len(name) > _MAX_ID_NAME:
+    errors.append('Must be within %d characters.' % _MAX_ID_NAME)
+  if errors:
+    msg = '%s is invalid:\n%s' % (name, '\n'.join(errors))
+    raise Exception(msg)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/lib/
similarity index 78%
rename from scripts/
rename to lib/
index d770cf0..19c5edc 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Unit tests for build_dlc."""
+"""Unit tests for dlc_lib."""
 from __future__ import print_function
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 from chromite.lib import osutils
 from chromite.lib import partial_mock
-from chromite.scripts import build_dlc
+from chromite.lib import dlc_lib
 from chromite.scripts import cros_set_lsb_release
@@ -40,31 +40,29 @@
 class UtilsTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
-  """Tests build_dlc utility functions."""
+  """Tests dlc_lib utility functions."""
   def testHashFile(self):
     """Test the hash of a simple file."""
     file_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'f.txt')
     osutils.WriteFile(file_path, '0123')
-    hash_value = build_dlc.HashFile(file_path)
+    hash_value = dlc_lib.HashFile(file_path)
         hash_value, '1be2e452b46d7a0d9656bbb1f768e824'
   def testValidateDlcIdentifier(self):
-    """Tests build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier."""
-    parser = build_dlc.GetParser()
-    build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser, 'hello-world')
-    build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser, 'hello-world2')
-    build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser,
-                                    'this-string-has-length-40-exactly-now---')
+    """Tests dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier."""
+    dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier('hello-world')
+    dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier('hello-world2')
+    dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier('this-string-has-length-40-exactly-now---')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '-')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '-hi')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier, 'hello%')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier, 'hello_world')
-    self.assertRaises(Exception, build_dlc.ValidateDlcIdentifier,
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '')
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '-')
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier, '-hi')
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier, 'hello%')
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier, 'hello_world')
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier,
@@ -76,9 +74,9 @@
     install_root_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'install_root_dir')
-        build_dlc.EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(install_root_dir, _ID, _PACKAGE),
-        os.path.join(install_root_dir, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID, _PACKAGE,
-                     build_dlc.EBUILD_PARAMETERS))
+        dlc_lib.EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(install_root_dir, _ID, _PACKAGE),
+        os.path.join(install_root_dir, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
+                     _PACKAGE, dlc_lib.EBUILD_PARAMETERS))
   def CheckParams(self,
@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@
-                  used_by=build_dlc._USED_BY_SYSTEM,
+                  used_by=dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM,
     """Tests EbuildParams JSON values"""
@@ -115,10 +113,10 @@
-                     used_by=build_dlc._USED_BY_SYSTEM,
+                     used_by=dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM,
     """Creates and Stores DLC params at install_root_dir"""
-    params = build_dlc.EbuildParams(
+    params = dlc_lib.EbuildParams(
@@ -136,8 +134,8 @@
     """Tests EbuildParams.StoreDlcParameters"""
     sysroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'build_root')
-    ebuild_params_path = os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
-                                      _PACKAGE, build_dlc.EBUILD_PARAMETERS)
+    ebuild_params_path = os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
+                                      _PACKAGE, dlc_lib.EBUILD_PARAMETERS)
     with open(ebuild_params_path, 'rb') as f:
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@
     """Tests EbuildParams.LoadDlcParameters"""
     sysroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'build_root')
-    ebuild_params_class = build_dlc.EbuildParams.LoadEbuildParams(
+    ebuild_params_class = dlc_lib.EbuildParams.LoadEbuildParams(
         sysroot, _ID, _PACKAGE)
@@ -165,13 +163,13 @@
     sysroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'build_root')
-        os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.LSB_RELEASE),
+        os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.LSB_RELEASE),
         '%s=%s\n' % (cros_set_lsb_release.LSB_KEY_APPID_RELEASE, 'foo'),
     ue_conf = os.path.join(sysroot, 'etc', 'update_engine.conf')
     osutils.WriteFile(ue_conf, 'foo-content', makedirs=True)
-    params = build_dlc.EbuildParams(
+    params = dlc_lib.EbuildParams(
@@ -180,9 +178,9 @@
-        used_by=build_dlc._USED_BY_SYSTEM,
+        used_by=dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM,
-    return build_dlc.DlcGenerator(
+    return dlc_lib.DlcGenerator(
@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@
   def testSquashOwnerships(self):
-    """Test build_dlc.SquashOwnershipsTest"""
+    """Test dlc_lib.SquashOwnershipsTest"""
     self.assertCommandContains(['chown', '-R', '0:0'])
@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@
             'is-removable': True,
             'manifest-version': 1,
             'preload-allowed': False,
-            'used-by': build_dlc._USED_BY_SYSTEM,
+            'used-by': dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM,
   def testVerifyImageSize(self):
@@ -318,21 +316,21 @@
     """Tests InstallDlcImages to make sure all DLCs are copied correctly"""
     sysroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'sysroot')
-        os.path.join(sysroot, _IMAGE_DIR, _ID, 'pkg', build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE),
+        os.path.join(sysroot, _IMAGE_DIR, _ID, 'pkg', dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE),
     osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.join(sysroot, _IMAGE_DIR, _ID, 'pkg'))
     output = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'output')
-    build_dlc.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
-                               install_root_dir=output)
-    self.assertExists(os.path.join(output, _ID, 'pkg', build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE))
+    dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
+                             install_root_dir=output)
+    self.assertExists(os.path.join(output, _ID, 'pkg', dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE))
   def testInstallDlcImagesNoDlc(self):
     copy_contents_mock = self.PatchObject(osutils, 'CopyDirContents')
     sysroot = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'sysroot')
     output = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'output')
-    build_dlc.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
-                               install_root_dir=output)
+    dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
+                             install_root_dir=output)
   def testInstallDlcImagesWithPreloadAllowed(self):
@@ -342,22 +340,23 @@
     for package_num in range(package_nums):
           os.path.join(sysroot, _IMAGE_DIR, _ID, _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
-                       build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE),
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE),
           'image content',
-          os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
-                       _PACKAGE + str(package_num), build_dlc.DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
-                       build_dlc.IMAGELOADER_JSON),
+          os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
+                       _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
+                       dlc_lib.IMAGELOADER_JSON),
     output = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'output')
-    build_dlc.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
-                               install_root_dir=output, preload=True)
+    dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
+                             install_root_dir=output, preload=True)
     for package_num in range(package_nums):
           os.path.join(output, _ID, _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
-                       build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE))
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE))
   def testInstallDlcImagesWithPreloadNotAllowed(self):
     package_nums = 2
@@ -366,19 +365,20 @@
     for package_num in range(package_nums):
           os.path.join(sysroot, _IMAGE_DIR, _ID, _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
-                       build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE),
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE),
           'image content',
-          os.path.join(sysroot, build_dlc.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
-                       _PACKAGE + str(package_num), build_dlc.DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
-                       build_dlc.IMAGELOADER_JSON),
+          os.path.join(sysroot, dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR, _ID,
+                       _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
+                       dlc_lib.IMAGELOADER_JSON),
     output = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'output')
-    build_dlc.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
-                               install_root_dir=output, preload=True)
+    dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(board=_BOARD, sysroot=sysroot,
+                             install_root_dir=output, preload=True)
     for package_num in range(package_nums):
           os.path.join(output, _ID, _PACKAGE + str(package_num),
-                       build_dlc.DLC_IMAGE))
+                       dlc_lib.DLC_IMAGE))
diff --git a/lib/paygen/ b/lib/paygen/
index 1f8ac0f..5a67aea 100644
--- a/lib/paygen/
+++ b/lib/paygen/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from collections import deque
+from chromite.lib import dlc_lib
 from chromite.lib import chroot_util
 from chromite.lib import constants
 from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@
 from chromite.lib.paygen import urilib
 from chromite.lib.paygen import utils
-from chromite.scripts import build_dlc
 from chromite.scripts import cros_set_lsb_release
@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@
-      dlc_id = lsb_release[build_dlc.DLC_ID_KEY]
-      dlc_package = lsb_release[build_dlc.DLC_PACKAGE_KEY]
-      appid = lsb_release[build_dlc.DLC_APPID_KEY]
+      dlc_id = lsb_release[dlc_lib.DLC_ID_KEY]
+      dlc_package = lsb_release[dlc_lib.DLC_PACKAGE_KEY]
+      appid = lsb_release[dlc_lib.DLC_APPID_KEY]
       if gspaths.IsDLCImage(image):
         if dlc_id != image.dlc_id:
diff --git a/lib/paygen/ b/lib/paygen/
index 280810d..b85efb7 100644
--- a/lib/paygen/
+++ b/lib/paygen/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 import mock
+from chromite.lib import dlc_lib
 from chromite.lib import constants
 from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
 from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
@@ -28,8 +29,6 @@
 from chromite.lib.paygen import urilib
 from chromite.lib.paygen import utils
-from chromite.scripts import build_dlc
 pytestmark = cros_test_lib.pytestmark_inside_only
@@ -451,9 +450,9 @@
     self.PatchObject(osutils, 'UmountDir')
     lsb_read_mock = self.PatchObject(
         utils, 'ReadLsbRelease',
-        return_value={build_dlc.DLC_APPID_KEY: 'foo-appid',
-                      build_dlc.DLC_ID_KEY: 'dummy-dlc',
-                      build_dlc.DLC_PACKAGE_KEY: 'dummy-package'})
+        return_value={dlc_lib.DLC_APPID_KEY: 'foo-appid',
+                      dlc_lib.DLC_ID_KEY: 'dummy-dlc',
+                      dlc_lib.DLC_PACKAGE_KEY: 'dummy-package'})
     dlc_id, dlc_package, dlc_appid = gen._GetDlcImageParams(tgt_image)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index e0478d8..4b7598b 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -4,639 +4,23 @@
 # found in the LICENSE file.
 """Script to generate a DLC (Downloadable Content) artifact."""
-from __future__ import division
 from __future__ import print_function
-import hashlib
-import json
-import math
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
 import sys
+from chromite.lib import dlc_lib
 from chromite.lib import commandline
-from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
 from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
-from chromite.lib import osutils
-from chromite.lib import pformat
-from chromite.licensing  import licenses_lib
-from chromite.scripts import cros_set_lsb_release
 assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), 'This module requires Python 3.6+'
-DLC_META_DIR = 'opt/google/dlc/'
-DLC_TMP_META_DIR = 'meta'
-DLC_BUILD_DIR = 'build/rootfs/dlc/'
-LSB_RELEASE = 'etc/lsb-release'
-DLC_IMAGE = 'dlc.img'
-IMAGELOADER_JSON = 'imageloader.json'
-EBUILD_PARAMETERS = 'ebuild_parameters.json'
-# This file has major and minor version numbers that the update_engine client
-# supports. These values are needed for generating a delta/full payload.
-UPDATE_ENGINE_CONF = 'etc/update_engine.conf'
-_SQUASHFS_TYPE = 'squashfs'
-_EXT4_TYPE = 'ext4'
-_USED_BY_USER = 'user'
-_USED_BY_SYSTEM = 'system'
-def HashFile(file_path):
-  """Calculate the sha256 hash of a file.
-  Args:
-    file_path: (str) path to the file.
-  Returns:
-    [str]: The sha256 hash of the file.
-  """
-  sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
-  with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
-    for b in iter(lambda:, b''):
-      sha256.update(b)
-  return sha256.hexdigest()
-def GetValueInJsonFile(json_path, key, default_value=None):
-  """Reads file containing JSON and returns value or default_value for key.
-  Args:
-    json_path: (str) File containing JSON.
-    key: (str) The desired key to lookup.
-    default_value: (default:None) The default value returned in case of missing
-      key.
-  """
-  with open(json_path) as fd:
-    return json.load(fd).get(key, default_value)
-class EbuildParams(object):
-  """Object to store and retrieve DLC ebuild parameters.
-  Attributes:
-    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
-    dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
-    fs_type: (str) file system type.
-    pre_allocated_blocks: (int) number of blocks pre-allocated on device.
-    version: (str) DLC version.
-    name: (str) DLC name.
-    description: (str) DLC description.
-    preload: (bool) allow for preloading DLC.
-    used_by: (str) The user of this DLC, e.g. "system" or "user"
-    fullnamerev: (str) The full package & version name.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, dlc_id, dlc_package, fs_type, pre_allocated_blocks,
-               version, name, description, preload, used_by, fullnamerev):
-    self.dlc_id = dlc_id
-    self.dlc_package = dlc_package
-    self.fs_type = fs_type
-    self.pre_allocated_blocks = pre_allocated_blocks
-    self.version = version
- = name
-    self.description = description
-    self.preload = preload
-    self.used_by = used_by
-    self.fullnamerev = fullnamerev
-  def StoreDlcParameters(self, install_root_dir, sudo):
-    """Store DLC parameters defined in the ebuild.
-    Store DLC parameters defined in the ebuild in a temporary file so they can
-    be retrieved in the build_image phase.
-    Args:
-      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
-      sudo: (bool) Use sudo to write the file.
-    """
-    ebuild_params_path = EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(install_root_dir,
-                                                    self.dlc_id,
-                                                    self.dlc_package)
-    osutils.WriteFile(ebuild_params_path,
-                      json.dumps(self.__dict__),
-                      makedirs=True, sudo=sudo)
-  @staticmethod
-  def GetParamsPath(install_root_dir, dlc_id, dlc_package):
-    """Get the path to the file storing the ebuild parameters.
-    Args:
-      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
-      dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
-      dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
-    Returns:
-      [str]: Path to |EBUILD_PARAMETERS|.
-    """
-    return os.path.join(install_root_dir, DLC_BUILD_DIR, dlc_id, dlc_package,
-                        EBUILD_PARAMETERS)
-  @classmethod
-  def LoadEbuildParams(cls, sysroot, dlc_id, dlc_package):
-    """Read the stored ebuild parameters file and return a class instance.
-    Args:
-      dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
-      dlc_package: (str) DLC package.
-      sysroot: (str) The path to the build root directory.
-    Returns:
-      [bool] : True if |ebuild_params_path| exists, False otherwise.
-    """
-    path = cls.GetParamsPath(sysroot, dlc_id, dlc_package)
-    if not os.path.exists(path):
-      return None
-    with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
-      return cls(**json.load(fp))
-  def __str__(self):
-    return str(self.__dict__)
-class DlcGenerator(object):
-  """Object to generate DLC artifacts."""
-  # Block size for the DLC image.
-  # We use 4K for various reasons:
-  # 1. it's what imageloader (linux kernel) supports.
-  # 2. it's what verity supports.
-  _BLOCK_SIZE = 4096
-  # Blocks in the initial sparse image.
-  _BLOCKS = 500000
-  # Version of manifest file.
-  # The DLC root path inside the DLC module.
-  _DLC_ROOT_DIR = 'root'
-  def __init__(self, ebuild_params, sysroot, install_root_dir, board,
-               src_dir=None):
-    """Object initializer.
-    Args:
-      sysroot: (str) The path to the build root directory.
-      install_root_dir: (str) The path to the root installation directory.
-      ebuild_params: (EbuildParams) Ebuild variables.
-      board: (str) The target board we are building for.
-      src_dir: (str) Optional path to the DLC source root directory. When None,
-               the default directory in |DLC_BUILD_DIR| is used.
-    """
-    # Use a temporary directory to avoid having to use sudo every time we write
-    # into the build directory.
-    self.temp_root = osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc', sudo_rm=True)
-    self.src_dir = src_dir
-    self.sysroot = sysroot
-    self.install_root_dir = install_root_dir
-    self.board = board
-    self.ebuild_params = ebuild_params
-    # If the client is not overriding the src_dir, use the default one.
-    if not self.src_dir:
-      self.src_dir = os.path.join(self.sysroot, DLC_BUILD_DIR,
-                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
-                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_package,
-                                  self._DLC_ROOT_DIR)
-    self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_root.tempdir,
-                                  DLC_BUILD_DIR,
-                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
-                                  self.ebuild_params.dlc_package)
-    self.meta_dir = os.path.join(self.image_dir, DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
-    # Create path for all final artifacts.
-    self.dest_image = os.path.join(self.image_dir, DLC_IMAGE)
-    self.dest_table = os.path.join(self.meta_dir, 'table')
-    self.dest_imageloader_json = os.path.join(self.meta_dir, IMAGELOADER_JSON)
-    # Log out the member variable values initially set.
-    logging.debug('Initial internal values of DlcGenerator: %s',
-                  repr({k:str(i) for k, i in self.__dict__.items()}))
-  def CopyTempContentsToBuildDir(self):
-    """Copy the temp files to the build directory using sudo."""
-    src = self.temp_root.tempdir.rstrip('/') + '/.'
-    dst = self.install_root_dir
-        'Copy files from temporary directory (%s) to build directory (%s).',
-        src, dst)
-    cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['cp', '-dR', src, dst])
-  def SquashOwnerships(self, path):
-    """Squash the owernships & permissions for files.
-    Args:
-      path: (str) path that contains all files to be processed.
-    """
-    cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['chown', '-R', '0:0', path])
-    cros_build_lib.sudo_run([
-        'find', path, '-exec', 'touch', '-h', '-t', '197001010000.00', '{}', '+'
-    ])
-  def CreateExt4Image(self):
-    """Create an ext4 image."""
-    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
-      mount_point = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'mount_point')
-      # Create the directory where the image is located if it doesn't exist.
-      osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.split(self.dest_image)[0])
-      # Create a raw image file.
-      with open(self.dest_image, 'w') as f:
-        f.truncate(self._BLOCKS * self._BLOCK_SIZE)
-      # Create an ext4 file system on the raw image.
-          '/sbin/mkfs.ext4', '-b',
-          str(self._BLOCK_SIZE), '-O', '^has_journal', self.dest_image
-      ],
-                         capture_output=True)
-      # Create the mount_point directory.
-      osutils.SafeMakedirs(mount_point)
-      # Mount the ext4 image.
-      osutils.MountDir(self.dest_image, mount_point, mount_opts=('loop', 'rw'))
-      try:
-        self.SetupDlcImageFiles(mount_point)
-      finally:
-        # Unmount the ext4 image.
-        osutils.UmountDir(mount_point)
-      # Shrink to minimum size.
-['/sbin/e2fsck', '-y', '-f', self.dest_image],
-                         capture_output=True)
-['/sbin/resize2fs', '-M', self.dest_image],
-                         capture_output=True)
-  def CreateSquashfsImage(self):
-    """Create a squashfs image."""
-    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
-      squashfs_root = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'squashfs-root')
-      self.SetupDlcImageFiles(squashfs_root)
-          'mksquashfs', squashfs_root, self.dest_image, '-4k-align', '-noappend'
-      ],
-                         capture_output=True)
-      # We changed the ownership and permissions of the squashfs_root
-      # directory. Now we need to remove it manually.
-      osutils.RmDir(squashfs_root, sudo=True)
-  def SetupDlcImageFiles(self, dlc_dir):
-    """Prepares the directory dlc_dir with all the files a DLC needs.
-    Args:
-      dlc_dir: (str) The path to where to setup files inside the DLC.
-    """
-    dlc_root_dir = os.path.join(dlc_dir, self._DLC_ROOT_DIR)
-    osutils.SafeMakedirs(dlc_root_dir)
-    osutils.CopyDirContents(self.src_dir, dlc_root_dir, symlinks=True)
-    self.PrepareLsbRelease(dlc_dir)
-    self.AddLicensingFile(dlc_dir)
-    self.CollectExtraResources(dlc_dir)
-    self.SquashOwnerships(dlc_dir)
-  def PrepareLsbRelease(self, dlc_dir):
-    """Prepare the file /etc/lsb-release in the DLC module.
-    This file is used dropping some identification parameters for the DLC.
-    Args:
-      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
-    """
-    # Reading the platform APPID and creating the DLC APPID.
-    platform_lsb_release = osutils.ReadFile(
-        os.path.join(self.sysroot, LSB_RELEASE))
-    app_id = None
-    for line in platform_lsb_release.split('\n'):
-      if line.startswith(cros_set_lsb_release.LSB_KEY_APPID_RELEASE):
-        app_id = line.split('=')[1]
-    if app_id is None:
-      raise Exception(
-          '%s does not have a valid key %s' %
-          (platform_lsb_release, cros_set_lsb_release.LSB_KEY_APPID_RELEASE))
-    fields = (
-        (DLC_ID_KEY, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id),
-        (DLC_PACKAGE_KEY, self.ebuild_params.dlc_package),
-        (DLC_NAME_KEY,,
-        # The DLC appid is generated by concatenating the platform appid with
-        # the DLC ID using an underscore. This pattern should never be changed
-        # once set otherwise it can break a lot of things!
-        (DLC_APPID_KEY, '%s_%s' % (app_id, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id)),
-    )
-    lsb_release = os.path.join(dlc_dir, LSB_RELEASE)
-    osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.dirname(lsb_release))
-    content = ''.join('%s=%s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in fields)
-    osutils.WriteFile(lsb_release, content)
-  def AddLicensingFile(self, dlc_dir):
-    """Add the licensing file for this DLC.
-    Args:
-      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
-    """
-    if not self.ebuild_params.fullnamerev:
-      return
-    licensing = licenses_lib.Licensing(self.board,
-                                       [self.ebuild_params.fullnamerev], True)
-    licensing.LoadPackageInfo()
-    licensing.ProcessPackageLicenses()
-    license_path = os.path.join(dlc_dir, LICENSE)
-    # The first (and only) item contains the values for |self.fullnamerev|.
-    _, license_txt = next(iter(licensing.GenerateLicenseText().items()))
-    osutils.WriteFile(license_path, license_txt)
-  def CollectExtraResources(self, dlc_dir):
-    """Collect the extra resources needed by the DLC module.
-    Look at the documentation around _EXTRA_RESOURCES.
-    Args:
-      dlc_dir: (str) The path to the mounted point during image creation.
-    """
-    for r in _EXTRA_RESOURCES:
-      source_path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, r)
-      target_path = os.path.join(dlc_dir, r)
-      osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.dirname(target_path))
-      shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path)
-  def CreateImage(self):
-    """Create the image and copy the DLC files to it."""
-'Creating the DLC image.')
-    if self.ebuild_params.fs_type == _EXT4_TYPE:
-      self.CreateExt4Image()
-    elif self.ebuild_params.fs_type == _SQUASHFS_TYPE:
-      self.CreateSquashfsImage()
-    else:
-      raise ValueError('Wrong fs type: %s used:' % self.ebuild_params.fs_type)
-  def VerifyImageSize(self):
-    """Verify the image can fit to the reserved file."""
-'Verifying the DLC image size.')
-    image_bytes = os.path.getsize(self.dest_image)
-    preallocated_bytes = (self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks *
-                          self._BLOCK_SIZE)
-    # Verifies the actual size of the DLC image is NOT smaller than the
-    # preallocated space.
-    if preallocated_bytes < image_bytes:
-      raise ValueError(
-          'The DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS (%s) value set in DLC ebuild resulted in a '
-          'max size of DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS * 4K (%s) bytes the DLC image is '
-          'allowed to occupy. The value is smaller than the actual image size '
-          '(%s) required. Increase DLC_PREALLOC_BLOCKS in your ebuild to at '
-          'least %d.' %
-          (self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks, preallocated_bytes,
-           image_bytes, self.GetOptimalImageBlockSize(image_bytes)))
-  def GetOptimalImageBlockSize(self, image_bytes):
-    """Given the image bytes, get the least amount of blocks required."""
-    return int(math.ceil(image_bytes / self._BLOCK_SIZE))
-  def GetImageloaderJsonContent(self, image_hash, table_hash, blocks):
-    """Return the content of imageloader.json file.
-    Args:
-      image_hash: (str) sha256 hash of the DLC image.
-      table_hash: (str) sha256 hash of the DLC table file.
-      blocks: (int) number of blocks in the DLC image.
-    Returns:
-      [str]: content of imageloader.json file.
-    """
-    return {
-        'fs-type': self.ebuild_params.fs_type,
-        'id': self.ebuild_params.dlc_id,
-        'package': self.ebuild_params.dlc_package,
-        'image-sha256-hash': image_hash,
-        'image-type': 'dlc',
-        'is-removable': True,
-        'manifest-version': self._MANIFEST_VERSION,
-        'name':,
-        'description': self.ebuild_params.description,
-        'pre-allocated-size':
-            str(self.ebuild_params.pre_allocated_blocks * self._BLOCK_SIZE),
-        'size': str(blocks * self._BLOCK_SIZE),
-        'table-sha256-hash': table_hash,
-        'version': self.ebuild_params.version,
-        'preload-allowed': self.ebuild_params.preload,
-        'used-by': self.ebuild_params.used_by,
-    }
-  def GenerateVerity(self):
-    """Generate verity parameters and hashes for the image."""
-'Generating DLC image verity.')
-    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='dlc_') as temp_dir:
-      hash_tree = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'hash_tree')
-      # Get blocks in the image.
-      blocks = math.ceil(os.path.getsize(self.dest_image) / self._BLOCK_SIZE)
-      result =[
-          'verity', 'mode=create', 'alg=sha256', 'payload=' + self.dest_image,
-          'payload_blocks=' + str(blocks), 'hashtree=' + hash_tree,
-          'salt=random'
-      ],
-                                  capture_output=True)
-      table = result.output
-      # Append the merkle tree to the image.
-      osutils.WriteFile(
-          self.dest_image, osutils.ReadFile(hash_tree, mode='rb'), mode='a+b')
-      # Write verity parameter to table file.
-      osutils.WriteFile(self.dest_table, table, mode='wb')
-      # Compute image hash.
-      image_hash = HashFile(self.dest_image)
-      table_hash = HashFile(self.dest_table)
-      # Write image hash to imageloader.json file.
-      blocks = math.ceil(os.path.getsize(self.dest_image) / self._BLOCK_SIZE)
-      imageloader_json_content = self.GetImageloaderJsonContent(
-          image_hash, table_hash, int(blocks))
-      pformat.json(imageloader_json_content, fp=self.dest_imageloader_json)
-  def GenerateDLC(self):
-    """Generate a DLC artifact."""
-    # Create directories.
-    osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.image_dir)
-    osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.meta_dir)
-    # Create the image into |self.temp_root| and copy the DLC files to it.
-    self.CreateImage()
-    # Verify the image created is within pre-allocated size.
-    self.VerifyImageSize()
-    # Generate hash tree and other metadata and save them under
-    # |self.temp_root|.
-    self.GenerateVerity()
-    # Copy the files from |self.temp_root| into the build directory.
-    self.CopyTempContentsToBuildDir()
-    # Now that the image was successfully generated, delete |ebuild_params_path|
-    # to indicate that the image in the build directory is in sync with the
-    # files installed during the build_package phase.
-    ebuild_params_path = EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(
-        self.sysroot, self.ebuild_params.dlc_id, self.ebuild_params.dlc_package)
-    osutils.SafeUnlink(ebuild_params_path, sudo=True)
-def IsDlcPreloadingAllowed(dlc_id, dlc_build_dir):
-  """Validates that DLC and it's packages all were built with DLC_PRELOAD=true.
-  Args:
-    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID.
-    dlc_build_dir: (str) the root path where DLC build files reside.
-  """
-  dlc_id_meta_dir = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, dlc_id)
-  if not os.path.exists(dlc_id_meta_dir):
-    logging.error('DLC build directory (%s) does not exist for preloading '
-                  'check, will not preload', dlc_id_meta_dir)
-    return False
-  packages = os.listdir(dlc_id_meta_dir)
-  if not packages:
-    logging.error('DLC ID build directory (%s) does not have any '
-                  'packages, will not preload.', dlc_id_meta_dir)
-    return False
-  for package in packages:
-    image_loader_json = os.path.join(dlc_id_meta_dir, package, DLC_TMP_META_DIR,
-                                     IMAGELOADER_JSON)
-    if not os.path.exists(image_loader_json):
-      logging.error('DLC metadata file (%s) does not exist, will not preload.',
-                    image_loader_json)
-      return False
-    if not GetValueInJsonFile(json_path=image_loader_json,
-                              key='preload-allowed', default_value=False):
-      return False
-  # All packages support preload.
-  return True
-def InstallDlcImages(sysroot, board, dlc_id=None, install_root_dir=None,
-                     preload=False, rootfs=None, src_dir=None):
-  """Copies all DLC image files into the images directory.
-  Copies the DLC image files in the given build directory into the given DLC
-  image directory. If the DLC build directory does not exist, or there is no DLC
-  for that board, this function does nothing.
-  Args:
-    sysroot: Path to directory containing DLC images, e.g /build/<board>.
-    board: The target board we are building for.
-    dlc_id: (str) DLC ID. If None, all the DLCs will be installed.
-    install_root_dir: Path to DLC output directory, e.g.
-      src/build/images/<board>/<version>. If None, the image will be generated
-      but will not be copied to a destination.
-    preload: When true, only copies DLC(s) if built with DLC_PRELOAD=true.
-    rootfs: (str) Path to the platform rootfs.
-    src_dir: (str) Path to the DLC source root directory.
-  """
-  dlc_build_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, DLC_BUILD_DIR)
-  if not os.path.exists(dlc_build_dir):
-'DLC build directory (%s) does not exist, ignoring.',
-                 dlc_build_dir)
-    return
-  if dlc_id is not None:
-    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, dlc_id)):
-      raise Exception(
-          'DLC "%s" does not exist in the build directory %s.' %
-          (dlc_id, dlc_build_dir))
-    dlc_ids = [dlc_id]
-  else:
-    # Process all DLCs.
-    dlc_ids = os.listdir(dlc_build_dir)
-    if not dlc_ids:
-'There are no DLC(s) to copy to output, ignoring.')
-      return
-'Detected the following DLCs: %s', ', '.join(dlc_ids))
-  for d_id in dlc_ids:
-    dlc_id_path = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id)
-    dlc_packages = [direct for direct in os.listdir(dlc_id_path)
-                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dlc_id_path, direct))]
-    for d_package in dlc_packages:
-'Building image: DLC %s', d_id)
-      params = EbuildParams.LoadEbuildParams(sysroot=sysroot, dlc_id=d_id,
-                                             dlc_package=d_package)
-      # Because portage sandboxes every ebuild package during build_packages
-      # phase, we cannot delete the old image during that phase, but we can use
-      # the existence of the file |EBUILD_PARAMETERS| to know if the image
-      # has to be generated or not.
-      if not params:
-'The ebuild parameters file (%s) for DLC (%s) does not '
-                     'exist. This means that the image was already '
-                     'generated and there is no need to create it again.',
-                     EbuildParams.GetParamsPath(sysroot, d_id, d_package), d_id)
-      else:
-        dlc_generator = DlcGenerator(
-            src_dir=src_dir,
-            sysroot=sysroot,
-            install_root_dir=sysroot,
-            board=board,
-            ebuild_params=params)
-        dlc_generator.GenerateDLC()
-      # Copy the dlc images to install_root_dir.
-      if install_root_dir:
-        if preload and not IsDlcPreloadingAllowed(d_id, dlc_build_dir):
-'Skipping installation of DLC %s because the preload '
-                       'flag is set and the DLC does not support preloading.',
-                       d_id)
-        else:
-          osutils.SafeMakedirsNonRoot(install_root_dir)
-          install_dlc_dir = os.path.join(install_root_dir, d_id, d_package)
-          osutils.SafeMakedirsNonRoot(install_dlc_dir)
-          source_dlc_dir = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id, d_package)
-          for filepath in (os.path.join(source_dlc_dir, fname) for fname in
-                           os.listdir(source_dlc_dir) if
-                           fname.endswith('.img')):
-  'Copying DLC(%s) image from %s to %s: ', d_id,
-                         filepath, install_dlc_dir)
-            shutil.copy(filepath, install_dlc_dir)
-  'Done copying DLC to %s.', install_dlc_dir)
-      else:
-'install_root_dir value was not provided. Copying dlc'
-                     ' image skipped.')
-      # Create metadata directory in rootfs.
-      if rootfs:
-        meta_rootfs = os.path.join(rootfs, DLC_META_DIR, d_id, d_package)
-        osutils.SafeMakedirs(meta_rootfs, sudo=True)
-        # Copy the metadata files to rootfs.
-        meta_dir_src = os.path.join(dlc_build_dir, d_id, d_package,
-                                    DLC_TMP_META_DIR)
-'Copying DLC(%s) metadata from %s to %s: ', d_id,
-                     meta_dir_src, meta_rootfs)
-        # Use sudo_run since osutils.CopyDirContents doesn't support sudo.
-        cros_build_lib.sudo_run(['cp', '-dR',
-                                 meta_dir_src.rstrip('/') + '/.',
-                                 meta_rootfs], print_cmd=False, stderr=True)
-      else:
-'rootfs value was not provided. Copying metadata skipped.')
-'Done installing DLCs.')
 def GetParser():
   """Creates an argument parser and returns it."""
   parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
   # This script is used both for building an individual DLC or copying all final
-  # DLCs images to their final destination nearby chromiumsos_test_image.bin,
+  # DLCs images to their final destination nearby chromiumos_test_image.bin,
   # etc. These two arguments are required in both cases.
@@ -659,7 +43,8 @@
       ' install DLC images (%s) and metadata (%s). Otherwise it'
       ' is the target directory where the Chrome OS images gets'
       ' dropped in build_image, e.g. '
-      'src/build/images/<board>/latest.' % (DLC_BUILD_DIR, DLC_META_DIR))
+      'src/build/images/<board>/latest.' % (dlc_lib.DLC_BUILD_DIR,
+                                            dlc_lib.DLC_META_DIR))
   one_dlc = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments required for building only '
                                       'one DLC')
@@ -693,8 +78,8 @@
-      default=_SQUASHFS_TYPE,
-      choices=(_SQUASHFS_TYPE, _EXT4_TYPE),
+      default=dlc_lib.SQUASHFS_TYPE,
+      choices=(dlc_lib.SQUASHFS_TYPE, dlc_lib.EXT4_TYPE),
       help='File system type of the image.')
@@ -702,8 +87,8 @@
       help='Allow preloading of DLC.')
-      '--used-by', default=_USED_BY_SYSTEM,
-      choices=(_USED_BY_USER, _USED_BY_SYSTEM),
+      '--used-by', default=dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM,
+      choices=(dlc_lib.USED_BY_USER, dlc_lib.USED_BY_SYSTEM),
       help='Defines how this DLC will be used so dlcservice can take proper '
       'actions based on the type of usage. For example, if "user" is passed, '
       'dlcservice does ref counting when DLC is installed/uninstalled. For '
@@ -717,37 +102,6 @@
   return parser
-def ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser, name):
-  """Validates the DLC identifiers like ID and package names.
-  The name specifications are:
-    - No underscore.
-    - First character should be only alphanumeric.
-    - Other characters can be alphanumeric and '-' (dash).
-    - Maximum length of 40 (MAX_ID_NAME) characters.
-  For more info see:
-  Args:
-    parser: Arguments parser.
-    name: The value of the string to be validated.
-  """
-  errors = []
-  if not name:
-    errors.append('Must not be empty.')
-  if not name[0].isalnum():
-    errors.append('Must start with alphanumeric character.')
-  if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$', name):
-    errors.append('Must only use alphanumeric and - (dash).')
-  if len(name) > MAX_ID_NAME:
-    errors.append('Must be within %d characters.' % MAX_ID_NAME)
-  if errors:
-    msg = '%s is invalid:\n%s' % (name, '\n'.join(errors))
-    parser.error(msg)
 def ValidateArguments(parser, opts, req_flags, invalid_flags):
   """Validates the correctness of the passed arguments.
@@ -769,13 +123,13 @@
                    '%s should be passed in the build_packages phase, not in '
                    'the build_image phase.' % invalid_flags)
-  if opts.fs_type == _EXT4_TYPE:
+  if opts.fs_type == dlc_lib.EXT4_TYPE:
     parser.error('ext4 unsupported for DLC, see')
-    ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser,
+    dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier(
   if opts.package:
-    ValidateDlcIdentifier(parser, opts.package)
+    dlc_lib.ValidateDlcIdentifier(opts.package)
 def main(argv):
@@ -797,7 +151,7 @@
   if opts.build_package:'Building package: DLC %s',
-    params = EbuildParams(
+    params = dlc_lib.EbuildParams(,
@@ -811,7 +165,7 @@
     params.StoreDlcParameters(install_root_dir=opts.install_root_dir, sudo=True)
-    InstallDlcImages(
+    dlc_lib.InstallDlcImages(