blob: 5eb44cb0d97840d08c43c8601d060758d7f4aba8 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility functions that are useful for controllers."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from chromite.api.gen.chromiumos import common_pb2
from chromite.cbuildbot import goma_util
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.lib.build_target_util import BuildTarget
from chromite.lib.chroot_lib import Chroot
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error class for the module."""
class InvalidMessageError(Error):
"""Invalid message."""
def ParseChroot(chroot_message):
"""Create a chroot object from the chroot message.
chroot_message (common_pb2.Chroot): The chroot message.
Chroot: The parsed chroot object.
AssertionError: When the message is not a Chroot message.
assert isinstance(chroot_message, common_pb2.Chroot)
path = chroot_message.path
cache_dir = chroot_message.cache_dir
chrome_root = chroot_message.chrome_dir
use_flags = [u.flag for u in chroot_message.env.use_flags]
features = [f.feature for f in chroot_message.env.features]
env = {}
if use_flags:
env['USE'] = ' '.join(use_flags)
# Make sure it'll use the local source to build chrome when we have it.
if chrome_root:
# TODO(saklein) Remove the default when fully integrated in recipes.
env['FEATURES'] = 'separatedebug'
if features:
env['FEATURES'] = ' '.join(features)
goma = None
if chroot_message.goma.goma_dir:
chromeos_goma_dir = chroot_message.goma.chromeos_goma_dir or None
goma = goma_util.Goma(chroot_message.goma.goma_dir,
chroot_tmp=os.path.join(path, 'tmp'))
return Chroot(path=path, cache_dir=cache_dir, chrome_root=chrome_root,
env=env, goma=goma)
def ParseBuildTarget(build_target_message):
"""Create a BuildTarget object from a build_target message.
build_target_message (common_pb2.BuildTarget): The BuildTarget message.
BuildTarget: The parsed instance.
AssertionError: When the field is not a BuildTarget message.
assert isinstance(build_target_message, common_pb2.BuildTarget)
return BuildTarget(
def ParseBuildTargets(repeated_build_target_field):
"""Create a BuildTarget for each entry in the repeated field.
repeated_build_target_field: The repeated BuildTarget field.
list[BuildTarget]: The parsed BuildTargets.
AssertionError: When the field contains non-BuildTarget messages.
return [ParseBuildTarget(target) for target in repeated_build_target_field]
def CPVToPackageInfo(cpv, package_info):
"""Helper to translate CPVs into a PackageInfo message."""
package_info.package_name = cpv.package
if cpv.category:
package_info.category = cpv.category
if cpv.version:
package_info.version = cpv.version
def PackageInfoToCPV(package_info):
"""Helper to translate a PackageInfo message into a CPV."""
if not package_info or not package_info.package_name:
return None
return portage_util.SplitCPV(PackageInfoToString(package_info), strict=False)
def PackageInfoToString(package_info):
# Combine the components into the full CPV string that SplitCPV parses.
# TODO: Turn portage_util.CPV into a class that can handle building out an
# instance from components.
if not package_info.package_name:
raise ValueError('Invalid package_info.')
c = ('%s/' % package_info.category) if package_info.category else ''
p = package_info.package_name
v = ('-%s' % package_info.version) if package_info.version else ''
return '%s%s%s' % (c, p, v)
def CPVToString(cpv):
"""Get the most useful string representation from a CPV.
cpv (portage_util.CPV): The CPV object.
ValueError - when the CPV has no useful fields set.
if cpv.cpf:
return cpv.cpf
elif cpv.cpv:
return cpv.cpv
elif cpv.cp:
return cpv.cp
elif cpv.package:
return cpv.package
raise ValueError('Invalid CPV provided.')