blob: 8cf6b9ab806b00524b0456e122ce093d564ca3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that handles the processing of patches to the source tree."""
import constants
import logging
import os
import random
import re
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
class PatchException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown by GetGerritPatchInfo."""
class ApplyPatchException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown if we fail to apply a patch."""
def __init__(self, patch, inflight=False):
super(ApplyPatchException, self).__init__()
self.patch = patch
self.inflight = inflight
def __str__(self):
return 'Failed to apply patch %s to %s' % (
self.patch, 'current patch series' if self.inflight else 'ToT')
class MalformedChange(Exception):
class MissingChangeIDException(MalformedChange):
"""Raised if a patch is missing a Change-ID."""
class BrokenCQDepends(MalformedChange):
"""Raised if a patch has a CQ-DEPEND line that is ill formated."""
class BrokenChangeID(MalformedChange):
"""Raised if a patch has an invalid Change-ID."""
def MakeChangeId(unusable=False):
"""Create a random Change-Id.
unusable: If set to True, return a Change-Id like string that gerrit
will explicitly fail on. This is primarily used for internal ids,
as a fallback when a Change-Id could not be parsed.
s = "%x" % (random.randint(0, 2**160),)
s = s.rjust(40, '0')
if unusable:
return 'Fake-ID %s' % s
return 'I%s' % s
def FormatChangeId(text):
"""Format a Change-ID into a standardized form. Use this anywhere
we're accepting user input of Change-IDs."""
if not text:
raise ValueError("FormatChangeId invoked w/ an empty value: %r" % (text,))
elif not text[0] in 'iI':
raise ValueError("FormatChangeId invoked w/ a malformed Change-Id: %r" %
return 'I%s' % text[1:].lower()
class GitRepoPatch(object):
"""Representing a patch from a branch of a local or remote git repository."""
# Note the selective case insensitivity; gerrit allows only this.
_VALID_CHANGE_ID_RE = re.compile(r'^I[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$')
_GIT_CHANGE_ID_RE = re.compile(r'^Change-Id:[\t ]*(\w+)\s*$',
_PALADIN_BUG_RE = re.compile(r'(\w+)')
def __init__(self, project_url, project, ref, tracking_branch, sha1=None,
"""Initialization of abstract Patch class.
project_url: The url of the git repo (can be local or remote) to pull the
patch from.
project: The name of the project that the patch applies to.
ref: The refspec to pull from the git repo.
tracking_branch: The remote branch of the project the patch applies to.
sha1: The sha1 of the commit, if known. This *must* be accurate. Can
be None if not yet known- in which case Fetch will update it.
change_id: The Change-Id of the commit, if known. This *must* be
accurate. Can be None if not yet known- in which case Fetch will
parse it.
self._commit_message = None
self.project_url = project_url
self.project = project
self.ref = ref
self.tracking_branch = os.path.basename(tracking_branch)
self.sha1 = sha1
# TODO(ferringb): remove this attribute.
# apply_error_message is currently used by ValidationPool as a way to
# track what changes have failed. Patch objects shouldn't use this
# attribute, instead leaving it purely for validation_pool and friends
# to mutate.
self.apply_error_message = None
# change_id must always be a valid Change-Id (local or gerrit), or None.
# id is an internal value- if change-id exists, we use that. If not,
# we make up a fake change-id to keep internal apis happy/simple.
self.change_id = = change_id
self._is_fetched = set()
self._projectdir_cache = {}
def ProjectDir(self, checkout_root):
"""Returns the local directory where this patch will be applied."""
checkout_root = os.path.normpath(checkout_root)
val = self._projectdir_cache.get(checkout_root)
if val is None:
val = cros_build_lib.GetProjectDir(checkout_root, self.project)
self._projectdir_cache[checkout_root] = val
return val
def Fetch(self, target_repo):
"""Fetch this patch into the target repository.
FETCH_HEAD is implicitly reset by this operation. Additionally,
if the sha1 of the patch was not yet known, it is pulled and stored
on this object and the target_repo is updated w/ the requested git
While doing so, we'll load the commit message and Change-Id if not
already known.
Finally, if the sha1 is known and it's already available in the target
repository, this will skip the actual fetch operation (it's unneeded).
target_repo = os.path.normpath(target_repo)
if target_repo in self._is_fetched:
return self.sha1
def _PullData(rev):
ret = cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
['git', 'log', '--format=%H%x00%B', '-n1', rev], print_cmd=False,
error_code_ok=True, cwd=target_repo)
if ret.returncode != 0:
return None, None
output = ret.output.split('\0')
if len(output) != 2:
return None, None
return [x.strip() for x in output]
if self.sha1 is not None:
# See if we've already got the object
sha1, msg = _PullData(self.sha1)
if sha1 is not None:
assert sha1 == self.sha1
self._commit_message = msg
return self.sha1
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'fetch', self.project_url, self.ref],
cwd=target_repo, print_cmd=False)
sha1, msg = _PullData('FETCH_HEAD')
# Even if we know the sha1, still do a sanity check to ensure we
# actually just fetched it.
if self.sha1 is not None:
if sha1 != self.sha1:
raise PatchException('Patch %s specifies sha1 %s, yet in fetching from '
'%s we could not find that sha1. Internal error '
'most likely.' % (self, self.sha1, self.ref))
self.sha1 = sha1
self._commit_message = msg
return self.sha1
def _RebaseOnto(self, branch, upstream, project_dir, rev, trivial):
"""Attempts to rebase the given rev into branch.
cros_build_lib.RunCommandError: If the rebase operation returns an error code.
In this case, we still rebase --abort (or equivalent) before
cmd = ['git', 'rebase']
if trivial:
cmd.extend(['--strategy', 'resolve', '-X', 'trivial'])
cmd.extend(['--onto', branch, upstream, rev])
# Run the rebase command.
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=project_dir, print_cmd=False)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'rebase', '--abort'],
cwd=project_dir, print_cmd=False,
def _RebasePatch(self, upstream, project_dir, rev, trivial):
"""Rebase patch fetched from gerrit onto constants.PATCH_BRANCH.
When the function completes, the constants.PATCH_BRANCH branch will be
pointing to the rebased change.
upstream: The upstream branch to base patch on.
project_dir: Directory of the project that is being patched.
rev: The rev we're rebasing into the tree.
trivial: Use trivial logic that only allows trivial merges. Note:
Requires Git >= 1.7.6 -- bug <. Bots have 1.7.6 installed.
ApplyPatchException: If the patch failed to apply.
self._RebaseOnto(constants.PATCH_BRANCH, upstream, project_dir, rev,
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
# Ignore this error; next we fiddle with the patch a bit to
# discern what exception to throw.
['git', 'checkout', '-B', constants.PATCH_BRANCH, 'HEAD'],
cwd=project_dir, print_cmd=False)
self._RebaseOnto(upstream, upstream, project_dir, rev, trivial)
raise ApplyPatchException(self, inflight=True)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
# Cleanup the rebase attempt.
['git', 'rebase', '--abort'], cwd=project_dir, print_cmd=False,
raise ApplyPatchException(self, inflight=False)
# Ensure we're on the correct branch on the way out.
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', constants.PATCH_BRANCH],
cwd=project_dir, print_cmd=False)
def _GetUpstreamBranch(self, buildroot, force_default=False):
"""Get the branch specified in the manifest for this patch."""
# TODO(ferringb): remove this via cherry-picking; it's broken
# now since it assumes the tracking_branch (which is local
# to the originating repo) is what should be used for rebasing
# this patch into the current tree).
manifest = cros_build_lib.ManifestCheckout.Cached(buildroot)
if force_default:
return manifest.default_branch
return manifest.GetProjectsLocalRevision(self.project)
def ApplyIntoGitRepo(self, project_dir, upstream, trivial=False,
"""Apply patch into a standalone git repo.
The git repo does not need to be part of a repo checkout.
project_dir: The directory of the project.
upstream: The branch to base the patch on.
trivial: Only allow trivial merges when applying change.
do_check: Check if tracking is the same as the given upstream.
# Check that the patch is based on the same branch as project we are
# patching into.
# TODO(ferringb): remove this when cherry-pick lands; has questionable
# value now, has no relevance/value once cherry-picking is in.
branch_base = os.path.basename(upstream)
if self.tracking_branch != branch_base and do_check:
raise PatchException('branch %s for project %s is not tracking %s'
% (self.ref, self.project, branch_base))
rev = self.Fetch(project_dir)
if not cros_build_lib.DoesLocalBranchExist(project_dir,
cmd = ['checkout', '-b', constants.PATCH_BRANCH, '-t', upstream]
cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(project_dir, cmd)
self._RebasePatch(upstream, project_dir, rev, trivial)
def Apply(self, buildroot, trivial=False):
"""Applies the patch to specified buildroot.
buildroot: The buildroot.
trivial: Only allow trivial merges when applying change.
ApplyPatchException: If the patch failed to apply.
"""'Attempting to apply change %s', self)
manifest_branch = self._GetUpstreamBranch(buildroot)
do_check = manifest_branch.startswith('refs/')
if not do_check:
# Revision locked. Use the manifest default branch which
# is set to the manifest locked revision, and
# suppress the tracking/upstream check.
manifest_branch = self._GetUpstreamBranch(buildroot, True)
project_dir = self.ProjectDir(buildroot)
self.ApplyIntoGitRepo(project_dir, manifest_branch, trivial,
def GerritDependencies(self, buildroot):
"""Returns an ordered list of dependencies from Gerrit.
The list of changes are in order from FETCH_HEAD back to m/master.
buildroot: The buildroot.
An ordered list of Gerrit revisions that this patch depends on.
MissingChangeIDException: If a dependent change is missing its ChangeID.
dependencies = []'Checking for Gerrit dependencies for change %s', self)
project_dir = self.ProjectDir(buildroot)
rev = self.Fetch(project_dir)
tracking_branch = self._GetUpstreamBranch(buildroot)
return_obj = cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(
['log', '--format=%B%x00', '%s..%s^' % (tracking_branch, rev)])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError, e:
if e.result.returncode != 128:
# Errorcode 128 means "object not found"; either we've got an
# internal bug (tracking_branch was wrong, fetch somehow didn't get
# that actual rev, etc), or... this is the first commit in a repository.
# The following code checks for that, raising the original
# exception if not.
result = cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(project_dir,
['rev-list', '-n2', rev])
if len(result.output.split()) != 1:
# First commit of a repository; obviously, it has no dependencies.
return []
patches = []
if return_obj.output:
# Only do this if we have output; else it leads
# to an invalid [''] result which we can't identify
# as differing from actual output for a single patch that
# lacks a commit message.
# Because the explicit null addition, strip off the last record.
patches = return_obj.output.split('\0')[:-1]
for patch_output in patches:
change_id = self._ParseChangeId(patch_output)
if dependencies:'Found %s Gerrit dependencies for change %s', dependencies,
return dependencies
def _EnsureId(self, commit_message):
"""Ensure we have a usable Change-Id. This will parse the Change-Id out
of the given commit message- if it cannot find one, it logs a warning
and creates a fake ID.
By it's nature, that fake ID is useless- it's created to simplify API
usage for patch consumers.
If CQ were to see and try operating on one of these, it would fail for
if is not None:
self.change_id = = self._ParseChangeId(commit_message)
except MissingChangeIDException:
'Change %s, sha1 %s lacks a change-id in its commit '
'message. CQ-DEPEND against this rev will not work, nor '
'will any gerrit querying. Please add the appropriate '
'Change-Id into the commit message to resolve this.',
self, self.sha1)
# We still need an internal id to address it via- thus we
# make a fake one to keep our caches/resolvers happy, while
# leaving the authoritive .change_id set to None. = MakeChangeId(unusable=True)
def _ParseChangeId(self, data):
"""Parse a Change-Id out of a block of text."""
# Grab just the last pararaph.
git_metadata = re.split('\n{2,}', data.rstrip())[-1]
change_id_match = self._GIT_CHANGE_ID_RE.findall(git_metadata)
if not change_id_match:
raise MissingChangeIDException('Missing Change-Id in %s', data)
# Now, validate it. This has no real effect on actual gerrit patches,
# but for local patches the validation is useful for general sanity
# enforcement.
change_id_match = change_id_match[-1]
if not self._VALID_CHANGE_ID_RE.match(change_id_match):
raise BrokenChangeID(self, change_id_match)
# Force a standard for the formatting; I must be caps, force the rest
# of the hex to lower case.
return FormatChangeId(change_id_match)
def PaladinDependencies(self, buildroot):
"""Returns an ordered list of dependencies based on the Commit Message.
Parses the Commit message for this change looking for lines that follow
the format:
CQ-DEPEND:change_num+ e.g.
A commit which depends on a couple others.
dependencies = []'Checking for CQ-DEPEND dependencies for change %s', self)
matches = self._PALADIN_DEPENDENCY_RE.findall(self._commit_message)
for match in matches:
chunks = ' '.join(match.split(','))
chunks = chunks.split()
for chunk in chunks:
if not chunk.isdigit():
if not self._VALID_CHANGE_ID_RE.match(chunk):
raise BrokenCQDepends(self, match, chunk)
chunk = FormatChangeId(chunk)
if chunk not in dependencies:
if dependencies:'Found %s Paladin dependencies for change %s', dependencies,
return dependencies
def __str__(self):
"""Returns custom string to identify this patch."""
s = '%s:%s' % (self.project, self.ref)
if self.sha1 is not None:
s = '%s:%s' % (s, self.sha1[:8])
return s
class LocalPatch(GitRepoPatch):
"""Represents patch coming from an on-disk git repo."""
def __init__(self, project_url, project, ref, tracking_branch, sha1):
GitRepoPatch.__init__(self, project_url, project, ref, tracking_branch,
def Sha1Hash(self):
"""Get the Sha1 of the branch."""
return self.sha1
def _GetCarbonCopy(self):
"""Returns a copy of this commit object, with a different sha1.
This is used to work around a Gerrit bug, where a commit object cannot be
uploaded for review if an existing branch (in refs/tryjobs/*) points to
that same sha1. So instead we create a copy of the commit object and upload
that to refs/tryjobs/*.
The sha1 of the new commit object.
hash_fields = [('tree_hash', '%T'), ('parent_hash', '%P')]
transfer_fields = [('GIT_AUTHOR_NAME', '%an'),
('GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL', '%ae'),
('GIT_AUTHOR_DATE', '%ad'),
fields = hash_fields + transfer_fields
format_string = '%n'.join([code for _, code in fields] + ['%B'])
result = cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(
['log', '--format=%s' % format_string, '-z', '-n1', self.sha1])
lines = result.output.splitlines()
field_value = dict(zip([name for name, _ in fields],
[line.strip() for line in lines]))
commit_body = '\n'.join(lines[len(fields):])
if len(field_value['parent_hash'].split()) != 1:
raise PatchException('Branch %s:%s contains merge result %s!'
% (self.project, self.ref, self.sha1))
extra_env = dict([(field, field_value[field]) for field, _ in
# Reset the commit date to a value that can't conflict; if we
# leave this to git, it's possible for a fast moving set of commit/uploads
# to all occur within the same second (thus the same commit date),
# resulting in the same sha1.
extra_env['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'] = str(
int(extra_env["GIT_COMMITER_DATE"]) - 1)
result = cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(
['commit-tree', field_value['tree_hash'], '-p',
extra_env=extra_env, input=commit_body)
new_sha1 = result.output.strip()
if new_sha1 == self.sha1:
raise PatchException(
'Internal error! Carbon copy of %s is the same as original!'
% self.sha1)
return new_sha1
def Upload(self, push_url, remote_ref, dryrun=False):
"""Upload the patch to a remote git branch.
push_url: Which url to push to.
remote_ref: The ref on the remote host to push to.
dryrun: Do the git push with --dry-run
carbon_copy = self._GetCarbonCopy()
cmd = ['push', push_url, '%s:%s' % (carbon_copy, remote_ref)]
if dryrun:
cros_build_lib.RunGitCommand(self.project_url, cmd)
class UploadedLocalPatch(GitRepoPatch):
"""Represents an uploaded local patch passed in using --remote-patch."""
def __init__(self, project_url, project, ref, tracking_branch,
original_branch, original_sha1, carbon_copy_sha1=None):
GitRepoPatch.__init__(self, project_url, project, ref, tracking_branch,
self.original_branch = original_branch
self.original_sha1 = original_sha1
def __str__(self):
"""Returns custom string to identify this patch."""
# TODO(ferringb): fold subject line in here.
s = '%s:%s:%s' % (self.project, self.original_branch,
return s
class GerritPatch(GitRepoPatch):
"""Object that represents a Gerrit CL."""
_PUBLIC_URL = os.path.join(constants.GERRIT_HTTP_URL, 'gerrit/p')
def __init__(self, patch_dict, internal):
"""Construct a GerritPatch object from Gerrit query results.
Gerrit query JSON fields are documented at:
patch_dict: A dictionary containing the parsed JSON gerrit query results.
internal: Whether the CL is an internal CL.
self.patch_dict = patch_dict
super(GerritPatch, self).__init__(
self._GetProjectUrl(patch_dict['project'], internal),
self.internal = internal
# id - The CL's ChangeId
# revision - The CL's SHA1 hash.
self.revision = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['revision']
self.patch_number = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['number']
self.commit = patch_dict['currentPatchSet']['revision']
self.owner, _, _ = patch_dict['owner']['email'].partition('@')
self.gerrit_number = patch_dict['number']
self.url = patch_dict['url']
# status - Current state of this change. Can be one of
self.status = patch_dict['status']
def __reduce__(self):
"""Used for pickling to re-create patch object."""
return self.__class__, (self.patch_dict.copy(), self.internal)
def IsAlreadyMerged(self):
"""Returns whether the patch has already been merged in Gerrit."""
return self.status == 'MERGED'
def _GetProjectUrl(cls, project, internal):
"""Returns the url to the gerrit project."""
if internal:
url_prefix = constants.GERRIT_INT_SSH_URL
url_prefix = cls._PUBLIC_URL
return os.path.join(url_prefix, project)
def _EnsureId(self, commit_message):
"""Ensure we have a usable Change-Id, validating what we received
from gerrit against what the commit message states."""
# GerritPatch instances get their Change-Id from gerrit
# directly; for this to fail, there is an internal bug.
assert is not None
# For GerritPatches, we still parse the ID- this is
# primarily so we can throw an appropriate warning,
# and also validate our parsing against gerrit's in
# the process.
parsed_id = self._ParseChangeId(commit_message)
if parsed_id != self.change_id:
raise AssertionError(
'For Change-Id %s, sha %s, our parsing of the Change-Id did not '
'match what gerrit told us. This is an internal bug: either our '
"parsing no longer matches gerrit's, or somehow this instance's "
'stored change_id was invalidly modified. Our parsing of the '
'Change-Id yielded: %s'
% (self.change_id, self.sha1, parsed_id))
except MissingChangeIDException:
'Change %s, Change-Id %s, sha1 %s lacks a change-id in its commit '
'message. This breaks the ability for any dependencies '
'to be committed as a batch (instead having to be committed one '
'by one through CQ). Please add the appropriate '
'Change-Id into the commit message to resolve this.',
self, self.change_id, self.sha1)
def __str__(self):
"""Returns custom string to identify this patch."""
s = '%s:%s' % (self.owner, self.gerrit_number)
if self.sha1 is not None:
s = '%s:%s' % (s, self.sha1[:8])
return s
# Define methods to use patches in sets. We uniquely identify patches
# by Gerrit change numbers.
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
def PrepareLocalPatches(manifest, patches):
"""Finish validation of parameters, and save patches to a temp folder.
manifest: The manifest object for the checkout in question.
patches: A list of user-specified patches, in project[:branch] form.
PatchException if:
1. The project branch isn't specified and the project isn't on a branch.
patch_info = []
for patch in patches:
project, branch = patch.split(':')
project_dir = manifest.GetProjectPath(project, True)
tracking_branch = manifest.GetProjectsLocalRevision(project)
cmd = ['git', 'rev-list', '-n1', '%s..%s' % (tracking_branch, branch)]
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=True,
sha1 = result.output.strip()
if not sha1:
raise PatchException('No changes found in %s:%s' % (project, branch))
patch_info.append(LocalPatch(os.path.join(project_dir, '.git'),
project, branch, tracking_branch,
return patch_info
def PrepareRemotePatches(patches):
"""Generate patch objects from list of --remote-patch parameters.
patches: A list of --remote-patches strings that the user specified on
the commandline. Patch strings are colon-delimited. Patches come
in the format
A description of each element:
project: The manifest project name that the patch is for.
original_branch: The name of the development branch that the local
patch came from.
ref: The remote ref that points to the patch.
tracking_branch: The upstream branch that the original_branch was
tracking. Should be a manifest branch.
tag: Denotes whether the project is an internal or external
patch_info = []
for patch in patches:
project, original_branch, ref, tracking_branch, tag = patch.split(':')
except ValueError:
raise PatchException("Unexpected tryjob format. You may be running an "
"older version of chromite. Run 'repo sync "
if tag == constants.EXTERNAL_PATCH_TAG:
push_url = constants.GERRIT_SSH_URL
elif tag == constants.INTERNAL_PATCH_TAG:
push_url = constants.GERRIT_INT_SSH_URL
raise PatchException('Bad remote patch format. Unknown tag %s' % tag)
patch_info.append(UploadedLocalPatch(os.path.join(push_url, project),
project, ref, tracking_branch,
return patch_info