blob: 56407834ccd1f3995417e535c02ffa161641f00c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing the various individual commands a builder can run."""
from datetime import datetime
import fnmatch
import glob
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_config
from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_results as results_lib
from chromite.buildbot import constants
from chromite.buildbot import portage_utilities
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import gclient
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import locking
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.scripts import upload_symbols
_PACKAGE_FILE = '%(buildroot)s/src/scripts/cbuildbot_package.list'
CHROME_KEYWORDS_FILE = ('/build/%(board)s/etc/portage/package.keywords/chrome')
_FACTORY_SHIM = 'factory_shim'
_FACTORY_TEST = 'factory_test'
_FACTORY_HWID = 'hwid'
_PRIVATE_BINHOST_CONF_DIR = ('src/private-overlays/chromeos-partner-overlay/'
_GSUTIL_PATH = '/b/build/scripts/slave/gsutil'
_BINHOST_PACKAGE_FILE = ('/usr/share/dev-install/portage/make.profile/'
_AUTOTEST_RPC_CLIENT = ('/b/build_internal/scripts/slave-internal/autotest_rpc/'
_LOCAL_BUILD_FLAGS = ['--nousepkg', '--reuse_pkgs_from_local_boards']
class TestFailure(results_lib.StepFailure):
# =========================== Command Helpers =================================
def _RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, capture_output=False, chromite_cmd=False,
"""Run a build script, wrapping exceptions as needed.
This wraps RunCommand(cmd, cwd=buildroot, **kwargs), adding extra logic to
help determine the cause of command failures.
- If a package fails to build, a PackageBuildFailure exception is thrown,
which lists exactly which packages failed to build.
- If the command fails for a different reason, a BuildScriptFailure
exception is thrown.
We detect what packages failed to build by creating a temporary status file,
and passing that status file to parallel_emerge via the
buildroot: The root of the build directory.
cmd: The command to run.
capture_output: Whether or not to capture all output.
kwargs: Optional args passed to RunCommand; see RunCommand for specifics.
assert not kwargs.get('shell', False), 'Cannot execute shell commands'
kwargs.setdefault('cwd', buildroot)
enter_chroot = kwargs.get('enter_chroot', False)
if chromite_cmd:
cmd = cmd[:]
if enter_chroot:
cmd[0] = git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(
os.path.join(constants.CHROMITE_BIN_SUBDIR, cmd[0]))
cmd[0] = os.path.join(buildroot, constants.CHROMITE_BIN_SUBDIR, cmd[0])
# If we are entering the chroot, create status file for tracking what
# packages failed to build.
chroot_tmp = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot', 'tmp')
status_file = None
with cros_build_lib.ContextManagerStack() as stack:
if enter_chroot and os.path.exists(chroot_tmp):
kwargs['extra_env'] = (kwargs.get('extra_env') or {}).copy()
status_file = stack.Add(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile, dir=chroot_tmp)
kwargs['extra_env']['PARALLEL_EMERGE_STATUS_FILE'] = \
if capture_output:
return cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(cmd, **kwargs)
return cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, **kwargs)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as ex:
# Print the original exception.
cros_build_lib.Error('\n%s', ex)
# Check whether a specific package failed. If so, wrap the
# exception appropriately.
if status_file is not None:
failed_packages =
if failed_packages:
raise results_lib.PackageBuildFailure(ex, cmd[0], failed_packages)
# Looks like a generic failure. Raise a BuildScriptFailure.
raise results_lib.BuildScriptFailure(ex, cmd[0])
def GetInput(prompt):
"""Helper function to grab input from a user. Makes testing easier."""
return raw_input(prompt)
def ValidateClobber(buildroot):
"""Do due diligence if user wants to clobber buildroot.
buildroot: buildroot that's potentially clobbered.
True if the clobber is ok.
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if cwd.startswith(buildroot):
cros_build_lib.Die('You are trying to clobber this chromite checkout!')
if buildroot == '/':
cros_build_lib.Die('Refusing to clobber your system!')
if os.path.exists(buildroot):
return cros_build_lib.BooleanPrompt(default=False)
return True
# =========================== Main Commands ===================================
def BuildRootGitCleanup(buildroot):
"""Put buildroot onto manifest branch. Delete branches created on last run.
buildroot: buildroot to clean up.
lock_path = os.path.join(buildroot, '.clean_lock')
def RunCleanupCommands(project, cwd):
with locking.FileLock(lock_path, verbose=False).read_lock() as lock:
# Calculate where the git repository is stored.
relpath = os.path.relpath(cwd, buildroot)
projects_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, '.repo', 'projects')
project_objects_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, '.repo', 'project-objects')
repo_git_store = '%s.git' % os.path.join(projects_dir, relpath)
repo_obj_store = '%s.git' % os.path.join(project_objects_dir, project)
if os.path.isdir(cwd):
git.CleanAndCheckoutUpstream(cwd, False)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError, e:
result = e.result
logging.warn('\n%s', result.error)
logging.warn('Deleting %s because %s failed', cwd, e.result.cmd)
osutils.RmDir(cwd, ignore_missing=True)
# Delete the backing stores as well.
for store in (repo_git_store, repo_obj_store):
logging.warn('Deleting %s as well', store)
osutils.RmDir(store, ignore_missing=True)
# Delete all branches created by cbuildbot.
if os.path.isdir(repo_git_store):
cmd = ['branch', '-D'] + list(constants.CREATED_BRANCHES)
git.RunGit(repo_git_store, cmd, error_code_ok=True)
# Cleanup all of the directories.
dirs = [[attrs['name'], os.path.join(buildroot, attrs['path'])] for attrs in
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(RunCleanupCommands, dirs)
def CleanUpMountPoints(buildroot):
"""Cleans up any stale mount points from previous runs."""
# Scrape it from /proc/mounts since it's easily accessible;
# additionally, unmount in reverse order of what's listed there
# rather than trying a reverse sorting; it's possible for
# mount /z /foon
# mount /foon/blah -o loop /a
# which reverse sorting cannot handle.
buildroot = os.path.realpath(buildroot).rstrip('/') + '/'
mounts = []
with open("/proc/mounts", 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
path = line.split()[1]
if path.startswith(buildroot):
for mount_pt in reversed(mounts):
osutils.UmountDir(mount_pt, lazy=True, cleanup=False)
def WipeOldOutput(buildroot):
"""Wipes out build output directory.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Delete image directories for this board name.
image_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'build', 'images')
osutils.RmDir(image_dir, ignore_missing=True, sudo=True)
def MakeChroot(buildroot, replace, use_sdk, chrome_root=None, extra_env=None):
"""Wrapper around make_chroot."""
cmd = ['cros_sdk']
cmd.append('--create' if use_sdk else '--bootstrap')
if replace:
if chrome_root:
cmd.append('--chrome_root=%s' % chrome_root)
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env)
def RunChrootUpgradeHooks(buildroot, chrome_root=None):
"""Run the chroot upgrade hooks in the chroot."""
chroot_args = []
if chrome_root:
chroot_args.append('--chrome_root=%s' % chrome_root)
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, ['./run_chroot_version_hooks'],
enter_chroot=True, chroot_args=chroot_args)
def RefreshPackageStatus(buildroot, boards, debug):
"""Wrapper around refresh_package_status"""
# First run check_gdata_token to validate or refresh auth token.
cmd = ['check_gdata_token']
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, chromite_cmd=True)
# Prepare refresh_package_status command to update the package spreadsheet.
cmd = ['refresh_package_status']
# Skip the host board if present.
board = ':'.join([b for b in boards if b != 'amd64-host'])
cmd.append('--board=%s' % board)
# Upload to the test spreadsheet only when in debug mode.
if debug:
# Actually run prepared refresh_package_status command.
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, chromite_cmd=True, enter_chroot=True)
# Run sync_package_status to create Tracker issues for outdated
# packages. At the moment, this runs only for groups that have opted in.
basecmd = ['sync_package_status']
if debug:
basecmd.extend(['--pretend', '--test-spreadsheet'])
cmdargslist = [['--team=build'],
['--team=kernel', '--default-owner=arscott'],
for cmdargs in cmdargslist:
cmd = basecmd + cmdargs
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, chromite_cmd=True, enter_chroot=True)
def SetSharedUserPassword(buildroot, password):
"""Wrapper around"""
if password is not None:
cmd = ['./', password]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, enter_chroot=True)
passwd_file = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot/etc/shared_user_passwd.txt')
osutils.SafeUnlink(passwd_file, sudo=True)
def SetupBoard(buildroot, board, usepkg, chrome_binhost_only=False,
extra_env=None, force=False, profile=None, chroot_upgrade=True):
"""Wrapper around setup_board.
buildroot: The buildroot of the current build.
board: The board to set up.
usepkg: Whether to use binary packages when setting up the board.
chrome_binhost_only: If set, only use binary packages on the board for
Chrome itself.
extra_env: A dictionary of environmental variables to set during generation.
force: Whether to remove the board prior to setting it up.
profile: The profile to use with this board.
chroot_upgrade: Whether to update the chroot. If the chroot is already up to
date, you can specify chroot_upgrade=False.
cmd = ['./setup_board', '--board=%s' % board,
# This isn't the greatest thing, but emerge's dependency calculation
# isn't the speediest thing, so let callers skip this step when they
# know the system is up-to-date already.
if not chroot_upgrade:
if profile:
cmd.append('--profile=%s' % profile)
if not usepkg:
if chrome_binhost_only:
if force:
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, enter_chroot=True)
def Build(buildroot, board, build_autotest, usepkg, chrome_binhost_only,
packages=(), skip_chroot_upgrade=True, extra_env=None,
"""Wrapper around build_packages.
buildroot: The buildroot of the current build.
board: The board to set up.
build_autotest: Whether to build autotest-related packages.
usepkg: Whether to use binary packages.
chrome_binhost_only: If set, only use binary packages on the board for
Chrome itself.
packages: Tuple of specific packages we want to build. If empty,
build_packages will calculate a list of packages automatically.
skip_chroot_upgrade: Whether to skip the chroot update. If the chroot is
not yet up to date, you should specify skip_chroot_upgrade=False.
extra_env: A dictionary of environmental variables to set during generation.
chrome_root: The directory where chrome is stored.
cmd = ['./build_packages', '--board=%s' % board,
if not build_autotest:
if skip_chroot_upgrade:
if not usepkg:
if chrome_binhost_only:
chroot_args = []
if chrome_root:
chroot_args.append('--chrome_root=%s' % chrome_root)
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, chroot_args=chroot_args,
def BuildImage(buildroot, board, images_to_build, version=None,
rootfs_verification=True, extra_env=None, disk_layout=None):
# Default to base if images_to_build is passed empty.
if not images_to_build:
images_to_build = ['base']
version_str = '--version=%s' % (version or '')
cmd = ['./build_image', '--board=%s' % board, '--replace', version_str]
if not rootfs_verification:
cmd += ['--noenable_rootfs_verification']
if disk_layout:
cmd += ['--disk_layout=%s' % disk_layout]
cmd += images_to_build
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, enter_chroot=True)
def GenerateAuZip(buildroot, image_dir, extra_env=None):
"""Run the script which generates
buildroot: The buildroot of the current build.
image_dir: The directory in which to store
extra_env: A dictionary of environmental variables to set during generation.
results_lib.BuildScriptFailure if the called script fails.
chroot_image_dir = git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(image_dir)
cmd = ['./build_library/', '-o', chroot_image_dir]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, enter_chroot=True)
def TestAuZip(buildroot, image_dir, extra_env=None):
"""Run the script which validates an
buildroot: The buildroot of the current build.
image_dir: The directory in which to find
extra_env: A dictionary of environmental variables to set during generation.
results_lib.BuildScriptFailure if the test script fails.
cmd = ['./build_library/', '-o', image_dir]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd,
def BuildVMImageForTesting(buildroot, board, extra_env=None, disk_layout=None):
cmd = ['./', '--board=%s' % board, '--test_image']
if disk_layout:
cmd += ['--disk_layout=%s' % disk_layout]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, enter_chroot=True)
def RunSignerTests(buildroot, board):
cmd = ['./security_test_image', '--board=%s' % board]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, enter_chroot=True)
def RunUnitTests(buildroot, board, full, blacklist=None, extra_env=None):
cmd = ['cros_run_unit_tests', '--board=%s' % board]
# If we aren't running ALL tests, then restrict to just the packages
# uprev noticed were changed.
if not full:
package_file = _PACKAGE_FILE % {'buildroot': buildroot}
cmd += ['--package_file=%s' % git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(package_file)]
if blacklist:
cmd += ['--blacklist_packages=%s' % ' '.join(blacklist)]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, enter_chroot=True, extra_env=extra_env or {})
def RunTestSuite(buildroot, board, image_dir, results_dir, test_type,
whitelist_chrome_crashes, archive_dir):
"""Runs the test harness suite."""
results_dir_in_chroot = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot',
osutils.RmDir(results_dir_in_chroot, ignore_missing=True)
cwd = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'scripts')
image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, 'chromiumos_test_image.bin')
cmd = ['bin/ctest',
'--board=%s' % board,
'--target_image=%s' % image_path,
'--test_results_root=%s' % results_dir_in_chroot
if test_type not in constants.VALID_VM_TEST_TYPES:
raise AssertionError('Unrecognized test type %r' % test_type)
if test_type == constants.FULL_AU_TEST_TYPE:
cmd.append('--archive_dir=%s' % archive_dir)
if test_type == constants.SMOKE_SUITE_TEST_TYPE:
elif test_type == constants.TELEMETRY_SUITE_TEST_TYPE:
if whitelist_chrome_crashes:
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=cwd, error_code_ok=True)
if result.returncode:
if os.path.exists(results_dir_in_chroot):
error = '%s exited with code %d' % (' '.join(cmd), result.returncode)
with open(results_dir_in_chroot + '/failed_test_command', 'w') as failed:
raise TestFailure('** VMTests failed with code %d **'
% result.returncode)
def RunDevModeTest(buildroot, board, image_dir):
"""Runs the dev mode testing script to verify dev-mode scripts work."""
crostestutils = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'platform', 'crostestutils')
image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, 'chromiumos_test_image.bin')
test_script = 'devmode-test/'
cmd = [os.path.join(crostestutils, test_script), '--verbose', board,
def ArchiveTestResults(buildroot, test_results_dir, prefix):
"""Archives the test results into a tarball.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
test_results_dir: Path from buildroot/chroot to find test results.
This must a subdir of /tmp.
Returns the path to the tarball.
test_results_dir = test_results_dir.lstrip('/')
chroot = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot')
results_path = os.path.join(chroot, test_results_dir)
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['chmod', '-R', 'a+rw', results_path],
test_tarball = os.path.join(buildroot, '%svm_test_results.tgz' % prefix)
if os.path.exists(test_tarball):
test_tarball, results_path, compression=cros_build_lib.COMP_GZIP,
return test_tarball
def RunHWTestSuite(build, suite, board, pool, num, file_bugs, wait_for_results,
"""Run the test suite in the Autotest lab.
build: The build is described as the bot_id and the build version.
e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1655.0.0-a1-b1584.
suite: Name of the Autotest suite.
board: The board the test suite should be scheduled against.
pool: The pool of machines we should use to run the hw tests on.
num: Maximum number of devices to use when scheduling tests in the
hardware test lab.
file_bugs: File bugs on test failures for this suite run.
wait_for_results: If True, wait for autotest results before returning.
debug: Whether we are in debug mode.
# TODO(scottz): RPC client option names are misnomers
'--build', build,
'--suite_name', suite,
'--board', board,
'--pool', pool,
'--num', str(num),
'--file_bugs', str(file_bugs),
'--no_wait', str(not wait_for_results)]
if debug:
cros_build_lib.Info('RunHWTestSuite would run: %s',
' '.join(map(repr, cmd)))
def _GetAbortHWTestsURL(substr, suite):
"""Get the URL where we should save state about the specified abort command.
substr: The substr argument that AbortHWTests was called with.
suite: The suite argument that AbortHWTests was called with, if any.
url = '%s/hwtests-aborted/%s/suite=%s'
return url % (constants.MANIFEST_VERSIONS_GS_URL, substr, suite)
def AbortHWTests(substr, debug, suite=''):
"""Abort the specified hardware tests.
substr: The substr of the build id to abort.
e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1655.0.0-a1-b1584.
debug: Whether we are in debug mode.
suite: Name of the Autotest suite. If empty, abort all suites.
'-i', substr,
'-s', suite]
if debug:
cros_build_lib.Info('AbortHWTests would run: %s', ' '.join(map(repr, cmd)))
# Mark the substr/suite as aborted in Google Storage.
gs.GSContext().Copy('-', _GetAbortHWTestsURL(substr, suite), input='')
# Actually abort the build.
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
cros_build_lib.Warning('AbortHWTests failed', exc_info=True)
def HaveHWTestsBeenAborted(substr, suite=''):
"""Check in Google Storage whether the specified abort call was sent.
This function literally checks whether the following call has occurred:
AbortHWTests(substr, debug=True, suite=suite)
substr: The substr argument that AbortHWTests was called with.
suite: The suite argument that AbortHWTests was called with, if any.
return gs.GSContext().Exists(_GetAbortHWTestsURL(substr, suite))
def GenerateStackTraces(buildroot, board, gzipped_test_tarball,
archive_dir, got_symbols):
"""Generates stack traces for logs in |gzipped_test_tarball|
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Name of the board being worked on.
gzipped_test_tarball: Path to the gzipped test tarball.
archive_dir: Local directory for archiving.
got_symbols: True if breakpad symbols have been generated.
List of stack trace file names.
stack_trace_filenames = []
chroot = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot')
gzip = cros_build_lib.FindCompressor(cros_build_lib.COMP_GZIP, chroot=chroot)
chroot_tmp = os.path.join(chroot, 'tmp')
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cbuildbot_dumps', dir=chroot_tmp)
asan_log_signaled = False
# We need to unzip the test results tarball first because we cannot update
# a compressed tarball.
gzipped_test_tarball = os.path.abspath(gzipped_test_tarball)
cros_build_lib.RunCommand([gzip, '-df', gzipped_test_tarball],
test_tarball = os.path.splitext(gzipped_test_tarball)[0] + '.tar'
# Extract minidump and asan files from the tarball and symbolize them.
cmd = ['tar', 'xf', test_tarball, '--directory=%s' % temp_dir, '--wildcards']
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd + ['*.dmp', '*asan_log.*'],
debug_level=logging.DEBUG, error_code_ok=True)
symbol_dir = os.path.join('/build', board, 'usr', 'lib', 'debug', 'breakpad')
board_path = os.path.join('/build', board)
for curr_dir, _subdirs, files in os.walk(temp_dir):
for curr_file in files:
full_file_path = os.path.join(curr_dir, curr_file)
processed_file_path = '%s.txt' % full_file_path
# Distinguish whether the current file is a minidump or asan_log.
if curr_file.endswith('.dmp'):
# Skip crash files that were purposely generated or if
# breakpad symbols are absent.
if not got_symbols or curr_file.find('crasher_nobreakpad') == 0:
# Precess the minidump from within chroot.
minidump = git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(full_file_path)
cwd = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'scripts')
['minidump_stackwalk', minidump, symbol_dir], cwd=cwd,
enter_chroot=True, error_code_ok=True, redirect_stderr=True,
debug_level=logging.DEBUG, log_stdout_to_file=processed_file_path)
# Process asan log.
# Prepend '/chrome/$board' path to the stack trace in log.
log_content = ''
with open(full_file_path) as f:
for line in f:
# Stack frame line example to be matched here:
# #0 0x721d1831 (/opt/google/chrome/chrome+0xb837831)
stackline_match ='^ *#[0-9]* 0x.* \(', line)
if stackline_match:
frame_end = stackline_match.span()[1]
line = line[:frame_end] + board_path + line[frame_end:]
log_content += line
# Symbolize and demangle it.
raw = cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
[''], input=log_content, enter_chroot=True,
extra_env={'LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH' : '/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer'})
input=raw.output, debug_level=logging.DEBUG,
cwd=buildroot, redirect_stderr=True,
# Break the bot if asan_log found. This is because some asan
# crashes may not fail any test so the bot stays green.
# Ex:
if not asan_log_signaled:
asan_log_signaled = True
'Asan crash occurred. See asan_logs in Artifacts.')
# Append the processed file to archive.
filename = ArchiveFile(processed_file_path, archive_dir)
cmd = ['tar', 'uf', test_tarball, '.']
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, debug_level=logging.DEBUG, cwd=temp_dir)
cros_build_lib.RunCommand('%s -c %s > %s'
% (gzip, test_tarball, gzipped_test_tarball),
shell=True, debug_level=logging.DEBUG)
return stack_trace_filenames
def ArchiveFile(file_to_archive, archive_dir):
"""Archives the specified file.
file_to_archive: Full path to file to archive.
archive_dir: Local directory for archiving.
The base name of the archived file.
filename = os.path.basename(file_to_archive)
if archive_dir:
archived_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, filename)
shutil.copy(file_to_archive, archived_file)
os.chmod(archived_file, 0644)
return filename
def MarkChromeAsStable(buildroot,
"""Returns the portage atom for the revved chrome ebuild - see man emerge."""
cwd = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'scripts')
extra_env = None
chroot_args = None
command = ['../../chromite/bin/cros_mark_chrome_as_stable',
'--tracking_branch=%s' % tracking_branch,
'--boards=%s' % ':'.join(boards), ]
if chrome_version:
command.append('--force_revision=%s' % chrome_version)
assert chrome_rev == constants.CHROME_REV_SPEC, (
'Cannot rev non-spec with a chrome_version')
portage_atom_string = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(
command + [chrome_rev],
chrome_atom = None
if portage_atom_string:
chrome_atom = portage_atom_string.splitlines()[-1].partition('=')[-1]
if not chrome_atom:
cros_build_lib.Info('Found nothing to rev.')
return None
for board in boards:
# If we're using a version of Chrome other than the latest one, we need
# to unmask it manually.
if chrome_rev != constants.CHROME_REV_LATEST:
keywords_file = CHROME_KEYWORDS_FILE % {'board': board}
['mkdir', '-p', os.path.dirname(keywords_file)],
enter_chroot=True, cwd=cwd)
['tee', keywords_file], input='=%s\n' % chrome_atom,
enter_chroot=True, cwd=cwd)
# Sanity check: We should always be able to merge the version of
# Chrome we just unmasked.
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
['emerge-%s' % board, '-p', '--quiet', '=%s' % chrome_atom],
enter_chroot=True, error_code_ok=True, combine_stdout_stderr=True)
if result.returncode:
cros_build_lib.Warning('\n%s' % result.output)
cros_build_lib.Warning('Cannot emerge-%s =%s\nIs Chrome pinned to an '
'older version?' % (board, chrome_atom))
return None
return chrome_atom
def CleanupChromeKeywordsFile(boards, buildroot):
"""Cleans chrome uprev artifact if it exists."""
for board in boards:
keywords_path_in_chroot = CHROME_KEYWORDS_FILE % {'board': board}
keywords_file = '%s/chroot%s' % (buildroot, keywords_path_in_chroot)
if os.path.exists(keywords_file):
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['rm', '-f', keywords_file])
def UprevPackages(buildroot, boards, overlays, enter_chroot=True):
"""Uprevs non-browser chromium os packages that have changed."""
drop_file = _PACKAGE_FILE % {'buildroot': buildroot}
if enter_chroot:
overlays = [git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(x) for x in overlays]
drop_file = git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(drop_file)
cmd = ['cros_mark_as_stable', '--all',
'--boards=%s' % ':'.join(boards),
'--overlays=%s' % ':'.join(overlays),
'--drop_file=%s' % drop_file,
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, chromite_cmd=True, enter_chroot=enter_chroot)
def UprevPush(buildroot, overlays, dryrun):
"""Pushes uprev changes to the main line."""
cmd = ['cros_mark_as_stable',
'--srcroot=%s' % os.path.join(buildroot, 'src'),
'--overlays=%s' % ':'.join(overlays)
if dryrun:
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, chromite_cmd=True)
def AddPackagesForPrebuilt(filename):
"""Add list of packages for upload.
Process a file that lists all the packages that can be uploaded to the
package prebuilt bucket and generates the command line args for
filename: file with the package full name (category/name-version), one
package per line.
A list of parameters for upload_prebuilts. For example:
['--packages=net-misc/dhcp', '--packages=app-admin/eselect-python']
cmd = []
with open(filename) as f:
# Get only the package name and category as that is what upload_prebuilts
# matches on.
for line in f:
atom = line.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
cpv = portage_utilities.SplitCPV(atom)
except ValueError:
cros_build_lib.Warning('Could not split atom %r (line: %r)',
atom, line)
if cpv:
cmd.extend(['--packages=%s/%s' % (cpv.category, cpv.package)])
return cmd
except IOError as e:
cros_build_lib.Warning('Problem with package file %s' % filename)
cros_build_lib.Warning('Skipping uploading of prebuilts.')
cros_build_lib.Warning('ERROR(%d): %s' % (e.errno, e.strerror))
return None
def _GenerateSdkVersion():
"""Generate a version string for sdk builds
This needs to be global for test overrides. It also needs to be done here
rather than in upload_prebuilts because we want to put toolchain tarballs
in a specific subdir and that requires keeping the version string in one
place. Otherwise we'd have to have the various scripts re-interpret the
string and try and sync dates across.
def UploadPrebuilts(category, chrome_rev, private_bucket, buildroot, **kwargs):
"""Upload Prebuilts for non-dev-installer use cases.
category: Build type. Can be [binary|full|chrome].
chrome_rev: Chrome_rev of type constants.VALID_CHROME_REVISIONS.
private_bucket: True if we are uploading to a private bucket.
buildroot: The root directory where the build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
extra_args: Extra args to pass to prebuilts script.
extra_args = ['--prepend-version', category]
extra_args.extend(['--upload', 'gs://chromeos-prebuilt'])
if private_bucket:
extra_args.extend(['--private', '--binhost-conf-dir',
if category == constants.CHROOT_BUILDER_TYPE:
tarball_location = os.path.join(buildroot, 'built-sdk.tar.xz')
extra_args.extend(['--prepackaged-tarball', tarball_location])
# See _GenerateSdkVersion comments for more details.
version = _GenerateSdkVersion()
extra_args.extend(['--set-version', version])
# The local tarballs will be simply "<tuple>.tar.xz". We need
# them to be "<tuple>-<version>.tar.xz" to avoid collisions.
for tarball in glob.glob(os.path.join(
buildroot, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR,
constants.SDK_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT, '*.tar.*')):
tarball_components = os.path.basename(tarball).split('.', 1)
# Only add the path arg when processing the first tarball. We do
# this to get access to the tarball suffix dynamically (so it can
# change and this code will still work).
if '--toolchain-upload-path' not in extra_args:
# Stick the toolchain tarballs into <year>/<month>/ subdirs so
# we don't start dumping even more stuff into the top level.
subdir = ('/'.join(version.split('.')[0:2]) + '/' +
'%%(target)s-%(version)s.' + tarball_components[1])
extra_args.extend(['--toolchain-upload-path', subdir])
arg = '%s:%s' % (tarball_components[0], tarball)
extra_args.extend(['--toolchain-tarball', arg])
if category == constants.CHROME_PFQ_TYPE:
assert chrome_rev
key = '%s_%s' % (chrome_rev, _CHROME_BINHOST)
extra_args.extend(['--key', key.upper()])
elif cbuildbot_config.IsPFQType(category):
extra_args.extend(['--key', _PREFLIGHT_BINHOST])
assert category in (constants.BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_TYPE,
extra_args.extend(['--key', _FULL_BINHOST])
if category == constants.CHROME_PFQ_TYPE:
extra_args.extend(['--packages=%s' % constants.CHROME_PN])
kwargs.setdefault('extra_args', []).extend(extra_args)
return _UploadPrebuilts(buildroot=buildroot, **kwargs)
class PackageFileMissing(Exception):
"""Raised when the dev installer package file is missing."""
def UploadDevInstallerPrebuilts(binhost_bucket, binhost_key, binhost_base_url,
buildroot, board, **kwargs):
"""Upload Prebuilts for dev-installer use case.
binhost_bucket: bucket for uploading prebuilt packages. If it equals None
then the default bucket is used.
binhost_key: key parameter to pass onto upload_prebuilts. If it equals
None, then chrome_rev is used to select a default key.
binhost_base_url: base url for upload_prebuilts. If None the parameter
--binhost-base-url is absent.
buildroot: The root directory where the build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
extra_args: Extra args to pass to prebuilts script.
extra_args = ['--prepend-version', constants.CANARY_TYPE]
extra_args.extend(['--binhost-base-url', binhost_base_url])
extra_args.extend(['--upload', binhost_bucket])
extra_args.extend(['--key', binhost_key])
filename = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot', 'build', board,
cmd_packages = AddPackagesForPrebuilt(filename)
if cmd_packages:
raise PackageFileMissing()
kwargs.setdefault('extra_args', []).extend(extra_args)
return _UploadPrebuilts(buildroot=buildroot, board=board, **kwargs)
def _UploadPrebuilts(buildroot, board, extra_args):
"""Upload prebuilts.
buildroot: The root directory where the build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
extra_args: Extra args to pass to prebuilts script.
cwd = constants.CHROMITE_BIN_DIR
cmd = ['./upload_prebuilts',
'--build-path', buildroot]
if board:
cmd.extend(['--board', board])
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, cwd=cwd)
def GenerateBreakpadSymbols(buildroot, board, debug):
"""Generate breakpad symbols.
buildroot: The root directory where the build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
debug: Include extra debugging output.
cmd = ['cros_generate_breakpad_symbols', '--board=%s' % board,
'--jobs=%s' % str(max([1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2]))]
if debug:
cmd += ['--debug']
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, enter_chroot=True, chromite_cmd=True)
def GenerateDebugTarball(buildroot, board, archive_path, gdb_symbols):
"""Generates a debug tarball in the archive_dir.
buildroot: The root directory where the build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine
archive_dir: Directory where tarball should be stored.
gdb_symbols: Include *.debug files for debugging core files with gdb.
Returns the filename of the created debug tarball.
# Generate debug tarball. This needs to run as root because some of the
# symbols are only readable by root.
chroot = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot')
board_dir = os.path.join(chroot, 'build', board, 'usr', 'lib')
debug_tgz = os.path.join(archive_path, 'debug.tgz')
extra_args = None
inputs = None
if gdb_symbols:
extra_args = ['--exclude', 'debug/usr/local/autotest',
'--exclude', 'debug/tests']
inputs = ['debug']
inputs = ['debug/breakpad']
debug_tgz, board_dir, sudo=True, compression=cros_build_lib.COMP_GZIP,
chroot=chroot, inputs=inputs, extra_args=extra_args)
# Fix permissions and ownership on debug tarball.
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['chown', str(os.getuid()), debug_tgz])
os.chmod(debug_tgz, 0644)
return os.path.basename(debug_tgz)
def GenerateHtmlIndex(index, files, url_base=None, head=None, tail=None):
"""Generate a simple index.html file given a set of filenames
index: The file to write the html index to.
files: The list of files to create the index of. If a string, then it
may be a path to a file (with one file per line), or a directory
(which will be listed).
url_base: The URL to prefix to all elements (otherwise they'll be relative).
head: All the content before the listing. '<html><body>' if not specified.
tail: All the content after the listing. '</body></html>' if not specified.
def GenLink(target, name=None):
if name == '':
return ''
return ('<li><a href="%s%s">%s</a></li>'
% (url_base, target, name if name else target))
if isinstance(files, (unicode, str)):
if os.path.isdir(files):
files = os.listdir(files)
files = osutils.ReadFile(files).splitlines()
url_base = url_base + '/' if url_base else ''
if not head:
head = '<html><body>'
html = head + '<ul>'
dot = ('.',)
dot_dot = ('..',)
links = []
for a in sorted(set(files)):
a = a.split('|')
if a[0] == '.':
dot = a
elif a[0] == '..':
dot_dot = a
links.insert(0, GenLink(*dot_dot))
links.insert(0, GenLink(*dot))
html += '\n'.join(links)
if not tail:
tail = '</body></html>'
html += '</ul>' + tail
osutils.WriteFile(index, html)
def AppendToFile(file_path, string):
"""Append the string to the given file.
This method provides atomic appends if the string is smaller than
PIPE_BUF (> 512 bytes). It does not guarantee atomicity once the
string is greater than that.
file_path: File to be appended to.
string: String to append to the file.
osutils.WriteFile(file_path, string, mode='a')
def UpdateUploadedList(last_uploaded, archive_path, upload_url, debug):
"""Updates the list of files uploaded to Google Storage.
last_uploaded: Filename of the last uploaded file.
archive_path: Path to archive_dir.
upload_url: Location where tarball should be uploaded.
debug: Whether we are in debug mode.
# Append to the uploaded list.
AppendToFile(os.path.join(archive_path, filename), last_uploaded + '\n')
# Upload the updated list to Google Storage.
UploadArchivedFile(archive_path, upload_url, filename, debug,
def UploadArchivedFile(archive_path, upload_url, filename, debug,
update_list=False, timeout=60 * 60, acl=None):
"""Upload the specified tarball from the archive dir to Google Storage.
archive_path: Path to archive dir.
upload_url: Location where tarball should be uploaded.
debug: Whether we are in debug mode.
filename: Filename of the tarball to upload.
update_list: Flag to update the list of uploaded files.
timeout: Raise an exception if the upload takes longer than this timeout.
acl: Canned gsutil acl to use (e.g. 'public-read'), otherwise the internal
(private) one is used.
if upload_url:
full_filename = os.path.join(archive_path, filename)
full_url = '%s/%s' % (upload_url, filename)
if acl:
cmds = (
[_GSUTIL_PATH, 'cp', '-a', acl, full_filename, full_url],
cmds = (
[_GSUTIL_PATH, 'cp', full_filename, full_url],
for cmd in cmds:
if debug:
cros_build_lib.Info('UploadArchivedFile would run: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
with cros_build_lib.SubCommandTimeout(timeout):
except cros_build_lib.TimeoutError:
cros_build_lib.Error('Timed out uploading %s', filename, exc_info=True)
cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotLink('Upload timeout: %s' % filename, '#')
# Update the list of uploaded files.
if update_list:
UpdateUploadedList(filename, archive_path, upload_url, debug)
def UploadSymbols(buildroot, board, official, cnt):
"""Upload debug symbols for this build."""
ret = upload_symbols.UploadSymbols(
board=board, official=official, upload_count=cnt,
root=os.path.join(buildroot, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR))
if ret:
# TODO(davidjames): Convert this to a fatal error.
# See
def PushImages(buildroot, board, branch_name, archive_url, dryrun, profile,
"""Push the generated image to http://chromeos_images."""
cmd = ['./pushimage', '--board=%s' % board]
if dryrun:
if profile:
cmd.append('--profile=%s' % profile)
if branch_name:
cmd.append('--branch=%s' % branch_name)
if sign_types:
cmd.append('--sign-types=%s' % ' '.join(sign_types))
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(buildroot, 'crostools'))
def BuildFactoryTestImage(buildroot, board, extra_env):
"""Build a factory test image.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine
extra_env: Flags to be added to the environment for the new process.
Returns the basename of the symlink created for the image.
# We use build_attempt=2 here to ensure that this image uses a different
# output directory from our regular image and the factory shim image (below).
cmd = ['./build_image',
'--board=%s' % board,
'--symlink=%s' % alias,
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, capture_output=True,
return alias
def BuildFactoryInstallImage(buildroot, board, extra_env):
"""Build a factory install image.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine
extra_env: Flags to be added to the environment for the new process.
Returns the basename of the symlink created for the image.
# We use build_attempt=3 here to ensure that this image uses a different
# output directory from our regular image and the factory test image.
cmd = ['./build_image',
'--board=%s' % board,
'--symlink=%s' % alias,
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, capture_output=True,
return alias
def MakeNetboot(buildroot, board, image_dir):
"""Build a netboot image.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
image_dir: Directory containing factory install shim.
cmd = ['./',
'--board=%s' % board,
'--image_dir=%s' % git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(image_dir)]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, capture_output=True, enter_chroot=True)
def BuildRecoveryImage(buildroot, board, image_dir, extra_env):
"""Build a recovery image.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
image_dir: Directory containing base image.
extra_env: Flags to be added to the environment for the new process.
image = os.path.join(image_dir, constants.BASE_IMAGE_BIN)
cmd = ['./',
'--board=%s' % board,
'--image=%s' % git.ReinterpretPathForChroot(image)]
_RunBuildScript(buildroot, cmd, extra_env=extra_env, capture_output=True,
def BuildTarball(buildroot, input_list, tarball_output, cwd=None,
compressed=True, **kwargs):
"""Tars and zips files and directories from input_list to tarball_output.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
input_list: A list of files and directories to be archived.
tarball_output: Path of output tar archive file.
cwd: Current working directory when tar command is executed.
compressed: Whether or not the tarball should be compressed with pbzip2.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to CreateTarball.
Return value of cros_build_lib.CreateTarball.
compressor = cros_build_lib.COMP_NONE
chroot = None
if compressed:
compressor = cros_build_lib.COMP_BZIP2
chroot = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot')
return cros_build_lib.CreateTarball(
tarball_output, cwd, compression=compressor, chroot=chroot,
inputs=input_list, **kwargs)
def FindFilesWithPattern(pattern, target='./', cwd=os.curdir):
"""Search the root directory recursively for matching filenames.
pattern: the pattern used to match the filenames.
target: the target directory to search.
cwd: current working directory.
Returns a list of paths of the matched files.
# Backup the current working directory before changing it
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
matches = []
for target, _, filenames in os.walk(target):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
matches.append(os.path.join(target, filename))
# Restore the working directory
return matches
def BuildAUTestTarball(buildroot, board, work_dir, version, archive_url):
"""Tar up the au test artifacts into the tarball_dir.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
work_dir: Location for doing work.
version: Basic version of the build i.e. 3289.23.0.
archive_url: GS directory where we uploaded payloads.
au_test_tarball = os.path.join(work_dir, 'au_control.tar.bz2')
cwd = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'third_party', 'autotest', 'files')
control_files_subdir = os.path.join('autotest', 'au_control_files')
autotest_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, control_files_subdir)
# Get basic version without R*.
basic_version ='R[0-9]+-([0-9][\w.]+)', version).group(1)
# TODO(sosa): Temporary hack to bootstrap devserver dependency.
cmd = ['site_utils/autoupdate/', '--help']
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(cmd, cwd=cwd, error_code_ok=True,
cmd = ['site_utils/autoupdate/',
'--npo', '--nmo', '--dump',
'--dump_dir', autotest_dir, '--archive_url', archive_url,
basic_version, board, '--log=debug']
gs_context_dir = os.path.dirname(gs.GSUTIL_BIN)
run_env = None
if not gs_context_dir in os.environ['PATH']:
run_env = os.environ.copy()
run_env['PATH'] += ':%s' % gs_context_dir
run_env = os.environ
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, env=run_env, cwd=cwd)
BuildTarball(buildroot, [control_files_subdir], au_test_tarball, cwd=work_dir)
return au_test_tarball
def BuildFullAutotestTarball(buildroot, board, tarball_dir):
"""Tar up the full autotest directory into image_dir.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board type that was built on this machine.
tarball_dir: Location for storing autotest tarballs.
Returns a tuple the path of the full autotest tarball.
tarball = os.path.join(tarball_dir, 'autotest.tar.bz2')
cwd = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot', 'build', board, 'usr', 'local')
result = BuildTarball(buildroot, ['autotest'], tarball, cwd=cwd,
# Emerging the autotest package to the factory test image while this is
# running modifies the timestamp on /usr/local/autotest/server by adding a
# tmp directory underneath it. When tar spots this, it flags this and returns
# status code 1. The tarball is still OK, although there might be a few
# unneeded (and garbled) tmp files. If tar fails in a different way, it'll
# return an error code other than 1.
# TODO: Fix the autotest ebuild. See
if result.returncode not in (0, 1):
raise Exception('Autotest tarball creation failed with exit code %s'
% (result.returncode))
return tarball
def BuildImageZip(archive_dir, image_dir):
"""Build in archive_dir from contents of image_dir.
Exclude the dev image from the zipfile.
archive_dir: Directory to store
image_dir: Directory to zip up.
Returns the basename of the zipfile.
filename = ''
zipfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, filename)
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(['zip', zipfile, '-r', '.'],
return filename
def BuildStandaloneImageTarball(archive_dir, image_bin):
"""Create a compressed tarball from the specified image.
archive_dir: Directory to store image zip.
image_bin: Image to zip up.
Returns the base name of the tarball.
# Strip off the .bin from the filename.
image_dir, image_filename = os.path.split(image_bin)
filename = '%s.tar.xz' % os.path.splitext(image_filename)[0]
archive_filename = os.path.join(archive_dir, filename)
cros_build_lib.CreateTarball(archive_filename, image_dir,
return filename
def BuildFirmwareArchive(buildroot, board, archive_dir):
"""Build firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 in archive_dir from build root.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board name of build target.
archive_dir: Directory to store output file.
Returns the basename of the archived file, or None if the target board does
not have firmware from source.
patterns = ['*image*.bin', 'updater-*.sh', 'ec.bin', 'dts/*']
firmware_root = os.path.join(buildroot, 'chroot', 'build', board, 'firmware')
source_list = []
for pattern in patterns:
source_list += [os.path.relpath(f, firmware_root)
for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(firmware_root, pattern))]
if not source_list:
return None
archive_name = 'firmware_from_source.tar.bz2'
archive_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, archive_name)
BuildTarball(buildroot, source_list, archive_file, cwd=firmware_root)
return archive_name
def BuildFactoryZip(buildroot, board, archive_dir, image_root):
"""Build in archive_dir.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
board: Board name of build target.
archive_dir: Directory to store
image_root: Directory containing factory_shim and factory_test symlinks.
Returns the basename of the zipfile.
filename = ''
# Creates a staging temporary folder.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cbuildbot_factory')
zipfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, filename)
cmd = ['zip', '-r', zipfile, '.']
# Rules for archive: { folder: pattern }
rules = {
os.path.join(image_root, _FACTORY_SHIM):
['*factory_install*.bin', '*partition*', os.path.join('netboot', '*')],
os.path.join(image_root, _FACTORY_TEST):
['*factory_image*.bin', '*partition*'],
os.path.join(image_root, _FACTORY_TEST, _FACTORY_HWID):
# Special files that must not be included.
excludes_list = [
os.path.join(_FACTORY_TEST, _FACTORY_HWID, '*'),
for folder, patterns in rules.items():
if not os.path.exists(folder):
basename = os.path.basename(folder)
target = os.path.join(temp_dir, basename)
os.symlink(folder, target)
for pattern in patterns:
cmd.extend(['--include', os.path.join(basename, pattern)])
for exclude in excludes_list:
cmd.extend(['--exclude', exclude])
# Everything in /usr/local/factory/bundle gets overlaid into the
# bundle.
bundle_src_dir = os.path.join(
buildroot, 'chroot', 'build', board, 'usr', 'local', 'factory', 'bundle')
if os.path.exists(bundle_src_dir):
for f in os.listdir(bundle_src_dir):
src_path = os.path.join(bundle_src_dir, f)
os.symlink(src_path, os.path.join(temp_dir, f))
f if os.path.isfile(src_path) else
os.path.join(f, '*')])
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(cmd, cwd=temp_dir)
return filename
def ArchiveHWQual(buildroot, hwqual_name, archive_dir, image_dir):
"""Create a hwqual tarball in archive_dir.
buildroot: Root directory where build occurs.
hwqual_name: Name for tarball.
archive_dir: Local directory for hwqual tarball.
image_dir: Directory containing test image.
scripts_dir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src', 'scripts')
cmd = [os.path.join(scripts_dir, 'archive_hwqual'),
'--from', archive_dir,
'--image_dir', image_dir,
'--output_tag', hwqual_name]
return '%s.tar.bz2' % hwqual_name
def RemoveOldArchives(bot_archive_root, keep_max):
"""Remove old archive directories in bot_archive_root.
bot_archive_root: Parent directory containing old directories.
keep_max: Maximum number of directories to keep.
# TODO(davidjames): Reimplement this in Python.
# +2 because line numbers start at 1 and need to skip LATEST file
cmd = 'ls -t1 | tail --lines=+%d | xargs rm -rf' % (keep_max + 2)
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(cmd, cwd=bot_archive_root, shell=True)
def CreateTestRoot(build_root):
"""Returns a temporary directory for test results in chroot.
Returns the path inside the chroot rather than whole path.
# Create test directory within tmp in chroot.
chroot = os.path.join(build_root, 'chroot')
chroot_tmp = os.path.join(chroot, 'tmp')
test_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cbuildbot', dir=chroot_tmp)
# Path inside chroot.
return os.path.sep + os.path.relpath(test_root, start=chroot)
def GenerateFullPayload(build_root, target_image_path, archive_dir):
"""Generates the full and stateful payloads for hw testing.
build_root: The root of the chromium os checkout.
target_image_path: The path to the image to generate payloads to.
archive_dir: Where to store payloads we generated.
crostestutils = os.path.join(build_root, 'src', 'platform', 'crostestutils')
payload_generator = 'generate_test_payloads/'
cmd = [os.path.join(crostestutils, payload_generator),
'--target=%s' % target_image_path,
'--nplus1_archive_dir=%s' % archive_dir,
def GenerateNPlus1Payloads(build_root, previous_versions_dir, target_image_path,
"""Generates nplus1 payloads for hw testing.
We generate the nplus1 payloads for testing. These include the full and
stateful payloads. In addition we generate the n-1->n and n->n delta payloads.
build_root: The root of the chromium os checkout.
previous_versions_dir: Path containing images for versions previously
target_image_path: The path to the image to generate payloads to.
archive_dir: Where to store payloads we generated.
crostestutils = os.path.join(build_root, 'src', 'platform', 'crostestutils')
payload_generator = 'generate_test_payloads/'
cmd = [os.path.join(crostestutils, payload_generator),
'--target=%s' % target_image_path,
'--base_latest_from_dir=%s' % previous_versions_dir,
'--nplus1_archive_dir=%s' % archive_dir,
def GetChromeLKGM(svn_revision):
"""Returns the ChromeOS LKGM from Chrome given the SVN revision."""
svn_url = '/'.join([gclient.GetBaseURLs()[0], constants.SVN_CHROME_LKGM])
svn_revision_args = []
if svn_revision:
svn_revision_args = ['-r', str(svn_revision)]
svn_cmd = ['svn', 'cat', svn_url] + svn_revision_args
return cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(svn_cmd).output.strip()
def SyncChrome(build_root, chrome_root, useflags, tag=None, revision=None):
"""Sync chrome.
build_root: The root of the chromium os checkout.
chrome_root: The directory where chrome is stored.
useflags: Array of use flags.
tag: If supplied, the Chrome tag to sync.
revision: If supplied, the Chrome revision to sync.
# --reset tells sync_chrome to blow away local changes and to feel
# free to delete any directories that get in the way of syncing. This
# is needed for unattended operation.
sync_chrome = os.path.join(build_root, 'chromite', 'bin', 'sync_chrome')
internal = constants.USE_CHROME_INTERNAL in useflags
cmd = [sync_chrome, '--reset']
cmd += ['--internal'] if internal else []
cmd += ['--pdf'] if constants.USE_CHROME_PDF in useflags else []
cmd += ['--tag', tag] if tag is not None else []
cmd += ['--revision', revision] if revision is not None else []
cmd += [chrome_root]
cros_build_lib.RunCommandWithRetries(constants.SYNC_RETRIES, cmd,
def CheckPGOData(architectures, cpv):
"""Check whether PGO data exists for the given architectures.
architectures: Set of architectures we're going to build Chrome for.
cpv: The portage_utilities.CPV object for chromeos-chrome.
True if PGO data is available; false otherwise.
gs_context = gs.GSContext()
for arch in architectures:
url = constants.CHROME_PGO_URL % {'package': cpv.package, 'arch': arch,
'version_no_rev': cpv.version_no_rev}
if not gs_context.Exists(url):
return False
return True
class MissingPGOData(results_lib.StepFailure):
"""Exception thrown when necessary PGO data is missing."""
def WaitForPGOData(architectures, cpv, timeout=constants.PGO_USE_TIMEOUT):
"""Wait for PGO data to show up (with an appropriate timeout).
architectures: Set of architectures we're going to build Chrome for.
cpv: CPV object for Chrome.
timeout: How long to wait total, in seconds.
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
if CheckPGOData(architectures, cpv):
cros_build_lib.Info('Found PGO data')
cros_build_lib.Info('Waiting for PGO data')
raise MissingPGOData('Could not find necessary PGO data.')
def PatchChrome(chrome_root, patch, subdir):
"""Apply a patch to Chrome.
chrome_root: The directory where chrome is stored.
patch: Rietveld issue number to apply.
subdir: Subdirectory to apply patch in.
cmd = ['apply_issue', '-i', patch]
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(chrome_root, subdir))
class ChromeSDK(object):
"""Wrapper for the 'cros chrome-sdk' command."""
DEFAULT_TARGETS = ('chrome', 'chrome_sandbox', 'nacl_helper',)
def __init__(self, cwd, board, extra_args=None, chrome_src=None, goma=False,
debug_log=True, cache_dir=None):
cwd: Where to invoke 'cros chrome-sdk'.
board: The board to run chrome-sdk for.
extra_args: Extra args to pass in on the command line.
chrome_src: Path to pass in with --chrome-src.
debug_log: If set, run with debug log-level.
self.cwd = cwd
self.board = board
self.extra_args = extra_args or []
if chrome_src:
self.extra_args += ['--chrome-src', chrome_src]
self.goma = goma
if not self.goma:
self.debug_log = debug_log
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
def Run(self, cmd, extra_args=None):
"""Run a command inside the chrome-sdk context."""
cros_cmd = ['cros']
if self.debug_log:
cros_cmd += ['--log-level', 'debug']
if self.cache_dir:
cros_cmd += ['--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
cros_cmd += ['chrome-sdk', '--board', self.board] + self.extra_args
cros_cmd += (extra_args or []) + ['--'] + cmd
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cros_cmd, cwd=self.cwd)
def Ninja(self, jobs=None, debug=False, targets=DEFAULT_TARGETS):
"""Run 'ninja' inside a chrome-sdk context.
jobs: The number of -j jobs to run.
debug: Whether to do a Debug build (defaults to Release).
targets: The targets to compile.
if jobs is None:
jobs = self.DEFAULT_JOBS_GOMA if self.goma else self.DEFAULT_JOBS
flavor = 'Debug' if debug else 'Release'
cmd = ['ninja', '-C', 'out_%s/%s' % (self.board, flavor) , '-j', str(jobs)]
self.Run(cmd + list(targets))