blob: a043d35866d33dc7a9c510988ba2d901ac7adc0d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common functions for interacting with git and repo."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import errno
import hashlib
import os
import re
import string
import time
from xml import sax
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import retry_util
# Retry a git operation if git returns a error response with any of these
# messages. It's all observed 'bad' GoB responses so far.
r'! \[remote rejected\].*\(error in hook\)',
r'! \[remote rejected\].*\(failed to lock\)',
r'! \[remote rejected\].*\(error in Gerrit backend\)',
r'remote error: Internal Server Error',
r'fatal: Couldn\'t find remote ref ',
r'git fetch_pack: expected ACK/NAK, got',
r'protocol error: bad pack header',
r'The remote end hung up unexpectedly',
r'TLS packet with unexpected length was received',
r'RPC failed; result=\d+, HTTP code = \d+',
#, b2/18249316
r'The requested URL returned error: 5',
r'Connection timed out',
#, b/19202011
r'repository cannot accept new pushes; contact support',
class GitException(Exception):
"""An exception related to git."""
class RemoteRef(object):
"""Object representing a remote ref.
A remote ref encapsulates both a remote (e.g., 'origin',
'', etc.) and a ref
name (e.g., 'refs/heads/master').
def __init__(self, remote, ref):
self.remote = remote
self.ref = ref
def FindRepoDir(path):
"""Returns the nearest higher-level repo dir from the specified path.
path: The path to use. Defaults to cwd.
return osutils.FindInPathParents(
'.repo', path, test_func=os.path.isdir)
def FindRepoCheckoutRoot(path):
"""Get the root of your repo managed checkout."""
repo_dir = FindRepoDir(path)
if repo_dir:
return os.path.dirname(repo_dir)
return None
def IsSubmoduleCheckoutRoot(path, remote, url):
"""Tests to see if a directory is the root of a git submodule checkout.
path: The directory to test.
remote: The remote to compare the |url| with.
url: The exact URL the |remote| needs to be pointed at.
if os.path.isdir(path):
remote_url = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(
['git', '--git-dir', path, 'config', 'remote.%s.url' % remote],
redirect_stdout=True, debug_level=logging.DEBUG,
if remote_url == url:
return True
return False
def ReinterpretPathForChroot(path):
"""Returns reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside.
path: The path to reinterpret. Must be in src tree.
root_path = os.path.join(FindRepoDir(path), '..')
path_abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
root_abs_path = os.path.abspath(root_path)
# Strip the repository root from the path and strip first /.
relative_path = path_abs_path.replace(root_abs_path, '')[1:]
if relative_path == path_abs_path:
raise Exception('Error: path is outside your src tree, cannot reinterpret.')
new_path = os.path.join('/home', os.getenv('USER'), 'trunk', relative_path)
return new_path
def IsGitRepo(cwd):
"""Checks if there's a git repo rooted at a directory."""
return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, '.git'))
def IsGitRepositoryCorrupted(cwd):
"""Verify that the specified git repository is not corrupted.
cwd: The git repository to verify.
True if the repository is corrupted.
cmd = ['fsck', '--no-progress', '--no-dangling']
RunGit(cwd, cmd)
return False
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as ex:
return True
_HEX_CHARS = frozenset(string.hexdigits)
def IsSHA1(value, full=True):
"""Returns True if the given value looks like a sha1.
If full is True, then it must be full length- 40 chars. If False, >=6, and
if not all(x in _HEX_CHARS for x in value):
return False
l = len(value)
if full:
return l == 40
return l >= 6 and l <= 40
def IsRefsTags(value):
"""Return True if the given value looks like a tag.
Currently this is identified via refs/tags/ prefixing.
return value.startswith('refs/tags/')
def GetGitRepoRevision(cwd, branch='HEAD'):
"""Find the revision of a branch.
Defaults to current branch.
return RunGit(cwd, ['rev-parse', branch]).output.strip()
def DoesCommitExistInRepo(cwd, commit):
"""Determine whether a commit (SHA1 or ref) exists in a repo.
cwd: A directory within the project repo.
commit: The commit to look for. This can be a SHA1 or it can be a ref.
True if the commit exists in the repo.
RunGit(cwd, ['rev-list', '-n1', commit, '--'])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
if e.result.returncode == 128:
return False
return True
def GetCurrentBranch(cwd):
"""Returns current branch of a repo, and None if repo is on detached HEAD."""
ret = RunGit(cwd, ['symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD'])
return StripRefsHeads(ret.output.strip(), False)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
if e.result.returncode != 1:
return None
def StripRefsHeads(ref, strict=True):
"""Remove leading 'refs/heads/' from a ref name.
If strict is True, an Exception is thrown if the ref doesn't start with
refs/heads. If strict is False, the original ref is returned.
if not ref.startswith('refs/heads/') and strict:
raise Exception('Ref name %s does not start with refs/heads/' % ref)
return ref.replace('refs/heads/', '')
def StripRefs(ref):
"""Remove leading 'refs/heads', 'refs/remotes/[^/]+/' from a ref name."""
ref = StripRefsHeads(ref, False)
if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/'):
return ref.split('/', 3)[-1]
return ref
def NormalizeRef(ref):
"""Convert git branch refs into fully qualified form."""
if ref and not ref.startswith('refs/'):
ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % ref
return ref
def NormalizeRemoteRef(remote, ref):
"""Convert git branch refs into fully qualified remote form."""
if ref:
# Support changing local ref to remote ref, or changing the remote
# for a remote ref.
ref = StripRefs(ref)
if not ref.startswith('refs/'):
ref = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (remote, ref)
return ref
class ProjectCheckout(dict):
"""Attributes of a given project in the manifest checkout.
TODO(davidjames): Convert this into an ordinary object instead of a dict.
def __init__(self, attrs):
attrs: The attributes associated with this checkout, as a dictionary.
dict.__init__(self, attrs)
def AssertPushable(self):
"""Verify that it is safe to push changes to this repository."""
if not self['pushable']:
remote = self['remote']
raise AssertionError('Remote %s is not pushable.' % (remote,))
def IsBranchableProject(self):
"""Return whether this project is hosted on ChromeOS git servers."""
return (
self['remote'] in constants.CROS_REMOTES and
re.match(constants.BRANCHABLE_PROJECTS[self['remote']], self['name']))
def IsPatchable(self):
"""Returns whether this project is patchable.
For projects that get checked out at multiple paths and/or branches,
this method can be used to determine which project path a patch
should be applied to.
True if the project corresponding to the checkout is patchable.
# There are 2 ways we determine if a project is patchable.
# - For an unversioned manifest, if the 'revision' is a raw SHA1 hash
# and not a named branch, assume it is a pinned project path and can not
# be patched.
# - For a versioned manifest (generated via repo -r), repo will set
# revision to the actual git sha1 ref, and add an 'upstream'
# field corresponding to branch name in the original manifest. For
# a project with a SHA1 'revision' but no named branch in the
# 'upstream' field, assume it can not be patched.
return not IsSHA1(self.get('upstream', self['revision']))
def GetPath(self, absolute=False):
"""Get the path to the checkout.
absolute: If True, return an absolute path. If False,
return a path relative to the repo root.
return self['local_path'] if absolute else self['path']
class Manifest(object):
"""SAX handler that parses the manifest document.
checkouts_by_name: A dictionary mapping the names for <project> tags to a
list of ProjectCheckout objects.
checkouts_by_path: A dictionary mapping paths for <project> tags to a single
ProjectCheckout object.
default: The attributes of the <default> tag.
includes: A list of XML files that should be pulled in to the manifest.
These includes are represented as a list of (name, path) tuples.
manifest_include_dir: If given, this is where to start looking for
include targets.
projects: DEPRECATED. A dictionary mapping the names for <project> tags to
a single ProjectCheckout object. This is now deprecated, since each
project can map to multiple ProjectCheckout objects.
remotes: A dictionary mapping <remote> tags to the associated attributes.
revision: The revision of the manifest repository. If not specified, this
will be TOT.
_instance_cache = {}
def __init__(self, source, manifest_include_dir=None):
"""Initialize this instance.
source: The path to the manifest to parse. May be a file handle.
manifest_include_dir: If given, this is where to start looking for
include targets.
self.source = source
self.default = {}
self.checkouts_by_path = {}
self.checkouts_by_name = {}
self.remotes = {}
self.includes = []
self.revision = None
self.manifest_include_dir = manifest_include_dir
self.includes = tuple(self.includes)
def _RunParser(self, source, finalize=True):
parser = sax.make_parser()
handler = sax.handler.ContentHandler()
handler.startElement = self._ProcessElement
if finalize:
def _ProcessElement(self, name, attrs):
"""Stores the default manifest properties and per-project overrides."""
attrs = dict(attrs.items())
if name == 'default':
self.default = attrs
elif name == 'remote':
attrs.setdefault('alias', attrs['name'])
self.remotes[attrs['name']] = attrs
elif name == 'project':
self.checkouts_by_path[attrs.get('path', attrs['name'])] = attrs
self.checkouts_by_name.setdefault(attrs['name'], []).append(attrs)
elif name == 'manifest':
self.revision = attrs.get('revision')
elif name == 'include':
if self.manifest_include_dir is None:
raise OSError(
errno.ENOENT, 'No manifest_include_dir given, but an include was '
'encountered; attrs=%r' % (attrs,))
# Include is calculated relative to the manifest that has the include;
# thus set the path temporarily to the dirname of the target.
original_include_dir = self.manifest_include_dir
include_path = os.path.realpath(
os.path.join(original_include_dir, attrs['name']))
self.includes.append((attrs['name'], include_path))
self._RunParser(include_path, finalize=False)
def _FinalizeAllProjectData(self):
"""Rewrite projects mixing defaults in and adding our attributes."""
for path_data in self.checkouts_by_path.itervalues():
def _FinalizeProjectData(self, attrs):
"""Sets up useful properties for a project.
attrs: The attribute dictionary of a <project> tag.
for key in ('remote', 'revision'):
attrs.setdefault(key, self.default.get(key))
remote = attrs['remote']
assert remote in self.remotes, ('%s: %s not in %s' %
(self.source, remote, self.remotes))
remote_name = attrs['remote_alias'] = self.remotes[remote]['alias']
# 'repo manifest -r' adds an 'upstream' attribute to the project tag for the
# manifests it generates. We can use the attribute to get a valid branch
# instead of a sha1 for these types of manifests.
upstream = attrs.get('upstream', attrs['revision'])
if IsSHA1(upstream):
# The current version of repo we use has a bug: When you create a new
# repo checkout from a revlocked manifest, the 'upstream' attribute will
# just point at a SHA1. The default revision will still be correct,
# however. For now, return the default revision as our best guess as to
# what the upstream branch for this repository would be. This guess may
# sometimes be wrong, but it's correct for all of the repositories where
# we need to push changes (e.g., the overlays).
# TODO(davidjames): Either fix the repo bug, or update our logic here to
# check the manifest repository to find the right tracking branch.
upstream = self.default.get('revision', 'refs/heads/master')
attrs['tracking_branch'] = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (
remote_name, StripRefs(upstream),
attrs['pushable'] = remote in constants.GIT_REMOTES
if attrs['pushable']:
attrs['push_remote'] = remote
attrs['push_remote_url'] = constants.GIT_REMOTES[remote]
attrs['push_url'] = '%s/%s' % (attrs['push_remote_url'], attrs['name'])
groups = set(attrs.get('groups', 'default').replace(',', ' ').split())
attrs['groups'] = frozenset(groups)
# Compute the local ref space.
# Sanitize a couple path fragments to simplify assumptions in this
# class, and in consuming code.
attrs.setdefault('path', attrs['name'])
for key in ('name', 'path'):
attrs[key] = os.path.normpath(attrs[key])
def _GetManifestHash(source, ignore_missing=False):
if isinstance(source, basestring):
# TODO(build): convert this to osutils.ReadFile once these
# classes are moved out into their own module (if possible;
# may still be cyclic).
with open(source, 'rb') as f:
return hashlib.md5(
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT or not ignore_missing:
md5 = hashlib.md5(
return md5
def Cached(cls, source, manifest_include_dir=None):
"""Return an instance, reusing an existing one if possible.
May be a seekable filehandle, or a filepath.
See __init__ for an explanation of these arguments.
md5 = cls._GetManifestHash(source)
obj, sources = cls._instance_cache.get(md5, (None, ()))
if manifest_include_dir is None and sources:
# We're being invoked in a different way than the orignal
# caching; disregard the cached entry.
# Most likely, the instantiation will explode; let it fly.
obj, sources = None, ()
for include_target, target_md5 in sources:
if cls._GetManifestHash(include_target, True) != target_md5:
obj = None
if obj is None:
obj = cls(source, manifest_include_dir=manifest_include_dir)
sources = tuple((abspath, cls._GetManifestHash(abspath))
for (target, abspath) in obj.includes)
cls._instance_cache[md5] = (obj, sources)
return obj
class ManifestCheckout(Manifest):
"""A Manifest Handler for a specific manifest checkout."""
_instance_cache = {}
def __init__(self, path, manifest_path=None, search=True):
"""Initialize this instance.
path: Path into a manifest checkout (doesn't have to be the root).
manifest_path: If supplied, the manifest to use. Else the manifest
in the root of the checkout is used. May be a seekable file handle.
search: If True, the path can point into the repo, and the root will
be found automatically. If False, the path *must* be the root, else
an OSError ENOENT will be thrown.
OSError: if a failure occurs.
self.root, manifest_path = self._NormalizeArgs(
path, manifest_path, search=search)
self.manifest_path = os.path.realpath(manifest_path)
manifest_include_dir = os.path.dirname(self.manifest_path)
self.manifest_branch = self._GetManifestsBranch(self.root)
self._content_merging = {}
Manifest.__init__(self, self.manifest_path,
def _NormalizeArgs(path, manifest_path=None, search=True):
root = FindRepoCheckoutRoot(path)
if root is None:
raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Couldn't find repo root: %s" % (path,))
root = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(root))
if not search:
if os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(path)) != root:
raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path %s is not a repo root, and search '
'is disabled.' % path)
if manifest_path is None:
manifest_path = os.path.join(root, '.repo', 'manifest.xml')
return root, manifest_path
def FindCheckouts(self, project, branch=None, only_patchable=False):
"""Returns the list of checkouts for a given |project|/|branch|.
project: Project name to search for.
branch: Branch to use.
only_patchable: Restrict search to patchable project paths.
A list of ProjectCheckout objects.
checkouts = []
for checkout in self.checkouts_by_name.get(project, []):
if project == checkout['name']:
if only_patchable and not checkout.IsPatchable():
tracking_branch = checkout['tracking_branch']
if branch is None or StripRefs(branch) == StripRefs(tracking_branch):
return checkouts
def FindCheckout(self, project, branch=None, strict=True):
"""Returns the checkout associated with a given project/branch.
project: The project to look for.
branch: The branch that the project is tracking.
strict: Raise AssertionError if a checkout cannot be found.
A ProjectCheckout object.
AssertionError if there is more than one checkout associated with the
given project/branch combination.
checkouts = self.FindCheckouts(project, branch)
if len(checkouts) < 1:
if strict:
raise AssertionError('Could not find checkout of %s' % (project,))
return None
elif len(checkouts) > 1:
raise AssertionError('Too many checkouts found for %s' % project)
return checkouts[0]
def ListCheckouts(self):
"""List the checkouts in the manifest.
A list of ProjectCheckout objects.
return self.checkouts_by_path.values()
def FindCheckoutFromPath(self, path, strict=True):
"""Find the associated checkouts for a given |path|.
The |path| can either be to the root of a project, or within the
project itself (chromite.cbuildbot for example). It may be relative
to the repo root, or an absolute path. If |path| is not within a
checkout, return None.
path: Path to examine.
strict: If True, fail when no checkout is found.
None if no checkout is found, else the checkout.
# Realpath everything sans the target to keep people happy about
# how symlinks are handled; exempt the final node since following
# through that is unlikely even remotely desired.
tmp = os.path.join(self.root, os.path.dirname(path))
path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(tmp), os.path.basename(path))
path = os.path.normpath(path) + '/'
candidates = []
for checkout in self.ListCheckouts():
if path.startswith(checkout['local_path'] + '/'):
candidates.append((checkout['path'], checkout))
if not candidates:
if strict:
raise AssertionError('Could not find repo project at %s' % (path,))
return None
# The checkout with the greatest common path prefix is the owner of
# the given pathway. Return that.
return max(candidates)[1]
def _FinalizeAllProjectData(self):
"""Rewrite projects mixing defaults in and adding our attributes."""
for key, value in self.checkouts_by_path.iteritems():
self.checkouts_by_path[key] = ProjectCheckout(value)
for key, value in self.checkouts_by_name.iteritems():
self.checkouts_by_name[key] = \
[ProjectCheckout(x) for x in value]
def _FinalizeProjectData(self, attrs):
Manifest._FinalizeProjectData(self, attrs)
attrs['local_path'] = os.path.join(self.root, attrs['path'])
def _GetManifestsBranch(root):
"""Get the tracking branch of the manifest repository.
The branch name.
# Suppress the normal "if it ain't refs/heads, we don't want none o' that"
# check for the merge target; repo writes the ambigious form of the branch
# target for `repo init -u url -b some-branch` usages (aka, 'master'
# instead of 'refs/heads/master').
path = os.path.join(root, '.repo', 'manifests')
current_branch = GetCurrentBranch(path)
if current_branch != 'default':
raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
'Manifest repository at %s is checked out to %s. '
"It should be checked out to 'default'."
% (root, 'detached HEAD' if current_branch is None
else current_branch))
result = GetTrackingBranchViaGitConfig(
path, 'default', allow_broken_merge_settings=True, for_checkout=False)
if result is not None:
return StripRefsHeads(result[1], False)
raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
"Manifest repository at %s is checked out to 'default', but "
'the git tracking configuration for that branch is broken; '
'failing due to that.' % (root,))
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def Cached(cls, path, manifest_path=None, search=True):
"""Return an instance, reusing an existing one if possible.
path: The pathway into a checkout; the root will be found automatically.
manifest_path: if given, the manifest.xml to use instead of the
checkouts internal manifest. Use with care.
search: If True, the path can point into the repo, and the root will
be found automatically. If False, the path *must* be the root, else
an OSError ENOENT will be thrown.
root, manifest_path = cls._NormalizeArgs(path, manifest_path,
md5 = cls._GetManifestHash(manifest_path)
obj, sources = cls._instance_cache.get((root, md5), (None, ()))
for include_target, target_md5 in sources:
if cls._GetManifestHash(include_target, True) != target_md5:
obj = None
if obj is None:
obj = cls(root, manifest_path=manifest_path)
sources = tuple((abspath, cls._GetManifestHash(abspath))
for (target, abspath) in obj.includes)
cls._instance_cache[(root, md5)] = (obj, sources)
return obj
def RunGit(git_repo, cmd, retry=True, **kwargs):
"""RunCommand wrapper for git commands.
This suppresses print_cmd, and suppresses output by default. Git
functionality w/in this module should use this unless otherwise
warranted, to standardize git output (primarily, keeping it quiet
and being able to throw useful errors for it).
git_repo: Pathway to the git repo to operate on.
cmd: A sequence of the git subcommand to run. The 'git' prefix is
added automatically. If you wished to run 'git remote update',
this would be ['remote', 'update'] for example.
retry: If set, retry on transient errors. Defaults to True.
kwargs: Any RunCommand or GenericRetry options/overrides to use.
A CommandResult object.
def _ShouldRetry(exc):
"""Returns True if push operation failed with a transient error."""
if (isinstance(exc, cros_build_lib.RunCommandError)
and exc.result and exc.result.error and
cros_build_lib.Warning('git reported transient error (cmd=%s); retrying',
cros_build_lib.CmdToStr(cmd), exc_info=True)
return True
return False
max_retry = kwargs.pop('max_retry', DEFAULT_RETRIES if retry else 0)
kwargs.setdefault('print_cmd', False)
kwargs.setdefault('sleep', DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL)
kwargs.setdefault('cwd', git_repo)
kwargs.setdefault('capture_output', True)
return retry_util.GenericRetry(
_ShouldRetry, max_retry, cros_build_lib.RunCommand,
['git'] + cmd, **kwargs)
def GetProjectUserEmail(git_repo):
"""Get the email configured for the project."""
output = RunGit(git_repo, ['var', 'GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT']).output
m ='<([^>]*)>', output.strip())
return if m else None
def MatchBranchName(git_repo, pattern, namespace=''):
"""Return branches who match the specified regular expression.
git_repo: The git repository to operate upon.
pattern: The regexp to search with.
namespace: The namespace to restrict search to (e.g. 'refs/heads/').
List of matching branch names (with |namespace| trimmed).
match = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.I)
output = RunGit(git_repo, ['ls-remote', git_repo, namespace + '*']).output
branches = [x.split()[1] for x in output.splitlines()]
branches = [x[len(namespace):] for x in branches if x.startswith(namespace)]
return [x for x in branches if]
class AmbiguousBranchName(Exception):
"""Error if given branch name matches too many branches."""
def MatchSingleBranchName(*args, **kwargs):
"""Match exactly one branch name, else throw an exception.
See MatchBranchName for more details; all args are passed on.
The branch name.
raise AmbiguousBranchName if we did not match exactly one branch.
ret = MatchBranchName(*args, **kwargs)
if len(ret) != 1:
raise AmbiguousBranchName('Did not match exactly 1 branch: %r' % ret)
return ret[0]
def GetTrackingBranchViaGitConfig(git_repo, branch, for_checkout=True,
"""Pull the remote and upstream branch of a local branch
git_repo: The git repository to operate upon.
branch: The branch to inspect.
for_checkout: Whether to return localized refspecs, or the remote's
view of it.
allow_broken_merge_settings: Repo in a couple of spots writes invalid
branch.mybranch.merge settings; if these are encountered, they're
normally treated as an error and this function returns None. If
this option is set to True, it suppresses this check.
recurse: If given and the target is local, then recurse through any
remote=. (aka locals). This is enabled by default, and is what allows
developers to have multiple local branches of development dependent
on one another; disabling this makes that work flow impossible,
thus disable it only with good reason. The value given controls how
deeply to recurse. Defaults to tracing through 10 levels of local
remotes. Disabling it is a matter of passing 0.
A tuple of the remote and the ref name of the tracking branch, or
None if it couldn't be found.
cmd = ['config', '--get-regexp',
r'branch\.%s\.(remote|merge)' % re.escape(branch)]
data = RunGit(git_repo, cmd).output.splitlines()
prefix = 'branch.%s.' % (branch,)
data = [x.split() for x in data]
vals = dict((x[0][len(prefix):], x[1]) for x in data)
if len(vals) != 2:
if not allow_broken_merge_settings:
return None
elif 'merge' not in vals:
# There isn't anything we can do here.
return None
elif 'remote' not in vals:
# Repo v1.9.4 and up occasionally invalidly leave the remote out.
# Only occurs for the manifest repo fortunately.
vals['remote'] = 'origin'
remote, rev = vals['remote'], vals['merge']
# Suppress non branches; repo likes to write revisions and tags here,
# which is wrong (git hates it, nor will it honor it).
if rev.startswith('refs/remotes/'):
if for_checkout:
return remote, rev
# We can't backtrack from here, or at least don't want to.
# This is likely refs/remotes/m/ which repo writes when dealing
# with a revision locked manifest.
return None
if not rev.startswith('refs/heads/'):
# We explicitly don't allow pushing to tags, nor can one push
# to a sha1 remotely (makes no sense).
if not allow_broken_merge_settings:
return None
elif remote == '.':
if recurse == 0:
raise Exception(
'While tracing out tracking branches, we recursed too deeply: '
'bailing at %s' % branch)
return GetTrackingBranchViaGitConfig(
git_repo, StripRefsHeads(rev), for_checkout=for_checkout,
recurse=recurse - 1)
elif for_checkout:
rev = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (remote, StripRefsHeads(rev))
return remote, rev
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
# 1 is the retcode for no matches.
if e.result.returncode != 1:
return None
def GetTrackingBranchViaManifest(git_repo, for_checkout=True, for_push=False,
"""Gets the appropriate push branch via the manifest if possible.
git_repo: The git repo to operate upon.
for_checkout: Whether to return localized refspecs, or the remote's
view of it. Note that depending on the remote, the remote may differ
if for_push is True or set to False.
for_push: Controls whether the remote and refspec returned is explicitly
for pushing.
manifest: A Manifest instance if one is available, else a
ManifestCheckout is created and used.
A tuple of a git target repo and the remote ref to push to, or
None if it couldnt be found. If for_checkout, then it returns
the localized version of it.
if manifest is None:
manifest = ManifestCheckout.Cached(git_repo)
checkout = manifest.FindCheckoutFromPath(git_repo, strict=False)
if checkout is None:
return None
if for_push:
if for_push:
remote = checkout['push_remote']
remote = checkout['remote']
if for_checkout:
revision = checkout['tracking_branch']
revision = checkout['revision']
if not revision.startswith('refs/heads/'):
return None
return remote, revision
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
return None
def GetTrackingBranch(git_repo, branch=None, for_checkout=True, fallback=True,
manifest=None, for_push=False):
"""Gets the appropriate push branch for the specified directory.
This function works on both repo projects and regular git checkouts.
1. We assume the manifest defined upstream is desirable.
2. No manifest? Assume tracking if configured is accurate.
3. If none of the above apply, you get 'origin', 'master' or None,
depending on fallback.
git_repo: Git repository to operate upon.
branch: Find the tracking branch for this branch. Defaults to the
current branch for |git_repo|.
for_checkout: Whether to return localized refspecs, or the remotes
view of it.
fallback: If true and no remote/branch could be discerned, return
'origin', 'master'. If False, you get None.
Note that depending on the remote, the remote may differ
if for_push is True or set to False.
for_push: Controls whether the remote and refspec returned is explicitly
for pushing.
manifest: A Manifest instance if one is available, else a
ManifestCheckout is created and used.
A tuple of a git target repo and the remote ref to push to.
result = GetTrackingBranchViaManifest(git_repo, for_checkout=for_checkout,
manifest=manifest, for_push=for_push)
if result is not None:
return result
if branch is None:
branch = GetCurrentBranch(git_repo)
if branch:
result = GetTrackingBranchViaGitConfig(git_repo, branch,
if result is not None:
if (result[1].startswith('refs/heads/') or
return result
if not fallback:
return None
if for_checkout:
return 'origin', 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
return 'origin', 'master'
def CreateBranch(git_repo, branch, branch_point='HEAD', track=False):
"""Create a branch.
git_repo: Git repository to act on.
branch: Name of the branch to create.
branch_point: The ref to branch from. Defaults to 'HEAD'.
track: Whether to setup the branch to track its starting ref.
cmd = ['checkout', '-B', branch, branch_point]
if track:
RunGit(git_repo, cmd)
def AddPath(path):
"""Use 'git add' on a path.
path: Path to the git repository and the path to add.
dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
RunGit(dirname, ['add', '--', filename])
def RmPath(path):
"""Use 'git rm' on a file.
path: Path to the git repository and the path to rm.
dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
RunGit(dirname, ['rm', '--', filename])
def GetObjectAtRev(git_repo, obj, rev):
"""Return the contents of a git object at a particular revision.
This could be used to look at an old version of a file or directory, for
instance, without modifying the working directory.
git_repo: Path to a directory in the git repository to query.
obj: The name of the object to read.
rev: The revision to retrieve.
The content of the object.
rev_obj = '%s:%s' % (rev, obj)
return RunGit(git_repo, ['show', rev_obj]).output
def RevertPath(git_repo, filename, rev):
"""Revert a single file back to a particular revision and 'add' it with git.
git_repo: Path to the directory holding the file.
filename: Name of the file to revert.
rev: Revision to revert the file to.
RunGit(git_repo, ['checkout', rev, '--', filename])
def Commit(git_repo, message, amend=False, allow_empty=False):
"""Commit with git.
git_repo: Path to the git repository to commit in.
message: Commit message to use.
amend: Whether to 'amend' the CL, default False
allow_empty: Whether to allow an empty commit. Default False.
The Gerrit Change-ID assigned to the CL if it exists.
cmd = ['commit', '-m', message]
if amend:
if allow_empty:
RunGit(git_repo, cmd)
log = RunGit(git_repo, ['log', '-n', '1', '--format=format:%B']).output
match ='Change-Id: (?P<ID>I[a-fA-F0-9]*)', log)
return'ID') if match else None
_raw_diff_components = ('src_mode', 'dst_mode', 'src_sha', 'dst_sha',
'status', 'score', 'src_file', 'dst_file')
# RawDiffEntry represents a line of raw formatted git diff output.
RawDiffEntry = collections.namedtuple('RawDiffEntry', _raw_diff_components)
# This regular expression pulls apart a line of raw formatted git diff output.
DIFF_RE = re.compile(
r':(?P<src_mode>[0-7]*) (?P<dst_mode>[0-7]*) '
r'(?P<src_sha>[0-9a-f]*)(\.)* (?P<dst_sha>[0-9a-f]*)(\.)* '
def RawDiff(path, target):
"""Return the parsed raw format diff of target
path: Path to the git repository to diff in.
target: The target to diff.
A list of RawDiffEntry's.
entries = []
cmd = ['diff', '-M', '--raw', target]
diff = RunGit(path, cmd).output
diff_lines = diff.strip().split('\n')
for line in diff_lines:
match = DIFF_RE.match(line)
if not match:
raise GitException('Failed to parse diff output: %s' % line)
return entries
def UploadCL(git_repo, remote, branch, local_branch='HEAD', draft=False,
"""Upload a CL to gerrit. The CL should be checked out currently.
git_repo: Path to the git repository with the CL to upload checked out.
remote: The remote to upload the CL to.
branch: Branch to upload to.
local_branch: Branch to upload.
draft: Whether to upload as a draft.
kwargs: Extra options for GitPush. capture_output defaults to False so
that the URL for new or updated CLs is shown to the user.
ref = ('refs/drafts/%s' if draft else 'refs/for/%s') % branch
remote_ref = RemoteRef(remote, ref)
kwargs.setdefault('capture_output', False)
GitPush(git_repo, local_branch, remote_ref, **kwargs)
def GitPush(git_repo, refspec, push_to, dryrun=False, force=False, retry=True,
"""Wrapper for pushing to a branch.
git_repo: Git repository to act on.
refspec: The local ref to push to the remote.
push_to: A RemoteRef object representing the remote ref to push to.
dryrun: Do not actually push anything. Uses the --dry-run option
built into git.
force: Whether to bypass non-fastforward checks.
retry: Retry a push in case of transient errors.
capture_output: Whether to capture output for this command.
cmd = ['push', push_to.remote, '%s:%s' % (refspec, push_to.ref)]
if dryrun:
# The 'git push' command has --dry-run support built in, so leverage that.
if force:
RunGit(git_repo, cmd, retry=retry, capture_output=capture_output)
# TODO(build): Switch callers of this function to use CreateBranch instead.
def CreatePushBranch(branch, git_repo, sync=True, remote_push_branch=None):
"""Create a local branch for pushing changes inside a repo repository.
branch: Local branch to create.
git_repo: Git repository to create the branch in.
sync: Update remote before creating push branch.
remote_push_branch: A tuple of the (remote, branch) to push to. i.e.,
('cros', 'master'). By default it tries to
automatically determine which tracking branch to use
(see GetTrackingBranch()).
if not remote_push_branch:
remote, push_branch = GetTrackingBranch(git_repo, for_push=True)
remote, push_branch = remote_push_branch
if sync:
cmd = ['remote', 'update', remote]
RunGit(git_repo, cmd)
RunGit(git_repo, ['checkout', '-B', branch, '-t', push_branch])
def SyncPushBranch(git_repo, remote, rebase_target):
"""Sync and rebase a local push branch to the latest remote version.
git_repo: Git repository to rebase in.
remote: The remote returned by GetTrackingBranch(for_push=True)
rebase_target: The branch name returned by GetTrackingBranch(). Must
start with refs/remotes/ (specifically must be a proper remote
target rather than an ambiguous name).
if not rebase_target.startswith('refs/remotes/'):
raise Exception(
'Was asked to rebase to a non branch target w/in the push pathways. '
'This is highly indicative of an internal bug. remote %s, rebase %s'
% (remote, rebase_target))
cmd = ['remote', 'update', remote]
RunGit(git_repo, cmd)
RunGit(git_repo, ['rebase', rebase_target])
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
# Looks like our change conflicts with upstream. Cleanup our failed
# rebase.
RunGit(git_repo, ['rebase', '--abort'], error_code_ok=True)
# TODO(build): Switch this to use the GitPush function.
def PushWithRetry(branch, git_repo, dryrun=False, retries=5):
"""General method to push local git changes.
This method only works with branches created via the CreatePushBranch
branch: Local branch to push. Branch should have already been created
with a local change committed ready to push to the remote branch. Must
also already be checked out to that branch.
git_repo: Git repository to push from.
dryrun: Git push --dry-run if set to True.
retries: The number of times to retry before giving up, default: 5
GitPushFailed if push was unsuccessful after retries
remote, ref = GetTrackingBranch(git_repo, branch, for_checkout=False,
# Don't like invoking this twice, but there is a bit of API
# impedence here; cros_mark_as_stable
_, local_ref = GetTrackingBranch(git_repo, branch, for_push=True)
if not ref.startswith('refs/heads/'):
raise Exception('Was asked to push to a non branch namespace: %s' % (ref,))
push_command = ['push', remote, '%s:%s' % (branch, ref)]
logging.debug('Trying to push %s to %s:%s', git_repo, branch, ref)
if dryrun:
for retry in range(1, retries + 1):
SyncPushBranch(git_repo, remote, local_ref)
RunGit(git_repo, push_command)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
if retry < retries:
Warning('Error pushing changes trying again (%s/%s)', retry, retries)
time.sleep(5 * retry)
raise'Successfully pushed %s to %s:%s', git_repo, branch, ref)
def CleanAndDetachHead(git_repo):
"""Remove all local changes and checkout a detached head.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
RunGit(git_repo, ['am', '--abort'], error_code_ok=True)
RunGit(git_repo, ['rebase', '--abort'], error_code_ok=True)
RunGit(git_repo, ['clean', '-dfx'])
RunGit(git_repo, ['checkout', '--detach', '-f', 'HEAD'])
def CleanAndCheckoutUpstream(git_repo, refresh_upstream=True):
"""Remove all local changes and checkout the latest origin.
All local changes in the supplied repo will be removed. The branch will
also be switched to a detached head pointing at the latest origin.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
refresh_upstream: If True, run a remote update prior to checking it out.
remote, local_upstream = GetTrackingBranch(git_repo,
if refresh_upstream:
RunGit(git_repo, ['remote', 'update', remote])
RunGit(git_repo, ['checkout', local_upstream])
def GetChromiteTrackingBranch():
"""Returns the remote branch associated with chromite."""
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
result = GetTrackingBranch(cwd, for_checkout=False, fallback=False)
if result:
_remote, branch = result
if branch.startswith('refs/heads/'):
# Normal scenario.
return StripRefsHeads(branch)
# Reaching here means it was refs/remotes/m/blah, or just plain invalid,
# or that we're on a detached head in a repo not managed by chromite.
# Manually try the manifest next.
manifest = ManifestCheckout.Cached(cwd)
# Ensure the manifest knows of this checkout.
if manifest.FindCheckoutFromPath(cwd, strict=False):
return manifest.manifest_branch
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# Not a manifest checkout.
"Chromite checkout at %s isn't controlled by repo, nor is it on a "
'branch (or if it is, the tracking configuration is missing or broken). '
'Falling back to assuming the chromite checkout is derived from '
"'master'; this *may* result in breakage." % cwd)
return 'master'
def GarbageCollection(git_repo):
"""Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
# Use --auto so it only runs if housekeeping is necessary.
RunGit(git_repo, ['gc', '--auto'])