blob: 4eaa3d3915a6fddfe622cc8acb84230aa6171f49 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generate LUCI Scheduler config file.
This generates the LUCI Scheduler configuration file for ChromeOS builds based
on the chromeos_config contents.
To update the production config:
cd $REPO/manifest-internal
git checkout infra/config
$REPO/chromite/scripts/gen_luci_scheduler > luci-scheduler.cfg
git commit -a
git cl upload (yes, really) (Say Yes to removing commit-msg hook)
repo abandon infra/config
Normal builds are scheduled based on the builder values for
'schedule' and 'triggered_gitiles' in config/
Branched builds are scheduled based on the function
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from chromite.config import chromeos_config
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import config_lib
_CONFIG_HEADER = """# Defines buckets on
# For schema of this file and documentation see ProjectConfig message in
# Generated with chromite/scripts/gen_luci_scheduler
acl_sets {
name: "default"
acls {
role: READER
granted_to: "group:googlers"
acls {
role: OWNER
granted_to: "group:project-chromeos-admins"
def genSchedulerJob(build_config):
"""Generate the luci scheduler job for a given build config.
build_config: config_lib.BuildConfig.
Multiline string to include in the luci scheduler configuration.
if 'schedule_branch' in build_config:
branch = build_config.schedule_branch
job_name = '%s-%s' % (branch,
branch = 'master'
job_name =
tags = {
'cbb_branch': branch,
'cbb_display_label': build_config.display_label,
'cbb_workspace_branch': build_config.workspace_branch,
'cbb_goma_client_type': build_config.goma_client_type,
# Filter out tags with no value set.
tags = {k: v for k, v in tags.iteritems() if v}
tag_lines = [' tags: "%s:%s"' % (k, tags[k])
for k in sorted(tags.keys())]
prop_lines = [' properties: "%s:%s"' % (k, tags[k])
for k in sorted(tags.keys())]
# TODO: Move --buildbot arg into recipe, and remove from here.
template = """
job {
id: "%(job_name)s"
acl_sets: "default"
schedule: "%(schedule)s"
buildbucket: {
server: ""
bucket: "luci.chromeos.general"
builder: "%(builder)s"
properties: "cbb_extra_args:[\\"--buildbot\\"]"
return template % {
'job_name': job_name,
'builder': build_config.luci_builder,
'schedule': build_config.schedule,
'tag_lines': '\n'.join(tag_lines),
'prop_lines': '\n'.join(prop_lines),
def genSchedulerTrigger(trigger_name, repo, refs, builds):
"""Generate the luci scheduler job for a given build config.
trigger_name: Name of the trigger as a string.
repo: Gitiles URL git git repository.
refs: Iterable of git refs to check. May use regular expressions.
builds: Iterable of build config names to trigger.
Multiline string to include in the luci scheduler configuration.
template = """
trigger {
id: "%(trigger_name)s"
acl_sets: "default"
schedule: "with 5m interval"
gitiles: {
repo: "%(repo)s"
return template % {
'trigger_name': trigger_name,
'repo': repo,
'refs': '\n'.join(' refs: "%s"' % r for r in refs),
'triggers': '\n'.join(' triggers: "%s"' % b for b in builds),
def genLuciSchedulerConfig(site_config, branch_config):
"""Generate a luciSchedulerConfig as a string.
site_config: A config_lib.SiteConfig instance.
branch_config: A list of BuildConfig instances to schedule.
The complete scheduler configuration contents as a string.
# Trigger collection is used to collect together trigger information, so
# we can reuse the same trigger for multiple builds as needed.
# It maps gitiles_key to a set of build_names.
# A gitiles_key = (gitiles_url, tuple(ref_list))
trigger_collection = {}
jobs = []
# Order the configs consistently.
configs = [site_config[name] for name in sorted(site_config)] + branch_config
for config in configs:
# Populate jobs.
if config.schedule:
# Populate trigger_collection.
if config.triggered_gitiles:
for gitiles_url, ref_list in config.triggered_gitiles:
gitiles_key = (gitiles_url, tuple(ref_list))
trigger_collection.setdefault(gitiles_key, set())
# Populate triggers.
triggers = []
trigger_counter = 0
for gitiles_key in sorted(trigger_collection):
builds = sorted(trigger_collection[gitiles_key])
trigger_name = 'trigger_%s' % trigger_counter
gitiles_url, refs = gitiles_key
trigger_name, gitiles_url, refs, builds))
trigger_counter += 1
return ''.join([_CONFIG_HEADER] + triggers + jobs)
def GetParser():
"""Creates the argparse parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--file_out', type='path',
help='Write output to specified file.')
return parser
def main(argv):
parser = GetParser()
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
site_config = config_lib.GetConfig()
branch_config = chromeos_config.BranchScheduleConfig()
with (open(options.file_out, 'w') if options.file_out else sys.stdout) as fh:
fh.write(genLuciSchedulerConfig(site_config, branch_config))