blob: 079bb5aed9c6a8c6d1300bf3b21f8ed87e968d27 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Syntax:
addopts =
-m 'not (
or legacy_slow
or mock_error
or network_test
or output_test
or passes_when_run_alone
or redirected_stdin_error
or requires_portage
or requires_sudo
or sigterm
python_files = *
python_classes = cros_test_lib\.TestCase
norecursedirs = third_party venv
markers =
config_skew_test: Tests which check whether new config matches legacy config
inside_only: Tests which must be run inside the chroot
legacy_slow: Tests which are/were marked in as slow tests
mock_error: Tests which seem to fail due to the old version of used
in third_party/
network_test: Tests which require a network connection to run
output_test: Tests which fail due to inheriting cros_test_lib.OutputTestCase
passes_when_run_alone: Tests which pass when explicitly run by name, but which
fail when run with the whole chromite directory
redirected_stdin_error: Tests which fail due to pytest redirecting stdin
requires_portage: Tests which need to import the `portage` package
requires_sudo: Tests which fail at cros_sdk_lib.sudo_run()
sigterm: Tests which exit with code 143 when run from pytest