This tool is not meant to be invoked directly and is instead meant to run on the preload vm created by the finish-image-build
step in the cos-customizer
The command line tool and it's configs are packaged in an image named cidata that is formatted with the FAT filesystem. This image is uploaded and mounted onto the preload VM at /mnt/disks/cidata
and the provisioner is executed by a cloud-init script called startup.yaml. This cloud-init file creates two files:
The systemd service customizer@.service calls the script which will then call the provisioner. The provisioner reads from a file called the prov.config
, also packaged in the cidata disk, which contains all the optional steps specified by the cos_customizer. The implementation of these steps are located at //src/pkg/provisioner. Here are the available implementations of those steps:
You'll notice that these steps map exactly to the optional steps in the cos-customizer.