tree: e2792415b0b4a54c608056d8b500a2f3217f7c40 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cloudbuild.yaml
  3. Dockerfile

COS Kernel Devenv container


Building COS Kernel Devenv Image

Locally (for testing the image)

For testing, you can simply build and test this docker container locally on your workstation:

  $ docker build -t .

Production (push into GCR)

  $ VERSION=<version>  # e.g., v20211031
  $ docker build -t$VERSION .
  $ docker build -t .
  $ gcloud docker -- push$VERSION
  $ gcloud docker -- push

Using COS Kernel Devenv Image


Get the latest version of the cos-kernel-devenv container by running the following command:

$ docker pull


cos-kernel-devenv provides the development environment for building Linux kernel or standalone kernel modules. The container supports four operational modes:

  • wrapper for make command with kernel-specific arguments and env variables
  • automatic kernel build
  • automatic module out-of-tree module build
  • interactive shell

The development environment includes a cross-compilation toolchain and optional kernel headers. Kernel headers only provided if the environment replicates the environment of an official COS release (specified using -R command-line switch) or of an CI build (specified by using -b and -B command-line switches).


Kernel sources or module sources are passed to the container as a volume (directory mapped from the host machine into a container). Non-interactive operational modes assume that the working directory is the top-level build directory.

cos-kernel-devenv image does not contain any actual toolchain and populates binaries and kernel headers from network sources to /build location in the container. In order to save time on every invocation users can map a host directory to /build volume to make installed files persistent between runs.

Some of the network sources require access to GCS buckets so to pass gcloud config and credentials from the host into a container ~/.config/gcloud host directory needs to be mapped into /root/.config/gcloud volume.

To hide all this complexity you can use the code snippet below that wraps it all up in a convenient shell function.

# cache directory for toolchains
mkdir -p ~/cos-build

function cos_kmake() { 
    docker run --rm -ti \
      -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud \
      -v ~/cos-build:/build -v $(pwd):/src -w /src \ \
export -f cos_kmake

At this point you should be able to run cos_kmake -h and get a list of available command-line options:

Usage: / [-k | -m | -i] [-Hcd] [-A <x86_64|arm64>]
    [-C <kernelconfig>[,fragment1.config,...]] [-O  <objdir>]
    [-B <build> -b <board> | -R <release> | -G <bucket>]
    [-t <toolchain_version>] [VAR=value ...] [target ...]

  -A <arch>     target architecture. Valid values are x86_64 and arm64.
  -B <build>    seed the toolchain from the COS build <build>.
                Example: R93-16623.0.0. Instead of the actual
                build number developer can specify the branch name
                to use the latest build off that branch.
                Example: main-R93, release-R89. Requires -b option.
  -C <configs>  kernel configs target. Example: lakitu_defconfig.
                It's also possible to specify main config and fragments
                separated by coma, i.e.: lakitu_defconfig,google/xfstest.config
  -G <bucket>   seed the toolchain and kernel headers from the custom
                GCS bucket <bucket>. Directory structure needs to conform
                to the COS standard. 
  -H            create a package with kernel headers for the respective
                kernel package. Should be used only with -k option.
  -O <objdir>   value for KBUILD_OUTPUT to separate obj files from
  -R <release>  seed the toolchain and kernel headers from the
                specified official COS release. Example: 16442.0.0
  -b <board>    specify board for -B argument. Example: lakitu
  -c            perform "mrproper" step when building a kernel package or
                "clean" step when building a module.
                Should be used only with -k and -m option.
  -d            create a pakcage with debug symbols for the respective
                kernel package. Should be used only with -k option.
  -h            show this message.
  -i            invoke interactive shell with kernel development
                environment initialized.
  -k            build a kernel package for sources mapped from the host
                to the current working directory.
  -m            build an out-of-tree module for sources mapped from
                the host to the current working directory.
                This mode requires either -R or -B/b options.
  -t            seed the toolchain from the Chromium OS upstream.
                Example: 2021.06.26.094653

Building the COS Kernel

Getting the Source Code

cos_kmake should be used at the top-level of the checked out kernel source tree:

$ git clone -b cos-5.10 cos-kernel
$ cd cos-kernel

Pass-through make

Unless one of -i, -k or -m command-line switches is specified the container acts as a wrapper for a make command so the build procedure for the kernel looks the same as a normal build:

cos_kmake mrproper
cos_kmake lakitu_defconfig
cos_kmake bzImage modules

cos-kernel-devenv supports two target arcitectgures: x86_64 and arm64 that can be set for an invocation by passing -A <arch> argument to the command. Unless specified the x86_64 target is the default one.

To build ARM64 kernel and modules you can use the following sequence of commands:

cos_kmake -A arm64 mrproper
cos_kmake -A arm64 lakitu_defconfig
cos_kmake -A arm64 Image modules

All examples below build binaries for x86_64 architecture but can be converted to arm64 by adding -A arm64 command-line switch.

Building Kernel Packages

In addition to acting as a make wrapper, cos-kernel-devenv can also create kernel packages: archives with the kernel, modules, and debug symbols. These packages can be used to inject kernel into a custom image or in a VM in development mode.

To build kernel package run cos_kmake -k. This command produces cos-kernel-<version>-<arch>.txz file that contains /boot and /lib/modules directories that can be used as a drop-in replacement for the COS image/VM.

By default kernel configuration step uses defconfig as a target. You can override this by passing -C <kernelconfig> argument, i.e.: -C lakitu_defconfig, -C olddefconfig.

To ensure clean build you can also add make mrproper step to the beginning of the build sequence by passing -c command line switch.

Debug symbols package can be produced by using -d command-line switch. When this switch passed to the container cos-kernel-devenv also generates cos-kernel-debug-<version>-<arch>.txz archive with debug symbols for the kernel and modules. This package can be used for kernel instrumention if required.

Building Out of Tree Modules

The main purpose of this mode is to build out-of-tree kernel module for the specific COS version. The version can be either an official COS release or a CI build. To use an official COS release pass it as an argument to -R command line switch, i.e.:

cos_kmake -m -R 16442.0.0

CI builds is identified by a combination of board and build number passed as arguments for -b and -B switches respectively:

cos_kmake -m -b lakitu -B R93-16623.0.0

cos_kmake -m ... is an equivalent of running two commands in the working directory:

make -C /path/to/kheaders M=$(pwd) clean
make -C /path/to/kheaders M=$(pwd) modules

Interactive Mode

For more complex use cases expert developers can use an interactive shell, activated by -i command-line switch. The shell has kernel and development environment variable pre-configured. It also defines a make wrapper kmake that can be used as a shorthand to run make for kernel-related tasks:

% cos_kmake -i -A arm64
** Kernel architecture: arm64
** Toolchain architecture: aarch64
Mode: cross
[INFO    2021-10-29 18:41:02 UTC] Configuring environment variables for
Starting interactive shell for the kernel devenv
root@0244bcbd8239:/src# $CC -v
Chromium OS 12.0_pre422132_p20210405-r9 clang version 13.0.0
Target: aarch64-cros-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /build/cros-2021.06.26.094653-aarch64/usr/bin
Found candidate GCC installation:
Selected GCC installation:
Candidate multilib: .;@m64
Selected multilib: .;@m64
root@0244bcbd8239:/src# kmake kernelrelease

When interactive shell invoked with -R or -b/-B switches the location of kernel headers for the specified COS version is accessible as KHEADERS env variable.