tree: 750e3bbbc337539f3ca5293ecd702d4ad42dadfa [path history] [tgz]
  1. main.go

COS Changelog

An application that generates build changelogs and locates the first build containing a CL.


Retrieve Changelog

Run with ./changelog --mode changelog [options] source_build_number target_build_number

Example: ./changelog --gob --repo cos/manifest-snapshots 15037.0.0 15045.0.0

Find First Build Containing CL

Run with ./changelog --mode findbuild [options] CL-number or commit SHA

Example: ./changelog --mode findbuild 2781


./changelog --help to see a list of commands or get help for one command

Global Options

--mode | -m: Specifies the query mode. Acceptable values: changelog | findbuild

--gerrit URL: (optional) Specifies the Gerrit instance to query from, with the https:// prefix. It will use by default.

--fallback URL: (optional) specifies the fallback Gerrit instance to query from, with the https:// prefix. It will use by default.

--gob URL: (optional) Specifies the Git on Borg instance where manifest-snapshot files are located. It will use by default.

--repo: (optional) Specifies the repository for manifest-snapshot files within the Git on Borg instance. It will use cos/manifest-snapshots by default.

--prefix: (optional) Specifies a repository prefix for CLs retrieved from the fallback Gerrit instance. For example, a prefix of mirrors/cros/ for a CL in repository chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay will instruct the program to search the repository mirrors/cros/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay in Git on Borg. It will use mirrors/cros/ by default.

--debug | -d: (optional) Enables debug messages.


Changelog Output

Creates 2 JSON files representing the changelog between 2 given build numbers. Each output file maps repositories to their repository changelog. A repository changelog consists of all the commits in a repository that were present in between the build numbers.

All the commits that were present in the target build number and not present in the source build number are located in source_build_number -> target_build_number.json.

All commits that were present in the source build number but not present in the target build number are located in target_build_num -> source_build_num.json.

FindCL output

Prints the first build number that includes the input CL.