blob: 6a9d4fc5d1bffa79c891b5fa7ff18e27df222de6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Empty USE to allow the same form below in real assignments
USE="${USE} -cros_disks -cros_p2p -cros_host"
USE="${USE} -debugd -opengl -wifi_bootstrapping -wimax -cellular -bluetooth -tpm -vpn"
USE="${USE} -vtconsole"
# Used by virtual/chromeos-bootcomplete and virtual/update-policy to pull the
# right implementation.
USE="${USE} cros_embedded"
# Kernel specific use flags.
USE="${USE} kernel_sources kernel-4_4"
# Disable some kernel options.
USE="${USE} -fbconsole -firmware_install -mbim -vlan"
USE="${USE} chromeless_tty chromeless_tests"
# Stateful partition does not need to be encrypted in lakitu.
USE="${USE} -encrypted_stateful"
# Disable the feature that chromeos-base/update_engine uses to determine
# whether to pull in chromeos-base/power_manager.
USE="${USE} -power_management"
# Disable shill, Lakitu uses systemd-networkd instead.
USE="${USE} -shill"
# Disable cups, which expects certain features from upstart that we don't want;
# and we don't need printing support anyway.
USE="${USE} -cups"
# Enable AppArmor support. The USE flag causes certain packages to be built
# with AppArmor support, and certain other packages to be installed on the base
# image. The kernel feature must be enabled separately by adding
# "security=apparmor" to the kernel commandline.
USE="${USE} apparmor"
# Disable agetty on tty2
USE="${USE} -tty_console_tty2"
# Enable feature: systemd
USE="${USE} systemd -syslog"
# Development devices do not have a HWID baked in.
USE="${USE} hwid_override"
# Disable the symlink to avoid conflict when building sys-apps/baselayout.