blob: 5d77049e16226acfe8b1515d6c01f484d6cec970 [file] [log] [blame]
MARCH_TUNE="-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=${ARM_FPU} -mfloat-abi=hard"
USE="${USE} boot_dts_device_tree -debugd hardfp kernel-4_4"
USE="${USE} legacy_keyboard legacy_power_button neon -opengl opengles"
USE="${USE} pam -tpm"
# TODO(jrbarnette) This is a hack: The builders create beaglebone
# recovery images, even though there's no use for them. There's an
# 8MB image size limit, and we're over that limit. Restricting the
# locales saves enough space to make the images build. But... We
# shouldn't be building the images in the first place. And the 8MB
# limit is bogus, too.