blob: bb227ee126c657fc1d7698790082a730e619ad9b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# dev-lang/python is blacklisted by the build scripts. The following
# flag makes them ignore the blacklist.
# This will add console=ttyS0 kernel cmdline flag, thus rerouting
# dmesg output to ttyS0 (serial port).
# Remove systemd paths from all INSTALL_MASKs
for var in $(compgen -v |grep INSTALL_MASK); do
local mask=${!var}
mask=$(echo $mask | sed -re 's| (/usr)?/lib/systemd | |g')
eval "$var='${mask}'"
# Don't install upstart files.
INSTALL_MASK+=" /etc/init"
# build_image script calls board_setup on the pristine base image.
board_make_image_bootable() {
local image="$1"
local script_root="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
. "${script_root}/" || exit 1
if ! grub_install "${image}"; then
error "Could not install GRUB2 on ${image}"
return 1
# board_finalize_base_image() gets invoked by the build scripts at the
# end of building base image.
board_finalize_base_image() {
# /etc/machine-id gets installed by sys-apps/dbus and is a symlink.
# This conflicts with systemd's machine-id generation mechanism,
# so we remove the symlink and recreate it as an empty file.
sudo rm "${root_fs_dir}"/etc/machine-id
sudo touch "${root_fs_dir}"/etc/machine-id