blob: f3c893279d08c3d2b510176a252261903e1b2fe8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(jrbarnette) This is a hack: The builders create beaglebone
# recovery images, even though there's no use for them. There's an
# 8MB image size limit, and we're over that limit. Restricting the
# locales saves enough space to make the images build. But... We
# shouldn't be building the images in the first place. And the 8MB
# limit is bogus, too.
# Initial value just for style purposes.
USE="${USE} include_vmlinuz"
# This device has no audio.
USE="${USE} -alsa -cras -midi"
# This device has no browser or GUI. Disable higher level features that require that.
USE="${USE} -cros_disks -dlm -easy_unlock -oobe_config -pepper_flash"
# We have no attached firmware we care about updating.
USE="${USE} -fwupd"
# We don't do p2p updates.
USE="${USE} -cros_p2p -zeroconf"
# We don't connect to secure networks.
USE="${USE} -wired_8021x"
# This device has no PCI.
USE="${USE} -pci"
# Disable unibuild on this legacy board. This is only for existing (as of Jan 2019)
# boards as all new boards must be unibuild enabled moving forward. Do not copy this
# to new boards as it will be rejected. See
# for further details about chromeos-config, which is the required entry point for
# unified builds.
USE="${USE} -unibuild"
USE="${USE} boot_dts_device_tree -debugd fbconsole hardfp kernel-4_4"
USE="${USE} legacy_keyboard legacy_power_button neon -opengl opengles"
USE="${USE} -power_management pam -tpm vtconsole"
# Disable tranparent hugepage, since the beaglebone cpu doesn't
USE="${USE} -transparent_hugepage"