blob: 8848b06e5522dacdcba1c34d04a62c4e87c40b30 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script reads panel vendor_id and product_id to determin wacom touch
# screen config and return wacom hardware_id to caller
# return value: wacom hardware_id
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
# Not used; but caller provides it.
DEFINE_string 'device' '' "i2c device name" 'd'
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Wacom AES doesn't support power-cut-tolerant ID.
# Arcada reads panel vendor_id and product_id to determine wacom firmware.
main() {
local vendor_id
local product_id
local hardware_id
for path in /sys/class/drm/*eDP*/edid; do
# Check path is exist, otherwise hexdump hits error
if [ -e "${path}" ]; then
# EDID 0x8-0x9 is Manufacturer ID
vendor_id="$(hexdump -n 0xc "${path}" | awk '{print $6}' | sed '/^\s*$/d')"
# EDID 0xa-0xb is Manufacturer product code
product_id="$(hexdump -n 0xc "${path}" | awk '{print $7}' | sed '/^\s*$/d')"
if [ -n "${product_id}" ]; then
case "${hardware_id}" in
"af06-632d") # af06(AUO)
echo "2d1f_4944" # wacom hardware_id = VID_PID
"e430-05dc") # e430(LGD)
echo "2d1f_4945" # wacom hardware_id = VID_PID
"ae0d-1382") # ae0d(INO)
echo "2d1f_4946" # wacom hardware_id = VID_PID
## Unknown hardware_id, don't ouput anything.
main "$@"