blob: c3da8805063fde5a3631598de34113edce7de176 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Used to get a line number as a constant string. Need to stringify it twice */
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
extern int gTestSuccess;
extern int gTestAbortArmed;
extern jmp_buf gTestJmpEnv;
/* Return 1 if result is equal to expected_result, else return 0.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_eq(int result, int expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_EQ(result, expected, comment) \
test_eq(result, expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == " #expected, \
#define TEST_EQ_S(result, expected) TEST_EQ(result, expected, NULL);
/* Return 0 if result is equal to not_expected_result, else return 1.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_neq(int result, int not_expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_NEQ(result, not_expected, comment) \
test_neq(result, not_expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " != " #not_expected, \
/* Return 1 if result pointer is equal to expected_result pointer,
* else return 0. Does not check pointer contents, only the pointer
* itself. Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_ptr_eq(const void* result, const void* expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_PTR_EQ(result, expected, comment) \
test_ptr_eq(result, expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == " #expected, \
/* Return 1 if result pointer is not equal to expected_result pointer,
* else return 0. Does not check pointer contents, only the pointer
* itself. Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_ptr_neq(const void* result, const void* not_expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_PTR_NEQ(result, not_expected, comment) \
test_ptr_neq(result, not_expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " != " #not_expected, \
/* Return 1 if result string is equal to expected_result string,
* else return 0. Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_str_eq(const char* result, const char* expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_STR_EQ(result, expected, comment) \
test_str_eq(result, expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == " #expected, \
/* Return 1 if result string is not equal to not_expected string,
* else return 0. Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_str_neq(const char* result, const char* not_expected,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_STR_NEQ(result, not_expected, comment) \
test_str_neq(result, not_expected, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " != " #not_expected, \
/* Return 1 if the result is true, else return 0.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_true(int result,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_TRUE(result, comment) \
test_true(result, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == true", \
/* Return 1 if the result is false, else return 0.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_false(int result,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_FALSE(result, comment) \
test_false(result, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == false", \
/* Return 1 if result is 0 (VB2_SUCCESS or other), else return 0.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_succ(int result,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_SUCC(result, comment) \
test_succ(result, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " == 0", \
/* Return 1 if result is not 0 (VB2_SUCCESS or other), else return 1.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_fail(int result,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_FAIL(result, comment) \
test_fail(result, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#result " != 0", \
/* Return 1 if vb2ex_abort() was called, else return 0.
* Also update the global gTestSuccess flag if test fails. */
int test_abort(int aborted,
const char *preamble, const char *desc, const char *comment);
#define TEST_ABORT(call, comment) do { \
gTestAbortArmed = 1; \
int jumped = setjmp(gTestJmpEnv); \
if (!jumped) \
call; \
gTestAbortArmed = 0; \
test_abort(jumped, \
__FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__), \
#call " causes abort", \
comment); \
} while (0)
/* ANSI Color coding sequences.
* Don't use \e as MSC does not recognize it as a valid escape sequence.
#define COL_GREEN "\x1b[1;32m"
#define COL_YELLOW "\x1b[1;33m"
#define COL_RED "\x1b[0;31m"
#define COL_STOP "\x1b[m"
/* Abort if asprintf fails. */
#define xasprintf(...) \
do { \
if (asprintf(__VA_ARGS__) < 0) \
abort(); \
} while (0)