Add scripts to run VMTests and convert images

run_vmtests will run the VMTests after build_image
convert_image will convert the image to VMDK or VHD
make_ova will create a ova image based on VMDK

BUG=b/173643442, b/171738548
TEST=manually test

Change-Id: I99865424dcaefd1d588f3df7009d70cf86f71c95
Reviewed-by: Robert Kolchmeyer <>
Reviewed-by: Varsha Teratipally <>
Tested-by: Roy Yang <>
diff --git a/cos/ b/cos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4895f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cos/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This folder contains image utilities from Container-Optimized OS(COS) team
+to fullfill the functionalities to support image formwat convertion between
+different platfroms:
+* COS on vSphere
+* COS on AWS
+* COS on AZure
+* COS on Borg
diff --git a/cos/ b/cos/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bae8e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cos/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# --board=[board] --image_type=[type] --image_format=[format]
+# This script converts a board's image(base, test, dev) to the specified format
+# like vmdk, vhd so that the image can be used by platform other than GCP.
+SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
+# Script must be run inside the chroot.
+restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
+DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
+  "The board to build an image for."
+DEFINE_string image_type "base" \
+  "Image type to process, base, test or dev."
+DEFINE_string image_format "" \
+  "Image format to be converted to, vmdk or vhd."
+DEFINE_string image_dir "" "Path to the folder to store netboot images."
+# Parse command line.
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
+. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
+set -x
+# build_packages artifact output.
+# build_image artifact output.
+if [ -n "${FLAGS_image_dir}" ]; then
+  IMAGE_DIR=${FLAGS_image_dir}
+case ${FLAGS_image_format} in
+  "vmdk")
+  qemu-img convert -p -o subformat=streamOptimized -O vmdk\
+    ${IMAGE_DIR}/chromiumos_${IMAGE_TYPE}_image.bin \
+    ${IMAGE_DIR}/chromiumos_${IMAGE_TYPE}_image.vmdk
+  ;;
+  "vhd")
+  qemu-img convert -f raw -o subformat=fixed,force_size -O vpc \
+    ${IMAGE_DIR}/chromiumos_${IMAGE_TYPE}_image.bin \
+    ${IMAGE_DIR}/chromiumos_${IMAGE_TYPE}_image.vhd
+  ;;
+  *)
+  ;;
diff --git a/cos/ b/cos/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8791597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cos/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This scripts creates .ova file from given disk image and OVA template.
+set -o xtrace
+set -o errexit
+set -o nounset
+usage() {
+  echo "Usage: $0 -d disk.vmdk \
+    -p product-name -n image-name \
+    -o output-file [-t template.ovf]"
+while getopts ":d:p:n:t:o:h" arg; do
+  case $arg in
+    d) DISK_FILE=$OPTARG ;;
+    h)
+      usage
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+: "${DISK_FILE?Missing -d DISK_FILE value}"
+: "${PRODUCT_NAME?Missing -p PRODUCT_NAME value}"
+: "${IMAGE_NAME?Missing -n IMAGE_NAME value}"
+: "${TEMPLATE_PATH?Missing -t TEMPLATE_PATH value}"
+: "${OUTPUT_FILE?Missing -o OUTPUT_FILE value}"
+if [[ ! -f ${TEMPLATE_PATH} ]]; then
+  echo "Cannot find template at ${TEMPLATE_PATH}"
+  exit 1
+  -N 'x='
+  -N 'ovf='
+  -N 'vssd='
+WORK_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+trap 'rm -rf "${WORK_DIR}"' EXIT
+# xmlstar does not support multiple updates at once, and we need to provide
+# namespaces to every invocation, so disable quoting warning.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+xmlstarlet ed ${XML_NS[*]} \
+  --update '//x:VirtualSystem/@ovf:id' --value "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
+  | xmlstarlet ed ${XML_NS[*]} \
+    --update '//x:VirtualSystem/x:Name' --value "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
+  | xmlstarlet ed ${XML_NS[*]} \
+    --update '//vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier' --value "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
+    > "${WORK_DIR}/tmp.ovf"
+# Add a disk image to temporary .ovf
+cot --force add-disk "${DISK_FILE}" "${WORK_DIR}/tmp.ovf" \
+  -o "${WORK_DIR}/image.ovf" \
+  -f vmdisk1 -t harddisk -c scsi
+# Add product information and convert .ovf to .ova
+cot --force edit-product "${WORK_DIR}/image.ovf" \
+  -o "${OUTPUT_FILE}" \
+  --product "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
diff --git a/cos/ b/cos/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b968973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cos/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# --board=[board]
+# This script builds and runs VMTests for a given board.
+SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
+# Script must be run inside the chroot.
+restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
+DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
+  "The board to build an image for."
+DEFINE_string image_type "base" \
+  "Image type to process, base, test or dev."
+DEFINE_string image_dir "" "Path to the folder to store netboot images."
+# Parse command line.
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
+. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
+set -x
+# build_packages artifact output.
+# build_image artifact output.
+if [ -n "${FLAGS_image_dir}" ]; then
+  IMAGE_DIR=${FLAGS_image_dir}
+cros_run_vm_test --board ${BOARD} \
+  --image-path ${IMAGE_DIR}/chromiumos_${IMAGE_TYPE}_image.bin \
+  --private-key ${IMAGE_DIR}/id_rsa \
+  --test_that-args=--model=ad_hoc_model \
+  --copy-on-write \
+  --start-vm \
+  --autotest 'suite:smoke'
diff --git a/cos/template.ovf b/cos/template.ovf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc96df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cos/template.ovf
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Envelope xmlns="" xmlns:cim="" xmlns:ovf="" xmlns:rasd="" xmlns:vmw="" xmlns:vssd="" xmlns:xsi="">
+  <References>
+  </References>
+  <DiskSection>
+    <Info>Virtual disk information</Info>
+  </DiskSection>
+  <NetworkSection>
+    <Info>The list of logical networks</Info>
+    <Network ovf:name="VM Network">
+      <Description>The VM Network network</Description>
+    </Network>
+  </NetworkSection>
+  <VirtualSystem ovf:id="__NAME__">
+    <Info>A virtual machine</Info>
+    <Name>__NAME__</Name>
+    <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="94" vmw:osType="genericLinuxGuest">
+      <Info>The kind of installed guest operating system</Info>
+      <Description>Other Linux</Description>
+    </OperatingSystemSection>
+    <ProductSection ovf:required="false">
+      <Info>Cloud-Init customization</Info>
+      <Product>__PRODUCT_REPLACED_BY_COT__</Product>
+      <Property ovf:key="instance-id" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="id-ovf">
+          <Label>A Unique Instance ID for this instance</Label>
+          <Description>Specifies the instance id.  This is required and used to determine if the machine should take "first boot" actions</Description>
+      </Property>
+      <Property ovf:key="hostname" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="ubuntuguest">
+          <Description>Specifies the hostname for the appliance</Description>
+      </Property>
+      <Property ovf:key="seedfrom" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true">
+          <Label>Url to seed instance data from</Label>
+          <Description>This field is optional, but indicates that the instance should 'seed' user-data and meta-data from the given url.  If set to '' is given, meta-data will be pulled from and user-data from  Leave this empty if you do not want to seed from a url.</Description>
+      </Property>
+      <Property ovf:key="public-keys" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="">
+          <Label>ssh public keys</Label>
+          <Description>This field is optional, but indicates that the instance should populate the default user's 'authorized_keys' with this value</Description>
+      </Property>
+      <Property ovf:key="user-data" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="">
+          <Label>Encoded user-data</Label>
+          <Description>In order to fit into a xml attribute, this value is base64 encoded . It will be decoded, and then processed normally as user-data.</Description>
+          <!--  The following represents '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi world"'
+          ovf:value="IyEvYmluL3NoCmVjaG8gImhpIHdvcmxkIgo="
+        -->
+      </Property>
+      <Property ovf:key="password" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="">
+          <Label>Default User's password</Label>
+          <Description>If set, the default user's password will be set to this value to allow password based login.  The password will be good for only a single login.  If set to the string 'RANDOM' then a random password will be generated, and written to the console.</Description>
+      </Property>
+    </ProductSection>
+    <VirtualHardwareSection ovf:transport="com.vmware.guestInfo">
+      <Info>Virtual hardware requirements</Info>
+      <System>
+        <vssd:ElementName>Virtual Hardware Family</vssd:ElementName>
+        <vssd:InstanceID>0</vssd:InstanceID>
+        <vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>__NAME__</vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>
+        <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-13</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
+      </System>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+        <rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>2 virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>1</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType>
+        <rasd:VirtualQuantity>2</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+      </Item>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+        <rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>1024MB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>2</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>4</rasd:ResourceType>
+        <rasd:VirtualQuantity>1024</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+      </Item>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:Address>0</rasd:Address>
+        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>SCSI Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>3</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceSubType>VirtualSCSI</rasd:ResourceSubType>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>6</rasd:ResourceType>
+      </Item>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:Address>1</rasd:Address>
+        <rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>VirtualIDEController 1</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>4</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>5</rasd:ResourceType>
+      </Item>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:Address>0</rasd:Address>
+        <rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>VirtualIDEController 0</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>5</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>5</rasd:ResourceType>
+      </Item>
+      <Item ovf:required="false">
+        <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>false</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
+        <rasd:ElementName>VirtualVideoCard</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>6</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>24</rasd:ResourceType>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="enable3DSupport" vmw:value="false"/>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="use3dRenderer" vmw:value="automatic"/>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="useAutoDetect" vmw:value="false"/>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="videoRamSizeInKB" vmw:value="4096"/>
+      </Item>
+      <Item ovf:required="false">
+        <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>false</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
+        <rasd:ElementName>VirtualVMCIDevice</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>7</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceSubType>vmware.vmci</rasd:ResourceSubType>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>1</rasd:ResourceType>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="allowUnrestrictedCommunication" vmw:value="false"/>
+      </Item>
+      <Item>
+        <rasd:AddressOnParent>7</rasd:AddressOnParent>
+        <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>true</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
+        <rasd:Connection>VM Network</rasd:Connection>
+        <rasd:Description>VMXNET3 ethernet adapter on &quot;VM Network&quot;</rasd:Description>
+        <rasd:ElementName>GigabitEthernet1</rasd:ElementName>
+        <rasd:InstanceID>11</rasd:InstanceID>
+        <rasd:ResourceSubType>VMXNET3</rasd:ResourceSubType>
+        <rasd:ResourceType>10</rasd:ResourceType>
+        <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="wakeOnLanEnabled" vmw:value="true"/>
+      </Item>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="cpuHotAddEnabled" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="cpuHotRemoveEnabled" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="firmware" vmw:value="bios"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="virtualICH7MPresent" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="virtualSMCPresent" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="memoryHotAddEnabled" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="nestedHVEnabled" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="powerOpInfo.powerOffType" vmw:value="preset"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="powerOpInfo.resetType" vmw:value="preset"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="powerOpInfo.standbyAction" vmw:value="checkpoint"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="powerOpInfo.suspendType" vmw:value="preset"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.afterPowerOn" vmw:value="true"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.afterResume" vmw:value="true"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.beforeGuestShutdown" vmw:value="true"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.beforeGuestStandby" vmw:value="true"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.syncTimeWithHost" vmw:value="false"/>
+      <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.toolsUpgradePolicy" vmw:value="manual"/>
+    </VirtualHardwareSection>
+  </VirtualSystem>