| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # The host (chroot) specific "setup_board" process. This separates the chroot |
| # specific setup from the generic board setup. |
| |
| # shellcheck source=common.sh |
| . "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" || exit 1 |
| |
| # Script must run inside the chroot |
| restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@" |
| |
| assert_not_root_user |
| |
| # Developer-visible flags. |
| DEFINE_string board "amd64-host" \ |
| "The name of the board to set up." |
| DEFINE_boolean force "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \ |
| "Force re-creating board root." |
| |
| FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags] |
| |
| build_sdk_board builds the chroot for the amd64-host (chroot) board. |
| This should not need to be called except by the SDK Builder. |
| " |
| |
| # Parse command line flags |
| FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 |
| eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" |
| |
| # Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes, |
| # so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now. |
| switch_to_strict_mode |
| |
| BOARD=${FLAGS_board} |
| |
| if [[ ${FLAGS_force} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then |
| fi |
| info_run "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/create_sdk_board_root" \ |
| |
| # Locations we will need |
| BOARD_ROOT="/build/${BOARD}" |
| |
| eval "$(portageq envvar -v CHOST PKGDIR)" |
| |
| EMERGE_CMD="${CHROMITE_BIN}/parallel_emerge" |
| mapfile -t TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES < \ |
| <("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host) |
| # Sanity check we got some valid results. |
| if [[ ${#TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then |
| die_notrace "cros_setup_toolchains failed" |
| fi |
| PACKAGES=( system virtual/target-sdk ) |
| |
| run_emerge() { |
| info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "$@" |
| } |
| |
| # First, rebuild all packages from scratch. This is needed to make sure |
| # we rebuild all chroot packages. |
| |
| # We build the toolchain by hand to avoid race conditions where the toolchain |
| # is used by other packages that we're building. See https://crbug.com/906289. |
| run_emerge "${TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[@]}" |
| |
| # Then build everything else. |
| run_emerge --verbose --emptytree --with-bdeps=y \ |
| --exclude "${TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[*]}" \ |
| "${PACKAGES[@]}" virtual/target-sdk-nobdeps |
| info_run sudo eclean -d packages |
| |
| # Next, install our rebuilt packages into our separate root. |
| "--root=${BOARD_ROOT}" --update --verbose --deep --root-deps |
| --newuse --usepkgonly |
| ) |
| run_emerge "${HOST_FLAGS[@]}" --with-bdeps=y "${PACKAGES[@]}" |
| # Install our rebuilt packages from the nobdeps target into our separate root |
| # without their build-time deps. We also avoid adding this target to the |
| # world set so that subsequent update_chroot commands won't re-import the |
| # build deps. |
| run_emerge "${HOST_FLAGS[@]}" --with-bdeps=n --oneshot \ |
| virtual/target-sdk-nobdeps |
| # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # PKGDIR is defined via eval above |
| info_run sudo cp -a "${PKGDIR}" "${BOARD_ROOT}/packages" |
| |
| # Copy our chroot version into the newly packaged chroot. |
| info_run sudo cp -a \ |
| |
| # Now cleanup paths referencing the ROOT from the *.la files. |
| info_run sudo find "${BOARD_ROOT}" -type f -name '*.la' -exec \ |
| sed -i -e "s|${BOARD_ROOT}/|/|g" {} + |
| |
| # Remove wrapper scripts and any home directory contents left behind in the |
| # sysroot. These are not supposed to be part of the final filesystem. |
| info_run sudo rm -rf \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/build" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}"/run/* \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}"/home/* \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}"/etc/{,portage/}make.{conf,profile} \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles" |
| |
| # Setup host make.conf. This includes any overlay that we may be using and a |
| # pointer to pre-built packages. |
| cros_overlay="${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay" |
| info_run sudo mkdir -p "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage" |
| info_run sudo ln -sf \ |
| "${cros_overlay}/chromeos/config/make.conf.amd64-host" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf" |
| info_run sudo ln -sf \ |
| "${cros_overlay}/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0/sdk" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/make.profile" |
| |
| # Create make.conf.user. |
| cat <<\EOF | info_run sudo tee "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" >/dev/null |
| # This file is useful for doing global (chroot and all board) changes. |
| # Tweak emerge settings, ebuild env, etc... |
| # |
| # Make sure to append variables unless you really want to clobber all |
| # existing settings. e.g. You most likely want: |
| # FEATURES="${FEATURES} ..." |
| # USE="${USE} foo" |
| # and *not*: |
| # USE="foo" |
| # |
| # This also is a good place to setup ACCEPT_LICENSE. |
| EOF |
| info_run sudo chmod 0644 "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" |
| |
| # Enable locale that some Chrome scripts assume exist. |
| info_run sudo sed -i -e '/^#en_US.UTF-8/s:#::' "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/locale.gen" |
| info_run sudo mount --bind /dev "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev" |
| info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" locale-gen -u |
| info_run sudo umount "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev" |
| |
| # b/278101251: /build/amd64-host doesn't include ccache's link tree by default, |
| # which makes `FEATURES=ccache` quietly fail for host packages. Ensure it's |
| # built here. |
| info_run sudo ROOT="${BOARD_ROOT}" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/bin/ccache-config" --install-links |
| |
| # Add chromite into python path. |
| for python_path in "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib/"python*.*/site-packages; do |
| info_run sudo mkdir -p "${python_path}" |
| info_run sudo ln -sfT "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}"/chromite "${python_path}"/chromite |
| done |
| |
| # Newer portage complains about bare overlays. Create the file that crossdev |
| # will also create later on. |
| OVERLAYS_ROOT="/usr/local/portage" |
| info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}" |
| cat <<EOF | sudo tee "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}/layout.conf" >/dev/null |
| # Autogenerated and managed by crossdev |
| # Delete the above line if you want to manage this file yourself |
| masters = portage-stable eclass-overlay chromiumos |
| repo-name = crossdev |
| use-manifests = true |
| thin-manifests = true |
| EOF |
| |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/lib/portage/pkgs" |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/"chromeos-{cache,chrome} |
| ) |
| |
| # Setup stable paths. |
| info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 \ |
| "${PORTAGE_CACHE_DIRS[@]}" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/profile.d" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/run" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/out" \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/source" |
| |
| info_run sudo ln -sfT \ |
| /mnt/host/source/src/chromium/depot_tools \ |
| "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/depot_tools" |
| |
| info_run sudo ln -sfT \ |
| chromeos-cache/distfiles "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles" |
| |
| # Setup cache dirs. |
| info_run sudo chmod 775 "${PORTAGE_CACHE_DIRS[@]}" |
| |
| command_completed |
| echo "Done!" |
| echo "The SYSROOT is: ${BOARD_ROOT}" |