Update crosutils to CrOS 15617.0.0
Change-Id: If94ecbef22c6525d732d6d31b8598616ba251673
diff --git a/bin/cros_make_image_bootable b/bin/cros_make_image_bootable
index 45d6dd3..a6cd9e2 100755
--- a/bin/cros_make_image_bootable
+++ b/bin/cros_make_image_bootable
@@ -82,30 +82,18 @@
"Type of image we're building for (base/factory_install)."
DEFINE_string output_dir "/tmp" \
"Directory to place output in."
-DEFINE_string image "chromiumos_base.img" \
- "Full path to the chromiumos image to make bootable."
DEFINE_string arch "x86" \
"Architecture to make bootable for: arm, mips, x86, or amd64"
-DEFINE_boolean cleanup_dirs ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
+DEFINE_boolean cleanup_dirs "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
"Whether the mount dirs should be removed on completion."
DEFINE_string boot_args "noinitrd" \
"Additional boot arguments to pass to the commandline"
-DEFINE_integer rootfs_size 720 \
- "rootfs filesystem size in MBs."
-# ceil(0.1 * rootfs_size) is a good minimum.
-DEFINE_integer rootfs_hash_pad 8 \
- "MBs reserved at the end of the rootfs image."
DEFINE_string rootfs_hash "/tmp/rootfs.hash" \
"Path where the rootfs hash should be stored."
-# TODO(taysom): when we turn on boot cache, both verification and
-# bootcache should have their default be FLAGS_TRUE.
-DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
+DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Default all bootloaders to NOT use kernel-based root fs integrity checking."
-DEFINE_boolean enable_bootcache ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
- "Default all bootloaders to NOT use bootcache."
DEFINE_integer verity_error_behavior 3 \
"Kernel verified boot error behavior (0: I/O errors, 1: reboot, 2: nothing)"
DEFINE_integer verity_max_ios -1 \
@@ -125,20 +113,13 @@
DEFINE_string espfs_mountpoint "/tmp/espfs" \
"Path where the espfs can be safely mounted"
-DEFINE_boolean use_dev_keys ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
+DEFINE_boolean use_dev_keys "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Use developer keys for signing. (Default: false)"
-DEFINE_boolean fsck_rootfs ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
+DEFINE_boolean fsck_rootfs "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Check integrity of the rootfs on the modified image."
-# TODO(pkumar): Remove once known that no images are using this flag
-DEFINE_boolean crosbug12352_arm_kernel_signing ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
- "This flag is deprecated but the bots still need parse old images."
-# TODO(sosa): Remove once known images no longer use this in their config.
-DEFINE_string arm_extra_bootargs "" "DEPRECATED FLAG. Do not use."
-DEFINE_boolean force_developer_mode ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
+DEFINE_boolean force_developer_mode "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Add cros_debug to boot args."
DEFINE_string enable_serial "" \
@@ -167,8 +148,8 @@
local pattern="$2"
local base_pattern="$3"
- [ -f "${file}" ] || return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
- sudo grep -wq "${pattern}" "${file}" && return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
+ [[ -f "${file}" ]] || return "${FLAGS_TRUE}"
+ sudo grep -wq "${pattern}" "${file}" && return "${FLAGS_TRUE}"
sudo sed -i "s/\b${base_pattern}\b/& ${pattern}/g" "${file}"
@@ -176,9 +157,11 @@
local kernel_image_size="$1"
local kernel_part="$2"
local kernel_slot="$3"
- local kernel_partition_size=$(get_partition_size ${FLAGS_image_type} \
- ${kernel_part})
- local kernel_partition_size_90=$(( kernel_partition_size * 90 / 100 ))
+ local kernel_partition_size
+ kernel_partition_size=$(get_partition_size "${FLAGS_image_type}" \
+ "${kernel_part}")
+ local kernel_partition_size_90
+ kernel_partition_size_90=$(( kernel_partition_size * 90 / 100 ))
info "Kernel partition ${kernel_slot} size is ${kernel_partition_size} bytes."
if [[ ${kernel_image_size} -gt ${kernel_partition_size} ]]; then
die "Kernel image won't fit in partition ${kernel_slot}!"
@@ -195,22 +178,20 @@
local private="$5"
local public="$6"
local vblock=${7:-""}
+ local extra_arguments=()
- # Default to non-verified
- local enable_rootfs_verification_flag=--noenable_rootfs_verification
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- enable_rootfs_verification_flag=--enable_rootfs_verification
- fi
- local enable_bootcache_flag=--noenable_bootcache
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- enable_bootcache_flag=--enable_bootcache
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+ extra_arguments+=(--enable_rootfs_verification)
+ else
+ # Default to non-verified
+ extra_arguments+=(--noenable_rootfs_verification)
if [[ -n "${vblock}" ]]; then
- vblock=--hd_vblock="${FLAGS_output_dir}/${vblock}"
+ extra_arguments+=(--hd_vblock="${FLAGS_output_dir}/${vblock}")
- ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/build_kernel_image.sh \
+ "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/build_kernel_image.sh \
--board="${FLAGS_board}" \
--arch="${FLAGS_arch}" \
--to="${FLAGS_output_dir}/${image_name}" \
@@ -218,21 +199,19 @@
--working_dir="${FLAGS_output_dir}" \
--boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args}" \
--keep_work \
- --rootfs_image=${root_dev} \
- --rootfs_image_size=${root_dev_size} \
- --rootfs_hash=${FLAGS_rootfs_hash} \
- --verity_hash_alg=${FLAGS_verity_algorithm} \
- --verity_max_ios=${FLAGS_verity_max_ios} \
- --verity_error_behavior=${FLAGS_verity_error_behavior} \
- --verity_salt=${FLAGS_verity_salt} \
+ --rootfs_image="${root_dev}" \
+ --rootfs_image_size="${root_dev_size}" \
+ --rootfs_hash="${FLAGS_rootfs_hash}" \
+ --verity_hash_alg="${FLAGS_verity_algorithm}" \
+ --verity_max_ios="${FLAGS_verity_max_ios}" \
+ --verity_error_behavior="${FLAGS_verity_error_behavior}" \
+ --verity_salt="${FLAGS_verity_salt}" \
--keys_dir="${FLAGS_keys_dir}" \
--keyblock="${keyblock}" \
--private="${private}" \
--public="${public}" \
--enable_serial="${FLAGS_enable_serial}" \
- ${vblock} \
- ${enable_rootfs_verification_flag} \
- ${enable_bootcache_flag}
+ "${extra_arguments[@]}"
make_image_bootable() {
@@ -242,7 +221,7 @@
# This is required because postinst will copy new legacy boot configurations
# from rootfs partition instead of modifying existing entries in EFI
# partition.
- if [ ${FLAGS_force_developer_mode} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_force_developer_mode}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
trap "unmount_image ; die 'cros_make_image_bootable failed.'" EXIT
mount_image "${image}" "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}" \
@@ -263,17 +242,18 @@
# Make the filesystem un-mountable as read-write.
# mount_gpt_image.sh will undo this as needed.
# TODO(wad) make sure there is parity in the signing scripts.
- if [ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
# TODO(wad) this would be a good place to reset any other ext2 metadata.
info "Disabling r/w mount of the root filesystem"
- local rootfs_offset="$(partoffset ${image} 3)"
+ local rootfs_offset
+ rootfs_offset="$(partoffset "${image}" 3)"
disable_rw_mount "${image}" "$(( rootfs_offset * 512 ))"
# For factory_install images, override FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification
# here, so the following build_img calls won't make kernel set up the
# device mapper on initialization.
if [[ "${FLAGS_image_type}" == "factory_install" ]]; then
- FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification=${FLAGS_FALSE}
+ FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification="${FLAGS_FALSE}"
@@ -298,7 +278,7 @@
# For dev install shim, we need to use the installer keyblock instead of
# the recovery keyblock because of the difference in flags.
local keyblock
- if [ ${FLAGS_use_dev_keys} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_use_dev_keys}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "DEBUG: use dev install keyblock"
@@ -306,14 +286,16 @@
info "DEBUG: use recovery keyblock"
- if [ ${FLAGS_force_developer_mode} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_force_developer_mode}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
FLAGS_boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args} cros_debug"
# Builds the kernel partition image.
- local partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ local partition_num_root_a
+ partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-A)"
- local rootfs_fs_size=$(get_filesystem_size "${FLAGS_image_type}" \
+ local rootfs_fs_size
+ rootfs_fs_size=$(get_filesystem_size "${FLAGS_image_type}" \
# Usually we need to ensure that there will always be a regular kernel on
@@ -333,36 +315,45 @@
# Check the size of kernel image and issue warning when image size is
# near the limit.
- local kernel_image_size_A=$(stat -c '%s' ${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image})
+ local kernel_image_size_A
+ kernel_image_size_A=$(stat -c '%s' "${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image}")
info "Kernel image A size is ${kernel_image_size_A} bytes."
- local kernel_image_size_B=$(stat -c '%s' ${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_b_image})
+ local kernel_image_size_B
+ kernel_image_size_B=$(stat -c '%s' "${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_b_image}")
info "Kernel image B size is ${kernel_image_size_B} bytes."
- local partition_num_kern_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ local partition_num_kern_a
+ partition_num_kern_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" KERN-A)"
- check_kernel_size ${kernel_image_size_A} ${partition_num_kern_a} A
- local partition_num_kern_b="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ check_kernel_size "${kernel_image_size_A}" "${partition_num_kern_a}" A
+ local partition_num_kern_b
+ partition_num_kern_b="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" KERN-B)"
# Since the kernel-b of factory shim is optional, ignore kernel-b if the size
# of kernel-b is less than or equal to the default value 1MiB.
- local need_kern_b=${FLAGS_TRUE}
+ local need_kern_b="${FLAGS_TRUE}"
if [[ "${FLAGS_image_type}" == "factory_install" ]]; then
- local kernel_partition_size=$(get_partition_size ${FLAGS_image_type} \
- ${partition_num_kern_b})
- local block_size="$(get_block_size)"
+ local kernel_partition_size
+ kernel_partition_size=$(get_partition_size "${FLAGS_image_type}" \
+ "${partition_num_kern_b}")
+ local block_size
+ block_size="$(get_block_size)"
if [[ "${kernel_partition_size}" -le "${block_size}" ]]; then
- need_kern_b=${FLAGS_FALSE}
+ need_kern_b="${FLAGS_FALSE}"
warn "Kernel partition B is skipped!"
if [[ ${need_kern_b} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- check_kernel_size ${kernel_image_size_B} ${partition_num_kern_b} B
+ check_kernel_size "${kernel_image_size_B}" "${partition_num_kern_b}" B
- local rootfs_hash_size=$(stat -c '%s' ${FLAGS_rootfs_hash})
- local rootfs_partition_size=$(get_partition_size ${FLAGS_image_type} \
- ${partition_num_root_a})
- local rootfs_hash_pad=$(( rootfs_partition_size - rootfs_fs_size ))
+ local rootfs_hash_size
+ rootfs_hash_size=$(stat -c '%s' "${FLAGS_rootfs_hash}")
+ local rootfs_partition_size
+ rootfs_partition_size=$(get_partition_size "${FLAGS_image_type}" \
+ "${partition_num_root_a}")
+ local rootfs_hash_pad
+ rootfs_hash_pad=$(( rootfs_partition_size - rootfs_fs_size ))
info "Appending rootfs.hash (${rootfs_hash_size} bytes) to the root fs"
if [[ ${rootfs_hash_size} -gt ${rootfs_hash_pad} ]]; then
die "rootfs_partition_size - rootfs_fs_size is less than the needed " \
@@ -372,10 +363,11 @@
# Unfortunately, mount_gpt_image uses mount and not losetup to create the
# loop devices. This means that they are not the correct size. We have to
# write directly to the image to append the hash tree data.
- local hash_offset="$(partoffset ${image} ${partition_num_root_a})"
- hash_offset=$((hash_offset + (${rootfs_fs_size} / 512)))
+ local hash_offset
+ hash_offset="$(partoffset "${image}" "${partition_num_root_a}")"
+ hash_offset=$((hash_offset + ("${rootfs_fs_size}" / 512)))
sudo dd bs=512 \
- seek=${hash_offset} \
+ seek="${hash_offset}" \
if="${FLAGS_rootfs_hash}" \
of="${image}" \
conv=notrunc \
@@ -394,40 +386,49 @@
# Install the kernel to both slots A and B.
- local koffset="$(partoffset ${image} ${partition_num_kern_a})"
+ local koffset
+ koffset="$(partoffset "${image}" "${partition_num_kern_a}")"
sudo dd if="${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image}" of="${image}" \
- conv=notrunc bs=512 seek=${koffset} status=none
+ conv=notrunc bs=512 seek="${koffset}" status=none
if [[ ${need_kern_b} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- koffset="$(partoffset ${image} ${partition_num_kern_b})"
+ koffset="$(partoffset "${image}" "${partition_num_kern_b}")"
sudo dd if="${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_b_image}" of="${image}" \
- conv=notrunc bs=512 seek=${koffset} status=none
+ conv=notrunc bs=512 seek="${koffset}" status=none
# Update the bootloaders. The EFI system partition will be updated.
local kernel_part=
# We should update the esp in place in the image.
- local partition_num_efi_system="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ local partition_num_efi_system
+ partition_num_efi_system="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" EFI-SYSTEM)"
- local image_dev=$(loopback_partscan "${image}")
- trap "loopback_detach ${image_dev}; unmount_image ; \
- die 'cros_make_image_bootable failed.'" EXIT
+ local image_dev
+ image_dev=$(loopback_partscan "${image}")
+ loopback_detach_and_die() {
+ loopback_detach "${image_dev}"
+ unmount_image
+ die "cros_make_image_bootable failed."
+ }
+ trap loopback_detach_and_die EXIT
local bootloader_to="${image_dev}"
# Make this writable by the user, it will get deleted by losetup -d.
- sudo chown $(id -u) ${bootloader_to} ${bootloader_to}p*
- local esp_size="$(partsize ${image} ${partition_num_efi_system})"
+ sudo chown "$(id -u)" "${bootloader_to}" "${bootloader_to}"p*
+ local esp_size
+ esp_size="$(partsize "${image}" "${partition_num_efi_system}")"
esp_size=$((esp_size * 512)) # sectors to bytes
- if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "amd64" ]]; then
# Use the kernel partition to acquire configuration flags.
- kernel_part="--kernel_partition='${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image}'"
+ kernel_part=("--kernel_partition='${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image}'")
# Install syslinux on the EFI System Partition.
- kernel_part="${kernel_part} --install_syslinux"
- elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm64" ]]; then
- kernel_part="--kernel_partition='${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image'"
- elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "mips" ]]; then
+ kernel_part+=(--install_syslinux)
+ elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]]; then
+ # Use the kernel partition to acquire configuration flags.
+ kernel_part=("--kernel_partition='${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_a_image}'")
+ elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "mips" ]]; then
# These flags are not used for ARM / MIPS update_bootloaders.sh
- kernel_part=""
+ kernel_part=()
# Force all of the file writes to complete, in case it's necessary for
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@
if [[ ${esp_size} -gt 0 ]]; then
# Update EFI partition
- ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/update_bootloaders.sh \
+ "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/update_bootloaders.sh \
--arch="${FLAGS_arch}" \
--board="${BOARD}" \
--image_type="${FLAGS_image_type}" \
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
--from="${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"/boot \
--vmlinuz="${VMLINUZ}" \
--zimage="${ZIMAGE}" \
- ${kernel_part}
+ "${kernel_part[@]}"
# We don't need to keep these files around anymore.
@@ -453,7 +454,7 @@
"${FLAGS_output_dir}/${kern_b_image}" \
- sudo losetup -d ${image_dev}
+ sudo losetup -d "${image_dev}"
# Since the kern-b will be signed with another recovery key, need to make
@@ -469,12 +470,17 @@
verify_image_rootfs() {
local image=$1
- local partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ local partition_num_root_a
+ partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-A)"
- local rootfs_offset="$(partoffset ${image} ${partition_num_root_a})"
+ local rootfs_offset
+ rootfs_offset="$(partoffset "${image}" "${partition_num_root_a}")"
- local rootfs_tmp_file=$(mktemp)
- trap "rm ${rootfs_tmp_file}" EXIT
+ local rootfs_tmp_file
+ rootfs_tmp_file=$(mktemp)
+ # Immediately resolve the local variable for the trap.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2064
+ trap "rm '${rootfs_tmp_file}'" EXIT
sudo dd if="${image}" of="${rootfs_tmp_file}" bs=512 skip="${rootfs_offset}" \
@@ -495,9 +501,9 @@
# Create the directories if they don't exist.
-mkdir -p ${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}
-mkdir -p ${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}
-mkdir -p ${FLAGS_espfs_mountpoint}
+mkdir -p "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"
+mkdir -p "${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}"
+mkdir -p "${FLAGS_espfs_mountpoint}"
# base_image_utils.sh always places the kernel images in
# ${IMAGE_DIR}/boot_images.
@@ -508,11 +514,11 @@
if type -p board_make_image_bootable; then
board_make_image_bootable "${IMAGE}"
-if [ ${FLAGS_fsck_rootfs} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+if [[ "${FLAGS_fsck_rootfs}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
verify_image_rootfs "${IMAGE}"
-if [ ${FLAGS_cleanup_dirs} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
+if [[ "${FLAGS_cleanup_dirs}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
# These paths are already cleaned up by make_image_bootable when unmounting
# the image. This is a fallback in case there are errors in that script.
for path in ${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint} ${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint} \
diff --git a/build_image b/build_image
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c0258f..0000000
--- a/build_image
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# shellcheck source=common.sh
-. "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" || exit 1
-warn "$0: This script is deprecated and will be removed."
-warn "All users must migrate to ${new_script} in chromite/bin."
-warn "You can simply change all references of $0 to \`${new_script}\`" \
- "from \$PATH (in chromite/bin/)."
-warn "This old script will be removed by January 2023."
-warn "If you have questions or found code that needs updating, please" \
- "contact chromium-os-dev@, or file a bug at go/cros-build-bug."
-exec "${CHROMITE_BIN}/${new_script}" "$@"
diff --git a/build_image.sh b/build_image.sh
index ac706aa..0f5f917 100755
--- a/build_image.sh
+++ b/build_image.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
if [[ "$1" != "--script-is-run-only-by-chromite-and-not-users" ]]; then
die_notrace 'This script must not be run by users.' \
- 'Please run `build_images` from $PATH (in chromite/bin/) instead.'
+ 'Please run `cros build-image` instead.'
# Discard the 'script-is-run-only-by-chromite-and-not-users' flag.
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
"The board to build an image for."
DEFINE_string boot_args "noinitrd" \
"Additional boot arguments to pass to the commandline"
-DEFINE_boolean enable_bootcache ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
- "Default all bootloaders to NOT use boot cache."
DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Default all bootloaders to use kernel-based root fs integrity checking." \
@@ -110,8 +108,7 @@
# TODO: <prebuild hook>
# Create the base image.
-create_base_image "${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}" \
- "${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification}" "${FLAGS_enable_bootcache}"
+create_base_image "${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}" "${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification}"
# Running board-specific setup if any exists.
if type board_setup &>/dev/null; then
diff --git a/build_kernel_image.sh b/build_kernel_image.sh
index 9519d51..a1cc67b 100755
--- a/build_kernel_image.sh
+++ b/build_kernel_image.sh
@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@
"Salt to use for rootfs hash (Default: \"\")"
DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
"Enable kernel-based root fs integrity checking. (Default: true)"
-DEFINE_boolean enable_bootcache "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Enable boot cache to accelerate booting. (Default: false)"
DEFINE_string enable_serial "" \
"Enable serial port for printks. Example values: ttyS0"
DEFINE_integer loglevel 7 \
@@ -124,8 +122,6 @@
-load_board_specific_script "build_kernel_image.sh"
@@ -205,27 +201,10 @@
# Don't claim the root device unless verity is enabled.
# Doing so will claim /dev/sdDP out from under the system.
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- base_root='254:0' # major:minor numbers for /dev/dm-0
- fi
- verity_dev="vroot,,,ro,${table}"
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- signature=$(rootdigest)
- cachestart=$(($(hashstart) + $(veritysize)))
- size_limit=512
- max_trace=20000
- max_pages=100000
- bootcache_args="PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1"
- bootcache_args+=" ${cachestart} ${signature} ${size_limit}"
- bootcache_args+=" ${max_trace} ${max_pages}"
- bootcache_dev="vboot none ro 1,0 ${cachestart} bootcache ${bootcache_args}"
- device_mapper_args="dm-mod.create=\"${bootcache_dev}, ${verity_dev}\""
- else
- device_mapper_args="dm-mod.create=\"${verity_dev}\""
- fi
+ device_mapper_args="dm-mod.create=\"vroot,,,ro,${table}\""
info "device mapper configuration: ${device_mapper_args}"
@@ -239,15 +218,7 @@
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- root_dev=/dev/dm-1
- else
- root_dev=/dev/dm-0
- fi
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- die "Having bootcache without verity is not supported"
- fi
+ root_dev=/dev/dm-0
# kern_guid should eventually be changed to use PARTUUID
@@ -264,7 +235,7 @@
-WORK="${WORK} ${FLAGS_working_dir}/boot.config"
info "Emitted cross-platform boot params to ${FLAGS_working_dir}/boot.config"
# Add common boot options first.
@@ -300,29 +271,17 @@
if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "amd64" ]]; then
# Legacy BIOS will use the kernel in the rootfs (via syslinux), as will
# standard EFI BIOS (via grub, from the EFI System Partition). Chrome OS
# BIOS will use a separate signed kernel partition, which we'll create now.
cat <<EOF >> "${config}"
- WORK="${WORK} ${config}"
- bootloader_path="/lib64/bootstub/bootstub.efi"
-elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "mips" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]]; then
- WORK="${WORK} ${config}"
- # arm does not need/have a bootloader in kernel partition
- dd if="/dev/zero" of="${FLAGS_working_dir}/bootloader.bin" bs=512 count=1
- WORK="${WORK} ${FLAGS_working_dir}/bootloader.bin"
- bootloader_path="${FLAGS_working_dir}/bootloader.bin"
+elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" != "arm" && "${FLAGS_arch}" != "mips" && "${FLAGS_arch}" != "arm64" ]]; then
error "Unknown arch: ${FLAGS_arch}"
@@ -362,7 +321,11 @@
-modify_kernel_command_line "${config}"
+ # Run in a subshell so we know build_kernel_image.sh can't set env vars.
+ load_board_specific_script "build_kernel_image.sh"
+ modify_kernel_command_line "${config}"
# Create and sign the kernel blob
vbutil_kernel \
@@ -371,7 +334,6 @@
--signprivate "${FLAGS_keys_dir}/${FLAGS_private}" \
--version 1 \
--config "${config}" \
- --bootloader "${bootloader_path}" \
--vmlinuz "${kernel_image}" \
--arch "${FLAGS_arch}"
@@ -387,8 +349,8 @@
set +e # cleanup failure is a-ok
if [[ ${FLAGS_keep_work} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]]; then
- info "Cleaning up temporary files: ${WORK}"
- rm ${WORK}
+ info "Cleaning up temporary files: ${WORK[*]}"
+ rm "${WORK[@]}"
rmdir "${FLAGS_working_dir}"
diff --git a/build_library/base_image_util.sh b/build_library/base_image_util.sh
index a844e4e..b3949f3 100755
--- a/build_library/base_image_util.sh
+++ b/build_library/base_image_util.sh
@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@
create_base_image() {
local image_name=$1
local rootfs_verification_enabled=$2
- local bootcache_enabled=$3
local image_type="usb"
info "Entering create_base_image $*"
@@ -354,6 +353,7 @@
info "Using disk layout ${DISK_LAYOUT_PATH}"
+ root_cros_vdb_strip_prefix="${root_fs_dir}"
@@ -570,10 +570,6 @@
if [[ ${rootfs_verification_enabled} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- local enable_bootcache=
- if [[ ${bootcache_enabled} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- enable_bootcache="--enable_bootcache"
- fi
# If the KERN-A partition is of type "reserved", there is no kernel.
# Skip the preparation of a bootable kernel partition.
@@ -593,8 +589,7 @@
--boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args}" \
--enable_serial="${FLAGS_enable_serial}" \
--loglevel="${FLAGS_loglevel}" \
- ${enable_rootfs_verification} \
- ${enable_bootcache}
+ ${enable_rootfs_verification}
# Run board-specific build image function, if available.
@@ -631,7 +626,11 @@
info_run sudo tar -cf "${BOARD_ROOT}/packages/dev-only-extras.tar.xz" \
-I 'xz -9 -T0' --exclude=var -C "${root_fs_dir}/usr/local" .
- create_dev_install_lists "${root_fs_dir}"
+ if should_build_image ${CHROMEOS_FACTORY_INSTALL_SHIM_NAME}; then
+ info "Skipping dev-install lists for factory shim images."
+ else
+ create_dev_install_lists "${root_fs_dir}"
+ fi
# Generate DLCs and copy their metadata to the rootfs + factory install DLC
@@ -650,28 +649,17 @@
# the bootable partitions later.
mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
- # Bootable kernel image for ManaTEE enabled targets is located at directory
- # ${BOARD_ROOT}/build/manatee/boot and included only in bootable partition.
- # If no manatee USE flag is specified the standard /boot location is used,
- # optionally including kernel image in final build image:
+ # The standard /boot location may be optionally including kernel image in
+ # final build image iff:
+ #
# - boards that boot with legacy bioses need the kernel on the boot image
# - boards with coreboot/depthcharge boot from a boot partition.
- local boot_dir
local cpmv
- if has "manatee" "$(portageq-"${BOARD}" envvar USE)"; then
- boot_dir="${BOARD_ROOT}/build/manatee/boot"
+ local boot_dir="${root_fs_dir}/boot"
+ if has "include_vmlinuz" "$(portageq-"${BOARD}" envvar USE)"; then
- # The CrOS VM (guest) kernel goes into initramfs, so we should drop it
- # from rootfs to save space.
- sudo rm "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz-*
- sudo rm "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz
- boot_dir="${root_fs_dir}/boot"
- if has "include_vmlinuz" "$(portageq-"${BOARD}" envvar USE)"; then
- cpmv="cp"
- else
- cpmv="mv"
- fi
+ cpmv="mv"
[ -e "${boot_dir}"/Image-* ] && \
diff --git a/build_library/build_common.sh b/build_library/build_common.sh
index 8fefe8b..386911f 100644
--- a/build_library/build_common.sh
+++ b/build_library/build_common.sh
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@
local root=/build/${FLAGS_board}
local tmp_pkgdir=${root}/custom-packages
+ info "Emerging custom kernel into ${install_root}"
+ info "Setting PKGDIR=${tmp_pkgdir} to avoid conflicts in ${root}"
# Clean up any leftover state in custom directories.
sudo rm -rf "${tmp_pkgdir}"
diff --git a/build_library/build_image_util.sh b/build_library/build_image_util.sh
index b9d1267..9f6ab03 100755
--- a/build_library/build_image_util.sh
+++ b/build_library/build_image_util.sh
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- local enable_bootcache_flag=""
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- enable_bootcache_flag=--enable_bootcache
- fi
[ -z "${FLAGS_verity_salt}" ] && FLAGS_verity_salt=$(make_salt)
cat <<EOF > ${BUILD_DIR}/boot.desc
@@ -50,7 +46,6 @@
- ${enable_bootcache_flag}
@@ -121,8 +116,8 @@
# Arguments to this command are passed as addition options/arguments
# to the basic emerge command.
emerge_to_image() {
- set -- ${EMERGE_BOARD_CMD} --root-deps=rdeps --usepkgonly -v --with-bdeps=n \
- "$@" ${EMERGE_JOBS}
+ set -- ${EMERGE_BOARD_CMD} --root-cros-vdb-strip-prefix="${root_cros_vdb_strip_prefix}" \
+ --root-deps=rdeps --usepkgonly -v --with-bdeps=n "$@" ${EMERGE_JOBS}
info_run sudo -E "$@"
diff --git a/build_library/create_legacy_bootloader_templates.sh b/build_library/create_legacy_bootloader_templates.sh
index 330214d..8b248de 100755
--- a/build_library/create_legacy_bootloader_templates.sh
+++ b/build_library/create_legacy_bootloader_templates.sh
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
"Path to populate with bootloader templates (Default: /tmp/boot)"
DEFINE_string boot_args "" \
"Additional boot arguments to pass to the commandline (Default: '')"
-DEFINE_boolean enable_bootcache "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Default all bootloaders to NOT use boot cache."
DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Controls if verity is used for root filesystem checking (Default: false)"
DEFINE_string enable_serial "tty2" \
@@ -52,9 +50,6 @@
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- ROOTDEV=/dev/dm-1
- fi
# Common kernel command-line args. Write them to a temporary config_file so that
@@ -70,11 +65,9 @@
cat <<EOF > "${config_file}"
@@ -92,8 +85,11 @@
# shellcheck source=board_options.sh
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/board_options.sh" || exit 1
-load_board_specific_script "build_kernel_image.sh"
-modify_kernel_command_line "${config_file}"
+ # Run in a subshell so we know build_kernel_image.sh can't set env vars.
+ load_board_specific_script "build_kernel_image.sh"
+ modify_kernel_command_line "${config_file}"
# Read back the config_file; translate newlines to space
common_args="$(tr "\n" " " < "${config_file}")"
@@ -114,10 +110,93 @@
partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
"${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-A)"
+# Create grub image and common grub.cfg template for EFI on x86/amd64/arm64.
+install_grub_efi_template() {
+ # To cover all of our bases, now populate templated boot support for efi.
+ sudo mkdir -p "${FLAGS_to}"/efi/boot
+ # /boot/syslinux must be installed in partition 12 as /syslinux/.
+ SYSLINUX_DIR="${FLAGS_to}/syslinux"
+ sudo mkdir -p "${SYSLINUX_DIR}"
+ grub_args=(
+ -p /efi/boot
+ part_gpt gptpriority test fat ext2 normal boot chain
+ efi_gop configfile linux
+ # For more context on SBAT, see chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/grub/README.md
+ -s "${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/grub/files/sbat.csv"
+ )
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]]; then
+ # GRUB for arm64 is installed inside board overlay, since cross compilation
+ # tools are not available in base SDK.
+ sudo grub-mkimage -O arm64-efi \
+ -d "/build/${FLAGS_board}/lib64/grub/arm64-efi/" \
+ -o "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/bootaa64.efi" "${grub_args[@]}"
+ else
+ sudo grub-mkimage -O x86_64-efi \
+ -o "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/bootx64.efi" "${grub_args[@]}"
+ sudo grub-mkimage -O i386-efi \
+ -o "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/bootia32.efi" "${grub_args[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Templated variables:
+ # DMTABLEA, DMTABLEB -> '0 xxxx verity ... '
+ # This should be replaced during postinst when updating the ESP.
+ cat <<EOF | sudo dd of="${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg" 2>/dev/null
+gptpriority \$grubdisk ${partition_num_kern_a} prioA
+gptpriority \$grubdisk ${partition_num_kern_b} prioB
+if [ \$prioA -lt \$prioB ]; then
+ set default=\$defaultB
+ set default=\$defaultA
+set timeout=2
+# NOTE: These magic grub variables are a Chrome OS hack. They are not portable.
+menuentry "local image A" {
+ linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A ${common_args} i915.modeset=1 cros_efi \
+ root=/dev/\$linuxpartA
+menuentry "local image B" {
+ linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B ${common_args} i915.modeset=1 cros_efi \
+ root=/dev/\$linuxpartB
+menuentry "verified image A" {
+ linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A ${common_args} ${verity_common} \
+ i915.modeset=1 cros_efi root=${ROOTDEV} dm-mod.create="DMTABLEA"
+menuentry "verified image B" {
+ linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B ${common_args} ${verity_common} \
+ i915.modeset=1 cros_efi root=${ROOTDEV} dm-mod.create="DMTABLEB"
+# FIXME: usb doesn't support verified boot for now
+menuentry "Alternate USB Boot" {
+ linux (hd0,${partition_num_root_a})/boot/vmlinuz ${common_args} root=HDROOTUSB i915.modeset=1 cros_efi
+ if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
+ sudo sed -i \
+ -e '/^defaultA=/s:=.*:=2:' \
+ -e '/^defaultB=/s:=.*:=3:' \
+ "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg"
+ fi
+ info "Emitted ${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg"
# Populate the x86 rootfs to support legacy and EFI bios config templates.
# The templates are used by the installer to populate partition 12 with
# the correct bootloader configuration.
-if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then
+if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "amd64" ]]; then
# TODO: For some reason the /dev/disk/by-uuid is not being generated by udev
# in the initramfs. When we figure that out, switch to root=UUID=${UUID}.
sudo mkdir -p "${FLAGS_to}"
@@ -209,71 +288,11 @@
info "Emitted ${SYSLINUX_DIR}/README"
- # To cover all of our bases, now populate templated boot support for efi.
- sudo mkdir -p "${FLAGS_to}"/efi/boot
- grub_args=(
- -p /efi/boot
- part_gpt gptpriority test fat ext2 normal boot chain
- efi_gop configfile linux
- # For more context on SBAT, see chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/grub/README.md
- -s "${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/grub/files/sbat.csv"
- )
- sudo grub-mkimage -O x86_64-efi \
- -o "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/bootx64.efi" "${grub_args[@]}"
- sudo grub-mkimage -O i386-efi \
- -o "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/bootia32.efi" "${grub_args[@]}"
- # Templated variables:
- # DMTABLEA, DMTABLEB -> '0 xxxx verity ... '
- # This should be replaced during postinst when updating the ESP.
- cat <<EOF | sudo dd of="${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg" 2>/dev/null
-gptpriority \$grubdisk ${partition_num_kern_a} prioA
-gptpriority \$grubdisk ${partition_num_kern_b} prioB
-if [ \$prioA -lt \$prioB ]; then
- set default=\$defaultB
- set default=\$defaultA
-set timeout=2
-# NOTE: These magic grub variables are a Chrome OS hack. They are not portable.
-menuentry "local image A" {
- linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A ${common_args} i915.modeset=1 cros_efi \
- root=/dev/\$linuxpartA
-menuentry "local image B" {
- linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B ${common_args} i915.modeset=1 cros_efi \
- root=/dev/\$linuxpartB
-menuentry "verified image A" {
- linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A ${common_args} ${verity_common} \
- i915.modeset=1 cros_efi root=${ROOTDEV} dm-mod.create="DMTABLEA"
-menuentry "verified image B" {
- linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B ${common_args} ${verity_common} \
- i915.modeset=1 cros_efi root=${ROOTDEV} dm-mod.create="DMTABLEB"
-# FIXME: usb doesn't support verified boot for now
-menuentry "Alternate USB Boot" {
- linux (hd0,${partition_num_root_a})/boot/vmlinuz ${common_args} root=HDROOTUSB i915.modeset=1 cros_efi
- if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- sudo sed -i \
- -e '/^defaultA=/s:=.*:=2:' \
- -e '/^defaultB=/s:=.*:=3:' \
- "${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg"
- fi
- info "Emitted ${FLAGS_to}/efi/boot/grub.cfg"
+ install_grub_efi_template
+ exit 0
+elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]] && \
+ [[ -d "/build/${FLAGS_board}/lib64/grub/arm64-efi/" ]]; then
+ install_grub_efi_template
exit 0
elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm64" ]]; then
sudo mkdir -p "${FLAGS_to}"/efi/boot
diff --git a/build_library/disk_layout_v2.json b/build_library/disk_layout_v2.json
index 40f4da1..470e652 100644
--- a/build_library/disk_layout_v2.json
+++ b/build_library/disk_layout_v2.json
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@
"num": 3,
- "size": "420 MiB",
- "fs_size": "400 MiB",
+ "size": "480 MiB",
+ "fs_size": "460 MiB",
"fs_options": {
"ext2": "-i 32768"
"num": 1,
- "size": "140 MiB"
+ "size": "200 MiB"
# Used for recovery images.
diff --git a/build_library/disk_layout_v3.json b/build_library/disk_layout_v3.json
index afb8953..de79713 100644
--- a/build_library/disk_layout_v3.json
+++ b/build_library/disk_layout_v3.json
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
"factory_install": [
"num": 3,
- "size": "420 MiB",
- "fs_size": "400 MiB",
+ "size": "480 MiB",
+ "fs_size": "460 MiB",
"fs_options": {
"ext2": "-i 32768"
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"num": 1,
- "size": "140 MiB"
+ "size": "200 MiB"
"recovery": [
diff --git a/build_library/legacy_disk_layout.json b/build_library/legacy_disk_layout.json
index b1233b6..18d4b24 100644
--- a/build_library/legacy_disk_layout.json
+++ b/build_library/legacy_disk_layout.json
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
"num": 3,
- "size": "420 MiB",
- "fs_size": "400 MiB",
+ "size": "480 MiB",
+ "fs_size": "460 MiB",
"fs_options": {
"ext2": "-i 32768"
diff --git a/build_sdk_board b/build_sdk_board
index fe2af33..bb6542a 100755
--- a/build_sdk_board
+++ b/build_sdk_board
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags]
-setup_host_board builds the chroot for the amd64-host (chroot) board.
+build_sdk_board builds the chroot for the amd64-host (chroot) board.
This should not need to be called except by the SDK Builder.
@@ -37,77 +37,18 @@
+if [[ ${FLAGS_force} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
+info_run "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/create_sdk_board_root" \
# Locations we will need
eval "$(portageq envvar -v CHOST PKGDIR)"
-if [ -d "${BOARD_ROOT}" ]; then
- if [[ ${FLAGS_force} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
- echo "--force set. Re-creating ${BOARD_ROOT}..."
- # Removal takes long. Make it asynchronous.
- TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
- sudo mv "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${TEMP_DIR}"
- sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${TEMP_DIR}" &
- fi
-# Setup the make.confs. We use the following:
-# make.conf <- Overall target make.conf [arm, x86, etc. version]
-# make.conf.board_setup <- Declares CHOST, ROOT, etc.
-# make.conf.board <- Optional board-supplied make.conf.
-# make.conf.user <- User specified parameters.
- "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}' '${BOARD_ETC}' '${BOARD_PROFILE}' /usr/local/bin"
- "ln -sf /etc/make.conf.user '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user'"
- "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/hooks'"
-for d in "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/hooks/*; do
- cmds+=( "ln -sfT '${d}' '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/hooks/${d##*/}'" )
- "ln -sf '${CHROMIUMOS_CONFIG}/make.conf.${BOARD}' \
- '${BOARD_ETC}/make.conf'"
- "cp -f '/etc/make.conf.host_setup' '${BOARD_ETC}/'"
- # Setting up symlinks for bootstrapping multilib.
- # See http://crosbug.com/14498
- "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}'{/usr,}/lib64"
- "ln -sfT lib64 '${BOARD_ROOT}/lib'"
- "rm -rf '${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib'"
- "ln -sfT lib64 '${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib'"
- # Copying some files for bootstrapping empty chroot.
- # See http://crosbug.com/14499
- "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ETC}'/{init.d,xml}"
- "cp /etc/xml/catalog '${BOARD_ETC}'/xml/"
- "cp /etc/init.d/functions.sh '${BOARD_ETC}'/init.d/"
-sudo_multi "${cmds[@]}"
-# Generating the standard configuration file (make.conf.board_setup) for the
-# sysroot.
-info_run cros_sysroot_utils generate-config --sysroot="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
- --board="${BOARD}" --out-file="${BOARD_SETUP}"
-# Generate wrappers for portage helpers (equery, portageq, emerge, etc...).
-# Those are used to generate make.conf.board.
-info_run cros_sysroot_utils create-wrappers --sysroot="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
- --friendlyname="${BOARD}"
-# Choose the default profile.
-if ! info_run cros_choose_profile --profile "" \
- --board-root "${BOARD_ROOT}" --board "${BOARD}"; then
- sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${BOARD_ROOT}"
- die "Selecting profile failed, removing incomplete board directory!"
<("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host)
@@ -150,26 +91,108 @@
info_run sudo cp -a "${PKGDIR}" "${BOARD_ROOT}/packages"
# Copy our chroot version into the newly packaged chroot.
+info_run sudo cp -a \
# Now cleanup paths referencing the ROOT from the *.la files.
-sudo find "${BOARD_ROOT}" -type f -name '*.la' -exec \
+info_run sudo find "${BOARD_ROOT}" -type f -name '*.la' -exec \
sed -i -e "s|${BOARD_ROOT}/|/|g" {} +
-# Remove wrapper scripts left behind in the sysroot. These are not supposed to
-# be part of the final filesystem.
-sudo rm -rf "${BOARD_ROOT}/build"
+# Remove wrapper scripts and any home directory contents left behind in the
+# sysroot. These are not supposed to be part of the final filesystem.
+info_run sudo rm -rf \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/build" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}"/run/* \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}"/home/* \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}"/etc/{,portage/}make.{conf,profile} \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles"
+# Setup host make.conf. This includes any overlay that we may be using and a
+# pointer to pre-built packages.
+info_run sudo mkdir -p "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage"
+info_run sudo ln -sf \
+ "${cros_overlay}/chromeos/config/make.conf.amd64-host" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf"
+info_run sudo ln -sf \
+ "${cros_overlay}/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0/sdk" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/make.profile"
+# Create make.conf.user.
+cat <<\EOF | info_run sudo tee "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" >/dev/null
+# This file is useful for doing global (chroot and all board) changes.
+# Tweak emerge settings, ebuild env, etc...
+# Make sure to append variables unless you really want to clobber all
+# existing settings. e.g. You most likely want:
+# USE="${USE} foo"
+# and *not*:
+# USE="foo"
+# This also is a good place to setup ACCEPT_LICENSE.
+info_run sudo chmod 0644 "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user"
# Enable locale that some Chrome scripts assume exist.
-sudo sed -i -e '/^#en_US.UTF-8/s:#::' "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/locale.gen"
-sudo mount --bind /dev "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev"
-sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" locale-gen -u
-sudo umount "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev"
+info_run sudo sed -i -e '/^#en_US.UTF-8/s:#::' "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/locale.gen"
+info_run sudo mount --bind /dev "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev"
+info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" locale-gen -u
+info_run sudo umount "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev"
# b/278101251: /build/amd64-host doesn't include ccache's link tree by default,
# which makes `FEATURES=ccache` quietly fail for host packages. Ensure it's
# built here.
-sudo ROOT="${BOARD_ROOT}" "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/bin/ccache-config" --install-links
+info_run sudo ROOT="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/bin/ccache-config" --install-links
+# Add chromite into python path.
+for python_path in "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib/"python*.*/site-packages; do
+ info_run sudo mkdir -p "${python_path}"
+ info_run sudo ln -sfT "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}"/chromite "${python_path}"/chromite
+# Newer portage complains about bare overlays. Create the file that crossdev
+# will also create later on.
+info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}"
+cat <<EOF | sudo tee "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}/layout.conf" >/dev/null
+# Autogenerated and managed by crossdev
+# Delete the above line if you want to manage this file yourself
+masters = portage-stable eclass-overlay chromiumos
+repo-name = crossdev
+use-manifests = true
+thin-manifests = true
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/lib/portage/pkgs"
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/"chromeos-{cache,chrome}
+# Setup stable paths.
+info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/profile.d" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/run" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/out" \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/source"
+info_run sudo ln -sfT \
+ /mnt/host/source/src/chromium/depot_tools \
+ "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/depot_tools"
+info_run sudo ln -sfT \
+ chromeos-cache/distfiles "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles"
+# Setup cache dirs.
+info_run sudo chmod 775 "${PORTAGE_CACHE_DIRS[@]}"
echo "Done!"
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/210_rustc_upgrade b/chroot_version_hooks.d/210_rustc_upgrade
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af5386..0000000
--- a/chroot_version_hooks.d/210_rustc_upgrade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Clean local portage caches. We have stale mojom headers in chroot after camera
-# package consolidation (b/177958529).
-# Clean local portage caches. We have stale intermediates after the protobuf
-# # upgrade (crbug.com/1346059).
-# Clean caches again because of stale intermediates from dev-lang/rust upgrade
-# prior to droping the slot operator from dev-rust DEPENDs (b/245844306).
-sudo rm -rf /var/cache/portage/* /build/*/var/cache/portage/*
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/211_cleanup_dev_rust b/chroot_version_hooks.d/211_cleanup_dev_rust
deleted file mode 100644
index 2871d29..0000000
--- a/chroot_version_hooks.d/211_cleanup_dev_rust
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Clean up rust packages which no longer have corresponding ebuilds
-# This is achieved by:
-# * Running `eclean` to remove binary packages without a corresponding ebuild
-# * Running `equery l -b` to find ebuilds with no binary package
-# * Running `emerge -C` to remove those revisions.
-export CLEAN_DELAY=0
-do_clean() {
- local suffix="$1"
- local emerge_cmd=()
- local args
- if [[ -z "${suffix}" ]]; then
- emerge_cmd+=( sudo )
- qlist -IC ^cross- | sudo eclean -e /dev/stdin packages
- else
- "eclean${suffix}" packages
- fi
- emerge_cmd+=( "emerge${suffix}" )
- args=( $("equery${suffix}" l -b --format='=$cpv' 'dev-rust/*' ) )
- if [[ ${#args[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
- return
- fi
- "${emerge_cmd[@]}" -C "${args[@]}"
-for board_root in /build/*; do
- board_name=${board_root##*/}
- if [[ -d "${board_root}/var/db/pkg/dev-rust" ]]; then
- do_clean "-${board_name}"
- fi
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/212_update_third_party_crates_src b/chroot_version_hooks.d/212_update_third_party_crates_src
deleted file mode 100644
index 919ee90..0000000
--- a/chroot_version_hooks.d/212_update_third_party_crates_src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Update third-party-crates-src to sidestep b/247596883. See comment 7.
-sudo emerge -ug dev-rust/third-party-crates-src
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/213_cleanup_dev_rust b/chroot_version_hooks.d/213_cleanup_dev_rust
deleted file mode 120000
index 0fb3240..0000000
--- a/chroot_version_hooks.d/213_cleanup_dev_rust
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/223_rewrite_sudoers b/chroot_version_hooks.d/223_rewrite_sudoers
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..bf2318e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chroot_version_hooks.d/223_rewrite_sudoers
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/224_reset_crossdev b/chroot_version_hooks.d/224_reset_crossdev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccda7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chroot_version_hooks.d/224_reset_crossdev
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Force clean up cross-*/libcxx packages, as we need to remove libcxx-9999.
+# See: b/293898274
+mapfile -t pkgs < <(qlist -IC 'cross-.*/libcxx-9999$')
+if [[ ${#pkgs[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ sudo emerge --quiet --rage-clean "${pkgs[@]}" || true
+# We also need to rewrite all the keyword files to what's listed in
+# toolchains-overlay.
+if [[ -d /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords ]]; then
+ sudo cp \
+ /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/toolchains-overlay/profiles/base/package.accept_keywords/cross-* \
+ /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/225_purge_sdk b/chroot_version_hooks.d/225_purge_sdk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2579690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chroot_version_hooks.d/225_purge_sdk
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Force clean up some SDK packages that have been removed.
+ app-admin/eselect-mesa
+ app-admin/eselect-opengl
+ app-editors/qemacs
+ app-portage/eclass-manpages
+ chromeos-base/sirenia-tools
+ dev-cpp/gflags
+ dev-libs/dbus-glib
+ dev-embedded/cbootimage
+ dev-embedded/tegrarcm
+ dev-go/test
+ dev-libs/libyaml
+ dev-python/mysqlclient
+ dev-python/pypy3
+ dev-python/pypy3-exe-bin
+ dev-util/bazel:0
+ dev-util/sh
+ dev-util/unifdef
+ sys-apps/dbus
+ sys-apps/man-pages
+ sys-apps/ripgrep
+ sys-boot/bootstub
+ '<sys-devel/automake-1.15'
+ sys-fs/libfat
+mapfile -t installed_pkgs < <(qlist -IC "${pkgs[@]}" || :)
+if [[ ${#installed_pkgs[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ sudo emerge --rage -q "${installed_pkgs[@]}"
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/226_purge_sdk b/chroot_version_hooks.d/226_purge_sdk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f870f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chroot_version_hooks.d/226_purge_sdk
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Force clean up some SDK packages that have been removed.
+ app-arch/pbzip2
+ app-arch/unrar
+ app-benchmarks/sysbench
+ app-doc/doxygen
+ app-shells/dash
+ app-shells/push
+ app-text/tree
+ chromeos-base/chromeos-activate-date
+ chromeos-base/crosvm-base
+ chromeos-base/update-policy-chromeos
+ chromeos-base/vpd
+ dev-db/mariadb-connector-c
+ dev-embedded/meta-embedded-toolkit
+ dev-go/brotli
+ dev-go/go-uuid
+ dev-go/mitmproxy
+ dev-lang/luajit
+ dev-libs/concurrencykit
+ dev-libs/crypto++
+ dev-libs/iniparser
+ dev-libs/libnl
+ dev-libs/libusb-compat
+ dev-libs/wayland
+ dev-python/appdirs
+ dev-python/argcomplete
+ dev-python/boto
+ dev-python/click
+ dev-python/entrypoints
+ dev-python/fasteners
+ dev-python/future
+ dev-python/gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin
+ dev-python/google-apitools
+ dev-python/google-cloud-logging
+ dev-python/google-reauth-python
+ dev-python/keyring
+ dev-python/linecache2
+ dev-python/monotonic
+ dev-python/oauth2client
+ dev-python/pathlib2
+ dev-python/pbr
+ dev-python/pip
+ dev-python/pyshark
+ dev-python/python-gflags
+ dev-python/pyu2f
+ dev-python/pyxattr
+ dev-python/retry-decorator
+ dev-python/secretstorage
+ dev-python/selenium
+ dev-python/toml
+ dev-python/traceback2
+ dev-python/unittest2
+ dev-rust/cros_async
+ dev-rust/io_uring
+ dev-rust/minijail
+ dev-rust/minijail-sys
+ dev-rust/serde_keyvalue
+ dev-rust/serde_keyvalue_derive
+ dev-rust/sync
+ dev-util/gob
+ dev-util/ragel
+ net-analyzer/wireshark
+ net-fs/sshfs
+ net-libs/grpc-web
+ net-libs/http-parser
+ net-libs/libpcap
+ net-misc/gsutil
+ sys-apps/hdparm
+ sys-apps/mmc-utils
+ sys-apps/smartmontools
+ sys-auth/pambase
+ '<sys-devel/autoconf-2.71'
+ '<sys-devel/automake-1.16'
+ sys-fs/fuse
+ sys-fs/fuse-common
+ sys-libs/pam
+ virtual/chromeos-activate-date
+ virtual/libusb:0
+ virtual/modutils
+ virtual/pam
+ virtual/update-policy
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libxkbcommon
+mapfile -t installed_pkgs < <(qlist -eICS "${pkgs[@]}" || :)
+if [[ ${#installed_pkgs[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ sudo emerge --rage -q "${installed_pkgs[@]}"
diff --git a/chroot_version_hooks.d/227_force_yacc b/chroot_version_hooks.d/227_force_yacc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b80f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chroot_version_hooks.d/227_force_yacc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Workaround parallel cros_setup_toolchains race.
+# b/299321780
+set -x
+sudo emerge -gu app-alternatives/yacc virtual/yacc
diff --git a/common.sh b/common.sh
index 5529fab..b49174b 100644
--- a/common.sh
+++ b/common.sh
@@ -411,12 +411,6 @@
-# Clears out stale shadow-utils locks in the given target root.
-sudo_clear_shadow_locks() {
- info "Clearing shadow utils lockfiles under $1"
- sudo rm -f "$1/etc/"{passwd,group,shadow,gshadow}.lock*
# Locate all mounts below a specified directory.
# $1 - The root tree.
diff --git a/create_sdk_board_root b/create_sdk_board_root
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15d5140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/create_sdk_board_root
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# shellcheck source=common.sh
+. "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" || exit 1
+# Script must run inside the chroot
+restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
+# Developer-visible flags.
+DEFINE_string board "amd64-host" \
+ "The name of the board to set up."
+DEFINE_string profile "" \
+ "The name of the profile to set up."
+DEFINE_boolean force "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
+ "Force re-creating board root."
+FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags]
+create_sdk_board_root creates the board root for the amd64-host (chroot) board.
+This should not need to be called except by the SDK Builder or Alchemy builders.
+# Parse command line flags
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
+# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
+# Locations we will need
+if [ -d "${BOARD_ROOT}" ]; then
+ if [[ ${FLAGS_force} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
+ echo "--force set. Re-creating ${BOARD_ROOT}..."
+ # Removal takes long. Make it asynchronous.
+ TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d -p "$(dirname "${BOARD_ROOT}")")
+ info_run sudo mv "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${TEMP_DIR}"
+ info_run sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${TEMP_DIR}" &
+ fi
+# Setup the make.confs. We use the following:
+# make.conf <- Overall target make.conf [arm, x86, etc. version]
+# make.conf.board_setup <- Declares CHOST, ROOT, etc.
+# make.conf.board <- Optional board-supplied make.conf.
+# make.conf.user <- User specified parameters.
+ "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}' '${BOARD_ETC}' '${BOARD_PROFILE}' /usr/local/bin"
+ "ln -sf /etc/make.conf.user '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user'"
+ "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/hooks'"
+for d in "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/hooks/*; do
+ cmds+=( "ln -sfT '${d}' '${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/hooks/${d##*/}'" )
+ "ln -sf '${CHROMIUMOS_CONFIG}/make.conf.${BOARD}' \
+ '${BOARD_ETC}/make.conf'"
+ "cp -f '/etc/make.conf.host_setup' '${BOARD_ETC}/'"
+ # Setting up symlinks for bootstrapping multilib.
+ # See http://crosbug.com/14498
+ "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ROOT}'{/usr,}/lib64"
+ "ln -sfT lib64 '${BOARD_ROOT}/lib'"
+ "rm -rf '${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib'"
+ "ln -sfT lib64 '${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib'"
+ # Copying some files for bootstrapping empty chroot.
+ # See http://crosbug.com/14499
+ "mkdir -p '${BOARD_ETC}'/{init.d,xml}"
+ "cp /etc/xml/catalog '${BOARD_ETC}'/xml/"
+ "cp /etc/init.d/functions.sh '${BOARD_ETC}'/init.d/"
+sudo_multi "${cmds[@]}"
+# Generating the standard configuration file (make.conf.board_setup) for the
+# sysroot.
+info_run cros_sysroot_utils generate-config --sysroot="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
+ --board="${BOARD}" --out-file="${BOARD_SETUP}"
+# Generate wrappers for portage helpers (equery, portageq, emerge, etc...).
+# Those are used to generate make.conf.board.
+info_run cros_sysroot_utils create-wrappers --sysroot="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
+ --friendlyname="${BOARD}"
+# Choose the profile.
+if ! info_run cros_choose_profile --profile "${FLAGS_profile}" \
+ --board-root "${BOARD_ROOT}" --board "${BOARD}"; then
+ info_run sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${BOARD_ROOT}"
+ die "Selecting profile failed, removing incomplete board directory!"
+echo "Created SDK board root at ${BOARD_ROOT}"
diff --git a/cros_show_stacks b/cros_show_stacks
index 28349b2..70577c5 100755
--- a/cros_show_stacks
+++ b/cros_show_stacks
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
# Script to generate stackdumps from a machine or dmp files.
-SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
# shellcheck source=common.sh
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/common.sh" || exit 1
# shellcheck source=remote_access.sh
diff --git a/cros_workon_make b/cros_workon_make
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d7dfb0..0000000
--- a/cros_workon_make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Simple wrapper script to build a cros_workon package incrementally.
-# You must already be cros_workon'ing the package in question.
-# shellcheck source=lib/shflags/shflags
-. /usr/share/misc/shflags || exit 1
-DEFAULT_BOARD="$(cat "${GCLIENT_ROOT}"/src/scripts/.default_board 2>/dev/null)"
-info() { echo "INFO: $*"; }
-warn() { echo "WARN: $*"; }
-error() { echo "ERROR: $*"; }
-die() { error "$@"; exit 1; }
-DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
- "Board for which to build the package."
-DEFINE_boolean test "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Compile and run tests as well."
-DEFINE_boolean reconf "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Re-run configure and prepare steps."
-DEFINE_boolean install "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Incrementally build and install your package."
-DEFINE_boolean scrub "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Blow away all in-tree files not managed by git."
-set -e
-# Parse command line.
-FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
-eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- echo "Usage: ${0} [OPTIONS] <package (read: ebuild) basename> [target args]"
- exit 1
-if [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
- die "--board is required"
-if [ -n "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
- EBUILDCMD=ebuild-"${FLAGS_board}"
- EMERGECMD=emerge-"${FLAGS_board}"
- EQUERYCMD=equery-"${FLAGS_board}"
- BOARD="${FLAGS_board}"
-if [ "${pkg}" = "." ]; then
- if ! pkg=$(git config workon.pkg); then
- die "workon.pkg not set in git config for this project"
- fi
-# Find the ebuild file, ensure the caller is workon'ing the package.
-if ! pkgfile=$("${EQUERYCMD}" which "${workon_name}" 2> /dev/null); then
- BOARD_KEYWORD="$(portageq-${FLAGS_board} envvar ARCH)"
- if ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~${BOARD_KEYWORD}" "${EQUERYCMD}" which "${workon_name}" \
- > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- die "run 'cros_workon --board ${BOARD} start ${pkg}' first!" 1>&2
- fi
- die "error looking up package ${pkg}"
-if [ "${FLAGS_scrub}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- warn "--scrub will destroy ALL FILES unknown to git!"
- read -p "Are you sure you want to do this? [y|N]" resp
- if egrep -qi "^y(es)?$" <(echo -n "${resp}"); then
- eval $(${EBUILDCMD} $(${EQUERYCMD} which ${workon_name}) info)
- srcdir=$(readlink -m ${CROS_WORKON_SRCDIR})
- project_path=${srcdir#${GCLIENT_ROOT}/}
- if ! (cd "${GCLIENT_ROOT}/${project_path}" && git clean -dxf); then
- die "Could not scrub source directory"
- fi
- else
- info "Not scrubbing; exiting gracefully"
- fi
- exit 0
-# Find the portage work directory for this package.
- echo "${pkgfile}" | \
- awk -F '/' '{ print $(NF-2) "/" $(NF-1) }')-"${unstable_suffix}"
-# Export vars that the ebuild env needs from us.
-export SANDBOX_WRITE=~/chromiumos
-# The ebuild commands we run rely on portage automatically running earlier
-# phases for us. Append in case there is something already in the env.
-FEATURES+=" -noauto"
-export FEATURES
-# Vars that we want to pass through for the user.
- # cros-workon.eclass vars.
- # Common test vars.
- # Platform eclass vars.
-# Determine if we're going to do tests, set up commands appropriately.
-if [ "${FLAGS_test}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- to_do="test"
- FEATURES+=" test"
- rm -f "${workpath}/.tested"
-# See if the ebuild declares CROS_WORKON_OUTOFTREE_BUILD=1.
-is_cros_workon_outoftree_build() {
- grep -qs '^CROS_WORKON_OUTOFTREE_BUILD=.*1' "${pkgfile}"
-if [[ ! -h "${workdir}" ]] && ! is_cros_workon_outoftree_build; then
- warn "Cleaning up stale workdir: ${workdir}"
- FLAGS_reconf="${FLAGS_TRUE}" # To force symlinking in the user's src dir.
-if [ "${FLAGS_install}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- exec "${EMERGECMD}" --nodeps "${pkg}"
-if [ "${FLAGS_reconf}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- clean="clean"
- rm -f "${workpath}/.compiled"
- envf="${workpath}/temp/environment"
- if [[ -f "${envf}" ]]; then
- for v in ${PASS_THROUGH_VARS[@]}; do
- # We delete it independently in case the var wasn't set initially.
- sed -i -e "/^declare .. ${v}=/d" "${envf}"
- printf 'declare -x %s="%s"\n' "${v}" "${!v}" >> "${envf}"
- done
- fi
-exec "${EBUILDCMD}" "${pkgfile}" ${clean} "${to_do}"
diff --git a/hooks/filesystem-layout.py b/hooks/filesystem-layout.py
index 6147e19..9e09712 100755
--- a/hooks/filesystem-layout.py
+++ b/hooks/filesystem-layout.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ "efi",
# TODO(): We should clean this up.
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
# Ignore some packages installing into /var for now.
# NB: Do *not* add more packages here.
- "app-accessibility/brltty",
+ ("app-accessibility/brltty", "6.5"),
@@ -143,7 +144,6 @@
- "net-fs/samba",
@@ -164,8 +164,7 @@
# Ignore some packages installing into /run for now.
# NB: Do *not* add more packages here.
- "app-accessibility/brltty",
- "net-fs/samba",
+ ("app-accessibility/brltty", "6.5"),
@@ -175,6 +174,15 @@
return bool(os.environ.get("USE_EDGEOS_FS_LAYOUT"))
+def is_known_bad(allowlist):
+ """See if the current package is allowed."""
+ atom = get_current_package()
+ if atom in allowlist:
+ return True
+ return (atom, os.environ.get("PV")) in allowlist
def has_subdirs(path):
"""See if |path| has any subdirs."""
# These checks are helpful for manually running the script when debugging.
@@ -208,7 +216,6 @@
if not os.path.exists(usr):
return ret
- atom = get_current_package()
paths = set(os.listdir(usr))
unknown = paths - VALID_USR
for target in KNOWN_TARGETS:
@@ -216,16 +223,12 @@
if host:
unknown -= VALID_HOST_USR
+ if is_known_bad(BAD_HOST_USR_LOCAL_PACKAGES):
logging.warning("Ignoring known bad /usr/local install for now")
unknown -= {"local"}
unknown -= VALID_BOARD_USR
- if atom in {"chromeos-base/ap-daemons"}:
- logging.warning("Ignoring known bad /usr install for now")
- unknown -= {"www"}
if edgeos:
@@ -249,7 +252,6 @@
"""Check the filesystem |root|."""
ret = True
- atom = get_current_package()
paths = set(os.listdir(root))
unknown = paths - VALID_ROOT
if host:
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@
# Special case /var due to so many misuses currently.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "var")):
- if atom in BAD_VAR_PACKAGES:
+ if is_known_bad(BAD_VAR_PACKAGES):
logging.warning("Ignoring known bad /var install for now")
elif os.environ.get("PORTAGE_REPO_NAME") == "portage-stable":
@@ -289,14 +291,14 @@
ret = False
- if atom in BAD_VAR_PACKAGES:
+ if is_known_bad(BAD_VAR_PACKAGES):
"Package has improved; please update BAD_VAR_PACKAGES"
# Special case /run due to so many misuses currently.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "run")):
- if atom in BAD_RUN_PACKAGES:
+ if is_known_bad(BAD_RUN_PACKAGES):
logging.warning("Ignoring known bad /run install for now")
elif os.environ.get("PORTAGE_REPO_NAME") == "portage-stable":
@@ -310,7 +312,7 @@
ret = False
- if atom in BAD_RUN_PACKAGES:
+ if is_known_bad(BAD_RUN_PACKAGES):
"Package has improved; please update BAD_RUN_PACKAGES"
diff --git a/hooks/install/check-upstart-scripts.sh b/hooks/install/check-upstart-scripts.sh
index 1a756ff..7cfdba1 100755
--- a/hooks/install/check-upstart-scripts.sh
+++ b/hooks/install/check-upstart-scripts.sh
@@ -21,13 +21,6 @@
- chromeos-base/actions|\
- chromeos-base/ap-daemons|\
- chromeos-base/ap-infra|\
- chromeos-base/ap-net|\
- chromeos-base/ap-scm|\
- chromeos-base/ap-security|\
- chromeos-base/ap-wireless|\
@@ -49,7 +42,6 @@
- chromeos-base/authpolicy|\
@@ -114,7 +106,6 @@
- chromeos-base/gdisp|\
@@ -129,7 +120,6 @@
- chromeos-base/ml|\
@@ -139,7 +129,6 @@
- chromeos-base/mri_package|\
@@ -150,12 +139,9 @@
- chromeos-base/rialto-cellular-autoconnect|\
- chromeos-base/rialto-modem-watchdog|\
- chromeos-base/swap-init|\
@@ -168,10 +154,6 @@
- chromeos-base/vm_host_tools|\
- chromeos-base/vpd|\
- chromeos-base/weaveauth|\
- chromeos-base/whining|\
@@ -210,8 +192,7 @@
- virtual/chromeos-firewall|\
- virtual/target-jetstream-test-root)
+ virtual/chromeos-firewall)
return 0
chromeos-base/arc-keymaster) # We don't control the package name. nocheck
@@ -225,7 +206,7 @@
# Require an oom score line.
check_oom() {
local config="$1"
- local relconfig="${config#${D}}"
+ local relconfig="${config#"${D}"}"
if ! grep -q '^oom score ' "${config}"; then
local msg="${relconfig}: missing 'oom score' line."
diff --git a/hooks/install/find-missing-deps.sh b/hooks/install/find-missing-deps.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21df71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/install/find-missing-deps.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Generate an error if a cros-workon-ed ebuild has missing dependencies.
+# Set ebuild vars to make shellcheck happy.
+: "${PV:=}" "${SYSROOT:=/}" "${T:=}"
+if [[ "${PV}" == "9999" ]]; then
+ args=()
+ if [[ "${SYSROOT}" == "/build/"* ]]; then
+ args+=( "--board=${SYSROOT##*/}" )
+ fi
+ args+=( --match --build-info="${T}/../build-info/" )
+ einfo "Checking dependencies: ${args[*]}"
+ /mnt/host/source/chromite/scripts/package_has_missing_deps \
+ "${args[@]}" || die 'found missing dependencies'
diff --git a/hooks/install/large-file-support.sh b/hooks/install/large-file-support.sh
index 57be7e1..aeef225 100755
--- a/hooks/install/large-file-support.sh
+++ b/hooks/install/large-file-support.sh
@@ -183,29 +183,39 @@
# TODO(b/258669199): Ignore Rust packages for now.
case "${CATEGORY}/${PN}:${PV}" in
+ chromeos-base/chunnel:*|\
+ dev-rust/s9:*|\
+ chromeos-base/factory_fai:*|\
+ chromeos-base/ippusb_bridge:*|\
+ media-gfx/deqp-runner:*|\
- sys-apps/kexec-lite:*)
+ sys-apps/kexec-lite:*|\
+ sys-firmware/sunplus-fwverify:*)
return 0
# Packages in upstream discussion. Must link to an upstream tracker.
case "${CATEGORY}/${PN}:${PV}" in
- dev-libs/expat:2.5*) return 0;; # https://bugs.gentoo.org/904190
+ # https://bugs.gentoo.org/904190
+ dev-libs/expat:2.5*) return 0;;
+ # https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-lib/pull/333
+ media-libs/alsa-lib:*) return 0;;
+ # https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-utils/pull/223
+ media-sound/alsa-utils:*) return 0;;
# Do not add more packages here!
case "${CATEGORY}/${PN}:${PV}" in
- app-arch/brotli:1.0.9|\
@@ -239,7 +249,6 @@
- chromeos-base/chunnel:0.1.0|\
@@ -259,7 +268,6 @@
- chromeos-base/ippusb_bridge:0.0.1|\
@@ -283,15 +291,12 @@
- dev-cpp/gflags:2.2.0|\
- dev-cpp/gtest:1.10.0|\
- dev-libs/hidapi:0.8.0*|\
@@ -325,17 +330,12 @@
- dev-rust/s9:0.1.0|\
- dev-util/cmocka:1.1.5|\
- dev-util/glslang:1.3.211|\
- dev-util/spirv-tools:1.3.211|\
- dev-util/vulkan-tools:1.3.211|\
@@ -345,7 +345,6 @@
- media-libs/alsa-lib:|\
@@ -369,19 +368,14 @@
- media-libs/openh264:2.1.1|\
- media-libs/openjpeg:2.3.0|\
- media-libs/vulkan-layers:1.3.211|\
- media-libs/vulkan-loader:1.3.211|\
- media-sound/alsa-utils:1.2.1|\
@@ -436,7 +430,7 @@
- net-wireless/iw:5.9|\
+ net-wireless/iw:5.19|\
@@ -470,7 +464,7 @@
- sys-devel/binutils:2.36.1|\
+ sys-devel/binutils:2.39*|\
@@ -507,7 +501,10 @@
- files=$(scanelf -F '%s %p' -qyRgs "-${SYMBOLS_REGEX}" "$@")
+ # Exclude /build, since such files don't go into the final image.
+ files="$(for d in "$@"; do \
+ find "${d}" -path "${d}/build" -prune -o -type f -print0; done | \
+ xargs -0 scanelf -F '%s %p' -qyRgs "-${SYMBOLS_REGEX}")"
if [[ -n "${files}" ]]; then
eqawarn "QA Notice: The following files were not built with LFS support:"
diff --git a/make_netboot.sh b/make_netboot.sh
index 9f16107..fff7ebd 100755
--- a/make_netboot.sh
+++ b/make_netboot.sh
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
# included as initramfs. Generated image, along with the netboot firmware
# are placed in a "netboot" subfolder.
-SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
# shellcheck source=build_library/build_common.sh
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/build_common.sh" || exit 1
# Script must be run inside the chroot.
restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"The board to build an image for."
DEFINE_string image_dir "" "Path to the folder to store netboot images."
@@ -25,8 +26,7 @@
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-# shellcheck source=build_library/build_common.sh
-. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/build_common.sh" || exit 1
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# shellcheck source=build_library/board_options.sh
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/board_options.sh" || exit 1
@@ -36,50 +36,48 @@
# build_image artifact output.
if [ -n "${FLAGS_image_dir}" ]; then
- cd ${FLAGS_image_dir}
+ cd "${FLAGS_image_dir}" || die
- cd "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}"/src/build/images/"${FLAGS_board}"/latest
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+ cd "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/build/images/${FLAGS_board}/latest" || die
# Generate staging dir for netboot files.
-sudo rm -rf netboot
-mkdir -p netboot
+info_run sudo rm -rf netboot
+info_run mkdir -p netboot
# Get netboot firmware.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2206
# When there is no netboot firmware found, filename expansion fails and the
# array still contains the original pattern string, so we need to check if the
# first file in the array actually exists to know if we find any firmware.
if [ -e "${FIRMWARE_PATHS[0]}" ]; then
+ info "Copying netboot firmware"
for firmware_path in "${FIRMWARE_PATHS[@]}"; do
- echo "Copying netboot firmware ${firmware_path}..."
- cp -v "${firmware_path}" netboot/
+ info_run cp "${firmware_path}" netboot/
- echo "Skipping netboot firmware: ${SYSROOT}/${FIRMWARE_PATTERN} not present?"
+ warn "Skipping netboot firmware: ${SYSROOT}/${FIRMWARE_PATTERN} not present?"
# Create temporary emerge root
-temp_build_path="$(mktemp -d bk_XXXXXXXX)"
-if ! [ -d "${temp_build_path}" ]; then
- echo "Failed to create temporary directory."
- exit 1
+temp_build_path="$(mktemp -d bk_XXXXXXXX)" || die "Failed to create tempdir."
# Build initramfs network boot image
-echo "Building kernel"
-export USE="fbconsole vtconsole factory_netboot_ramfs tpm i2cdev vfat"
+info "Building kernel"
+export USE="fbconsole vtconsole factory_netboot_ramfs i2cdev vfat"
export EMERGE_BOARD_CMD="emerge-${FLAGS_board}"
-emerge_custom_kernel ${temp_build_path}
+emerge_custom_kernel "${temp_build_path}"
# Place kernel image under 'netboot'
if [ -f "${temp_build_path}${KERNEL_PATH}" ]; then
- echo "Generating netboot kernel ${KERNEL_PATH}"
- cp -v "${temp_build_path}${KERNEL_PATH}" netboot/
+ info "Generating netboot kernel ${KERNEL_PATH}"
+ info_run cp "${temp_build_path}${KERNEL_PATH}" netboot/
- echo "No ${KERNEL_PATH} found in your board."
+ warn "No ${KERNEL_PATH} found in your board."
-sudo rm -rf "${temp_build_path}"
+info_run sudo rm -rf "${temp_build_path}"
diff --git a/mod_for_test_scripts/340enableFwupdDummy b/mod_for_test_scripts/340enableFwupdDummy
index 6534a32..f567490 100755
--- a/mod_for_test_scripts/340enableFwupdDummy
+++ b/mod_for_test_scripts/340enableFwupdDummy
@@ -4,17 +4,19 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
-if [[ ! -f ${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf ]]; then
+if [[ ! -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ]]; then
exit 0
echo "Enabling verbose debug output for fwupd."
-sed -e 's/^\(VerboseDomains=\).*/\1*/' -i "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf"
+sed -e 's/^\(VerboseDomains=\).*/\1*/' -i "${CONFIG_FILE}"
echo "Enabling dummy fwupd remote for tests."
-sed -e 's/^\(DisabledPlugins=\).*/\1/' -i "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf"
+sed -e 's/^\(DisabledPlugins=\).*/\1/' -i "${CONFIG_FILE}"
cat > "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/usr/share/fwupd/remotes.d/vendor/fwupd-tests.xml" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@@ -54,6 +56,17 @@
<checksum type="sha256">3fab34cfa1ef97238fb24c5e40a979bc544bb2b0967b863e43e7d58e0d9a923f</checksum>
<size type="installed">10</size>
<size type="download">24493</size>
+ <testing>
+ <test_result date="2023-06-22">
+ <vendor_name id="1">LVFS</vendor_name>
+ <device>Google Voxel</device>
+ <os version="113">chromeos</os>
+ <previous_version>1.2.3</previous_version>
+ <custom>
+ <value key="RuntimeVersion(org.freedesktop.fwupd)">1.8.12</value>
+ </custom>
+ </test_result>
+ </testing>
diff --git a/mod_for_test_scripts/350addEnvironment b/mod_for_test_scripts/350addEnvironment
index 180408d..6243472 100755
--- a/mod_for_test_scripts/350addEnvironment
+++ b/mod_for_test_scripts/350addEnvironment
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The 'su' command requires a correct PATH setting in /etc/environment.
-touch ${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/environment
+touch "${ROOT_FS_DIR}"/etc/environment
echo "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin" \
>> "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/environment"
+# INTEL_DEBUG is a mesa flag to capture more logs when we see a GPU hangs.
+# https://docs.mesa3d.org/envvars.html
+echo "INTEL_DEBUG=capture-all" >> "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/etc/environment"
diff --git a/remote_access.sh b/remote_access.sh
index ef845af..f70245e 100644
--- a/remote_access.sh
+++ b/remote_access.sh
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
echo "remote_access.sh: This script will be removed by July 2023." >&2
+ exit 1
diff --git a/sdk_lib/enter_chroot.sh b/sdk_lib/enter_chroot.sh
index 4b7bbb9..43edddd 100755
--- a/sdk_lib/enter_chroot.sh
+++ b/sdk_lib/enter_chroot.sh
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# See http://code.google.com/p/shflags/wiki/Documentation10x
DEFINE_string chroot "${DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR}" \
"The destination dir for the chroot environment." "d"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Mostly here for plumbing. Not used.
DEFINE_string out_dir "${DEFAULT_OUT_DIR}" \
"The destination dir for build output and state."
DEFINE_string trunk "${GCLIENT_ROOT}" \
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@
.gdata_cred.txt # User/password for Google Docs on chromium.org
.gdata_token # Auth token for Google Docs on chromium.org
+ .googleapikeys # Google API keys for Chrome
.goma_client_oauth2_config # Auth token for Goma
.inputrc # Preserve command line customizations
@@ -127,14 +129,6 @@
cp -p "$@" 2>/dev/null || sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" -- cp -p "$@"
-# Appends stdin to the given file name as the sudo user.
-# $1 - The output file name.
-user_append() {
- cat >> "$1"
- chown "${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID}" "$1"
# Create the specified directory, along with parents, as the sudo user.
# $@ - The directories to create.
@@ -290,35 +284,6 @@
-# Usage: promote_api_keys
-# This takes care of getting the developer API keys into the chroot where
-# chrome can build with them. It needs to take it from the places a dev
-# is likely to put them, and recognize that older chroots may or may not
-# have been used since the concept of keys got added, as well as before
-# and after the developer deciding to grab their own keys.
-promote_api_keys() {
- local destination="${FLAGS_chroot}/home/${SUDO_USER}/.googleapikeys"
- # Don't disturb existing keys. They could be set differently
- if [[ -s "${destination}" ]]; then
- return 0
- fi
- if [[ -r "${SUDO_HOME}/.googleapikeys" ]]; then
- cp -p "${SUDO_HOME}/.googleapikeys" "${destination}"
- if [[ -s "${destination}" ]] ; then
- info "Copied Google API keys into chroot."
- fi
- elif [[ -r "${SUDO_HOME}/.gyp/include.gypi" ]]; then
- local NAME="('google_(api_key|default_client_(id|secret))')"
- local WS="[[:space:]]*"
- local CONTENTS="('[^\\\\']*')"
- sed -nr -e "/^${WS}${NAME}${WS}[:=]${WS}${CONTENTS}.*/{s//\1: \4,/;p;}" \
- "${SUDO_HOME}/.gyp/include.gypi" | user_clobber "${destination}"
- if [[ -s "${destination}" ]]; then
- info "Put discovered Google API keys into chroot."
- fi
- fi
git_config() {
@@ -482,23 +447,6 @@
setup_mount "${FLAGS_cache_dir}" "${chroot_cache}"
# Create /var/log/asan directory (b/222311476).
user_mkdir "${FLAGS_chroot}/var/log/asan"
- # TODO(build): remove this as of 12/01/12.
- # Because of how distfiles -> cache_dir was deployed, if this isn't
- # a symlink, we *know* the ondisk pathways aren't compatible- thus
- # fix it now.
- distfiles_path="${FLAGS_chroot}/var/cache/distfiles"
- if [ ! -L "${distfiles_path}" ]; then
- # While we're at it, ensure the var is exported w/in the chroot; it
- # won't exist if distfiles isn't a symlink.
- p="${FLAGS_chroot}/etc/profile.d/chromeos-cachedir.sh"
- rm -rf "${distfiles_path}"
- ln -s chromeos-cache/distfiles "${distfiles_path}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2174
- mkdir -p -m 775 "${p%/*}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- echo 'export CHROMEOS_CACHEDIR=${chroot_cache}' > "${p}"
- chmod 0644 "${p}"
- fi
if [ -d "${SUDO_HOME}/.cidb_creds" ]; then
setup_mount "${SUDO_HOME}/.cidb_creds" \
@@ -631,9 +579,7 @@
copy_into_chroot_if_exists "${log_cert_dir}${log_cert_file}" \
- promote_api_keys
# Fix permissions on shared memory to allow non-root users access to POSIX
# semaphores. Take special care to only change the permissions on the
@@ -661,7 +607,7 @@
if [ -s "${FLAGS_trunk}/${boto}" ]; then
if [ ! -e "${chroot_user_boto}" ]; then
- user_symlink "trunk/${boto}" "${chroot_user_boto}"
+ user_symlink "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/${boto}" "${chroot_user_boto}"
if [ ! -e "${chroot_root_boto}" ]; then
ln -sf "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/${boto}" "${chroot_root_boto}"
@@ -739,6 +685,12 @@
# See also pivot_root(".", ".") section of pivot_roo(2) man page.
cd "${FLAGS_chroot}" || exit 1
pivot_root . .
+ # After pivot_root, we're running inside the CrOS sdk. Reset PATH to match
+ # so we don't rely on the host distro's PATH bleeding in and requiring it be
+ # compatible. Once PATH has changed, force bash to clear its lookup cache
+ # just in case a program later is installed differently.
+ PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin"
+ hash -r
umount -l .
diff --git a/sdk_lib/make_chroot.sh b/sdk_lib/make_chroot.sh
index 0902a70..43b05ae 100755
--- a/sdk_lib/make_chroot.sh
+++ b/sdk_lib/make_chroot.sh
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
# setup for development. Once created, the password is set to PASSWORD (below).
# One can enter the chrooted environment for work by running enter_chroot.sh.
-SCRIPT_ROOT=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0")/..)
+SCRIPT_ROOT=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")/..")
# shellcheck source=../common.sh
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/common.sh" || exit 1
-ENTER_CHROOT=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0")/enter_chroot.sh)
+ENTER_CHROOT=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")/enter_chroot.sh")
if [ -n "${USE}" ]; then
echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Building with a non-empty USE: ${USE}"
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
DEFINE_boolean usepkg $FLAGS_TRUE "Use binary packages to bootstrap."
DEFINE_integer jobs -1 "How many packages to build in parallel at maximum."
DEFINE_string cache_dir "" "Directory to store caches within."
-DEFINE_boolean eclean "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Run eclean to delete old binpkgs."
# Parse command line flags.
FLAGS_HELP="usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [flags]"
@@ -110,14 +109,6 @@
chroot "${FLAGS_chroot}" "$@"
-# Appends stdin to the given file name as the sudo user.
-# $1 - The output file name.
-user_append() {
- cat >> "$1"
- chown ${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID} "$1"
init_setup () {
info "Running init_setup()..."
mkdir -p -m 755 "${FLAGS_chroot}/usr" \
@@ -217,16 +208,6 @@
# Run all the init stuff to setup the env.
-# Clean out any stale binpkgs that might be in a warm cache. This is done
-# immediately after unpacking the tarball in case ebuilds have been removed
-# (e.g. from a revert).
-if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- info "Cleaning stale binpkgs"
- early_enter_chroot /bin/bash -c '
- source /mnt/host/source/src/scripts/common.sh &&
- eclean -e <(get_eclean_exclusions) packages'
if [[ "${FLAGS_skip_chroot_upgrade}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
info "Updating portage"
early_enter_chroot emerge -uNv --quiet --ignore-world portage
@@ -291,7 +272,7 @@
if [[ "${FLAGS_jobs}" -ne -1 ]]; then
UPDATE_ARGS+=( --jobs="${FLAGS_jobs}" )
- enter_chroot "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/scripts/update_chroot" \
+ enter_chroot "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/chromite/bin/update_chroot" \
warn "SDK and toolchain update were skipped. It will eventually stop working."
diff --git a/termina_build_image b/termina_build_image
deleted file mode 100755
index 0af0389..0000000
--- a/termina_build_image
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
-# shellcheck source=build_library/build_common.sh
-. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/build_common.sh" || exit 1
-# shellcheck source=build_library/filesystem_util.sh
-. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/filesystem_util.sh" || exit 1
-assert_inside_chroot "$@"
-DEFINE_string arch "amd64" \
- "Architecture of the VM image"
-DEFINE_string filesystem "ext4" \
- "Filesystem for the rootfs image"
-DEFINE_string image "" \
- "Chromium OS disk image to build the Termina image from"
-DEFINE_string output "" \
- "Output directory"
-To build a tatl test image, try:
-$ ./build_image --board=tatl test
-$ ${SCRIPT_NAME} --image=../build/images/tatl/latest/chromiumos_test_image.bin --output=tatl
-FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
-eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-main() {
- warn "termina_build_image is deprecated. Please use termina_build_image.py."
- if [[ -z "${FLAGS_image}" ]]; then
- die_notrace "Please provide an image using --image"
- elif [[ ! -f "${FLAGS_image}" ]]; then
- die_notrace "'${FLAGS_image}' does not exist"
- fi
- if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" != "amd64" && "${FLAGS_arch}" != "arm" ]]; then
- die_notrace "Architecture '${FLAGS_arch}' is not valid. Options are 'amd64' and 'arm'"
- fi
- if [[ "${FLAGS_filesystem}" != "ext4" ]]; then
- die_notrace "Filesystem '${FLAGS_filesystem}' is not valid. 'ext4' is valid."
- fi
- info "Equivalent termina_build_image.py command:"
- info "${TERMINA_BUILD_IMAGE_PY} ${FLAGS_image} ${FLAGS_output}"
- sudo "${TERMINA_BUILD_IMAGE_PY}" "${FLAGS_image}" "${FLAGS_output}"
- info "Done! The resulting image is in '${FLAGS_output}'"
-main "$@"
diff --git a/update_bootloaders.sh b/update_bootloaders.sh
index 2c3ed4d..5d37ed6 100755
--- a/update_bootloaders.sh
+++ b/update_bootloaders.sh
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Helper script that generates the legacy/efi bootloader partitions.
# It does not populate the templates, but can update a loop device.
-SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
# shellcheck source=common.sh
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/common.sh" || exit 1
# shellcheck source=build_library/disk_layout_util.sh
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
# shellcheck source=build_library/board_options.sh
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/board_options.sh" || exit 1
-load_board_specific_script "board_specific_setup.sh"
part_index_to_uuid() {
local image="$1"
@@ -72,63 +71,56 @@
cgpt show -i "$index" -u "$image"
-# If not provided by chromeos-common.sh, this will update all of the
-# boot loader files (both A and B) with the data pulled
-# from the kernel_partition. The default boot target should
-# be set when the rootfs is stuffed.
-if ! type -p update_x86_bootloaders; then
- update_x86_bootloaders() {
- local old_root="$1" # e.g., /dev/sd%D%P or %U+1
- local kernel_cmdline="$2"
- local esp_fs_dir="$3"
- local template_dir="$4"
- local to="$5"
+# Common logic on x86/arm64 to replace placeholders in bootloader configs.
+update_bootloaders() {
+ local old_root="$1" # e.g., /dev/sd%D%P or %U+1
+ local kernel_cmdline="$2"
+ local esp_fs_dir="$3"
+ local template_dir="$4"
+ local to="$5"
- # Pull out the dm-mod.create="" values
- dm_table=
- if echo "$kernel_cmdline" | grep -q 'dm-mod.create="'; then
- dm_table=$(echo "$kernel_cmdline" | sed -s 's/.*dm-mod.create="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')
- fi
+ # Pull out the dm-mod.create="" values
+ dm_table=
+ if echo "$kernel_cmdline" | grep -q 'dm-mod.create="'; then
+ dm_table=$(echo "$kernel_cmdline" | sed -s 's/.*dm-mod.create="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')
+ fi
- # Discover last known partition numbers.
- local partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
- "${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-A)"
- local partition_num_root_b="$(get_layout_partition_number \
- "${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-B)"
- root_a_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" ${partition_num_root_a})"
- root_b_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" ${partition_num_root_b})"
+ # Discover last known partition numbers.
+ local partition_num_root_a="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ "${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-A)"
+ local partition_num_root_b="$(get_layout_partition_number \
+ "${FLAGS_image_type}" ROOT-B)"
+ root_a_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" ${partition_num_root_a})"
+ root_b_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" ${partition_num_root_b})"
- # Rewrite grub table
- grub_dm_table_a=${dm_table//${old_root}/${root_a_uuid}}
- grub_dm_table_b=${dm_table//${old_root}/${root_b_uuid}}
- sudo sed -e "s|DMTABLEA|${grub_dm_table_a}|g" \
- -e "s|DMTABLEB|${grub_dm_table_b}|g" \
- -e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartA|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
- -e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartB|${root_b_uuid}|g" \
- -e "s|HDROOTUSB|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
- "${template_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg |
- sudo dd of="${esp_fs_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg status=none
+ # Rewrite grub table
+ grub_dm_table_a=${dm_table//${old_root}/${root_a_uuid}}
+ grub_dm_table_b=${dm_table//${old_root}/${root_b_uuid}}
+ sudo sed -e "s|DMTABLEA|${grub_dm_table_a}|g" \
+ -e "s|DMTABLEB|${grub_dm_table_b}|g" \
+ -e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartA|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
+ -e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartB|${root_b_uuid}|g" \
+ -e "s|HDROOTUSB|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
+ "${template_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg |
+ sudo dd of="${esp_fs_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg status=none
+ if [[ ${FLAGS_install_syslinux} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
# Rewrite syslinux DM_TABLE and HDROOTUSB for USB booting.
sed -e "s|DMTABLEA|${syslinux_dm_table_usb}|g" \
-e "s|HDROOTUSB|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
"${template_dir}"/syslinux/usb.A.cfg |
sudo dd of="${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/usb.A.cfg status=none
+ fi
- # Note DMTABLE for root.A and root.B does not need to be updated because
- # postinst will discard all changes in EFI partition and copy from
- # rootfs:boot/syslinux/root.?.cfg again after installation or AU, because
- # new rootfs will be apparently different.
+ # Note DMTABLE for root.A and root.B does not need to be updated because
+ # postinst will discard all changes in EFI partition and copy from
+ # rootfs:boot/syslinux/root.?.cfg again after installation or AU, because
+ # new rootfs will be apparently different.
- # Copy the vmlinuz's into place for syslinux
- sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_vmlinuz}" "${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.A
- sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_vmlinuz}" "${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.B
- # The only work left for the installer is to pick the correct defaults
- # and replace HDROOTA and HDROOTB with the correct /dev/sd%D%P/%U+1
- }
+ # The only work left for the installer is to pick the correct defaults
+ # and replace HDROOTA and HDROOTB with the correct /dev/sd%D%P/%U+1
if ! type -p update_arm64_bootloaders; then
update_arm64_bootloaders() {
@@ -216,7 +208,7 @@
trap cleanup EXIT
sudo mount "${ESP_DEV}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
-if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then
+if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "amd64" ]]; then
# Populate the EFI bootloader configuration
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}/efi/boot"
sudo cp -r "${FLAGS_from}"/efi/boot/. "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/efi/boot
@@ -240,11 +232,12 @@
info "Extracting the kernel command line from ${FLAGS_kernel_partition}"
kernel_cfg=$(dump_kernel_config "${FLAGS_kernel_partition}")
- update_x86_bootloaders "${old_root}" \
- "${kernel_cfg}" \
- "${ESP_FS_DIR}" \
- "${FLAGS_from}" \
- "${FLAGS_to}"
+ update_bootloaders "${old_root}" \
+ "${kernel_cfg}" \
+ "${ESP_FS_DIR}" \
+ "${FLAGS_from}" \
+ "${FLAGS_to}"
# Install the syslinux loader on the ESP image (part 12) so it is ready when
# we cut over from rootfs booting (extlinux).
@@ -254,10 +247,10 @@
# mount again for cleanup to free resource gracefully
sudo mount -o ro "${ESP_DEV}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
-elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm64" ]]; then
- set -x
+elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]]; then
# Populate the EFI bootloader configuration
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}/efi/boot"
+ sudo cp -r "${FLAGS_from}"/efi/boot/. "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/efi/boot
# Extract kernel flags
@@ -269,12 +262,13 @@
info "Extracting the kernel command line from ${FLAGS_kernel_partition}"
kernel_cfg=$(dump_kernel_config "${FLAGS_kernel_partition}")
- update_arm64_bootloaders "${old_root}" \
- "${kernel_cfg}" \
- "${ESP_FS_DIR}" \
- "${FLAGS_from}" \
- "${FLAGS_to}"
-elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "mips" ]]; then
+ update_bootloaders "${old_root}" \
+ "${kernel_cfg}" \
+ "${ESP_FS_DIR}" \
+ "${FLAGS_from}" \
+ "${FLAGS_to}"
+elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "mips" ]]; then
# Copy u-boot script to ESP partition
if [ -r "${FLAGS_from}/boot-A.scr.uimg" ]; then
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}/u-boot"
@@ -287,8 +281,4 @@
-if type board_update_bootloaders >&/dev/null; then
- board_update_bootloaders "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
set +e
diff --git a/update_chroot b/update_chroot
index be96d9b..a8a1446 100755
--- a/update_chroot
+++ b/update_chroot
@@ -1,186 +1,17 @@
-# Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# shellcheck source=common.sh
. "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" || exit 1
-# Script must run inside the chroot
-assert_inside_chroot "$@"
-# Do not run as root
-# Developer-visible flags.
-DEFINE_boolean usepkg "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
- "Use binary packages to bootstrap."
-FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags]
-Performs an update of the chroot. This script is called as part of
-build_packages, so there is typically no need to call this script directly.
-# The following options are advanced options, only available to those willing
-# to read the source code. They are not shown in help output, since they are
-# not needed for the typical developer workflow.
-DEFINE_integer jobs -1 \
- "How many packages to build in parallel at maximum."
-DEFINE_boolean skip_toolchain_update "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- "Don't update the toolchains."
-DEFINE_string toolchain_boards "" \
- "Extra toolchains to setup for the specified boards."
-DEFINE_boolean eclean "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Run eclean to delete old binpkgs."
-DEFINE_integer backtrack 10 "See emerge --backtrack."
-# Parse command line flags
-FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
-eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
-# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
-# shellcheck source=sdk_lib/make_conf_util.sh
-. "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/sdk_lib/make_conf_util.sh
-# Run version hooks as pre-update
-info "Updating chroot"
-# Create /etc/make.conf.host_setup. The file content is regenerated
-# from scratch every update. There are various reasons to do this:
-# + It's cheap, so this is an easy way to guarantee correct content
-# after an upgrade.
-# + Inside make_chroot.sh, we use a temporary version of the file
-# which must be updated before the script completes; that final
-# update happens here.
-# + If the repositories change to add or remove the private
-# overlay, the file may need to be regenerated.
-sudo_clear_shadow_locks /
-# First update the cross-compilers.
-# Note that this uses binpkgs only, unless we pass --nousepkg below.
-if [ "${FLAGS_skip_toolchain_update}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
- info "Updating cross-compilers"
- if [[ -n ${FLAGS_toolchain_boards} ]]; then
- "--include-boards=${FLAGS_toolchain_boards}"
- )
- fi
- # This should really only be skipped while bootstrapping.
- if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
- TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS+=( --nousepkg )
- fi
- # Expand the path before sudo, as root doesn't have the same path magic.
- info_run sudo -E "$(type -p cros_setup_toolchains)" "${TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS[@]}"
-# Make sure depot_tools is bootstrapped, so that it can build chromeos-chrome.
-info "Bootstrapping depot_tools"
-# Clean outdated packages in SDK.
-if [[ -e ~/.config/chromite/autocop ]] || [[ "${USER}" == "chrome-bot" ]]; then
- # Use "|| true" to not exit on errors for one command.
- cros clean-outdated-pkgs --host || true
-info "Rebuilding Portage cache"
-# Before running any emerge operations, regenerate the Portage dependency cache
-# in parallel.
-info_run "${EMERGE_CMD[@]}" --regen --quiet
-# Clean out any stale binpkgs we've accumulated. This is done immediately after
-# regenerating the cache in case ebuilds have been removed (e.g. from a revert).
-if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- info "Cleaning stale binpkgs"
- get_eclean_exclusions | sudo eclean -e /dev/stdin packages
-info "Updating the SDK"
-EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=y --backtrack="${FLAGS_backtrack}" )
-if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --getbinpkg )
- # Avoid building toolchain packages or "post-cross" packages from
- # source. The toolchain rollout process only takes place when the
- # chromiumos-sdk builder finishes a successful build.
- $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host)
- )
- # Sanity check we got some valid results.
- [[ ${#PACKAGES[@]} -eq 0 ]] && die_notrace "cros_setup_toolchains failed"
- $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host-post-cross)
- )
- $(printf ' --useoldpkg-atoms=%s' "${PACKAGES[@]}")
- )
-if [[ "${FLAGS_jobs}" -ne -1 ]]; then
- EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --jobs="${FLAGS_jobs}" )
-# Build cros_workon packages when they are changed.
-for pkg in $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_list_modified_packages" --host); do
- EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --reinstall-atoms="${pkg}" --usepkg-exclude="${pkg}" )
-# Regenerate docbook catalog to avoid manpage compilation errors.
-info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" \
- app-text/docbook-xml-dtd app-text/build-docbook-catalog
-info_run sudo build-docbook-catalog
-# Second pass, update everything else.
-EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --deep )
-info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" virtual/target-sdk world
-if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
- # Update "post-cross" packages.
- # Use --usepkgonly to ensure that packages are not built from source.
- EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=y --oneshot --getbinpkg --deep )
- EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --usepkgonly --rebuilt-binaries=n )
- $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host-post-cross)
- )
- sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}"
- # Install nobdeps packages only when binary pkgs are available, since we don't
- # want to accidentally pull in build deps for a rebuild.
- EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=n --oneshot --getbinpkg --deep )
- EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --usepkgonly --rebuilt-binaries=n )
- info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" \
- virtual/target-sdk-nobdeps
-# Automatically discard all CONFIG_PROTECT'ed files. Those that are
-# protected should not be overwritten until the variable is changed.
-# Autodiscard is option "-9" followed by the "YES" confirmation.
-printf '%s\nYES\n' -9 | sudo etc-update
-# If the user still has old perl modules installed, update them.
-# Deep clean any stale binpkgs. This includes any binary packages that do not
-# correspond to a currently installed package (different versions are kept).
-if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- info "Deep cleaning stale binpkgs"
- get_eclean_exclusions | sudo eclean -e /dev/stdin -d packages
-# Generate /usr/bin/remote_toolchain_inputs file for Reclient used by Chrome
-# for distributed builds, go/rbe/dev/x/reclient .
-info_run generate_reclient_inputs
+warn "$0: This script is deprecated and will be removed."
+warn "All users must migrate to ${new_script} in chromite/bin."
+warn "You can simply change all references of $0 to \`${new_script}\`" \
+ "from \$PATH (in chromite/bin/)."
+warn "This old script will be removed by June 2024."
+warn "If you have questions or found code that needs updating, please" \
+ "contact chromium-os-dev@, or file a bug at go/cros-build-bug."
+exec "${CHROMITE_BIN}/${new_script}" "$@"
diff --git a/update_chroot.sh b/update_chroot.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e64b4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update_chroot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# shellcheck source=common.sh
+. "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" || exit 1
+if [[ "$1" != "--script-is-run-only-by-chromite-and-not-users" ]]; then
+ die_notrace 'This script must not be run by users.' \
+ 'Please run `update_chroot` instead.'
+# Discard the 'script-is-run-only-by-chromite-and-not-users' flag.
+# Script must run inside the chroot
+assert_inside_chroot "$@"
+# Do not run as root
+# Developer-visible flags.
+DEFINE_boolean usepkg "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
+ "Use binary packages to bootstrap."
+FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags]
+Performs an update of the chroot. This script is called as part of
+build_packages, so there is typically no need to call this script directly.
+# The following options are advanced options, only available to those willing
+# to read the source code. They are not shown in help output, since they are
+# not needed for the typical developer workflow.
+DEFINE_integer jobs -1 \
+ "How many packages to build in parallel at maximum."
+DEFINE_boolean skip_toolchain_update "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
+ "Don't update the toolchains."
+DEFINE_string toolchain_boards "" \
+ "Extra toolchains to setup for the specified boards."
+DEFINE_boolean eclean "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Run eclean to delete old binpkgs."
+DEFINE_integer backtrack 10 "See emerge --backtrack."
+# Parse command line flags
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
+# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
+# shellcheck source=sdk_lib/make_conf_util.sh
+. "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"/sdk_lib/make_conf_util.sh
+info "Updating chroot"
+# Create /etc/make.conf.host_setup. The file content is regenerated
+# from scratch every update. There are various reasons to do this:
+# + It's cheap, so this is an easy way to guarantee correct content
+# after an upgrade.
+# + Inside make_chroot.sh, we use a temporary version of the file
+# which must be updated before the script completes; that final
+# update happens here.
+# + If the repositories change to add or remove the private
+# overlay, the file may need to be regenerated.
+# First update the cross-compilers.
+# Note that this uses binpkgs only, unless we pass --nousepkg below.
+if [ "${FLAGS_skip_toolchain_update}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
+ info "Updating cross-compilers"
+ if [[ -n ${FLAGS_toolchain_boards} ]]; then
+ "--include-boards=${FLAGS_toolchain_boards}"
+ )
+ fi
+ # This should really only be skipped while bootstrapping.
+ if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
+ TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS+=( --nousepkg )
+ fi
+ # Expand the path before sudo, as root doesn't have the same path magic.
+ info_run sudo -E "$(type -p cros_setup_toolchains)" "${TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS[@]}"
+# Clean outdated packages in SDK.
+if [[ "${USER}" == "chrome-bot" ]]; then
+ CONFIG_DIR=$(python -c "import tempfile; print(tempfile.gettempdir())")
+ CONFIG_DIR+="/.config/"
+if [[ ! -e "${CONFIG_DIR}/chromite/autocop-off" ]] && \
+ [[ "${CROS_CLEAN_OUTDATED_PKGS}" != "0" ]]; then
+ # Use "|| true" to not exit on errors for one command.
+ cros clean-outdated-pkgs --host || true
+info "Rebuilding Portage cache"
+# Before running any emerge operations, regenerate the Portage dependency cache
+# in parallel.
+info_run "${EMERGE_CMD[@]}" --regen --quiet
+# Clean out any stale binpkgs we've accumulated. This is done immediately after
+# regenerating the cache in case ebuilds have been removed (e.g. from a revert).
+if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+ info "Cleaning stale binpkgs"
+ get_eclean_exclusions | sudo eclean -e /dev/stdin packages
+info "Updating the SDK"
+EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=y --backtrack="${FLAGS_backtrack}" )
+if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
+ EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --getbinpkg )
+ # Avoid building toolchain packages or "post-cross" packages from
+ # source. The toolchain rollout process only takes place when the
+ # chromiumos-sdk builder finishes a successful build.
+ $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host)
+ )
+ # Sanity check we got some valid results.
+ [[ ${#PACKAGES[@]} -eq 0 ]] && die_notrace "cros_setup_toolchains failed"
+ $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host-post-cross)
+ )
+ $(printf ' --useoldpkg-atoms=%s' "${PACKAGES[@]}")
+ )
+if [[ "${FLAGS_jobs}" -ne -1 ]]; then
+ EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --jobs="${FLAGS_jobs}" )
+# Build cros_workon packages when they are changed.
+for pkg in $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_list_modified_packages" --host); do
+ EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --reinstall-atoms="${pkg}" --usepkg-exclude="${pkg}" )
+# Second pass, update everything else.
+EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --deep )
+info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" virtual/target-sdk world
+if [ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
+ # Update "post-cross" packages.
+ # Use --usepkgonly to ensure that packages are not built from source.
+ EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=y --oneshot --getbinpkg --deep )
+ EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --usepkgonly --rebuilt-binaries=n )
+ $("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host-post-cross)
+ )
+ sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}"
+ # Install nobdeps packages only when binary pkgs are available, since we don't
+ # want to accidentally pull in build deps for a rebuild.
+ EMERGE_FLAGS=( -uNv --with-bdeps=n --oneshot --getbinpkg --deep )
+ EMERGE_FLAGS+=( --usepkgonly --rebuilt-binaries=n )
+ info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" \
+ virtual/target-sdk-nobdeps
+# Automatically discard all CONFIG_PROTECT'ed files. Those that are
+# protected should not be overwritten until the variable is changed.
+# Autodiscard is option "-9" followed by the "YES" confirmation.
+printf '%s\nYES\n' -9 | sudo etc-update
+# If the user still has old perl modules installed, update them.
+# Deep clean any stale binpkgs. This includes any binary packages that do not
+# correspond to a currently installed package (different versions are kept).
+if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+ info "Deep cleaning stale binpkgs"
+ get_eclean_exclusions | sudo eclean -e /dev/stdin -d packages
diff --git a/update_kernel.sh b/update_kernel.sh
index 96c5580..906a435 100755
--- a/update_kernel.sh
+++ b/update_kernel.sh
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
DEFINE_string rootfs "" "Override rootfs partition reported by target"
DEFINE_string arch "" "Override architecture reported by target"
DEFINE_boolean clean "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Remove old files before sending new files"
-DEFINE_boolean hv "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Use hypervisor kernel if available."
DEFINE_boolean ignore_verity "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Update kernel even if system \
is using verity (WARNING: likely to make the system unable to boot)"
DEFINE_boolean reboot "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Reboot system after update"
DEFINE_boolean vboot "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Update the vboot kernel"
+DEFINE_boolean vmlinux "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Update the vmlinux.debug symbol"
DEFINE_boolean syslinux "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
"Update the syslinux kernel (including /boot)"
DEFINE_boolean bootonce "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Mark kernel partition as boot once"
@@ -81,22 +81,7 @@
# Ask the target what the kernel partition is
learn_partition_and_ro() {
- remote_sh rootdev || die_notrace
- if [ "${REMOTE_OUT%%-*}" == "/dev/dm" ]; then
- remote_sh rootdev -s
- if [[ "${FLAGS_ignore_verity}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- warn "System is using verity: not updating firmware/modules"
- else
- warn "System is using verity: First remove rootfs verification using"
- warn "/usr/share/vboot/bin/make_dev_ssd.sh --remove_rootfs_verification"
- warn "on the DUT."
- die_notrace
- fi
- else
- info "System is not using verity: updating firmware and modules"
- fi
+ remote_sh rootdev -s || die_notrace
if [[ "${FLAGS_ab_update}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
if [[ "${REMOTE_OUT}" == "${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]]; then
@@ -105,25 +90,44 @@
+ else
+ if [[ -z "${FLAGS_rootfs}" ]]; then
+ FLAGS_rootfs="${REMOTE_OUT}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${FLAGS_partition}" ]]; then
+ if [ "${REMOTE_OUT}" == "${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]; then
+ FLAGS_partition="${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_KERN_A}"
+ else
+ FLAGS_partition="${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_KERN_B}"
+ fi
+ fi
- if [[ -z "${FLAGS_rootfs}" ]]; then
- FLAGS_rootfs="${REMOTE_OUT}"
- fi
# If rootfs is for different partition than we're currently running on
# mount it manually to update the right modules, firmware, etc.
if [[ "${REMOTE_OUT}" != "${FLAGS_rootfs}" ]]; then
- [ -n "${FLAGS_partition}" ] && return
- if [ "${REMOTE_OUT}" == "${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]; then
- FLAGS_partition="${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_KERN_A}"
+ # Check if the partition has removed rootfs verification
+ remote_sh dump_kernel_config "${FLAGS_partition}"
+ if [[ "${REMOTE_OUT}" =~ root=/dev/dm-[0-9] ]]; then
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_ignore_verity}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+ warn "System is using verity: not updating firmware/modules"
+ else
+ warn "System is using verity: First remove rootfs verification using"
+ warn "/usr/share/vboot/bin/make_dev_ssd.sh --remove_rootfs_verification --partitions ${FLAGS_partition: -1}"
+ warn "on the DUT."
+ die_notrace
+ fi
- FLAGS_partition="${FLAGS_device}${PARTITION_NUM_KERN_B}"
+ info "System is not using verity: updating firmware and modules"
- if [ -z "${FLAGS_partition}" ]; then
- die_notrace "Partition required"
- fi
if [[ "${REMOTE_VERITY}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "Target reports kernel partition is ${FLAGS_partition}"
if [[ "${FLAGS_vboot}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
@@ -170,39 +174,17 @@
make_kernelimage() {
- local bootloader_path
local kernel_image
- local boot_path="/build/${FLAGS_board}"
+ local boot_path="/build/${FLAGS_board}/boot"
local config_path
config_path="$(mktemp /tmp/config.txt.XXXXX)"
- if [[ "${FLAGS_hv}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" && \
- -d "${boot_path}/build/manatee/boot" ]]; then
- boot_path+="/build/manatee/boot"
- else
- boot_path+="/boot"
- fi
- if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" == "arm64" ]]; then
- name="bootloader.bin"
- bootloader_path="${SRC_ROOT}/build/images/${FLAGS_board}/latest/${name}"
- # If there is no local bootloader stub, create a dummy file. This matches
- # build_kernel_image.sh. If we wanted to be super paranoid, we could copy
- # and extract it from the remote image, if it had one.
- if [[ ! -e "${bootloader_path}" ]]; then
- warn "Bootloader does not exist; creating a stub"
- bootloader_path="${TMP}/${name}"
- truncate -s 512 "${bootloader_path}"
- fi
- else
- bootloader_path="/lib64/bootstub/bootstub.efi"
- fi
get_bootargs > "${config_path}"
vbutil_kernel --pack "${TMP}"/new_kern.bin \
--keyblock /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel.keyblock \
--signprivate /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk \
--version 1 \
--config "${config_path}" \
- --bootloader "${bootloader_path}" \
--vmlinuz "${kernel_image}" \
--arch "${FLAGS_arch}"
rm "${config_path}"
@@ -257,6 +239,18 @@
remote_sh dd of="${FLAGS_partition}" bs=4K < "${TMP}/new_kern.bin"
+copy_vmlinux() {
+ local symbol_dir="/usr/lib/debug/boot"
+ local symbol="/build/${FLAGS_board}/${symbol_dir}/vmlinux.debug"
+ if [[ ! -f "${symbol}" ]]; then
+ warn "Can't find vmlinux.debug. Skipping update vmlinux.debug."
+ return
+ fi
+ remote_sh mkdir -p "${symbol_dir}"
+ remote_cp_to "${symbol}" "${symbol_dir}"/vmlinux.debug
check_kernelbuildtime() {
local version="$1"
local build_dir
@@ -432,6 +426,13 @@
info "Skipping update of vboot (per request)"
+ if [[ "${FLAGS_vmlinux}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+ info "Copying vmlinux.debug symbol to /usr/lib/debug/boot/ (per request)"
+ copy_vmlinux
+ else
+ info "Skipping update of vmlinux.debug symbol"
+ fi
if [[ "${FLAGS_bootonce}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" || \
"${FLAGS_ab_update}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "Marking kernel partition ${FLAGS_partition} as boot once"