| # Ebuild/eclass experts! These reviewers should be used with general packaging |
| # questions. Rarely should they be the main code reviewer as they usually do |
| # not have domain expertise in random packages. Basically think of this list as |
| # good for advice, CR+1, and OWNERS coverage, but not for actual CR+2 review. |
| |
| # Prefer sending reviews to the alias, since it |
| # allows the load to be spread around. |
| ebuild-reviews@google.com |
| |
| # Individual reviewers if needed. |
| # When adding/removing people here, remember to update the gwsq group: |
| # http://g/ebuild-reviews |
| allenwebb@google.com #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |
| bmgordon@chromium.org #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |
| jrosenth@chromium.org #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |
| manojgupta@chromium.org #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |
| |
| include chromiumos/owners:v1:/infra/OWNERS.build #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |
| |
| # b/240953811: This OWNERship is intended only for stamping changes related to |
| # the dev-rust/third-party-crates-src migration (which extend outside of |
| # chromiumos-overlay/dev-rust/). Remove after the migration is complete. |
| gbiv@chromium.org #{LAST_RESORT_SUGGESTION} |