user-info: import from Gentoo & adjust to CrOS APIs

We use egetent from our user.eclass since it handles our account db,
and it has a compatible API.  All other functions are imported as-is
except for egetgroups which is disabled.  Nothing in Gentoo uses it,
and the Gentoo implementation doesn't work well with our setup.

The egethome & egetshell funcs are duplicated between the user eclasses
for now, but since they're implemented the same, it isn't a big deal.
We have to clean up some ebuilds in the tree before we can delete from
our user.eclass.

TEST=CQ passes

Change-Id: If97d81d523b5b53aae752055e1e487b8a5805456
Reviewed-by: Ram Chandrasekar <>
Commit-Queue: Ram Chandrasekar <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Frysinger <>
Auto-Submit: Mike Frysinger <>
Tested-by: Mike Frysinger <>
2 files changed
tree: 40f0c41c1994622218a96046f92117bf9ff278db
  1. acct-group/
  2. acct-user/
  3. eclass/
  4. metadata/
  5. profiles/
  7. PRESUBMIT.cfg