| BDEPEND=dev-lang/go |
| DEFINED_PHASES=compile install nofetch postinst test unpack |
| DESCRIPTION=mousetrap is a tiny library that answers a single question. On a Windows machine, was the process invoked by someone double clicking on the executable file while browsing in explorer? |
| EAPI=7 |
| HOMEPAGE=https://github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap |
| LICENSE=Apache-2.0 |
| RESTRICT=binchecks strip |
| SLOT=0 |
| SRC_URI=https://github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz -> github.com-inconshreveable-mousetrap-v1.0.0.tar.gz |
| _eclasses_=cros-go 3e30fe9a56da8d6abf5ac33297be6bc7 eutils fcb2aa98e1948b835b5ae66ca52868c5 flag-o-matic b3ead43a6957a00bec2e415bd5c52d27 multilib 2477ebe553d3e4d2c606191fe6c33602 toolchain-funcs 528ab0a9e1ee02c57524ad3bede3c57e |
| _md5_=96ab66749109ca688fcf7f385253c7e5 |